r/Maliciouscompliance White Customer Screams at Black Workers, Gets Arrested!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where our racist gets what's coming to him our next reddit post is from whatever this was some time ago probably early 2000s but this event is burned into my brain i've worked in k-12 education technology for most of my 20 plus years in my professional career when i first started i was the only technician for a small to medium-sized school district of about 2 500 students during the time of this event the director of special education was married to the superintendent i reported to the business manager who used to teach technology but was not a technical person for the most part i was left to do my work and i wasn't overly micromanaged so i got into the habit of taking my lunch break whenever or even not at all if i didn't take lunch and there was no pressing work i would just leave a little bit early at the end of the day of course i always made sure all the schools were out before i left as time went on i got in trouble for leaving early so i would take my lunch whenever time permitted sometimes it was when there was only an hour left in work sometimes not but i would just chill at my desk and screw around the others in my office where my desk was reported me for screwing around every afternoon when i tried to explain to the business manager that i was just taking my lunch he said something to the effect of you can no longer take lunch whenever you want your lunch is from 12 to 1. i say no problem message received so starting that day no matter what i was doing at 12 o'clock i would stop what i was doing and take my lunch if i was at my desk i would screw off if i was at a school site i would go sit in my car fast forward a month or two later and at about 11 30 the director calls and says his computer isn't working and i have to come fix it right away i say sure thing i'm on my way when i get to his office he says please fix it and heads off to a meeting so i start removing all the spyware he's managed to collect about a third of the way through 12 o'clock hits i stand up walk out of his office and tell his secretary i'll be back in an hour out to my car i go expecting a phone call any minute and sure enough about 15 minutes in i get a phone call from my business manager here's how the call goes i hear you walked out of the director's office without fixing his computer correct it's my lunch time what do you mean you couldn't fix his computer first i could have but you told me i couldn't decide when my lunch break was that i had to take lunch from 12 to 1. wait that's not what i meant but that's what you said if i stayed and worked on the computer and took my lunch at 1 or 1 30 i didn't want to get in trouble for screwing off when i was supposed to be working ok i'll call you back she calls back about 15 minutes later asking me to please go back in and finish his computer and from now on i can decide when the best time is for me to take my lunch and it was never talked about again it was nice being able to go home early when i didn't take my lunch break or next read it posted from the mcp i had a job where i had a computer which was incidentally also the web server for a very important internal web application i thought it was really stupid that my computer wasn't in a server room being managed by it but for some reason they just wouldn't do it i didn't use this application or have anything to do with it but it took up a large chunk of the hard drive and made it really slow i didn't even know where it was on the hard drive so there was a bunch of old development software i could never remove for fear of harming the application i also wasn't permitted to turn the machine off or even sign out on nights and weekends so it would be running whenever anyone needed the application i just had to lock the screen and leave it this application was apparently something developed by my department before i joined the company and everyone involved with it was no longer there and nobody really knew anything about how it worked other than this machine had to be running and signed in and it wasn't developed in our normal system and wasn't in our code repository by the end of my time with the company they'd had so much turnover that i was literally the only person in the department who knew that it was even there i'm a web developer and i required vast amounts of disk space for my work for reasons mostly related to how moronic management was about process i had to keep three complete copies of everything the company had ever developed i often ran out of storage space i had to use increasingly desperate measures to deal with this up to and including deleting anything that microsoft included with windows that i didn't actually need it quickly got to the point that i had to call it to tell them my pc was becoming unusable due to disk space and could they please do something about it and i suggested that because of this application they might want to take this pc into management and give me a different one i thought they would do something like replace the computer or give it larger internal storage or maybe even just attach an external hard drive but they told me that i just have to remove what i could and defrag the disk and to make more space and i would just have to suffer and please don't call them about this again i talked to my boss and i was told that it's word was final and i would just have to deal with it so the computer would get bad i'd remove what i couldn't start defragging and the machine would become too slow for me to use for 24 hours during which time i couldn't do any work this happened about once a week so it took a fifth of my time not counting the time spent looking for stuff to delete i kept telling my management that this was happening and they kept telling me to shut up and deal with it but at least when they wanted me to do stuff and i said i can't my computer is busy clearing disk space and is currently unusable they moaned but understood and left me alone so because it was too lazy to do anything and management was too lazy to go to bed for me and the company was unwilling to spend 100 on an external hard drive they had to spend over 22 000 a year on a salary for me to sit around and wait for the machine to make some space so i could do my work to be clear 22k wasn't my salary it was one fifth of my salary that i spent wasting time solving this problem that doesn't even count the value of the time that everyone else wasted waiting for me to finish my work so they could do theirs oh and it got to the point where i couldn't deal with it at all when i had a heart attack and a stroke and i never went back to work i occasionally think with admittedly some glee of the panic it must have caused when they no doubt turned off the computer and sent it to it to be wiped and a few hours later panicked users started calling demanding to know where their precious application that they couldn't live without was only for my stupid management to say honestly what application our next writer post is from theory of relativity this happened about four years ago when i got a summer job at my university the job was working for professors that i'd worked with before and they asked me last minute to teach a summer workshop to 9th and 10th graders so with less than two weeks before the camp starts i have a bunch of paperwork to do first including clearances that say i can work with kids one of these is an official fbi check for which they need my fingerprints well i had to do the physical fingerprinting right away in order to get the results in time luckily i was able to book a fingerprinting appointment for that friday book 24 hours in advance as required which would be just barely enough time for me to get the results that friday i catch the subway to campus and it's atrociously slow i'll admit that i should have planned for this the subway here is always behind anyway i end up getting to campus slightly late so i literally run to the police station and enter the front room at exactly five minutes after my appointment time i know this because as i stepped through the door i felt my phone buzzed with what turned out to be a your appointment has been cancelled email i speak to the cop behind the bulletproof glass inside and i learned the appointment was cancelled after he checks my confirmation number apparently they're automatically cancelled if you're not checked in within 5 minutes obviously this is outrageous but i'm usually a patient guy i ask if i can book a new appointment that's no good since it would have to be monday or later so i grab a coffee from across the street and return to sit in the police station to try and solve this with some googling while i slip into more and more of a frantic state of frustration i can't find anywhere in the city that can fingerprint me before monday but here's what really pushed me over the edge while i'm sitting there at this point 30 minutes past my appointment time someone else comes in for fingerprints she showed up five minutes early they take her in immediately and she was out before her appointment was even scheduled to begin the entire thing took her about two minutes i point out to the cop behind the glass as politely as i can that clearly someone could see me right now because her appointment is already over why can't i have her slot that's due in three minutes but the cop insists that since my appointment was canceled my registration info was no longer in the system and i can't be seen today that's when an idea comes to me and i confirm with him that showing up early isn't a problem because they would have my appointment and registration info in the system you see where i'm going with this so i quietly sit back down and take out my phone about 10 minutes later i calmly approach the cop and say hello i have a new appointment to be fingerprinted i'm about 72 hours early i have never seen such an exasperated sigh in my life but he checked my new confirmation number and everything was in order within 10 minutes i was walking back out after getting fingerprinted our next reddit post is from when phantom strikes back in 2006 i worked for one of those big box stores that had an i.t desk where people could bring devices in to get service if there was a problem we were located in columbus georgia which is right over the bridge from phoenix city alabama this is important because where our store was placed we would normally get a lot of servicemen and women coming up from fort benning who were generally pretty cool but we would also get folks mostly from alabama who were let's just say slightly unfavorable to folks of a certain skin color or gender now i'm a five foot one girl who weighs 120 pounds soaking wet i was practically a hobbit i was also one of the lead technicians in the department i was the one that new hires went to if they were confused or couldn't troubleshoot certain problems the team i worked with was amazing the general manager of the store was great and the supervisor of my department was the man i would regularly go out for drinks with these people it was one of the best places that i've ever worked even though it was retail one day i'm working the counter to check customers in and do evaluations and diagnostics to give an estimate of what the repair price would be in comes let's call him joe he wore a cut off t-shirt worn denim jeans and a baseball cap with a confederate flag on it that just barely covered his business in the front party in the back haircut i am not one to judge on looks i've had plenty of people come in looking exactly the same way this guy did and have been absolutely delightful to work with never judge a book by its cover kids but i still have my defenses up just in case i really hoped it wasn't going to go the not so friendly route i was unfortunately wrong about our dear joe joe walks up to the counter with his pc tower and practically slams the unit on the desk i need this fixed it's broken okay sir let me have a look and i'll see if i can joe cuts me off and stares at me with a disgusted look on his face excuse me if you give me a moment sir i'll be able to take a look at your computer and oh hell no it was at this point that i realized where this was inevitably going to go wrong unfortunately sir i won't be able to give you an estimate if you don't let me diagnose your computer there is no way in hell a woman knows about computers i'm not letting you touch my computer give me the manager oh yes i thought this is gonna be freaking awesome i'm sure that he actually wanted to talk to the general manager of the store but i couldn't resist cue malicious compliance i could have pulled the i am the manager thing because i'm one of the senior staff but my direct boss was actually out back working on repair projects and i couldn't help but get excited about how this was gonna go down as lovely as sweet tea i said of course sir right away sir mike my supervisor the guy who ran our department was elbow deep in a motherboard replacement when i walked in and gave him the biggest grin hey mike there's a guy out there asking for the manager he looks at me confused because he was just a supervisor but i then proceeded to tell him exactly what was waiting for him out front his face splits into the brightest smile he then proceeds to walk out to the front have i mentioned that mack is a six foot three 280 pound black man who looked like he could eat a mack truck for lunch he was a big lovable teddy bear and we all adored him the moment that mike stepped out the customer freaked hello sir is there a problem joe lost it he starts with a hell no before devolving into a racist tirade that i've never witnessed in my life i'm from massachusetts so this was awful yet amazing to watch it was like a car crash you just couldn't look away not that we don't have racism in the northeast but man joe kept screaming using the nastiest slur you know the one over and over again while staff and customers alike washed in blatant [ __ ] security ended up having to come over to try to calm the man down our entire security team was black as well so naturally joe went even crazier eventually the police had to be called because the man was threatening me calling me a grunt and a b-ward and threatening security in my boss using the word that is not okay my general manager got called out of his office and immediately called the police to have the man removed god bless whichever dispatcher who received the call was because they dispatched two black officers to the scene me and my general manager were literally the only white people involved in this train wreck aside from the bigot joe and i watched with unbridled glee as joe was cuffed and taken away by the police watching joe phone with the mouth as he was dragged away made my whole week thank you for the entertainment bigoted joe down in the comments we have this from jake harry where did you come from where did you go where'd you come from bigoted joe and then op responds to jail lol that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 426,835
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: OrzBX1vUHJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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