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Before anybody makes a very lame and played out cocaine joke; Farley is clean here, 1994. Filming Tommy Boy.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/jakejames 📅︎︎ May 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Chris Farley in just about any of his roles was endearing -- what an amazing talent he had for comedy. Such a tragedy that he left this world far too soon.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/QueenWinosaurus 📅︎︎ May 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

His knack for comedy and just being funny with any and every subject is unparalleled. Never seen anyone like him and may never again.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/pinwheelpride 📅︎︎ May 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow, Kevin James is so young here...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shoregrey 📅︎︎ May 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

Such energy. I get tired just watching him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gamer123098 📅︎︎ May 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
our next guest is a very entertaining very funny young man but I should warn you is actually a couple of bricks shy of a load he is is in his fourth season that Saturday Night Live here take a look at some of the work this man has accumulated over the years gentlemen Run For Your Lives here's Chris Farley [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes sir by god you're the man you're the man hold me I need you to pull no I won't be all of you I'm pretty nervous thanks a lot for have thank you very much for being alive it I enjoy the work you do on Saturday Night Live I think you've very funny and bring a great deal of energy to the show and Anna you and I have met a couple of times when I used to work back over there and I now and I mentioned I mentioned last night I thought you might be goofy and and I was I was just wondering the same way I thought Sharon Stone might be nuts if that's a fair assessment or if I missed something you do people recognize that in you or is it is it that is gentleman a Gary I rest my case I'm not quite all there no it's um I am pretty goofy but I'm scared to be here and so I like was asking them you know a whole bunch of people about you know what I should do and you know because my first time and I you're the king [Applause] first server a bunch of people you know II talked to your folks yeah I called up my dad and my dad said I watch Letterman and he's the best i watch it watch what you do keep your guard up because he'll eat Guderian pork yeah look nice don't look like a slob and so I go well dad if he says anything you know I'll just probably just laugh or something like that and he goes don't look like an idiot laughing man but you know Chris the next time you come back and I would I would like you to come back just just see that you button these little things here that's all that's all that's all it is presentation is everything in this booth is you know that your folks watch your weekly show Saturday Night Live do they see you do the various characters and so forth yeah sometimes I like it call them and see the show like that Chippendales thing my mom said I'm gonna have to wear a Halloween mask in two dogs with a neighbor stop taking your clothes off that's kind of embarrassing but but it looks to me for compared to the videotape we saw that you might have lost some weight yeah I've been knocked up [Laughter] [Applause] I'll get out of this flat farmed on and on Hilton Head and it was funny because the I was down there was there's a lot of older people there you know and so I was doing some of the things that they have is aerobics class injure dozen class was a whole lot of like older or larger women and me and so I was looking in the mirror and we were dancing to aerobics class it was like did you bingo [Music] we [Music] we go come on game [Music] Wow very very impressive great we're going to do a commercial and if you'd like towel off we'll come back and continue let me right back here with Chris pearl again very entertaining young man did you know did you know what an early age this is what you wanted to do what was your earlier life like I think you're kind of a kid now you're not all that old are you well I'm 30 years old Dave right now if you'd any more what were you like like in high school you go to college yeah I went to Marquette University oh good school yeah and thank you it's father McKeen over there now and we're we're good student you have troubled you get a liar in trouble in early date years I remember I I remember one time at and great show at Saint Patrick's my mom was in the semicircle with a bunch of nuns around it and they were saying you know the students at school are laughing a lot Christopher not with it but they'd crack me around a little bit come closer clay I know what the public school for a year and they are like they didn't couldn't hit you there they had to like talk about things like counseling however well I love my dad when you when you went to college what kind of a kid were you was that he probably were a little more comfortable being away from home now Dave the trouble continued oh my god you mean there's more to the story Oh what exactly happened well one time I got in a whole lot of trouble when me and my buddy put a smoke bomb in my girlfriend's window and but it fell in the window and burned the couch and the whole thing was all full of smoke and everything so we were on the lam they're going down the Libertyville Illinois and meanwhile the cops back in my apartment getting pictures to identify me and he grabbed this one with me and a Hawaiian shirt and my mom put these bubbles on our head to see what we're thinking and I was sitting there in a Hawaiian shirt with a bubble on it saying this is some vacation and the cop is like you know this guy they were like oh girl aw I got a real chance for that one but now getting back to the smoke bomb and the girlfriends window was this a gesture of affection or what what exactly well she dumped me like they all did yeah here's a nice gal I remember we used to have nicknames for each other and my raven-haired one-eyed pixie - stole America's heart and that again and it's you have a nickname for yourself she told me fatso and never kisses so now you were apprehended for the crime where did you do time to jet to make retribution what happened there I did a lot of community service and had work at on but did graduate finally and then good for you yeah and the show this week who do you have on we've got John Goodman and The Pretenders yeah [Applause] nobody backstage with me Timmy Meadows and David Spade they're always a good you got a great cast but I'm telling you let me tell you something on that program no offense to anybody else you're the life of the party buddy I see Chris thank you very much for being here Charlie will be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 2,096,120
Rating: 4.8493662 out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes
Id: xi99vv2Whr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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