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films include the Fisher King one of my all-time favorite movies Good Will Hunting and SAAM Nina's latest film was called RV getting back to his comedy roots very funny comedy it opens everywhere Friday please welcome the one the only Robin Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] starting to be back on your shoe nice to have your open line with a new hair I decided to change voices keep trying to look yeah I'm just trying to change the full Donald Trump comb-over oh yeah I knew that one yeah sometimes I feel like his hair at night must go I'm out of here man I gotta go now why is it red is this for our movie are you playing Lucy what is the point for that did Ricky I would love that but know this as I was playing a Teddy Roosevelt and actually a wax figure of Teddy Roosevelt that comes to life in a movie called 90th Museum but oh that's why he had red hair and people don't remember him having red hair but most the photographs were in black and white I thought he had black and white here and there's only one movie of him basically walking around like you know like [Applause] really great my my son just had a birthday on sacks 23 zelda's yeah Zelda's how old she she should be 9 no she's like 16 16 but thank you know she's dating yet how's that gone she has a friend as we say I mean he married you crazy I'm 35 I love your daughter I have many houses she can live in one is crazy it's all italian custom don't be afraid he's somewhat older yes in college yes in college yes that's called jail time if they cross that line right now use this new device oh you're really how do you screen come to the house and meet you and all the time I'm filling this vial with blood before we do it no I there is a kind of a hypocritical thing because my other son being 14 you know it's kind of like him when Zachary was dating it was like yeah then the daughter daughter son and the wife going very and you have to kind of recognize that go put away the male ego you know and you have to kind of set boundaries but you know they're all very yeah very good about who they're with I'm protective of that now is she driving I know you live in San Francisco yeah driving courses and I think she doesn't got her license yet but you didn't teach her Oh that'd be great not the best yeah yeah I'm not very good in a car I'm there's no the same way in a car as you are I know I am in a car is the only time I can ever really get angry and that's because the windows are up right yeah and one time the windows were down and my son went when they heard you like that like that Donald uh can you become a different person behind the frightening transformation I also realize that I Drive slow so my wife's going congratulations people are behind me going and if you look at most cars now you can't tell if they're yelling at you or they're on the phone I know yeah that's another one yeah well you know I'm sometimes because of this job I'll look and I'll see people like this so I'll go hey the creepy man is waving is it cool now Cody is is how old man he's 14 okay okay that's right you men she's kind of what's he into Oh everything yeah it's like bizarre I mean that you walk into his room and all of a sudden two computers are on they have a game homework multitasking many screens are going on plus he's got one he's on the phone with another friend he's typing he's dialing away and I walk in I feel like I feel like Rain Man going that's a lot to do and he's like whoa one second even Stephen Hawking's going that child seems to be doing quite well he was up in where I have a ranch up there like a vineyard up there vineyard yes lovely vineyard yes yes a lovely comic wine goes with pretty much anything he was up in Napa and that's at this resort and the whole town was out demonstrating so I don't think was it quiet I'm trying to put and he met with I'm talking about that now basically alternative fuel sources most likey maybe Ethan all which I found out is basically a you know wood grain alcohol which is what people used to breathe open the Hales you know they'll get stale they're all using ethanol we didn't put it in the car though we just drank it exactly so I'd be good your car is gonna burn faster but occasional just go off the road and go I can't move please get out of the car it's not me just drinking the cars drunk man straighten your one brain alcohol I have some alternative fuel sources I was thinking they always talk about yeah hydrogen we write one idea which is great I have one word for you Hindenburg right smoke reader and bam it's gone thank you helium would be good if you had a helium powered car you'd know if there's a gas because all of a sudden you'd be like this hey hey you bastard you rear-ended me or the Ford lipo which you would power off yourself you know just oh just run your fat off you just a couple of fat kids you can go 10 miles ossama tape have you heard the oh no some unplugged yeah the newest one yeah yes that's why I'm hoping to hear that when he finally unplugged it you know I haven't heard the new ones are there him basically inciting the whole world in the mountain talks about you know Tom and Katie's baby are you some of these that would be a great tough name to give a kid right now what's your name Osama yeah that's it yeah oops yeah where's pops were named a baby Moses which means every so often has to go to Israel and go okay everybody out of the water it's a tough name to give a kiss if you name your kid Attila right he's gonna be tough at recess right right dear mrs. Attila your son organizes the other and has conquered three schools you know it's rough rough name Tolu these names are the names you stay away you know Adolf Adolf is a bad one well if combined with Hitler doesn't work [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,724,240
Rating: 4.8630953 out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes
Id: CpLL5y2Pev8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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