Turning plastic gloves into hot sauce

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complete chemistry noob here: if you want to get the vanillin from vanillin sugar and vanillin is not soluble in room temperature water, why not just dump all the vanillin sugar in room temperature water, let the sugar dissolve away, and filter the vanillin out?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wehnsdaefflae 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
this video has been sponsored by micro center about a year ago i turned plastic gloves into grape soda and now i want to try turning them into hot sauce this is something i've been wanting to do almost since this channel started and in theory it should be possible this is because plastic gloves specifically vinyl ones can sometimes contain a chemical called dinp it's used to make the gloves more durable softer and malleable but i don't really care about any of that all i care about is that it looks vaguely similar to this which is a naturally occurring chemical that gives chili peppers their spiciness these long tails in particular are almost exactly the same and they were what i was most interested in this was because i felt it was possible to pluck them off the dinp and to then use them as a starting point to build the spicy molecule based on this in my opinion the general idea that it came up with was relatively simple i first had to find some gloves that contained d-i-n-p i could then extract it and turn it into pure spiciness and then i could use that to make some hot sauce the only issue was that this would be by far the biggest project i'd ever attempted i also wasn't exactly sure how to do it or if it would actually work and there was a decent chance that it would be a total failure but anyway to get started we first have to go back to when i turned plastic gloves into grape soda this is because this hot sauce project actually kind of started at the exact same time so now this was almost two years ago and i was about to start making my grape soda i had a nice box of plastic gloves and i started by pulling out about 20 of them for this project the gloves that i used were also vinyl and i chopped them into smaller pieces when i was done i put it on a hot plate and i added just enough rubbing alcohol to cover them on top of this i put a bowl filled with cold water and i turned on the hot plate after that i waited for the alcohol to start boiling and i was doing this to extract something called the phthalate and the reason that i wanted the phthalate was because it was very close to the main chemical that gives grape kool-aid its flavor there were many types of phthalates though and i really didn't care which one i had because it really didn't matter it could have been any of the several that were commonly used in vinyl gloves like dehp dbp or dnop just by complete chance though these were the only gloves that i could find and it contained diisonal phthalate or dinp for short after about an hour it was ready and all of the dinp should have dissolved into the alcohol what i had to do next was get rid of all the leftover plastic so i poured it into a funnel that was plugged with some cotton when this was done i was left with a solution of dinp and i concentrated it by evaporating off half the alcohol this ended up taking about an hour but what i was left with was still a bit cloudy so i had to filter it again i did the exact same thing where i just poured it through some cotton and when it was eventually done it was looking a lot cleaner what i had now was a nice and clear solution of dinp and what i did next was add a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide drain cleaner this started reacting almost immediately with the dinp and it was slicing off its tails now on their own the tails were becoming something called isanoninol and the rest of the molecule was turning into sodium phthalate to fully complete the reaction though i had to boil it for a while and when it was done i ported all into a separatory funnel this quickly separated into two layers and for the grape project i wanted the bottom one because it contained all of the sodium phthalate so i drained it all out into a beaker and i continued on with that mission left behind though was a bunch of yellow liquid which was mostly rubbing alcohol however it also contained all of the eisen known in all tales and this was where my hot sauce adventure began or i mean where it technically began because i didn't actually end up touching any of this for over a year this is mostly because it took me that long to get the courage to attempt this project one day though i randomly decided that i was ready to commit to it and i just got started the first thing that i had to do was find all of that yellow juice that i'd made which was actually five jars and not just one this was because i ended up needing a lot more sodium phthalate for the grape flavor and i had to repeat the same extraction four more times on a total of a hundred gloves but either way all this meant was that i now had a bunch more of it and what i had to do next was pull out all of the eisen and all that was in here then once i had it isolated i could start building it into my spicy molecule called nor dihydrocapsaicin but with that being said to get the isa known and all it was relatively simple and i was just gonna have to distill it so to get started i poured everything into a large flask after that i dropped in a stir bar and above the flask i added a short path condenser and a thermometer i then attached some water lines to cool the condenser and i also added a heating mantle the beaker was there to collect everything that distilled over and when i felt that i was ready i turned on the heating it wasn't too long before hot vapor started climbing out of the flask and it eventually made it to the condenser this was turning it from a vapor back into a liquid and it started dripping into the beaker what i was collecting here was the isopropyl rubbing alcohol that i had originally used to extract the dinp the goal here was to distill over all of it and left behind should have been just the eisenown and all so i was just gonna have to wait for it all to make it over and unfortunately it was gonna take a while it ended up taking even longer than i expected and it took four hours to collect about 800 mils i then swapped it out for a new beaker and i continued waiting it was only after another two hours that it was finally looking like it was close to being done however i then saw something that i didn't like the liquid that was coming over had become cloudy and this meant that there was water in it and this was a problem because there was still way too much liquid in the flask this told me that most of it was just water and i had to stop the distillation i then had to wait for it to cool down and when it was only slightly warm i poured it all into a separatory funnel [Music] the stuff that i had now looked a lot thicker and goopier than before and by the time i was done adding it i could already see some water separating out i then let it sit there for about half an hour and i waited for it to fully separate when it eventually looked like it was done i opened the valve and i drained it all out left in the funnel should have been mostly eyes and known and all and i poured all of it back into a flask it was all still really dirty and orange though and i was gonna have to clean it up to do this i'd have to do another distillation and i put together almost the exact same setup as before i then waited and over the next 15 minutes it eventually started boiling then not too long after this something started coming over and it was just water the temperature then slowly started rising and i started collecting some other weird oily junk eventually though the temperature stopped rising when it got to 205 c and this was the boiling point of eisenoninol the fact that it stopped here was a nice confirmation that i did in fact have eisenown and all and i swapped out the beaker what was coming over now looked really nice and clean and i kept collecting it until it got to 208c at this point the distillation was done and i now had a bunch of fresh eisenone and all in total it was about 97 grams and it was almost exactly how much i was hoping to get it was also way more than i needed which was nice because it meant that i could screw up a lot and still be okay but anyway with that being said i could finally start trying to build my spicy molecule and the first step was to convert this eisenonenol into eisenoninoic acid i wasn't exactly sure how to do this but the first idea that i came up with was to use something called potassium permanganate this was because i had already used it a few years ago to do a very similar reaction i turned butanol into butanoic acid which smells like vomit and i figured i could just almost do the same thing however long story short it didn't work at all i tried many times but it was always a complete and utter failure so i was going to have to come up with another way and i started thinking that something called jones reagent might work it was also pretty much the only other option that i had and i decided to try it out to get started the first step was to make the jones reagent and i added 22 ml of water to a beaker i then added 15.4 grams of chromium trioxide and i stirred it until it all dissolved when it was all gone i moved it to an ice bath and i waited for it to get nice and cold when it eventually got to around 5c i started adding concentrated sulfuric acid every time it was added though it generated a lot of heat and i had to do it in small portions i also had to keep the temperature below 10c and it took about an hour to add everything when it was finally done i poured in some ice cold water and at this point the jones reagent was ready i didn't need it right at this moment though so i just let it chill here for a bit i then went and got another beaker and into this i added 350 mils of acetone this was going to be the solvent for the reaction and for now the only other thing that i had to add was five grams of my fresh eisenonen all i then turned on the stirring and when it had all dissolved i moved it to an ice bath and i added a thermometer i was also going to have to wait for this to cool down and i left it here for about half an hour when i came back to it the temperature was around 5c and what i had to do next was start adding the jones reagent after it was added it slowly changed color and this was because the chromium and the jones reagent was getting reduced this was a very good sign that it was reacting with the izinonol and hopefully it was turning it into the eisenonenoic acid the goal here was to eventually add all of the jones reagent but i had to do it really slowly this was because every time that i added it the temperature would increase and to prevent side products i had to keep it below 5c so i just kept adding it slowly and carefully and at some point it stopped changing colors and kind of just stayed a brownish orange this was happening because the jones reagent was starting to build up and this told me that most of the isaac known and all had probably reacted in total it took about three hours to add everything and now i had to just let it stir for a while about two hours later it looked almost the same and at this point it should have been done what i had to do next was destroy all of that extra jones reagent and this was thankfully pretty simple all i had to do was add some isopropyl rubbing alcohol this would quickly react with it and turn into acetone which was the same as the reaction solvent at first i was adding it only a bit at a time because i didn't want to add too much i eventually kind of gave up though and i just dumped in a whole bunch this quickly caused the color to change to a really nice blue i then let it stir like this for about 30 minutes to really make sure that all of the jones reagent was destroyed when it came back to it it looked pretty much the same and the next thing i had to do was filter it to do this i poured into a funnel with cotton and sea light and i waited for it to slowly pass through this actually ended up going somewhat quickly and i was eventually left with a nice and clear solution left in the funnel was a bunch of dark blue chromium salts and this was all waste but anyway what i had to do next was get rid of most of the acetone so i put it on a hot plate dropped in a stir bar and cranked up the heating i also set up a fan to blow on it to make it go faster but it still took about six hours for most of it to disappear when i eventually felt like i'd gotten rid of enough i poured it all into a separatory funnel on top of this i added a bunch of distilled water to dilute it then i added a solvent called dichloromethane or dcm for short it wasn't able to mix with the water though and it quickly sank to the bottom as a separate layer with everything added i took it off the stand and i started shaking it around i was doing this to really mix things up and when i felt that it was enough i put it back on the stand as it sat there the layer separated again and all the dcm sank to the bottom now assuming that i actually made any eisendonanoic acid it should have been dissolved in the dcm so i drained it all out into a beaker everything that was left in the funnel should have been mostly water and sulfuric acid there still might have been some izananoic acid though so i added some more dcm to it and i extracted it a few more times after every extraction i drained the dichloromethane into the same beaker and i eventually had a bunch of cloudy liquid it was all cloudy because it was full of water and before moving on i was gonna have to dry it so i poured it into another separatory funnel then added some saturated salt water which would pull out most of the water i then shook it around and when the layers eventually separated it was looking pretty good the only tricky part here was that the dcm was no longer the lower layer and it was now the upper one the bottom one was the salt water that i had added and i drained it all away i then poured everything into a beaker and unfortunately it was still a bit cloudy so i turned on the stirring and i added some anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry it even more i let this stir for a while and when i felt that it was done i poured it all into another flask the next step was to get rid of all the dcm and i had to do another distillation this went relatively quickly and after a while all that was left was a thick oil this was all hopefully eisenoic acid but i don't think it was very pure and i was gonna have to clean it up so i stopped the distillation and when everything had cooled down i transferred all of it to a much smaller flask i then attempted to distill it but for some reason it absolutely refused to work instead it just bubbled and frothed and after several hours of trying it was still a complete failure it was at this point that i really started worrying that i might have been stuck i still had no idea how much of this was actually isononoic acid and it was going to be a big problem if i couldn't purify it there was still hope though because there was one other thing that i thought might work so i got out a beaker and i added 50 ml of distilled water then into this i shot in all of my goopy liquid it all just quickly floated to the top and i turned on the stirring as an oil it didn't at all mix with the water but then i started adding a solution of sodium hydroxide drain cleaner this was a very strong base and if i did actually have eisenonic acid it should react and turn into a water soluble form as i kept adding it the oil slowly disappeared and i was really happy to see this this didn't fully confirm that this was eisenonic acid but it was pretty good evidence even after adding a lot of bass though it was still a bit cloudy so i added a bunch more however this didn't really seem to do anything and this was because there was some sort of impurity i was gonna have to get rid of it and to do this i was gonna have to put it back into a separatory funnel i then added a different solvent called hexanes which would dissolve most of the impurities after shaking it around i drained out the lower layer and i threw away the hexanes [Music] i then put the lower layer back into the funnel and i washed it a couple more times with hexanes this would hopefully get rid of most of the side products and any other junk that might be in there when i was eventually done with that it was time for the moment of truth i had to add some dilute acid and this would immediately tell me if everything had worked i was pretty sure that it had but i was also completely prepared to be disappointed so i just dumped it all in and it almost immediately turned everything white which i was extremely happy to see this was all eisenonenoic acid being regenerated and it was going back to being insoluble in water i then again added some hexanes but this time it would actually dissolve the eizenenoic acid i then shook it around and i waited for the layers to separate however now it was the hexanes part that i wanted so i drained away the lower one and i dumped all the hexanes into a beaker i then did the same extraction a few more times and i combined everything when i was done i added some sodium sulfate to dry it and i stirred it for several minutes now all i had to do was get rid of the hexanes so i poured it all into a flask and i did what felt like the billionth distillation this thankfully didn't take very long though and about an hour later it looked like all the hexanes were gone i then let it cool down and i transferred it all to a small vial my final yield here was three point five grams of nearly pure eisenenoic acid and this was pretty much the perfect amount okay so now after a week or so of pain i had the first major piece of my spicy molecule this was only half of it though and getting this was also kind of the easy part the hard part was going to be actually building it into the spicy molecule that i wanted called nor dihydrocapsaicin this was mostly because i started this project without even knowing how i was gonna do it i mean i had a few basic ideas but nothing really concrete by the time that i got to this point though i realized that there was only one decent way i was going to have to build the entire other half separately and then add it onto the eisenonenoic acid normally this wouldn't be too bad but in this case not only was i unsure how to make it i was kind of unsure how to add it the only thing that i knew was that the chemical that i needed looked oddly similar to something called vanillin which is the major flavor component of vanilla so now i had to update the plan for the project i was gonna have to get my hands on some vanillin and turn it into something called vandalyl amine i could then add this to my eisenonenoic acid to make the beautiful and spicy nor dihydrocapsaicin so i guess now i would be technically turning plastic gloves and vanilla into hot sauce which i honestly think is even weirder i mean it all makes sense on paper but i still find it really hard to believe that these two completely unrelated things can be combined to make spiciness but anyway to get started the first thing that i had to do was get some vanillin from past experience i found that the best and easiest source was vanilla sugar and i found a bunch of it at a grocery store i wasn't exactly sure how many to get but i figured that 18 was a decent amount i then started cutting them all open and dumping them into a beaker in total this was gonna give me a bit over 300 grams of vanilla sugar and it only took a few minutes to empty everything when all of them were eventually added i started pouring in some methanol and i added just enough to cover it in total all this ended up being about 300 mls and then i started mixing it what i was trying to do here was selectively dissolve the vanillin which was kind of just mixed into a bunch of sugar the sugar itself was practically insoluble in methanol and pretty much all of it should be left behind but anyway i then let it sit there for about 30 minutes to really make sure that i dissolved as much vanillin as possible when i came back it looked pretty much the same and what i had to do next was separate the methanol to do this i was going to have to filter it and i scooped it all into my vacuum filter when it was all eventually added i washed the beaker with some extra methanol and i mixed it around a bit i then turned on my vacuum pump and i pulled all the methanol into a flask below the filter to really make sure that i got out all the vanillin i washed the sugar a couple more times with methanol and that was basically it the only issue was that some of the sugar had made it through and it made things a bit cloudy this was relatively easy to fix though and i just filtered it again through some cotton and sea light it was kind of slow but what came through was a lot better and it was almost crystal clear what i had now was a relatively clean looking solution and what i had to do next was get rid of all the methanol in theory assuming it's actually in there this should leave me with relatively pure vanillin so i turned on the stirring and the heating and i waited for it to warm up over the next two hours the methanol slowly disappeared and when there was only about 200 mils left i transferred it to a smaller beaker i then just waited again and when it eventually got down to about 25 mils i transferred it to an even smaller beaker at this point there really wasn't very much methanol left and when it eventually got to around 10 mils it looked like it stopped decreasing so i pulled it off the hot plate and i waited for it to cool down as it was cooling i was really hoping that it would solidify but it apparently stayed as a liquid and it looked like it separated into layers this was a bit odd but to fix it i decided to try stirring it around and scraping the sides of the beaker this can sometimes get things to crystallize and at first it really didn't look like it was working however i started seeing some little white bits and then a whole bunch of solid stuff started appearing this was all vanillin and it looked like there was a decent amount i kept stirring it for a couple minutes but it still didn't look like everything had precipitated there's probably still some methanol there keeping it dissolved so i added some water to force it out this actually seemed to work pretty well so just for good measure i added a few more mills and that was about it what i had now was a bunch of wet phanelin but i wanted a nice powder so i transferred it all to a vacuum filter when everything was in there i turned on my vacuum pump and i pulled away the water i then mixed it around a bit and i was starting to see the powder that i wanted it was still contaminated with methanol and sugar though so i added some cold water to wash it after mixing it around and pulling away the water it was already looking a lot better just for good measure i washed it a few more times and when i was done i dumped it all into a small dish i was really happy with what i had so far but it was still kind of wet and i was gonna have to dry it so i put it into a small desiccator i left it there for a couple days and when i eventually opened it up i was hit with the really nice smell of vanilla what i had now was nearly pure vanillin and i had about 3.6 grams of it the only issue was that this was going to be just barely enough for what i had to do and unlike with the eisen known and all i didn't have much room to screw up but anyway now that i had the vanillin i could try turning it into the vandal aiming and the first step was to make something called vanillin oxene to do this i got a beaker and i added 1.81 grams of something called hydroxylamine hydrochloride and 6.44 grams of sodium acetate trihydrate on top of this i poured in 25 ml of water and i stirred it until it all dissolved then into the solution i dumped in all of the vanillin as it sat there the vandalism slowly mixed into the water but i don't think much of it actually dissolved this is because vanillin is almost insoluble in room temperature water and i was gonna have to heat it up so i covered the beaker with a small watch glass and i turned on the hot plate over the next 10 minutes it slowly got hotter and hotter but it didn't look like too much was happening that apparently changed though when it eventually got hot enough and all of the vanillin quickly disappeared i then continued heating it until it started boiling at this point the vanillin should have been reacting with the hydroxylamine hydrochloride and turning into vanillin oxy this was also supposed to be a relatively fast reaction and i just had to leave it for a bit when i came back to it about 15 minutes later it looked pretty much the same i then took it off the hot plate and what i had to do next was wait for it to cool down for over an hour though pretty much nothing happened and it only became slightly cloudy however it then turned white and some really nice crystals started slowly growing this was all supposed to be vanillin oxime and it was separating out because it wasn't very soluble in water when it eventually cooled to room temperature i put it in the fridge overnight so that it could fully crystallize the next day i did pretty much the exact same thing that i did with the vanillin i poured all of it into my vacuum filter and i pulled away the water i then washed it a few times with cold water and when i was done i had some nice crystals but they were still kind of wet so i transferred them to a dish and i put them in the same desiccator as before this time though when i took it out there was absolutely no smell to make sure that this was actually vanillin oxime i tested it to see what temperature it melted at it ended up being almost exactly the same as pure vanillin oxime and i was pretty happy to see that this told me that what i had was quite pure but i was only able to make 3.2 grams of it which again was gonna be just enough but with that being said up until now this vanillin part had honestly been pretty easy what i had to do next though was the part that i was afraid of i had to turn the vandalin oxime into the final molecule that i needed called vanilla amine and i had no idea how to do it what was even worse was that i tried to do this conversion several times over the years and it always failed i had even tried many completely different ways and it just never seemed to work however there was still one very promising method that i hadn't attempted yet the only issue was that i couldn't find a decent procedure for it and it also used mercury which wasn't ideal based on what i read though i had a lot of faith that i could make it work and i decided to just go for it i used all of the vanillin oxime that i just made and the reaction seemed to be working however after a couple days and after way too much testing i finally accepted that it had failed i have no idea where it went wrong or why it didn't work and i honestly don't know what i expected either way i just lost everything that i'd spent a week making but that's just kind of how it is sometimes my much bigger concern was that i had no idea what to try next thankfully though after a bunch of searching i stumbled onto something that i liked in the past i'd never tried to do something called the hydrogenation because all of the methods that i saw always used high pressure hydrogen which kind of scared me this one though claimed that it could be done without high pressure and it just took a lot longer so i decided to try it out but first i had to buy a bunch more vanilla sugar i then quickly extracted the vanillin and i made more vanillin oxy for this new method it probably would have been a good idea to be a bit safer and to try it with just a portion of the oxy however if this didn't work i had no other ideas anyway so i just decided to use everything again to get started i got out one of my nice flasks and i connected my argon line to the neck on the left i then dropped in a funnel and i started shooting argon into the flask this would push out all the air and replace it with the argon which is an inert gas after several seconds i turned off the argon and i carefully added a small amount of a catalyst called palladium on carbon on top of this i dropped in a stir bar and then i went and got a beaker into this i added 80 ml of pure ethanol and this was going to be the solvent for the reaction i then turned on the stirring and i dumped in all of the vanillin oxy it wasn't super soluble in the ethanol but after stirring it for a couple minutes it all eventually disappeared i then turned the argon back on and i poured in all of this oxymethanol solution it was very important to do this under argon because if there was any air around the catalyst can sometimes ignite the ethanol i was very happy when i didn't see any fire and i used a bit more ethanol to wash everything i then turned on the stirring and i added the last major ingredient which was concentrated hydrochloric acid now with the flask fully loaded i took away the funnel and i replaced it with a stopper to the middle one i added a three-way adapter and i also swapped the argon one for a stopper then to this new three-way adapter i attached a vacuum line and i added a balloon that i had filled with argon before doing anything i had to be absolutely sure that there was no air or oxygen so i switched on my vacuum pump and i turned the valve i then quickly turned the valve back and i repressurized it with argon what i just did here counted as one cycle and i was gonna have to do it three more times when i was done it was time to start the fun part and i swapped out the inert argon balloon for a scary hydrogen one in general hydrogen balloons are actually pretty safe but it is possible for them to explode in a giant fireball but anyway i then did the exact same thing that i just did with the argon the only difference this time was that the hydrogen made my pump sound a lot higher pitched which i thought was interesting but anyway after doing this three times the flask should be completely filled with hydrogen gas and now i basically just had to wait what was happening here was hopefully a hydrogenation where the oxime was being reduced by the hydrogen and turned into vanilla amine any vanilla amine would then quickly react with the hydrochloric acid and turn into vanilla amine hydrochloride also as i mentioned before all of the black palladium on carbon was just a catalyst and it was allowing the hydrogen to react with the oxy as the hydrogen was consumed the balloon would shrink and it was an easy way to track the progress with hydrogen though there are almost always leaks so it's not super accurate but either way this was going to take a while and all i had to do was occasionally swap the balloon for a full one when i came back to it about 24 hours later i think the only difference was that it looked a lot messier however it was supposed to be done what i had to do next was filter everything that was in this flask but i couldn't just start taking everything apart it was still full of hydrogen gas and if i just opened it up the whole thing could light on fire i was first gonna have to get rid of that hydrogen balloon and bring back the argon one then with that in place i did the same vacuum cycles that i did before and i replaced everything with argon at this point it should have been safe and i carefully opened it up i was very happy when nothing lit on fire but the danger wasn't quite over yet what i had to do next was filter it and there was still a chance that it could spontaneously light on fire so just in case i set up an argon line above my filter funnel to protect everything from air i then carefully poured everything in and again there was thankfully no fire everything that made it through the filter was also surprisingly clear and colorless which i was really happy to see it took about 20 minutes for it all to make it into the beaker and then i washed the reaction flask in the funnel with some extra ethanol i then waited for all of that to pass through and by the time that it was done it looked like it had become a bit yellow and i'm not exactly sure why either way what i had to do next was get rid of all of the ethanol and any leftover hydrochloric acid so i poured it all into a round bottom flask and i was gonna have to do a distillation for this one though i decided to make it a bit more interesting and i used one of my fancier condensers but anyway this ended up taking a few hours and when it was close to being done it was looking pretty good however it then suddenly got cloudy and not too long after it had apparently turned pink i thought this was the most that it would change but then it got even darker and by the time it was done it was a dirty brown i'm not exactly sure why this happened and i was also a bit worried that it would be a pain to get out of the flask so i stopped the distillation and i waited for it to cool down and i really thought this was going to be a disaster however when i tried shooting in some ethanol it worked surprisingly well everything was almost immediately removed from the sides of the flask and some of it even looked like it was turning white i then transferred it all to a small beaker and i used a bit more ethanol to wash out the flask what i had to do now was turn on the hot plate and bring it to a boil i was doing this to try to clean up all the solid stuff which i was hoping was vanilla amine hydrochloride after boiling it for a few minutes i took it off and almost immediately i saw some white powder separating out i was again hoping that this was the right thing and when it eventually got to around room temperature i put it in the freezer overnight when i checked on it the next day it looked like a bit more of it had appeared but either way what i had to do next was isolate it and i poured it all into my vacuum filter i then turned on my pump and i pulled away all the liquid and i washed it a few times with cold ethanol when it was eventually done i dried it in the desiccator and this was what i was left with it was a bunch of nice and white powder and i was really hoping it was the right thing the only way to confirm this though was to run some tests on it and i started by checking its melting point however unlike last time i was very disappointed it was supposed to start melting at 219 c but it instead started melting at around 208 and then it looked like it burned another test was to see if it were soluble in water and pretty much all of it disappeared which was good however when i added some base to it which was supposed to bring it back it never seemed to work this was exactly what had happened many times in the past when i tried making it before the properties of whatever i made just didn't seem to match up with vandal amine hydrochloride i was honestly pretty sad at this point but as one final and desperate test i decided to run something called an nmr just by chance a week earlier i'd gotten my hands on a little nmr machine and i figured i might as well try it out i honestly assumed that it was just gonna be a waste of time but surprisingly that actually wasn't the case the result that i got matched up perfectly with what i was hoping for and when i saw this i really didn't know what to believe according to the nmr this was vanilla amine hydrochloride according to everywhere else though that reported the melting point and its other properties it was something else in general though nmr is way more trustworthy and i decided to just ignore all the other stuff did i actually make the vandal amine hydrochloride i wasn't entirely sure but i figured that the best way to find out was to just move on to the next reaction for this one i would be finally combining it with the eisenonenoic acid to make the nor dihydrocapsaicin what was also nice was that if this worked i wouldn't have to only rely on fancy tests to verify it and in theory i could just taste it and see if it burned my mouth off the only problem with this step like i mentioned earlier was that i really wasn't sure how to do it thankfully though the paper that i had used for the hydrogenation might have had the answer they used a method that i'd never heard of before and i think it's mostly used in biochemistry however their hydrogenation seemed to work so i trusted them and i decided to give it a try i had learned from my past though and i decided to not just do it with everything that i had this was because i had a lot more than i expected to have at this point and it seemed like i could get away with using half this way if i completely screwed up i'd at least have one more try but anyway to get started i got a little flask and i added 15 mls of a solvent called dmf then into this i added 0.76 grams of my isononoic acid after that i turned on the stirring and i added something called dipia this was a base and it was supposed to react with the eisen onanoic acid it should have been turning it into its deprotonated form and this was important for the next step to make sure that it all reacted i let it stir for several minutes and then i added another chemical called hattu this one should have been reacting with the deprotonated isononenoic acid and forming this new molecule this reaction was a little bit slow though and i had to leave it for about 30 minutes during this time it slowly got darker and darker and i wasn't exactly sure if that was a good thing but either way when i came back to it it was time to add the last ingredient this was the vanilla amine hydrochloride and i was still really hoping that i'd actually made it the moment that it was added it should have been reacting with some of the dipia and turning into freebase vandalyl amine this should then be able to attack that isononoic acid molecule that i made before if this were actually happening the vanilla amine would be combining with the eisenonenoic acid it would then kick off that extra junk from the earlier step and the final result would be my precious spicy molecule called nor dihydrocapsaicin this reaction was supposed to be relatively slow though and i was gonna have to leave it here for a while so just for good measure and to protect it from oxygen i filled the flask with some argon [Music] i then covered the top and i left it there overnight when it came back to it about 20 hours later it looked like it had gotten a bit lighter i wasn't sure if this was a good sign but it at least looked like something had happened either way it was now time to try and separate out the nordrihydro capsaicin and to see if the reaction had actually worked so i started the fun process by preloading a separatory funnel with some hexanes and dumping everything in these two things didn't really mix together and then i added a bunch of saturated salt water i then did the extraction in the usual way where i took it off the stand and shook it around the idea here was to pull all of the nord dihydrocapsaicin into the hexanes and then to wait for the layers to separate this was about 10 minutes later and most of it should have been extracted into the upper hexanes layer so i drained away the lower one left in the funnel was just the hexanes but there was also a bunch of other junk that made it look really dirty the hexanes itself though was relatively clean and i dumped it all into a beaker i then put that lower layer back into the separatory funnel and i extracted it four more times i did this just to really make sure that i got everything out and i transferred them all to the same beaker what i had now looked pretty clean but the extraction probably pulled out some other junk as well i was gonna have to get this out and to do this i had to put it all back into a separatory funnel i then added some dilute hydrochloric acid which would pull out any basic impurities after shaking it around i drained it away and i repeated the same washing i then did another washing with dilute base and another with saturated salt water when i was eventually done i felt that it was looking pretty good so i poured it all back into a beaker and i added some anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry it when it looked like it was don i poured it into another beaker and now in theory i just had to get rid of the hexanes this would hopefully leave me with just nor dihydrocapsaicin and i was honestly pretty nervous over the next few hours the hexane slowly disappeared and i ended up transferring it to a smaller beaker i then kept going and in my opinion it was looking really promising however it was a total failure all i ended up with was a very small amount of oily junk and it was at this moment that i was really happy i only used half of my vanilla amy like every other time i initially didn't know what had gone wrong and my biggest fear was that i hadn't actually made the vandal amy however it turned out that it was just entirely my fault the procedure clearly said that a solvent called ethyl acetate was used but this was just a general procedure and i decided to swap it to hexanes i did this because the hexanes had worked really well with the acid and i figured that it would work well again however i was completely wrong and i was punished for my assumption so now it was time to try it again except using ethyl acetate and i only had one chance to make it work i set the reaction up in the exact same way as before and when it was done 20 hours later i added it to a separatory funnel i also washed it with a bit of water to make sure that i transferred everything i then added a bunch of saturated salt solution and this easily dissolved everything after that i added some ethyl acetate and i could immediately tell that it was better than the hexanes it looked like it had actually dissolved stuff and it had completely pulled out the color i then did the usual shaking part and this time it was way cleaner i didn't have any of that weird goopy stuff floating around and it was a lot easier to drain away the lower layer but anyway like before i transferred the athelocity to a beaker and i repeated the extraction four times after that i poured it all back into a separatory funnel and i washed it a bunch of times with dilute hydrochloric acid dilute sodium bicarbonate and saturated salt solution when it was done it looked pretty much the same and i put it all back into a beaker i then dumped in some anhydrous sodium sulfate and i turned on the stirring unlike hexanes ethyl acetate really likes to pick up water so this step was even more important than before when i felt that it was ready the next step was to filter it and i was already much happier with how this was going it all ended up making it through relatively quickly and what i had to do now was get rid of the ethyl acetate so i turned on the hot plate and i was just hoping to be left with something this time as it evaporated the color slowly got darker and darker and this was a good sign that there was something there after a couple hours there was almost nothing left and i transferred it to a vial i then continued evaporating it by blowing air on it until eventually it actually stopped decreasing i was very relieved when i saw this because it meant that i actually had something but i now kind of had the opposite problem i actually had too much stuff and it was more than i could have even theoretically made if this were actually nor dihydrocapsaicin it definitely wasn't pure so i had to come up with a way to purify it and what i came up with didn't seem too bad it was very similar to what i had done for the eisen onanoic acid all i needed was a five percent solution of potassium hydroxide and then into this i shot in all of the dark oil like last time i was a bit worried that it wouldn't disappear however i was very relieved when i turned on the stirring and most of it quickly dissolved it was all turning into a water-soluble form but after a few minutes there was still some stubborn stuff left over so i kept adding some more five percent potassium hydroxide and i was eventually left with a nice and clear solution there was still a bit of junk floating around but that was okay and what i had to do next was pour it into one final separatory funnel i also washed the beaker with a bit of water just to make sure that i transferred everything i then added hexanes to dissolve all the junk that wasn't water soluble this time though it wasn't a mistake using hexanes and i was specifically using it because i knew that it wouldn't touch the nord dihydrocapsaicin i ended up washing it twice with the hexanes and i got rid of those washings then after that i drained all of my precious orange water into a beaker the next step was to try and get back the nordi hydro capsaicin and to do this i decided to use co2 gas i used a pipette to shoot in a gentle stream of it and this should have been slowly acidifying the solution almost immediately i started seeing some white stuff appearing and i was very relieved to see this at this point i was 95 sure that i had actually made the nordi hydro capsaicin and it was also looking like it was nice and pure over the next 30 minutes more of it slowly appeared but it also started changing color i was really hoping that it would become a white powder but it was instead looking like a brown goo a few minutes later the solution had become completely clear and i pulled out the pipette it was stuck to all that goo though and i had to smear it on the beaker to get it off i then dumped off all of the water and i added some ethyl acetate i used the co2 pipette to shoot around the ethyl acetate and i kept going until everything had dissolved just for good measure i added a bunch of extra ethyl acetate and then like i did a bunch of times before i added some sodium sulfate to dry it this time though i didn't just filter it through cotton and sea light and i also used some silica gel i found that this was very important to take out polar impurities like salts and it seemed to really help clean it up it also seemed to take out some of the color and i ran it through the same filter a few times when i was eventually done it was definitely a much lighter color i also had twice the amount of solvent though because i had to wash the funnel a few times with some extra ethyl acetate either way this wasn't an issue because the next step was to get rid of the solvent this would hopefully leave me with nearly pure nordihydrocapsasin and i turned on the hot plate after a while there was barely anything in the beaker and like before i transferred it all to a vial i then continued evaporating it by blowing on it and again it eventually stopped decreasing this time though it was actually an amount that was possible to make it was also definitely way cleaner but it looked like there was still some solvent in it so to get rid of it i stored it under a vacuum and this was what i had a few days later it was a much thicker oil and i couldn't help but think that it kind of looked spicy it was also barely anything only around a gram and it was honestly hard to believe that i spent months trying to make this at this point though i still wasn't completely sure that this was actually nor dihydrocapsaicin to find out i was honestly tempted to just taste it but i didn't really want to potentially poison myself it was much smarter to first run it through my new and fancy nmr machine so i carefully loaded a sample into it and i nervously waited for the result when it eventually popped up on the screen i was extremely relieved by what i saw it was almost exactly what i was hoping for and it basically confirmed that i did have nor dihydrocapsaicin however i still felt that to be a hundred percent sure i just had to taste it all i needed though was an extremely small amount because if this word nor dihydrocapsaicin it would be really potent so i guess i just have to uh let's have to try it okay okay it's definitely spicy took a couple seconds to um to sense anything yeah okay i um was expecting to be much happier when i realized it was spicy it's kind of just painful oh god oh is that from the spice oh god oh no i've never i've never had spicy hiccups before oh it doesn't feel good yeah it's definitely i can confirm that's spicy confirmed so i guess it worked i did it it worked but anyway with that all confirmed i could finally try making my hot sauce which was now almost two years in the making to get started with this the first thing that i needed were some ingredients and most hot sauces are made from chili peppers however chili peppers are of course spicy and it would kind of defeat the purpose if i used them i was instead going to have to make it from something that was completely unspicy and i decided to just go with roasted red peppers for the recipe i wanted it to be as simple as possible and i started by adding two of the peppers then on top of this i threw in some onions a small piece of garlic and some salt i kind of just made up this recipe and i'm normally pretty horrible at cooking but i felt like this was so simple that it couldn't possibly be bad but anyway what i had to do next was blend it for a couple minutes when i eventually felt that it looked nice and liquidy i turned it off i then opened it up and i was pretty happy with what i had it actually looked like a hot sauce and it smelled pretty good as well right now though it was still completely unspicy and what i had to do next was add the nordi hydrocapsasin adding it as that thick oil though would have been really hard and i first had to dissolve it in some ethanol so i added a bunch of 94 ethanol and i mixed it around until it all dissolved when it was eventually done it was way goopier than i thought it would be and i also had no idea how much to use based on almost nothing though i felt that half of it would be a good amount and i just went ahead and shot it all in i then started mixing it around and now i was basically done finally after probably way too much effort i had actually made some synthetic hot sauce the only problem was that i had no idea how spicy it was and after my last experience i was honestly a bit scared i was also a bit worried that it wouldn't even taste good but i guess there was only one way to find out okay so yeah it's finally time to taste it and i decided to put a bunch of it on uh a chicken wing so yeah that's what i'm doing oh god oh no oh god hmm it's not as bad okay honestly it's pretty good it's like right on that threshold of being completely inedible uh i think i have to finish this wing right do i put more sauce on you know what i need to put more on i think they're truly off my whole face is burning uh why am i doing this oh god yeah oh it's definitely like a chicken wing hot sauce challenge but honestly in terms of flavor i rate it like seven and a half which is pretty good in terms of spiciness a seven it could be worse okay so it had apparently all worked out and i was actually able to turn plastic gloves into hot sauce or i mean technically plastic gloves and vanilla which i honestly think is even better also this was something that i'd been wanting to do since i started this channel and i'm really glad that i was finally able to do it for now though i think i need a break from doing so much organic chem instead i think i'm gonna work on more cutting-edge projects like turning wood into a bouncy ball but anyway this project ended up taking way longer than i thought and i think it took about four months to put it all together so i really want to give a big thanks to all my patrons for making long projects like this possible and to micro center for sponsoring this video if you haven't already heard about micro center they're a great resource for tech diy and just computer stuff in general they have a huge array of parts and peripherals and they sell almost anything you'd ever need whether you're looking to get into 3d printing upgrade your computer fly a drone or to just do your own custom electronic stuff they also have physical locations so you can actually go in store and see exactly what you're buying they also offer a really useful tool on their website if you're looking to build your own pc from scratch one of the most annoying things is trying to figure out what is compatible and this makes it really easy to put something together that you know will actually work on top of this they also offer a service where they can assemble the whole thing for you but anyway with that being said i definitely recommend checking out micro center right now they're also offering new customers a free 128 gig flash drive and a micro sd card to get it you just have to follow the link in the description to get a coupon code which you can then trade in store for the drive and the sd card with that being said though this video is finally done as usual a big thanks goes out to all my supporters on patreon everyone who supports me can see all my new videos at least 24 hours before i post them to youtube you'll also get access to all the older videos that i had to take down and if you support me with five dollars or more you'll get your name at the end like you see here [Music] so [Music] i'm sweating i'm covered in sauce my mouth hurts and i i think this is exactly how it was supposed to end
Channel: NileRed
Views: 6,332,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nilered, nile, red, science, chemistry, hot, sauce, plastic, glove, pepper, spicy, capsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, gloves, spice
Id: 1B3Xi5L6siI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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