r/Prorevenge I Burned Down My Evil Neighbor's Fence

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welcome to our slash bro revenge and I don't know if you can tell but I caught a cold so my voice is kind of hoarse my videos might sound bad for a couple days but hopefully it'll go back to normal soon our next reddit post is from Modi Edo Suki I killed an entire tow company with one phone call several years back I went to work for a towing company it's about all I know how to do other than paint cars which is drastically affecting my health the pay was pretty decent but we had to share trucks and the boss felt that he knew where we needed to sit in order to get the best calls this is important for later several months and I realized that I was not making the type of money that I should be making so I took the opportunity while I was sitting in a parking lot one evening to start researching the laws pertaining to employees in similar positions he was kind of a butthole and the truck said transponders so that he could see if we had them idling with the air conditioner on on a hot day or idling with the heat on on a cold day he was always calling complaining about something if the wheels were not turning during my research I discovered that if he was requiring us to sit in a certain parking lot Street or any location of his choosing then we were entitled to be paid an hourly wage not just our Commission the technical term was engaged to wait however if he allowed us to freely roam about while we waited for calls we were not entitled to hourly wages and we were therefore considered waiting to be engaged I never mentioned this to him but I did start taking note of my time another month or so goes by and he decided to start coming down on me for tiny little BS things that ordinarily wouldn't even matter such as I forgot a pop-can in the cup holder he actually had a screaming fit about that at this point I was tired of working there and it already found another job so I decided it was time to put my plan into motion I called him up told him that we needed to have a conversation about my final wages and that we could meet at his convenience upon entering the office I laid out my argument explained the state law and told him I expected to be paid for the hours that I was on the clock but not freely allowed to roam looking for work or able to do things am i choosing Heat me in no uncertain terms I would not be paid for that time as that was agreed to upon my employment I didn't bother to argue as I already had my next step planned so I took my final check and left the following Monday I made a phone call to the State Labor Board where I laid out my case to them needless to say they were very interested in what was going on in the end they came to review his employment records and speak to the drivers still working when he got the bill of what he had to pay us all it was too much for him to afford so he sold the trucks his boat and lot and went out of business I never got the money owed to me in full only a fraction but the satisfaction of knowing the law just a little better than he did and watching it all burn was pure bliss our next reddit post is from t-bird kamikaze this sub has gotten me through a lot of boredom and has provided me with hours of entertainment I figure it's my turn to tell my revenge story so it's been about four years since this happened I was about 18 at the time working for a security company there were constant call offs and no-shows have no idea why but being so young and naive I was constantly working 16-hour shifts and not coming home until 8 a.m. also I lived with my father at the time the time frame of this was around the fourth of July I finally had a day off and my best friend was back in town for vacation we decided to get together and chip in on some good ol American fireworks to be fair I have had nothing but bad experiences with fireworks so I had no idea how this would be any different we got home with the fireworks and we laid them all out on the floor sparklers bottle rockets cakes and roman candles I say why don't we mess around with some sparklers since it's still not dark yet great idea we go into my backyard where it hasn't rained in well over two months and it's extremely dry you see the problem here one of the little sparks from mine and my friend sparkler make contact with the ground and made two small fires that quickly spread to a large area I ran as fast as I could to grab the garden hose and quickly started spraying down the fire it was no use it was spreading faster than I could spray it I handed my friend the hose and call 911 ours was only four minutes and the fire was spreading to the neighbors fence the neighbor came outside and they were fairly calm to grab their hose and spray down the fence along with the dead grass in her yard the fire department shows up finally and I tell my friend only one of us needs to get in trouble you should leave he was reluctant to leave because he felt equally responsible but I convinced him I didn't want him to get in trouble and had to drop out of college my neighbor was super chill about the entire situation at first I told you that we could talk about replacing the fins and get some quotes to repair it she was just super grateful that everyone was ok about two hours after the fire the arson / fire investigator came to ask me questions about the fire I told him the truth I said I was in the backyard by myself playing with fireworks and accidentally lit the ground on fire I'd gotten off that day without being hit by any charges and was commended for being honest here's where it goes downhill very fast about a week later I couldn't knock on the door from the neighbor I opened the door and she handed me two pieces of paper for me to look at there was a quote for the fence valued at around $4,000 and an estimate for lawn care valued around $6,000 these were really shady and just typed out on a Microsoft Word document no logo or company name she then adds I will also be having you pay my water bill for three months because the new yard will need lots of water now the fence this woman had before was raggedy and falling apart her yard dead grass weeds everywhere never mowed it now looking at this paper she wants a mahogany fence and a brand new backyard with flowers and trimmed hedges I said I need to get an estimate myself this doesn't feel right she says remember you agreed to replace my fence and a real man keeps his promises I shut the door and called my dad to tell him about what just happened he flipped the app out and told me son don't you give that [ __ ] a single dime he gives me the number of his handyman and tells me to take care of it the next day I had the guy come out for an estimate and the neighbor ran outside flailing her arms I did not gave you permission to give an estimate on my fence technically it separates the property line so it's both of our fences she calls the cops on me for having a contractor and they ultimately can't do a single thing because I'm on my property he quickly finishes the estimate off at $1,200 I also know a guy who did lawn care from my time working at the grocery store he estimated the lawn receding while she was away from the house to be about 800 bucks after I got these estimates I gave copies to the woman and she was having none of it I don't know these people and I don't want them near my house they're probably really sucky contractors I said no I know them personally they're really nice people and do great work she shut the door in my face and I went on my way I ended up working a 16-hour shift that night and got home at 8:00 a.m. and this woman comes knocking on my door at 9:00 a.m. and demanded I speak to her I explained I would really love to do this but I just got home and it had to be back at work in less than five hours I need to sleep she goes what kind of lazy bud sleeps until 2:00 p.m. at this point I had about lost it and told her you can either accept my $2,000 from my quotes or kiss my butt and get nothing she stood there for a while with her mouth gaped open but she accepted my offer and plan to meet me down at the notary the next morning I spent that night after I got off work writing a contract and gathering a $2,000 in cash the next morning I wake up and grab this contract to meet down at the notary I was thrilled to finally be done with this broad and never speak to her again I waited for her for over three hours and she didn't show up I got a call from her saying I'm sorry the $2,000 isn't enough I'm having my guys start work on this project and he will be paying my full price oh really after and I didn't say a single word to her and I watched for a few months as these guys turned her backyard into an oasis complete with a small pond brand-new sod and flowers the whole nine yards come to find out she had plans to remodel these things for a long time and was just waiting for the opportunity to go through with it also in this time she used her remodel funds to go on a trip to Hawaii you know how I found out about this she was bragging about it on the neighborhood Facebook group and didn't know I was in it I have a different Facebook name than my real name are you ready for the revenge now four months after the fire and all the remodels I could serve papers to go to court for ten thousand three hundred dollars at 18 years old I'm having to hire a lawyer to work my case when we finally do get into court I lay everything out the quotes being harassed multiple times not showing up after agreeing to a deal not wanting me to get my own quotes required by law by the way and her bragging about screaming out of money and I have proof of all of this the judge looked at her and said ma'am with all due respect you're out of your dadgum mind not only did this young man tell the truth of what happened he offered to pay you more than he was supposed to your lawn was already dead before the fire occurred therefore he's only responsible for the fins of $1,200 I will also deduct from this his lawyer fees $800 so I burned this woman's fence down and all I'm having to give her is 400 bucks cool she took a huge financial loss from this not sure how much the Hawaii trip cost her but she was in serious debt she ended up having to sell the house because of it and moved into a smaller house haven't heard anything from her since I feel like the reason why this woman was so calm when she saw that her fence was on fire was because she was thinking jackpot this kid's gonna pay for my vacation to Hawaii our next reddit posts from tranquil potato both my children attended elementary school in the northern Midwest as you imagine it snowed a lot even with all the snow removal infrastructure when a particularly heavy storm came along the town just couldn't keep up with it and the buses couldn't run for decades the school district dealt with this by having five snow days built into the calendar if they had more than five snow days the kids would go an extra day at the end of the year for years the system worked and no one ever complained except the occasional child that had to attend a couple extra days in June well all good things must eventually come to an end the old mild-mannered superintendent retired a new super took his place she was young aggressive and almost immediately reviled by everyone in the district let's call her sue because that's what we ultimately did to her sue came right out of corporate America I don't know how she got in her head that she wanted to run a school district but as she did she was so inexperienced that the school board had to give her a waiver to work in our district before she could even show up for work when the year started sue went on a power trip that made everyone's head spin she slashed ours for support staff barred children from repeating a grade without her personal approval what cracked down on teachers taking sick time until the Union pointed out that she was violating the CBA by doing that she backed off a little but vowed to go after any staff taking sick time she stopped the weekly trip to the fitness center by the special needs class she was like a cartoon villain but what's important to this story she ended the decades-old snow day system took the days right out of the calendar and said we wouldn't be needing them as she was cracking down on snow days here's how the snow days work the Transportation Department keeps an eye on the roads if they're unsafe or even if they are safe but the forecast is looking crazy for later they tell the super they can't safely run the buses the super then cancels school it's really supposed to be the transportation departments call well sue decided that she is the sole arbiter of deciding cancellations so even if transportation says it's not safe to run the she can say tough cookies which she did often as you can imagine this led to a lot of awkward and even dangerous situations buses not being able to access rural roads buses running an hour late buses running their entire route completely empty because no sane parent would send their kids to school in a whiteout blizzard for two years we parents howl rated this stupidity but needless to say we were frustrated we tried going through the proper channels contacting the Transportation Department writing to the school board we even wrote a collective letter to sue personally who if the rumor is true spit on our letter and tossed it in the bin though we did get a nice message on the school Department website about how they're always thinking about the safety of the students so that's nice I guess things finally boiled over the winter of that second year a bus went off the road though my kids weren't on it it shook me up there were numerous complaints on the school Facebook from scared and disgruntled parents two years of being the only district open in the county during storms was getting on everyone's nerves my sister my sister-in-law is a criminal defense attorney I'm a disability advocate with a state agency so while I'm not an expert on the wall like my sister-in-law I tend to know my way around we met for dinner and decided that if and when the inevitable tragedy happened we would sue we met a couple more times to work on our game plan you can't sue a school district for making dumped snow day decisions but if a kid gets hurts the day finally came in the late autumn of the third year of Sue we had a big storm roll through in the early morning hours not cold enough to snow our freeze thankfully but extremely windy most of the county lost power including the schools thousands of outages power lines down trees down roads closed it was a mess all the districts in the county closed all of course except ours sue was never one to turn down a hands at a power trip she ordered the schools to stay open it was a disaster buses couldn't access every road to pick up students buses were late individual schools were putting out bulletins that attendance was parents choice students unable to make it to school would receive a principals excused absence stay home if it's a safer choice bear in mind that all the schools were running on generators so the high schoolers who started an hour earlier were sitting in the gymnasium board there was literally no point in having school this day then the inevitable happened a tree fell and hit a bus and this time my daughter was on it thankfully the driver did a good job of evacuating the children and there were only minor injuries but injuries nonetheless all because of Sue's absurd no cancellation policy some ambulances showed up four kids went to the hospital as a precaution it made the news it was time the district's informs to all the parents of injured children they would cover all medical costs and provide counseling for the kids in the guidance office and a small cash settlement in exchange for the parents signing a release of liability as in you can't sue us but my sister-in-law and I had gotten to the parents first and advised them not to sign anything as we were taking the district to big boy courts some of the parents did take the settlement offered which is understandable since not everyone likes drama but some didn't some told the district right where to shove that settlement I was one of them sister-in-law and I got together with a couple of the injured parents that were sick of the district's nonsense we got our paperwork in a row and filed us suits we filed the suit so fast that our hands burst into flames the essence of the suit was that the district had failed their duty of in loco parentis by making unsafe transportation decisions directly causing the crash and injuries my sister-in-law also pulled some strings at the local newspaper and got her lawsuit a small spot on the front page parents came out of the woodwork to express their support they were frustrated after years of Sue's authoritarianism it turned into a all media circus and I'm sure some redditor will Google this and find something well the district lawyers got to work and quickly realize that this was going to be a mess a discovery process pulling up dirt the parents of the injured children testifying the general hatred of the district not to mention it appeared that they would indeed lose they moved too quickly and quietly settle this case they basically sat down with us and said name your price and while I can't discuss the details of the settlement let's just say that all injured parties were made whole also the district changed their cancellation policy immediately now if there was even a hint of snow or icky weather they canceled a welcome change of pace as for sue she became very quiet she used to spend all days sending aggressive emails about her policies now hardly a peep all she did the rest of the year was fill the seat as summer approached at the end of the year sue announced her resignation she was leaving to pursue other interests we think she was asked to resign she was replaced by a superintendent who was much nicer he rolled back all of Sue's power Trippi policies that was our slash Pro revenge and please hit that like button to help me get better soon because this cold is kicking my butt
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: p6N228UE5Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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