Robin Williams Hilarious FULL Interview on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show - 1991

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/user332287366 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Oh man, Carson just losing his shit is so infectious. Robin was on fire and on the top of his game here. Jimmy Carter (the journalist) interviewed Robin lots of times, and footage from the promotion of Mrs Doubtfire, where he goes off on Ross Perot, is also gold

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phunkstar 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
I'm an I'm an out-and-out Robin Williams fan he is without a doubt one of the most original original most original creative minds we have working today he does he can act straight he can be crazy and he has a new movie on which co-stars with Robert DeNiro called awakenings and his Scotland's credible reviews those of you have seen it he's been nominated for a Golden Globe and is already won Best Actor by the National Board of Review would you welcome Robin Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of our more serious actors yeah Olivier yo-yo become attached to a house and the judge said all the money and we just shortened it the alimony for the people that was divorced from the old latin word devour i mean having your genitals torn out through your wallet [Applause] kiss your ass good-bye well it's nice to see doing that real simple stuff again via that no real heavy drama show escape yeah you know doing that Shakespeare stuff you think about Shakespeare you think about a man basically with the education second grade education wrote some of the greatest poetry of all times I think maybe not wandering around Stratford after a couple of years knocking on doors going to Isis to be or not to big you know you do waiting for go though I did waiting for God or Shakespeare I've it's exciting to wear tights and have people go I can't see anything [Applause] [Laughter] breathe picture different people playing Hamlet safe to be or not to be like still alone Oh Stallone Gibson just did Hamlet pretty good I hear just wonderful I hear it's like great to hear right via what you know walks into the room I'm back watch out Denmark come here I love you big kids for you sorry you're dead drop over here I'm going to do another speech but first I'm going to tear through a wall and flex my nipple [Applause] Nicholson you can think of him [ __ ] great you'd be great Hamlet just like neither a borrower nor a lender be and the t-shirts keep for thine self these are obscure references but we must be joined just keep your shakes just said it was it not him that said to kill all the lawyers first but of course there were no agents then that's right cop a per diem seize the check and yet Neil Bush still works five hour copy of the letter that George Bush wrote to said on the phone yes can you reveal what up affect my national security why are they found this offensive it starts off deer oil sucker I don't know another man's name Tariq Aziz doesn't think like a chef is little thing is saying like we want peace and underneath it say he's lying it's Joe Isuzu I want to think about the whole thing though you basically want to solve pumps in the Middle East you send John Gotti it goes Saddam how you doing baby okay here's the deal you get out of Kuwait I'll give you Jersey okay mingi make a bigger and I know that they've got Quayle locked up in some backroom going okay let's go over it again okay let's go one time you're okay Assad you did okay try it again what do they say no try to get Assad you did not try it one more time who's saying nobody okay try it again Gaddafi god bless you I don't know you have to kind of go away why he's very strange well yeah remember once when they said they're gonna send him to Central America and three days later they found him wandering around Ohio a Jewish grandmother Susie come home again comes back with a little statue with them you know yes give me that bring that down one serious question all tonight they're doing the thing like you and your first ball you're a good actor you're really a marvel it's so nice to watch somebody else wind and they read the name and they go and the winner for Best Actor is someone other than you and you sit there and they keep the camera on you're supposed to go like I'm so happy I mean I should be really truthful have to do what we're doing right now okay you're serious actor you're you're serious scene I know how you work your mind gets going in stream of concert and you start firing when you're in those season you ever get to the point where all of a sudden you're saying hey this isn't there's no laughs here and you want to veer off and go into the comedy thing there's some times I mean it was weird in this movie I was working Robert De Niro he's obviously a whole other styie I think Nostradamus said when they meet that will be the end I mean he's a different style hi Bob what and it's you're afraid if you look at him the wrong way it's okay I mean you have to kind of you find a way of dealing with it but there's some times where you have to break the mood because we're working in a mental hospital for five months in Brooklyn and every day you'd walk in there be a little guy staring to be like it is you know there's a lot of doors in there only five keys you'd be there and you'd walk past in there be a guy waiting at the window god I love nuts to you do I look nuts to you do I look crazy to you and it you realize was one of the doctors so you're walking into this environment and you we're working in this place and it was it was a it was an I guess a hospital where the bottom two floors were still real patients you know and we used a lot of real patients we used you know a penny was using schizophrenic sand yeah Tourette's patients and there's a weird thing the schizophrenic sued asked to direct them and everything was fine until the moment when they said it's time now we're gonna have to because someone's talking in front of you we want you to talk but not say anything no son you saw them look like and I'm crazy it was that moment where all of a sudden reality yeah but there are times when no you have to break up with there's other times where you can do see Jeremy did you ever meet the doctor that you're playing in here oh yeah he's wonderful Oliver Sacks he wrote this book awakenings and you wrote another book called the man who mistook his wife for a hat which those of you who drink a lot of Glen he wrote these wonderful books basically about different aspects of the brain and in this yeah he was there every day yeah he's an amazing man he's about six four he's like a combination of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Albert Schweitzer he also looks like Santa Claus cuz he's got this big beard and usually there's food in it that he's forgotten his dick oh oh good I forgot that taystee and he's aspart the amazing thing as big as he isn't as strong as he is he's this very gentle and compassionate man who is brilliant who is he examines he called these people who basically have been in a comatose state for 30 years and my neighbors for going well that's Ronald Reagan but no way I think that's it's he's brought about them from the point of view of that basically they're explorers he said that they came from this they're in another state they are exploring another dimension of thought and of course in the play you played the doctor who was aware that there are people inside there and then just over a period of time doctor come out of there yeah right they through this he he basically isolated that they suffered from this one disorder called encephalitis lethargica which is encephalitis is a brain virus and this is a specific one that after the initial outbreak which went through Europe in America and killed many people but many people who survived it had a dormancy period then about five years later they all of a sudden would start to freeze up and go into this like statue state it would be latent that long and then yeah a dormancy period and then it would come back and then he woke them up basically with this drug that they used for Parkinson's patients which is it was a miracle and he said for that summer it was an amazing thing to see them he has documented footage of these people who hadn't moved in a long time but after and the next thing you see them they're like this come out here after 30 years when I would wake up and go didn't anybody try and shake me we're gonna show you a film clip later see where you are we're coming back with Robert [Applause]
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 7,922,153
Rating: 4.8349652 out of 5
Keywords: Television, Awakenings, Humor, The Tonight Show, Comedian, Stand-up, Leno, Funny, Johnny Carson, Retro Tv, Robin Williams, Actor, The Tonight Show (TV Program), The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (TV Program), Comedy, Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), Awakenings (Film), Oliver Sacks (Author), youtube, funny videos, funny
Id: iqdSagycCWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2011
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