Robin Williams 1st time on Carson w/ Jean Marsh in 1981

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[Applause] this is a Robin Williams first appearance on on The Tonight Show he doesn't do many outside appearances I think I saw him about three years ago I think he was on with Dick Cavett one night did you know he's the star of the very successful Mork & Mindy show which is beginning its fourth season on the air I begin this Thursday and he's gonna be seen a new film late next spring called the world according to GARP you ever read that forever interesting funny book will you welcome Robin Williams [Music] [Applause] believe the company can hear you praise the power Sears had a sale this furniture win chi oh my god I'm okay now I'm out here mama mom TV for my friends in San Francisco [Music] that should wake them up that's a laid-back place up no don't touch the back of the TV or shock you across three know the power grab it now you watch those you watch those guys on sunny or you got some winners that listen without missing any names no no really because they come to your door going hello here's your watch power but it don't want the book take the book is free take the wig off look at a hair saying don't they I mean most of those evangelists are very young how the hair looks and they got great suit some great ties and wonderfully tarnation there's big dead roses right I could not save this far but I will say say baby baby yeah oh you know we're doc come on home take anything you need take the Cuisinart no it's good well they must look in Europe go what did they do America why yeah nice outfit yes somewhere there's a car seat real envious man you got my caste come back everything I saw you you were with cab but about three years ago the CERN that's why I haven't done anything since I'm scared I was standing backstage about to go on and everything those sudden my whole body went everybody out we have two exits anyway you want to leave I said dear Lord make my cheek survives that's why I walked a little bit like pretty even a nice to be on the show people always think reformers don't get nervous no really these are some reason you don't do this in fact that you get nervous I suffer from severe dyslexia too I was the only child in my block and Halloween to go trick or trapped here comes that young Williams boy again better get some fish where is home for you or did you come from a home institution Tommy haven't taken your medication yeah it's gonna be bothered they back at 12 back in Chicago no hurry wrists with him some real fire now look at this thing look flipper right now there's a salmon going what are you doing oh I'm gonna relax relax laughs okay once we might just you're a nice man you won't hurt me no no no thank you don't be afraid to stand up Wow too much coffee Tommy you don't think I spent nineteen here all right DV juice in there yeah you know wonderful though yeah all right think I'd better slow down slow down my heart sank you fool no people see you they probably think you experiment with foreign substances in your body medication your McGann something you say that in anyway seriously No hi you know people get Howdy Doody JA ok no because I believe the cocaine is God's Way of saying you're making too much money [Applause] I wouldn't take any medication you quit you see the girls at the rainbow Bar n grill have taken one too many quaaludes going is my lipstick look at Emmett's girl yes she's a cheap data Oh something about your home I think oh yeah where is home all right San Francisco I wonder did ya grew up there went to a Gestalt high school there's the strong high school history history teacher an acid going I'm Lincoln today I'm Lincoln my problem is as a kid in the back who goes I'm boots we couldn't go or knows were you acting up like this well no I was which is great I was kind of geeky in school Wow what are you guys doing okay that sounds reasonable I have to go away now whoa what are those I don't know it's very quiet look look out there it's a new world and I've just flunked out after sell vibrators door-to-door I've ever seen these attachments we have to sell something oh yes but we're gonna return right here and deep discussion of the issues of our day Thank You parson turbine it's never one of them a real dude in its own right look look little Ronald Reagan pencils here yes they have no point [Applause] hello mr. M for time to audit you and your firstborn again it's you no no no sir very strange thing about him though he never speaks while Nancy's drinking water do you notice that she's dubbing Hamlet V that should get me out it again yeah you speaking of first word you have no children no sir not that I know I'm not mr. Williams anymore you don't uh you're not even married yes I didn't mean to shoot my husband too much coffee I'm married she's going show up in the ring there is little little porpoise going somebody told me you want to serious hacking school yeah Julliard mmm right now there's some gang on what instrument did you play say the organ is it no you wanted to be a serious serious actress Shakespeare I was there when John husband was a headmaster mmm staying one day mr. Williams need you I'm going off to sell Volvo's fired now we make money yes we raised interest so yes we'll be calling you did you ever appear in Shakespeare yes sir I did I remember I was just coming from California they did the Shakespearean auditions I was going to be or not to be while for sure totally we did plays we did Romeo and Juliet did you do them straight without wanting to go off and be silly you know you have to do them straight violence I would like to see them I think they're gonna do Hamlet on ABC this fall except it's going to be called Chucky destroyed mr. boy ratings make an enemy itself to be or not to be I don't know we'll call you will be do you remember the whole soliloquy to be or not to be no no be like to be a whole line whether it is nobler suffer slings and arrows of need Elizabeth neat nor on outrageous fortune outrageous fortune or to take arms against friend the sea of troubles and wow this is great that you know and by opposing end them but yet a man who will know himself but yet not touch himself [Applause] you know summer nights dream know what that's on the stuff with your soliloquy and look vile fool come together now there has forced me to wear designer jeans for no reason I will often on camera men still going where's he going now [Music] [Applause] this thing is broken Japanese people go [Applause] hello bless you bless you give me your hand don't be afraid men can touch men all right look jean-claude Killy for Jimmy Dean pure pork sausage wonderful there's so many people up there what's happening let's really make the cameraman mad now [Music] [Applause] very strange but this lady guy come over here I had something for you put those away I don't want to see those now all right this is wonderful this is very very wonderful this reminds me of home this is your first time in Los Angeles stay away from the bars with the big harley-davidson eight thousands parked in front because his big men standing outside those bars men giant men men with muscles everywhere men with muscles on their eyelids and these men turn to one another and say I have this incredible recipe for quiche you know what I'm talking about [Applause] I feel time I would like to do the only impression I do it's Fred Astaire on the streets of New York dealing with ah here we are Fred Astaire you know this one won't need the microphone can I give this back hi I'm not paranoid but why are you behind me thank you I leave this over here for one second [Applause] once again we don't have to say the second syllable I don't know there's a time [Music] [Applause] all right noza we were talking during the break that was gonna join as part time on the show or full time Johnny winters oh yes the king yeah he's a you're obviously a fan of his he's wonderful Uncle John if you're watching take care don't let it bounce you around the rubber rooms anymore gray bear I'm here with the silver pop [Applause] want me to do that he said you don't do that over to Daman yeah did you know John in the early years like I did when we both hit the sauce a little bit no no sir oh yes we got in all kinds of trouble absolutely he still gets in trouble does he he was wandering around the lot yesterday in a Union cavalry officers outfit you see people wondering I'm going this studio executives going to know it good god what's that I'll put you in the front line he's wonderful he's just he's truly the spirit of joy yeah is it in contact clipped his wings oh it was like no don't let him fly he goes off he's a great town he surfs it doesn't go where is he going now the old days we went into chases restaurant it was pretty high-class place and he this was when we were happy times yeah and he walked in and start doing the rape of Grandma what are you doing and the whole bar just left everybody people are piling into the streets one time so you finish this movie already yeah yeah how'd it go what was wonderful I had a great time is working with great actors Mary Beth hurt and people like that yeah and I get very serious happy were going he's not being funny no there's not a problem they expect you to be on something yes amok sometimes they expect is wonderful I called him the other day hi mom Mork is that you mom put dad on mark son dad put scruffy on asking Who am I here Specter he was the one who George where here was a director he's incredible because he's very the first day I tried to improvise I was there was a basic it was a very simple scene I was like yes I would like to do that and we Dolf be on the line one yes it would like that but first we cut that's a wrap get him out of here and he makes his face free to be behind the camera I didn't like I seen ego very having having loved singling Tunya iron utility but it was a good experience you have a you know Richard Pryor been working at the Emporium profit the company's to accomplish floor and work the impro mixi it's going well yeah we we worked there every night and I've worked the improv sometimes yes the boarding house in San Francisco plugging all the clubs now saying I'll be back don't worry no we have funny guy aren't you Rick have you thank you [Music] my wife and I we like to macrame Volkswagen one days this is so much fun it I'm not scared anymore why should you be right you're right this is this is fine my career is over but I'm not scared I can see it tomorrow the National Enquirer he's gone we knew we'd do it I don't know National Enquirer though you and I both love that Maxim AHA yeah well no strange thing is oh I put it in the cat box and the cat won't go in there [Applause] cuz who lies go high that'd be redundant you got it right put really high-class paper yeah it is wait up for death exciting your diet here's at wallow and a cop named Mickey stories don't that yeah man shoes off own foot Michael I know whenever it was a National Geographic though be true there's a Google estimate a back-alley team was my magazine through puberty oh yeah keep me cranking for about ten days [Laughter] are you mr. Williams we another sip of this one I hope oh please you know like this one more time but it is real coffee if you believe that you'll buy this watch okay we're gonna take a break yeah sure we're coming back stay where you are first down please Jean marsh see Robin shook hands nice and did an article in the paper the other day that people who go to cocktail parties now start kissing complete strangers and they blame television for that because when people come on shows entertainers what normally kiss each other so people are fine you kiss you if I know you I didn't kiss him I did watch your show actually mr. Williams gave me two roses earlier on all the old two rose drink and a Wandering Jew I didn't want to break you up he was he's been wonderful tonight it does seem steel there we have a little stool you want us to put your feet on still coming out is that more comfortable whoa you didn't do that for me you know we've had that there oh I don't think I've ever had it I'm just fine how you been I'm all right I was not laughing at you mentioned you know something about me no madam I've only read those things and I have these pictures that no which are available for you have some of them our shows are seeing over there so I think that it's all should be very different for England yeah I hope so shines forth something like that tell me about somebody told me you have and I don't know that it's a put-on or not you're keeping lizards is it am i right yeah in your kitchen I've got two lizards tiny lizards little geckos in my kitchen oh you have an iguana yeah the cockroaches go New York is full of cockroaches we probably got more cockroaches and you've got med flies yeah and my allergist said I mustn't use a cockroach spray and he told me to get a little well I thought one lizard would be a gecko company to look how big I think Oh tiny just about that big and they live behind the refrigerator and and I said I haven't seen them since they arrived but they could have died they don't like us they're just like eating so they come out of tonight or whenever they go oh well they're big they come out when I'm not in the kitchen and they eat the cockroach isn't the new vanish and all my cockroaches have gone and now I'm worried about should I supply some more in about five years you're gonna move that refrigerator there's gonna be this huge breathing I mean I might have a man and a woman I don't know but I've got names for them one is called Lizzie Lizzie she dizzy Lizzy one is called Art Deco art deco is like that food grows I'm not a comedian it's not bad and their first child will be called the lizard of Oz yes Oh truly it really does surprise somebody has not started a business of selling us well maybe I have tonight geckos rent a gecko rent a gecko today for a pair be right back and find out about your gecko and mine were you serious when you said you had a lizard awesome an iguana an iguana for the same reason bigger yes much bigger he couldn't live behind the refrigerator there's a little condominium on the side Flies roaches eat Simone well you can take in Roach Motels I suppose people's apartments you know one one spider hangout if I need room for two do you know that very strong friend of mine geckos no I didn't read of mine saw a tiny lizard attack a moth in South America - that was a big mark and the math took off and the lizard jumped up and the moth sailed through the air with the lizard hanging to it and the lizard brought it down and stomped it today there's a moral to this story somewhere maybe never cross a picket Marlin Perkins should have been there yes while Jim is aboard the giant moth wrestle him to the ground that's right I'll be in the tent with a pitcher of margaritas Markel never Marla never would have the tent Jim did all the work Marla was getting Jim is now attempting to circumcise a rhino so hard to find them nowadays oh there he goes now
Channel: MaTeOWaNnA CoMeDy ReMaStErZ
Views: 1,283,155
Rating: 4.8051171 out of 5
Keywords: johnny carson, carson, tonight show, robin williams carson, robin williams tonight show, robin williams, first, 1st, 1980, 1981, remaster, remastered, wide, wide screen, full, robin williams full, rob, robin williams jean marsh, robin williams johnny carson, robin williams first appearance, first appearance, 1st appearance, robin williams full interview, interview, stand up comedy, comedy, stand up, hilarious, funny, best, best of, mateowanna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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