r/Prorevenge - Patient Student Gets Evil Teacher FIRED!

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You’re surprised when everything on Reddit is already a repost?

More of the same. Stop the press.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1037 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ratpoison987 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This reddit post would be a good topic to make a video about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 124 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Riresurmort πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can get behind people like SorrowTV doing this, he at least adds some of his own flair to the videos by doing voices/singing, instead of just reading them in a monotone/computer generated voice.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 388 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Peter_Hasenpfeffer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't really mind them. I mean i know it's kinda cheap way to make content but eh there's shittier ways i guess. The ones which has the text to speech voice tho. That's too cheap even for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 271 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cempton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That or they use Reddit to fill their podcasts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The text to speech ones are super lazy and I don’t care for but the ones that tell the story with them talking I enjoy to listen to while I am at work. Sure it may be lazier content but it lets me work and have good reddit posts being read to me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jerickw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wymnxa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My girlfriend has started watching these, falling asleep to them, because she like's the guys voice. The stories range from possibly believable to absolutely ludicrous and stuff that would never happen. The guy she listens to has over 100K subscribers.

Here's the thing. he never says he made the posts himself, says who posted it. What are you saying we should do? You post publically, on a public website, you make no money from posting a story on reddit, someone reads that story outloud, puts the video together with text on screen, edited to follow along.

Arguably, they put more work into their videos than the people writing them on reddit.

I find these channels incredibly boring, and dumb, I'd never watch them for entertainment, just as much as I don't watch youtubers who talk about their high school experiences, or experiences working at places. But I find nothing wrong here, it's not copyrighted material, it's publicly accessible for free, and no one is losing out on anything.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mkhpsyco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it.

1) It gives people a way to enjoy Reddit content in another form. Sometimes when I'm cooking or doing the laundry I'll play one of those videos. It basically lets you multitask better than normal Reddit browsing.

2) Who cares if some random YouTuber makes a buck off it? Imagine two timelines, one where some YouTuber is making a buck off of this, and another timeline where no such YouTube channels exists. Your life is the same in both, their presense or absense has literally zero effect on you. Also, even the worst offenders of these channels (like the robo voice one that just reads posts) will still give proper credit and attribution to the original posts. If you made that original post you made it with the hopes/intent that it gets upvoted and enjoyed by the Reddit viewers. If a random YouTuber decides to turn it into audio content... congratulations you now reached an even larger audiance with your post. It's similar to your post being linked to from another subreddit, or voted to the top spot in /r/all. The net effect is the same as being featured in one of these YouTube videos: Your post becomes successful. Why would anyone be happy to have their comment seen and enjoyed by millions on Reddit, but then unhappy to have it enjoyed by millions on YouTube? It doesn't make any sense.

The only complaint I can see is people feeling bitter or jealous than these YouTuber video compilations are an easy way to make money. But that's just jealously, and there's nothing stopping you from doing the same thing if you want to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Namika πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to our slash pro revenge where justice is sweet and brutal this story is widely known amongst my family and has constantly brought up and joked upon in my group of friends even years later a buddy of mine suggested that this is the perfect place to make it public so let's get into it back story I was a senior in high school at the time and I had never been the brightest student I was a solid C student and I had never received a detention or had any kind of bad student record this is important because to this day I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way the teacher who we will name miss Frank has been a teacher there for more than a decade and was widely known for being a petty heartless jerk who the administrator saw as the golden child miss Frank taught algebra which is my worst subject so naturally I had issues understanding the lessons and would ask questions frequently to some of these questions are easily answered but to me it was rocket science usually when someone asks a dumb question no one should address it however in miss Frank's case she would belittle me in front of everyone by saying things such as and here comes the slow boy again Wow surprise surprise you don't understand it again really we have to go extra slow for you today don't we etc etc I tried going to the administration about it before but again she was considered the golden child they would send someone in to examine her during class she would act respectful and normal for one day and go back to being a jerk the next this goes on for about half the year until I had enough I went to the local radioshack bought a recorder and secretly recorded every insult she would throw at me I was sometimes instigate to make up for the lost time go ahead feed the fire fast-forward to the end of the year and I'm sitting in mrs. Frank's class when I ask a question her response and I quote because it's burned into my brain was I've been teaching here for over 10 years and that was the single dumbest question I've ever heard come from anyone's mouth she continued the lesson without answering I calmly stood up packed up my stuff and hit it to the nurse's office to dismiss myself from school we were allowed to dismiss ourselves if we were 18 I went home compiled all of the brutal tapes into one glorious masterpiece and headed back the next day to show the administrators I sat down with the principal and we listened to a couple of the insults before he stopped me he wanted more witnesses present as well as miss Franks he told me we would meet the next day record show him and the rest of the administrators the full tape I walk into school the next morning being the most nervous I've ever been for anything I was called down to the office where I met with some board directors the local school police officer the principal the vice-principal and miss Franks what follows was some of the greatest minutes of my life I watched as the administrators went from fed up with being in another useless meeting to furious and speechless with some of them keeping their mouths open for the duration of the tape I also watched miss Frank go from confident and stuck up to her realizing that she had messed up beyond repair she was publicly roasting herself in front of the most important people from the district the tape ended and without hesitation the administrators looked around in astonishment and the principal turns to me and says I think we have heard everything we need to thank you and I was quietly dismissed from the room the final time I saw miss Frank was leaving the room I looked back and we made eye contact through her tear filled eyes as I gave the biggest most evil smile I returned to class the next week and miss Frank was nowhere to be found the story spread quickly throughout the school and I was seen as a saint I had successfully gotten her fired and made it almost impossible for Miss Frank to return to her teaching career as well as cut off most of her connections she had with other teachers in the school I had ruined her financially because no school district in the area would hire this walking piece of garbage if you're reading this miss Frank I'd like to take this moment to tell you to go after yourself this story was posted by Johnny provolone and I'm speaking to you Johnny provolone if you're out there and if you still have those tapes I will do anything to get those tapes I would love love to listen to those tapes and put them into a video and to everyone else be sure to subscribe to this channel because if Opie does give me permission to use those tapes you'll definitely want to be here to listen to them a few months back as you all may remember Florida got pretty beaten up by a couple of hurricanes my folks lived down there and while none of the damage that they sustained was life-altering ly horrible our home destroying moani's insurance kicked in and they had some water damage through the roof they also needed a new one because of all the shingles that had come off and debris that had punctured it my folks looked through roofing options and determined that a metal roof would be a great option to reduce damage and maintenance on their home plus it would serve as a more energy-efficient option with passive solar collection and fewer thermal losses in the summer and winter it's more expensive but my dad was basically our slash personal finance incarnate while I was growing up he's in his 60s and has finally concluded that he has fu money so long as that community is concerned so the roof was a good investment it looked like a win-win-win with that roof didn't they review the HOA and saw that as of 1989 metal roofs are prohibited in the neighborhood subject to fines and mandatory removal reviewing the by lot further showed that it was clearly referring to older worst in groups not a proper metal one like today's market value provides which looks great and has all of those other benefits my folks wanted to play by the rules though and called up the HOA to explain the situation HOA was friendly and said that they would be looking into that bylaw and that my folks weren't the only ones who requested that they be allowed to have a metal roof my parents couldn't get a roofing contractor in for a few months anyway too much demand since everyone else's roof got wrecked so they waited a few weeks and got nothing new out of the HOA tried again a few weeks later nothing after two months of this they said effort and started construction on the metal roof popular opinion in the neighborhood was on their side and the roof was covered with a tarp that wouldn't last forever the new roof got installed over the course of a few days and then we found out the HOAs shittiness the neighborhood has a nice brick sign out front that says welcome to neighborhood name it's very classy very nice and was very damaged in the hurricane the HOA was strapped for money due to other repairs and dues and some prick had the bright idea to impose as many fines as they could on the neighborhood to pay for these repairs starting with my folks they served my folks with a letter claiming that they were in violation of the HOA and demanded a twenty five thousand dollar fine and that they remove it which is of course absurd my poor mother is very much a play by the rules sort and she was worried sick dad's ex-navy and a contract negotiator he essentially checked his 60 year-old knuckles and said oh you little jerks wanna play do ya sell they said about researching and making some calls poor mom kept waking up at 1:00 a.m. unable to sleep and I felt terrible for as she went through this but then they had a breakthrough a few weeks after being served I'm fuzzy on the timeline since I don't live in Florida it may have been less there was essentially a burn them at the stake meeting at the HOA where my parents could defend themselves for an absurdly short amount of time and the HOA could rip into them for daring to defy their wrath so my mom because she's more social and has a better temper than dad comes up to speak and lets the HOA know that they can't do this HOA smirks and says that they sure can they have a 40-year old statute saying that they can mom says you do but I have state law on my side which supersedes your statute turns out there's a law in Florida stating that an HOA or really any regulation cannot be used to prevent an eco-friendly improvement from taking place on anyone's private property and wouldn't you know it the passive solar of the metal roofs counts as an eco-friendly improvement turns out the roofing contractors have dealt with similar stuff before when dad mentioned what was going on to them the contracting officer pulled out a few letters of accreditation and a few past cases where the court had determined that their product was eco-friendly and forced the HOA to pay all legal fees my mom produced all of us for the sucky HOA who had to admit that this was in fact ironclad strapped for money as they were they couldn't afford to pay a lawyer HOA hit growls is that all mom turns up the sweetness to 11 no I see in the bylaws that we can vote to impeach board members at any HOA meeting and to elect their replacements I moved to impeach all of you I nominate my husband and she rattles off a list of names HOA is stunned well dad looked into the legal mom looked into the new neighborhood popular opinion was on their side and the hearing was public for the neighborhood mom convinced a majority of the homeowners to attend and remove the board for their sucky policy with that my parents are now on the all new board my dad is putting out his contract negotiation skills and his own craftsmanship skills to work repairing the front entrance and metal roofs are now allowed by the all-new HOA this is a pro revenge couple it's a one-two punch the husband deals the damage and the wife recruits an army I love this couple I work as a train driver I Drive smaller trains mostly out on the countryside and people are generally nice and well behaved but of course there are also the alcoholics drug addicts and general weirdos that uses public transport and some people that just lives to be a pain in the butt hole this was a few years ago we were travelling in the late afternoon and my conductor let's say see storms into the driver's cabin angry and annoyed and tells me we have two rude good-for-nothing guys on board and they're such buttholes what did they do they have no tickets refused to pay just laughs up in my face and are saying what are you gonna do about it what the hell should I help you throw them off the next stop we can because they're just traveling one station so they're getting off of the next stop goddang smug guys with their what are you gonna do about it so we're both angry I let the conductor rein and let off some steam next stop comes and the guys get off the conductor angrily gestures at them that's them potholes we continue the short remaining journey and have a break at the end station some hours later the train then goes back since it's on the countryside and it's a late weekend evening the train is almost empty on the way back the conductor knows where every passenger on board is getting up and she's up at the front with me chatting and all is fine again until we approach the station where we let those guys off we see two people standing there it is them my conductor beside me shines up like a goddamn Sun she says with the biggest smile on her face do not stop and I'm just laughing slowing the train down not stopping though when we passed them by conductor opens the window waves and says loud and happily this is what I'm gonna do about it the guys are just staring at her with their jaws in the ground when we drive past them we laugh all the way to our home destination we were the last train for the day and if that story wasn't already juicy enough we've got more edit I wrote in the common we encountered these guys again a few weeks later I posted here as well because these guys did not learn the first time they apparently got on at the same station like last time but we didn't notice them they had plans to travel further than last time but when the conductor went out to check the tickets it went like this conductor spots them recognises them says loudly among the other travelers oh are you able to pay for your tickets today they just fidget and say no we ain't got no money well ain't that a shame guess you'd have to get off with the next stop what the eff can't you be nice and let us be what the f are we gonna do with that stupid station guys I don't give an F you're going off this train and you can walk to the next station and I'm calling the train behind us so they won't pick you up either they got off the other train called us later because they saw the guys walking on a forest path along the railway track and I haven't seen these guys since what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it huh this is what I'm gonna do about it this is a comment from another thread about a job where I and about 200 other guys were promised and earned bonuses the company was a financial service for him known for paying well but one year they decided they'd withhold bonuses this is how I handled it oMG I went through something similar in 2000 was working for a financial firm eighteen hundred employees with a sales force of two hundred I was one of the salesmen we had our annual meeting in April it was a big affair most of the employees attended and the CEO gave a big speech about how the previous year was the best in the company's history bla bla bla the next month may we each submitted memos basically justifying why we qualified for or should have qualify for bonuses at the end of June I wrote mine out and explained the sales growth in my territory over the course of the previous twelve months and what percentage of my sales were out of last year's total sales coming off the company's best year ever it should have been a slam dunk right all of us were excited about how much we'd have coming in June June rolls around and my bonus is zero zero but it's not just me it's all over the sales floor less than 20% of the sales force got bonuses and holy cow everyone was yes all the supervisors were dealing with angry subordinates the sales manager was too and even the VP and director above him everyone was furious and insubordinate angry accusatory emails were flying and the company was facing a mutiny it got worse when it came out the supervisors were offered bonuses that they could determine for themselves most of them took them but a couple knowing their subordinates wouldn't be getting anything refused my supervisor took his when it came out he tried to explain to his sales team about how he felt it was justified and how hard he worked he ended up with people screaming at him about how they felt the same but they didn't get jack so for a week or so things on the floor came to a stop a lot of people just didn't show up and the ones that did were angry I came in and started reading monster.com ads at my desk I also stopped selling anything or answering my phone when confronted by my boss I told him that as soon as I got the bonus my sales justified I'd start working again until then I'd be coming in late reading and responding to one ads and leaving early he could expect me to keep that up until I found another job or was fired the following day I was soon to the regional sales managers office she said she'd heard about my work stoppage and asked me to explain myself I told her that if she heard about it from my supervisor then she already knew why I wasn't working and I didn't need to explain it again she tried budding up to me being friendly then being stern then being angry I kept my composure and told her that the longer the company held out on my bonus the longer was going to miss out on sales from my territory I think gave her my average daily amount of sales from the previous year quantified what the total loss would be for a week of me not selling and how much cheaper it would be just to pay me the money I was owed and get back to selling then I thanked her for her time and told her I'd be leaving work as soon as I left her office and I did the following day I came in checked my emails some of which were farewell emails from co-workers who quit over their stolen bonuses and sat on monster.com until I was told to go to the office of the National Sales Manager he's the gatekeeper he's in charge of all 200 of us he told me he understood that I was upset and could see why I asked him if withholding the bonuses from 80% of a sales force was his idea or someone else's he didn't answer he did tell me that I would be getting a check on Monday and could I please go back to work now I told him I'd be going back to my desk but wouldn't start until the check was in my hand when I went back and checked my emails yep more defections the next day an email went out to the entire Salesforce management had taken a look at the numbers re-evaluated the financials and determined that June bonuses would be issued shortly the email also apologized for the delay and reminded us that as salesmen we were the core of our company and our hard work was appreciated I also received another email this time from the National Sales Manager who told me while bonuses were scheduled for Monday he'd be walking my check to my desk the following day the following day I showed up sat down and shortly afterwards the National Sales Manager walked on up and handed me my bonus check I thanked him and handed him my resignation effective immediately in my resignation letter I requested that I check from my unused vacation time please be cut and given to me before I left the building when he finished reading it I told him I clean out my desk while I waited for the vacation check while I was doing that one of my co-workers also resigned effective immediately we were walked out at the same time and ended up getting drunk at the bar across the street I learned later from co-workers that remained that even though the company issued the bonuses they lost about 20 percent of the sales force in the following two months gotta love corporate greed corporations like this make no sense to me they cut the bonuses because they wanted to save money and increased profits but the amount of money they lost because they pissed off their employees is way higher than the amount that they saved so why do that in the first place I think they just expect people to just actually you know what this is this company is a choosing beggar you Millennials are so lazy you have a job and you should be grateful for it so shut up sit down get to work and don't expect any payment that was our / / revenge and I'm gonna make an effort to see if I can get my hands on those tapes from the teacher I don't know if it's gonna work but if it does you definitely subscribe so that you can see that video when it comes out because oh those tapes sounds so juicy
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,578,699
Rating: 4.8798304 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: u0tyKofZkNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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