r/Relationships My Brother Wants To Kill My Dog!

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today's video is sponsored by Mack Weldon welcome to our slash relationship advice where a woman threatens to kick her teenage daughter out of the house if she doesn't donate her eggs I'm an 18 year old girl and my mother wants me to donate eggs so she can have kids with her fiance there's a lot to this and good god it's a mess I go off to college in August I turned 18 at the end of May when I was about 14 my mother asked me if I would be willing to help her have a baby one day I said yes without understanding what it all entails she's holding me to this even though I've since changed my mind my mom has been threatening to kick me out over my refusal she's pressuring me to sign a contract that would bind me to one cycle sometime before I turn 30 and she's even discussed me carrying a baby for her once I'm done with school I feel very nervous about this and I'm trying to stall out until I'm no longer under her roof I can't afford to move out I'm not sure if I could eventually get out of this contract if I were to sign it but I don't want to risk it her fiance is totally cool with this I don't know what to do I'm trying to make plans to maybe stay with a friend but I'm hoping to find a way out of this with my personal items I know my mom will hold these things hostage so to speak uh what kind of logic is that you promised me when you were just a child that I could use your eggs even though when I phrased the question it was super vague and ambiguous and you had no way of knowing what I actually meant Oh P you should not feel guilty about backing out of that deal your mom has issues and if you're not comfortable giving away your eggs and that's totally fine if your mom wants someone else's eggs so badly then there are plenty of other options available to her that don't rely on you giving up your eggs so yeah I agree that you should probably leave the house as soon as possible and if you try to move out and your mom won't give you your stuff you can call the cops because that's illegal our next reddit post is from throw away do I stink I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and everything's been great except for one thing every single day at least once he'll tell me that I stink and smell of body odor when we met I showered every day applied regular deodorant in the morning brush my teeth three times a day now I'm so paranoid about smelling bad that I shower at least twice a day I apply new industrial-strength deodorant every few hours I have a reminder on my phone perfume and I brush my teeth any time I eat or drink something that isn't water I feel like I'm going crazy I didn't think I smelled bad in the beginning and I don't think I smell bad now but I obviously smell bad to him right I'm that weirdo who keeps sneakily smelling their own armpits I've been to the doctor and he said there's nothing medically wrong it's honestly gotten to the point where I literally shove my armpit and friends and family's faces asking if I smell bad they all say that I don't smell like body odor at all one friend even said I smelled too clean like a lush store I'm getting so paranoid he won't cuddle or anything when he says I smell I really don't know what more I can do and then after getting a lot of support down in the comments Opie posted an update so unexpected at it I waited for him to make a comment this morning so I could talk to him it was less than an hour after waking up that he said God you stink I had already showered and put on deodorant I snapped and asked what exactly he was smelling because at this point I'm one of the cleanest people on the planet and if I still smell bad to him then we should just break up he got all panicked and I'm set I eventually got out of him that this is what his father always said to his mother apparently his father told him that this was a surefire technique to have a woman never leave you because she'll feel too low to cheat we'll love only you and we'll always be clean needless to say his father is wrong he's packing his things and moving out of my house today down at the comments I've got to agree with soft-serve taco imagine telling a girl she smells to make her want you more man people are stupid my girlfriend told me she was with a friend that friend was with me picking out an engagement ring how do I confront my girlfriend about her lie god this is a doozy I swear my life feels like a movie right now sorry for the weird formatting I am on mobile and this is my first time posting on a sub like this I'm a 28 year old male and I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend of three years who's 26 now I suck at picking out jewelry I'm the type of guy who doesn't see a problem with heart-shaped jewelry seriously why is it considered so ugly so every time I want to buy something for my girl I usually consult one of our mutual friends my girlfriend's best friends are all friends with me as well and we all get along well so asking them for help picking out jewelry is something I'm used to when it came time to pick out a ring I consulted my girlfriend's best friend Justine Justine and I are quite close and she knows my girlfriend better than anyone including me so when my girlfriend went out to visit her sister and baby nephew I invited Justine over to the house to help pick out a ring Justine and I looked through a few catalogs but decided it was a dead end and it would be better to go to professionals at a jewelry store however I didn't know when my girlfriend would be coming home so Justine and I thought of a clever text to gauge how much time we had I asked her when she'd be coming home as I was ordering takeout and when is no one to tell him to have the food ready by she responded by saying it would be a few hours she met up with Justine to go shopping now obviously this took me by surprise since Justine was standing inside my house I showed Justine the text and she looked as confused as I was it isn't out of the ordinary for my girlfriend to meet up with people out of the blue like that for shopping lunch etc she's a very spontaneous person and love is making plans on the fly so ordinarily I would have believed this text in a heartbeat however obviously this had to be a lie when she came home she acted completely normal and I played along but it's been really hard to act like everything's fine we got takeout ate together and cuddle on the couch after so far she's caught on a little that something's upsetting me but I just can't tell her what looking at her kill me I don't know what to do my girlfriend and I have zero trust issues and we tell each other everything so this lie is killing me I want to ask her about it so bad but if I tell her I know she is lying I'd have to explain why and I really don't want to do that what do I do I know she lied to me but I don't know how to confront her about it should I just forget it this won't stop gnawing at me please help and down in the comments there's like a 50/50 split between she's cheating on you versus she's picking out rings for you and luckily Opie posted an update I decided to confront my girlfriend I thought about using some of the lies people suggested but they just wouldn't make sense if I were to say that I ran into Justine somewhere well I told my girlfriend I had to stay home and do stuff around the house and that's why I couldn't go with her to see her sister-in-law to say Justine was helping me pick out a normal piece of jewelry it doesn't make sense for her to come all the way to our house to help me pick out a piece of jewelry unless it's a serious piece of jewelry like an engagement ring if I just wanted to get her a piece of jewelry as a gift I'd ask her friends for suggestions or asked him to send me pictures of jewelry she might like it all happens over text none of the excuses made sense so I decided to be honest I basically just said that I knew we'd been thinking about marriage and she probably knew a proposal was coming soon so I invited Justine over to help me find her the perfect ring and that just so happened to be the day that she said she was seeing her so what's the deal she immediately started grinning like an idiot and prodding me about proposing in the ring but then we got back onto the topic of where she was and she confessed what she was really doing no she wasn't cheating and no she wasn't picking out a ring for me the amount of times that was commented was crazy so some people are dog people and some people are cat people well me I'm a snake person but I never felt like I was able to get one because my girlfriend has always been uneasy about living with a snake which I completely respected also the process of buying and raising a snake is very different than that of buying and raising a dog or cat it's quite calm located so you could imagine my surprise when my girlfriend showed me a picture of her holding the cutest Kenyan sand boa I've ever seen needless to say my girlfriend was gonna surprise me with a snake we're picking her up next week I definitely did not expect this and I feel bad for ruining the surprise but oh well life is good sorry if this isn't the ending you guys wanted or expected it's just a snake thanks for reading come on Opie what do you mean this isn't the ending we wanted who doesn't love a happy ending you and your girlfriend seem perfect for each other and this is a super wholesome post so I'm glad everything worked out Opie also for those of you who aren't familiar with reddit when a post is really high quality or funny or whatever random people can buy awards for that post there's a bunch of different rewards like right at gold right at silver the poop knife award and also a snake award this post got 503 snake awards which is the most snake Awards I've ever seen on reddit my dog growled at my three-year-old niece after she spent an entire evening harassing him now my brother wants me to put the dog down hi everyone I fostered a multitude of dogs in my life and dealt with a lot of behavioral problems dog aggression cat aggression food aggression separation anxiety super high prey Drive I've seen it all and I've certainly encountered my fair share of dogs who weren't safe around small children so I feel extremely confident in saying that my current five-year-old lab mix is safe for kids he's basically a gigantic teddy bear and loves everyone however it's always in my personal philosophy that dogs and any other animal really should never be left alone with young kids even if it's the sweetest most mild-mannered dog in the world the kids don't understand when they're pushing the dog past its limits and the dog cannot reasonably be expected to put up with being harassed long after its signal that it would like to be left alone my niece has never been good with my dog she pulls his tail climbs on him lays on him hits him pulls his ears gets in his face and yells at him and never gives him a second to himself unless she's forced to he's basically a saint with her but every dog has its limits I stay on top of this behavior as I can forcing her to leave him alone when it starts to seem like too much and locking him away in a bedroom if she won't my brother and sister-in-law really just don't get it though I've tried to talk to them about this behavior a bunch of times and they know it's wrong but they think it's wrong in the same way that her refusing to share or not picking up her toys is wrong they don't understand that it's dangerous and that if she was left alone long enough my dog might lose it and attack her this has been going on for over a year I've tried to have this conversation with my brother over and over but he always acts like I'm criticizing his parenting which isn't the case I don't think my niece is especially bratty or out-of-control for a kid that age it's just this behavior is dangerous to both her and my dog and it needs constant intervention the same way that a small kid playing with a stove isn't especially bratty it's just especially dangerous and needs to be curbed ASAP I even tried to have a dog trainer friend explain this to him and he still didn't get it I've tried to come up with excuses for why we can never meet at my house for our family hangouts but I couldn't think of one the other day and my brother and niece came over I was cooking dinner and not paying enough attention to make sure my dog was okay which was absolutely my fault and I accept responsibility I asked my brother a few times to keep her away from the dog but he kept saying she was fine I did move my niece away from him a few times but I wasn't vigilant enough and my dog ended up getting to the end of his rope and growling at my niece I immediately grabbed my dog and brought him into my bedroom I didn't punish him at all frankly I'm glad that he signaled loud and clear that he was uncomfortable I would never want to discourage him from doing that because then next time he'd skip the growling and goes straight to attacking I came out of the room ready to talk to my brother about how this is what I've been talking about but he was furious yelling that my dog is a menace who should be put down and left I completely understood his reaction that's his daughter and he was afraid for her and nothing else mattered to him but he hasn't calmed down at all since this happened and won't talk to me except to say that my dog needs to be put down and he won't be speaking to me until it's done he also tried to involve our parents who said they will absolutely not be getting involved they know my niece's behavior with my dog has been a problem in the past I haven't heard from my sister-in-law at all which makes me think she might agree with me knowing her personality type I don't really think she'd sit out a fight like this if she thought my dog was dangerous the way I see it this is solely my fault and my brother's fault I shouldn't have allowed my niece to harass my dog I knew what could happened and I was more concerned about how upset my brother got when I tried to bring it up then I was about my niece's safety I should have just said my niece wasn't allowed around my dog until she got a bit older and dealt with whatever fallout there was within my family similarly my brother should have kept a better eye on his kid and not been so defensive when I tried to explain the problem my dog on the other hand put up with being harassed for over a year and when he was finally pushed to his limits signaled very loudly and harmlessly that he needed to be removed from the situation he is not dangerous and I will not put him down my brother is now saying that the entire family has cited with a dog over his child which is not the case it's just that there's a lot of other solutions to this problem I'm perfectly happy to create my dog when they come over or leave him in another room or just never have them over again and hang out somewhere else there's no reason for my niece to ever see my dog again and I'd be happy to talk over a solution with him it's just he won't talk to me at all and I don't know what to do should I give him more time to cool off should I go over to his house and try to talk I don't want to ruin this relationship we're very close but I'm just not putting my dog down over this Opie your brother sounds like a grade-a jerk face he doesn't educate or monitor his child and then when that child pushes a dog too far he gets upset at that dog because of it I agree with you Opie you should absolutely stand your ground on this one I'm yeah work it out with your brother if you can but putting the dog down is ridiculous your niece isn't the only one in this situation who needs to grow up I was super psyched when Mac Walden said they were gonna sponsor my channel because no joke this is my favorite clothing line they approached me like a year ago and offered to sponsor my channel and I was like cool free clothes I'll do a sponsorship so they sent me a pair I did a review and that was kind of it but then I wore the shorts the next day the next day and the next day and then I went out and bought like several hundred dollars worth of pants shorts and underwear because I genuinely love this clothing it's super comfortable super durable it looks good and best of all they've got this pair of underwear that's like laced with silver which is a natural antimicrobial so it prevents it from stinking and when you're a youtuber like me who basically spends 12 hours a day in the basement looking at the Internet then this type of clothing is perfect and if you're like whatever this guy's just saying this because he's getting paid - then we are so confident that you'll like this clothing that if you get a pair of Mac Wheldon underwear and don't like it then you can just keep it and not return it for free additionally they have a free loyalty program called Weldon blue hitting level 1 gets you free shipping for life and once you reach level 2 by spending 200 bucks Mac Weldon will start giving you 20% off every order for the next year and on top of that you can get 20% off your first order by visiting Mac Weldon comm slash slash that was our slash relationship advice and if you like this content then check out my patreon where I publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Views: 350,976
Rating: 4.9456291 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, relationshipadvice, relationship_advice, relationship advice, r/relationship_advice, relationship_advice posts, relationship, r/relationships
Id: vk1kWCqQ3lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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