r/Quityourbullsh*t | didn't you cheat on your bf?

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my sweet cat i love the way i can find your cat in 10 seconds on google in png format no less you're an idiot [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash quit your [ __ ] easily one of my favorites if not my absolute favorite i love people getting called out so let's get right in there and see what's going on i'm 15 and need a manager for my e-commerce company cause i want to chill out where should i go to employ five days ago you said you were 18 or 22. now you're 15 clearly they are all ages at once random commenter looking for my missing friend i'm looking for my friend who i lost contact with accidentally last week we met here and i know he's an active user of this subreddit we talked a lot about star wars and it was really great i miss you uh wait a minute you're 17 or 18 then how come in a post you made in the past you said you're 26 and have a husband who's 28. i found this post from your comment history and used a site to recover the deleted post which post is a lie here this or the other one mods got receipts don't care banger forget to switch accounts to retweet your frankly pointless comment [Laughter] oh those ones always hurt the most the start to my new survival base what do you guys think are you sure that's yours i saw the exact same picture about a year ago looking on google for base designs [Laughter] also i love that that's just the start to their new survival base i wrote the entire bee movie script by hand that's interesting because you're a brand new account that's just copied this post from a few days ago i want to know more about the actual post though why hello how are you hi i hope i don't cause you any worries i just wanted to get acquainted i want to expand my circle of friends okay you forgot to break your script up lmao go ahead and post the whole thing again i want to know about your cam show send the whole script i want to know about your cam shows the whole script again oh god cook movies fish camping music and even sex like everyone else and you like sex you are horrible at your job blocked and posted for karma there hasn't been a listeria case in almost 15 years the chances are very low where did you read that my friend works at a clinical research for things like this but you can also look it up googled it and it says 600 cases a year in the states about 200 being pregnant women oh suck it after picking up painting as a hobby at the start of the pandemic i think i'm finally happy with the quality of what i'm making chief did you just repost my post from four days ago word for word to take credit for my painting that does appear to be the case and it's so sad every time here's where i found the original photo i made my painting in fresco as you see i referenced the original photo and didn't filter my painting i also noticed after i posted it i made tons of mistakes like the arm on the right shading which i've since been working on i'm not fishing for accolades or likes here though i do appreciate them i actually welcome any suggestions to make it better because i want to learn it's not a reference it's an identical copy if you overlay the two photos they match up exactly if you had painted this there would be slight differences in dimensions this email i got last night from a very creepy guy please date me i love you i think about you every night i'm sorry for following you in stalking i was just so in love please date me and give the nice guy a chance i'm sick of seeing you date douchebags please i know what's right for you the nice guy sent from iphone to girl i love is that why it's in a draft form from the perspective of the sender very creepy no it's not he sent me this and i am very creeped out you're a sexist what this isn't an inbox lol you've literally just typed this this is my inbox i guess no one believes a woman when they say they are harassed believe all women you can literally see the cursor at the end honored to be part of the destiny 2 summit yesterday one thing i can take away from it is that pvp will be the focus for the coming season and it will definitely not be half baked two new old maps returning as well i don't know who you are but you weren't at the summit ah but are they right my sister blonde girl passed away due to pneumonia last week we were super close and had lots of fun together i feel really sad and depressed hey this is actually my photo and i am very much alive please report this post i don't know what type of sick joke this is reported what a piece of [ __ ] wow that's awful commenting just so hopefully someone else sees this my dog tore up his paws on a hike and my friend drove to the hiking trail hiked to find us and carried him the whole way out gross reposts are one thing but claiming it's your experience is just pathetic boo op boo my drawing nice drawing wait this you hmm nicole byer is filming in my neighborhood and my daughter is spending all her 12 year old energy trying to figure out how to accidentally bump into her oh what am i filming because i've been home doing nothing today i checked it is kenner there's a lot of stuff sorry about the jumble on the shelves if this is a primarily vintage 1978-85 stuff the room is worth thousands potentially tens of thousands of dollars you could probably find a local dealer who would buy it all for half its retail value if you were local to me i would run a sale for you for a commission of course this all relies on this being a true story five months ago you were a widowed father of four two weeks later you were 32 engaged and cheating on your fiancee and then two months ago you were starting a relationship with a man now you're 20 and the heir to an action figure fortune thousands of hong kongers defy police banned to attend annual tiananmen candlelight vigil the protests are still going strong imagine using a post from 2020 to farm karma seriously this is just downright rude and disrespectful to the people of hong kong this is not a picture of victoria park today the park is blocked off and empty people gathered outside the park and used other ways graffiti candles wearing black around the city to mark the memorial this is an old pick yeah it's from 2019 victoria park where this picture was taken was locked down by police this year so no one could gather hong kong is in a much worse shape in terms of lost liberties than many people recognize my house is huge like it delete this dang your house is so huge it's made its way to pinterest 1962 my first day of kindergarten and i was very nervous opie if this was your first day in kindergarten in 1962 why are you 16 and irish here how about you shut up and quit your [ __ ] every one of my employees makes close to twenty dollars an hour plus health insurance and yet i still can't hire hell i'm not even getting resumes so please explain that well for one it doesn't state you are hiring anywhere on your website or linked to any sort of job description i'm no hiring expert but i think that might be the reason you aren't getting any applications first of all my website doesn't get enough hits for that to make a difference it's a small family-owned business that's why i use staffing agencies all right explain this one one how is fourteen dollars an hour close to twenty two where does it say anything about health care and that's for the assistant manager position [ __ ] off this build took a whole server including four of my own friends two months to complete dude you've posted so many things in the past hour and none of them are original content why do you want karma so badly i think i found out where he found it this image didn't pass the reverse search test oopsies that's me i'm ugly i know you're not ugly but i do have one question what can i please see your pick it's up to you why are you pretending that that guy is you you idiot that is me sorry for saying idiot really yes really are you sure don't know about you but i think it's kind of nice hey original works only here please i made it though right totally made by you uh a friend of mine and i made the lucky 38 on a modded server we play on this looks pretty familiar what about this i was about to say i've downloaded that map too and it's identical it's even the same super flat world imagine trying to flex on people by faking your minecraft building skills one star critical professionalism based on communications i politely asked the manager to remove our cars as we would be moving to another blank he screamed profanities at me and told me to get out the purse on all should not be allowed to work here much less own a franchise all right oh we got a response from the owner those are my favorite we simply asked if you would wear a mask in our lobby in accordance with the cdc guidelines you said you had medical reasons as to why you couldn't and that was certainly okay with us that should have been the end of it but you proceeded to call my manager a sheep and told them if he was so scared he should wear two masks it was then that he asked you to leave our center i regret the situation happened but i support this handling of it best regards you dipsh i was just roaming around my hardcore world with my elytra and i didn't know my x-coordinates until i found this farlands no longer generating java you said this was hardcore implying that this is java and you said you had two unbreaking three elytras what and also why is this image so similar it's like you stole this from somewhere and a blur oh my god that is so hard to read dude i'm sorry quit your bull edit after a reverse image search you [ __ ] stole this from a youtuber and this image was from minecraft beta 1.7.3 and hardcore didn't exist back then really really oh boy what do we got here how are you doing pretty why aren't you using your real picture that's my real picks so hundreds of other guys are pretending to be you i'm not the one this my picks and i'm real what so my name is alex steve oh my god his name is alex steve and you you don't even speak english look just send me the scam link or ask me for money or whatever and go nobody's name is alex steve steve dave maybe but not alex steve what the hell are you saying that's my name are you trying to tell me that i don't know my name i'm telling you you're [ __ ] lying oh i love it the last one is even a link to a forum talking about how fake your picture is oh no not noddles not the noddles wanna see my noddles damn it sure are those yours yes are you saying you took a picture with your phone yes pictures taken with your camera are named time and date i know you wouldn't be asked changing the name of the file lmao google search engine caught red-handed boy i face swapped my cat and dog no you didn't if this is a quit your bullsh can i be in either the mk or oh man that would be a pro gamer strat you know what i don't know what your name is but you're right pro gamer strat everybody give them an applause absolutely beautiful you did it i'm glad we're really making it out there you know we're making a difference in the world and by difference we're doing absolutely nothing helpful but that's okay good enough nice one you [ __ ] you absolute freaking buffoon you stupid man or woman guy claims to do photography for a living i asked him to post some of his shots he proceeded to pick an image from google and another guy reversed searched his photo from two weeks ago huh nope i'm just a little angel that's rosemarel stop sending bullsh pictures and open the [ __ ] camera and take the [ __ ] picture apologies if that's not how you say her name i don't know who that is r slash planted tank oh [ __ ] off repost this is op's post you scummy karma farmer jeez female presenting nipples you purged a ton of queer art and blogs you even banned the lesbian tag at one point like that's just off the top of my head i'm actually laughing at this oh it's tumblr well there's no way around it tumblr is one of the queerest places on the internet you [ __ ] liars hey everyone here's an image that i made hmm that's weird i found it on reddit as well ooh sucks to suck pal ouch it ran away after two balls go phase two this hurts man you gotta go get mount silver and get this guy well i don't know what any of that means i'm sorry wow stealing and reposting my entry for one month ago not good dude i reported the post thanks for pointing this out i also contacted a moderator see ya buddy you know shiny genesect spawned two days ago is that how you say that what shiny yes and no one got it i was afk how did you know it was shiny if no one caught it you realized you have to catch a pokemon to know if it's shiny right i mean i didn't know that but clearly this guy should have known that so aha sucker found this on the beach in portugal you bloody rad femmes get everywhere dude you still have the stick in your hand are you stupid guys i hope you like my art it took a long time like bruh i know the guy who did it come on dude man does reposting a repost cancel it out don't steal my art by the way how sad is it to steal somebody else's art of any kind this took two years to film the tracking shot was filmed over a few thousand hours at most the plants are real but digitally added to the tracking shot they filmed time lapses of plants growing in a blue screen studio over several months then another few plants for the next few months and others for a few months the rest of the time was combining the blue screen plants with the tracking shot it's impressive as hell from a filmmaking pov but someone's going to read the post title and think this is a two-year time lapse it's not i hate being awake all night all weeks seven weeks and more and less jesus we know you're lying okay five weeks not a lie still lying nope so you're telling me you were able to stay awake longer than the world record 11 days when he constantly had to drink coffee yet you are completely normal and not tired at school definitely not a lie i'm always tired you just can't always see it i mean in like having baggy eyes talking with a weak voice literally any sign of being tired oh also past the weak mark you generally start to hear and see things that aren't there your brain is dying always tired of people that like to flex on their bros by saying i stayed up for like a week and a half once you would have died [ __ ] here's a listing so why are you stealing her photos maybe remove her watermark if you try to scam people out of 400 bucks hello i do not steal photos so i do not remove her sign these dragons are available to me soon they will be my photos from russia not a single word of that made sense was this even an english 21 week old baby doing exercise in her mother's belly when my girl was three she said mommy i remember when i could hear you but i couldn't see you i couldn't stand up and everything was peak she remember oh okay sure yes indeed it's amazing that's not physically possible people don't develop memory until after two years quit the [ __ ] plus it's pitch black in there creepy sounds captured in an abandoned mind while reviewing the through night flashlight please know that this is fake the sounds are a spotify track called scary whispers one oh dude they're even on spotify ouch well on that super cool note we've run out of posts for today i know it's sad but don't worry we've still got one more to look at the fan art let's take a peek here what i imagine mk as an anime character would look like oh come on he looks way too cool to be the mk mascot come on way too cool always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and hey if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll catch you later [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 301,394
Rating: 4.9769626 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Quityourbulls**t
Id: uVLx_lfMkyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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