Rich Little Carson Tonight Show 1973

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which Lily is with us tonight you all know rich he uh he's an amazing man he has a great capacity which I envy to do impressions but great impressions he not only gets the voices but he gets the mannerisms which it takes a great deal of time he will be opening at the holiday house in Pittsburgh and he's been called the Toscanini of impersonators and I'd like to get hold of the man who called him that that's a lousy Billy does he's very good would you welcome rich little you don't want to get rings I got to yeah you don't want to go through life being billed as the Toscanini ovenproof with that time on you came from I have no idea some critic probably put that label on me I've seen it though I've seen it up there on the marquee the Toscanini of impressionist you know it's funny I I was sitting home the other night they right had a rerun on channel 13 of the one a copycat show yeah that you fellas did and I was in the other room and I here for a moment you know when you stopped and I said who I said I know that voice and I was not watching television and it was you and you were doing a take-off on The Tonight Show interviewing guests yo said I heard the pencil going yeah and I heard the last one gonna yeah the whole thing and I ran in and there you were in is it's a freaky feeling it really is to hear somebody doing ilford it was funny doing that over in England that's where we shot that gamblin and the technicians and people are there didn't know half the people who were doing you know when we went to do you that didn't mean it if the slightest idea on the Ed Sullivan was over to do a guest shot and I remember a technician coming up to me and saying who's the old guy with no neck who can't talk they didn't know I can't Sullivan didn't have a clue Edward yeah I said he's a big star yeah what does he do they said wonder what ends doing now Sunday night if you think he's standing around on New York he's introducing cars as they go by there's got to be such a habit you know Edie is the only man I've ever met who can count up to three and get two of the numbers wrong which isn't easy no say I thought about it is there a lot of bears standing an unemployment Landis country around the country waiting you know he needs people to follow him around running him day to day conversation I mean what was the vet oh if somebody came up to Ed Sullivan on the street cuz he reads everything and said hello mr. Sullivan ed would probably look over their shoulder and say don't walk so cute card huh he's a lovely man and in Sullivan is one of the people in the business who loves people to do impressions the first night hope so first oh no he does he's got a great sense of humor and it because it is a compliment when somebody does you obviously if you're well enough known to do you have to be flattered unless you do a cruel impression I've never seen you do that but the first shot I ever did on The Ed Sullivan Show was Edie calling because I had done a take-off on his old toast of the town and that was my first big Network shot was on his show the first show I ever did with him he gave me a great build up young impersonator from Canada Boeing youngster welcome out here buddy rich you're very lucky it was must have been hot that night usually he got one of them right years ago and I've done this on a dais when we've done those friars things for it he he had and it doesn't mind this is just sometimes he forgets and he had Rosemary Clooney on years ago and Rosemary Clooney was just about a as hot as you could get at that time you know everything was working if you had all the records that came out says now America is popular really falling singers let's hear it and he just went up come on out here honey she didn't even get rosemary or Clooney she got come on out here honey and it was any son-in-law bought breaking or tells these stories they're scary but it doesn't my Nisa no she takes all these things have you been watching now you've got new father because the Watergate show yeah you've all of a sudden you have seven or eight people who are relatively unknown to the general public who now are major stars Irvin and Talmadge and Wiker and gurney and all of those people I've been watch how image and casting it in the movements I think Charles Laughton would have made oh there's no longer with us but it would have made a great urban yeah you're right maybe Gregory packed the place senator Baker and Ozzie Nelson is gonna play Holder Ralph Williams gonna play arapeta deep not good would it be crazy great that would be crazy early can reminds me a guy who sold me some aluminum siding about 1958 I don't know why not have you if you tried to incorporate any of those voices is it to new at all to get those down yeah I do Baker in my accent senator biker now I want to go over this point just one more time and I want to get a clearer picture of what you're trying to say now according to your testimony on April the 28th you and Mr Halderman mr. Ehrlichman of mr. Dane went to the president's office and at that time the subject of Watergate chemo the president upon hearing that sat back in his chair and said testing one two I don't know if you've noticed this and I'm not trying to compete with you unimpressed I didn't but your ear you know who gurney sounds like he sounds like a very sleepy David Brinkley I we're not working on gurney today and I wrote down a little speech a interesting sound pattern oh yeah uh mr. Dane you mean to tell me that when you went to the president's office to discuss the events leading to and the subsequent cover-up of the Watergate incident that you are not aware the recordings were being made well at the best of my recollection at that point in time I would have to say no however I might add that on several occasions during the course of our conversations together the president would lead me over to a rubber tree plant and and have me talking to one of its large you leave now gurney says well mr. Dean would you tell this committee your feelings toward rubber tree plants in general and the president's rubber tree plans in particular well I've never been overly fond of them Center and the other one that I was working on was um Senator Montoya my tongue isn't either one from New Mexico I'll try and not always reminds me that he didn't hear anybody else when it comes to his turn that's right he's pretty serious yeah did you did you take these tapes to your home yeah yes I guess I did senator yeah did you play these tapes on the tape recorder no senator I played them on a washing machine and what's at what speed did you play these recordings well I believe it was it might have been faster senator I really can't recall I think it was something like this did anyone else hear these recordings when you listen to them to the best of my recollection senator there was just the recording technician myself listening the recording technician heard these tapes with you why is that well because I don't know how to play the mono lessons we'll take a quick favor fact we're talking with a rich little you Ramon you're a kid the first impression you ever did and why you were intrigued Eddie Bob is the first voice that I ever do is jump jump jump you're not that that's not what's worst and I said I think maybe it could be my best I don't know I know you do coming to a great admiration for him and when he did the Julie Andrews show I spent all week talking to them and a marvelous man and a great storyteller and the funny thing is when you listen to Jimmy Stewart tell a story you become so conscious of the voice it sounds like a guy doing Jimmy Stewart yeah you know what I'm saying I laugh because of just it's what he says that Bret reg I saw you in some show singing as me if you're you were singing a song and I urge a Bennigan's you complimented me I said I did he said yet when I sang in the shower I remember Stewart's not a not a comment but he said when I sing in the shower it's so bad the soap gets up and leaves the dish did the death yeah but he was the first yeah what do you do I would assume that you you must take will record them to listen to the speech pattern because the pattern is almost as important you know exactly there's probably more important you must get the voice that I won't working on my impression of you I played it over and I'm not particularly easy to do really I don't believe to impress AHA once you get it it's a it's a it's a good you're a good subject because you have so many things that you do with the tie and the straight back and the you know the Oh all these these little little things right may a weird holy man put easy-off in your shorts I know we all have little things you know you have to get to lay this and watch the race right got to put the iodide oh no what everybody has those little Bob Hope is a bob is extremely peddle to do and he likes to fiddle to the Bob is a he Bob did I do the pencil thing but Bob comes on he has three pencils and he sits and he hits and he's one he's one of these great cuff coupling straightener constantly but Mama's voice wise is very difficult to do very i've never high really anybody do bob oh very well well any the great impression you or Gorshin oh no what i meant i including if any of the great impressionist I've never heard a good Bob Hope and I don't know why because he's got a distinctive sound but nobody's been able to just to capture it very hard Steve Allen's heart outside of the land that's are the laughs we've got that illegally laughs yes I'm to unite moving right along folks okay is there anybody who would like to do who who did the request most um I would say that uh President Nixon is a good one do John Wayne has always been a popular impression uh and you like jingyan listen to it's not funny you get fantastic reaction in the clubs and of course the kids out there and to where some of the things I'm doing yeah but it's it's Dinah my do you in my act now doing your monologue and then bringing on Richard Nixon as your first guest Oh mr. Nixon comes out he's been working with Bob Hope for two weeks and I say ah my my first guest is um yes mister mister Rick Richard Milhous Nixon uh you you remember him we forget so soon for the past for the past couple of weeks mr. Nixon's been working with Bob Hope and Bob's been helping the president president with his see how I goof like you that little trip that took two weeks to get that know he's been working with Bob Hope for the past couple of weeks and here is the brand-new President of the United States after only two weeks work with mr. Bob Hope and then I come out Nixon comes out this is Richard how I love to be President Nixon I want to tell you you know my fellow Americans I just got back from Hollywood where I was working on a new motion picture it's called planet of the tapes Oh Spiro Agnew was going to write the screenplay but unfortunately he could never find his damn crayons no I want to tighten I just but you do a pretty good impression of Tommy Newsom you dududu Newsome Bob just don't you go Tommy Newsome was talking to each other all right okay you gotta do 30 seconds of Bogart doing the thing about the strawberries well is he ever done that no no I never have and I'm not the religion of about a year ago every night he was gonna do that bit and I kept tuning in well every member blizz I would see you do it on a show and I said I'm not even gonna get near it as long as little is still doing the bit why I tried to run this ship properly but they me at a return they were all against me I take the broken towline defective equipment no more no last day they encourage the crew to scoff at me and circulate wild stories I was to blame for mr. Merricks poor seamanship and incompetence but I the strawberries I asked the strawberries day they laughed at me by proved beyond a shadow of a doubt and with geometric logic and deduction the DuPage Aquila water ice box did exist and I had to Bruce that key if they hadn't pulled the cane out of action mr. Merrick was the perfect officer but not capital queek but I have a strawberries they laugh to me but I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt and with geometric logic and deduction the duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist not to produce that kid naturally I could only recall these things from memory if you ask me specific questions I'll tackle them one by one no that's great now you just call get out of here did you do the same speech as Porky Pig we believe in what I guess after we take apart for this busy
Channel: Archy Moz
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Id: vR1_hGkIU2c
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Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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