I Asked MASSIVE YouTubers to Try this IMPOSSIBLE Japan Quiz

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If any of ya haven't checked out Joey's channel before. I recommend it. He's got some clever videos and, of course, has a lot of Japanese content. Good shit.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Seco4800 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn he even got jacksepticeye, who's been absent for the season on youtube

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jeskid14 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
i don't know if i'm the only one that has noticed this recently but it seems like there has almost been this renaissance of people who have suddenly come out and said i love japan i feel that especially applies with a lot of youtubers twitch streamers and online personalities and celebrities and stuff like that all of a sudden these people that i thought had absolutely zero connections to japan are coming on out and saying hey yeah i've always loved japan i love going to japan i've always wanted to go to japan i love japanese things yay nippon and look i might be calling out these people somewhat in a very facetious manner but in all honesty i [ __ ] love that notion i mean as someone who is half japanese themselves and has been living in japan for half of his life and basically deals with japanese things japanese otaku culture things on this very youtube channel i couldn't be any happier to have a bunch of new people who are suddenly interested in things about japan and wanting to come to japan things like that it makes it a lot easier for me to relate to these people and i feel it's because of that that i've had the absolute honor and amazing privilege to befriend a lot of amazing content creators a lot of which i highly look up to as just regular content creators but also a lot of them not gonna lie kind of idolize but i lies and respecting aside i wanted to actually see how much these japan lovers quote-unquote actually know their [ __ ] about japan so what i decided to do is put my nippon thinking cap on and create the ultimate japan quiz and test some of my youtuber and streamer friends to see who knows the most about japan and i don't want to try and make this sound like a flex but this might possibly be one of the most insane collabs that youtube has ever seen ethan dogen aaron jack ludwig charlie jimmy felix cajo tech welcome to the ultimate japan quiz wait you didn't tell me it was the ultimate japan quiz you just said it was a japan quiz japan quiz thanks for having me on i love the nihon crown me already because i'm i'm winning this i don't know why i went in so confident i know i'm gonna suck at this oh my god it's gonna be so embarrassing if i fail not gonna lie i'm a little bit nervous joey thanks man i i feel great being filmed and you can't see me and i can't see you it's me alone with the camera and your voice i like japan true but the weeb stuff is only so i know what my audience is into it's actually cultural studies it's homework really for my stream perfect i'm excited is there like a prize if i win you win the love and affection of the japanese people what every single one of them okay this is high stakes holy [ __ ] okay okay this is a quiz as the name suggests that will be used to test your knowledge and expertise on japan and you'll be going up against several rather large youtubers and twitch streamers to fight for the right to be called the king queen of japan i kind of want the title this sounds so cool i feel like i'm setting myself up to be roasted by weebs here but let's do it if i fail if i get a score less than like seven i am gonna have to like commit seppuki or something live on camera right here right now the outro of this video is just a live set picoing of chris with this blue pen let's do it [Music] which quintessentially japanese dish actually originates from portugal a sushi b ramen c takoyaki or d tempura give me the definition of the word quintessential so it's not ramen and it's not sushi i'm gonna say takoyaki that's right on the ocean right portugal it makes sense that they would be catching octopus there my thought process is as far as i know traditionally fried foods in japan are not super huge i might be wrong i am going to go with tempura i actually thought that it was the netherlands or something but i knew that tempura wasn't from japan originally i was like okay well as long as it's tempura then it's probably that tempura easy i don't think ramen would be the answer because portugal is a hot place and i don't think they'd be eating soup all that much let's go with tempura i feel like it can't be sushi or ramen like people would talk about that it'd be like a fun annoying fact you would have at every ramen or sushi spot i'm gonna go with tempura final answer i could just be the biggest idiot in the comments go wild but i actually think it's ramen and my thought process is the noodles i think i'm going to be a real [ __ ] dummy if i get this wrong but i'm going in i'll go in dick in hand i'm ready to go i'm going for it ramen it's c i thought sushi was introduced from norway if i watched that youtube video that said it or was it the opposite no it came [ __ ] i'm done okay i'm inclined to go with tempura tempura oh wow very confident all right well final answer yes yes yes i'm going to say takoyaki which i believe is fried squid balls the correct answer is d tempura darn it ah i had no idea what the heck you were saying so i was just trying to pick which one would be the hardest one to guess ah yes okay sweet hey ah god that was my other let's go oh i'm the greatest japanese youtuber let's go there's no octopi out in the atlantic ocean i was actually going to say it's either that or tempura but i didn't want to put any kind of like stakes on it i wanted to just go full in yes yes oh yes [ __ ] that was my backup answer dude [ __ ] that's what they all say when they get the question wrong that was my other answer even before i've read out the choices you just knew that i thought this was the ultimate quiz not the i giggled quiz questions before i did this quiz and then put them in my quiz [Music] which of these car manufacturers is not japanese a daihatsu b lexus c hyundai or d nissan i hope this is just a free fee i think i've gotta go for the obvious one i'm gonna go lexus b lexus lock it in alexis does not sound that weave right lexus b it just is the one that sounds the least japanese c hyundai lexus sounds super not japanese but the fact that he brought it up makes me nervous i think hyundai i think that's korean i'm gonna go with hyundai yeah that's nissan i think c hyundai it doesn't really sound japanese i don't even know how to pronounce that c hyundai they're a south korean company lexus is japanese because lexus is the luxury version of toyota i think hyundai is korean hyundai it's hyundai they're korean the correct answer is c hyundai is actually a korean brand ah gosh dang obviously that's in korean you idiot you stupid idiot to be fair though like until i did this research for this quiz i had no [ __ ] idea lexus was japanese i thought it was like european yeah all right see hear that everyone i'm only slightly stupid yeah yes i mean it'd be awful with all of this ghibli stuff if i was just like winning too wrong i didn't know lexus was japanese though that that and like when you said that i was like this is a trick quiet dating someone for korea for four years helped a lot there was nothing but hyundais and kias everywhere my brain is so sync right now do you see a lot of lexi in japan even is that the plural form of alexis oh my god next you're gonna tell me ford was actually started in japan yeah it's actually pronounced fodo no way i thought nissan was french i heard a good name nexus so many times in the commercials on tv so i assume looking maybe god some japanese companies think english name so cool i mean lexus is so american-sounding all right feeling good hot start hot start [Music] now question three deals with everybody's favorite japanese thing and that is of course anime enter oh no this is my downfall this is where it begins i love that i love titties give me one piece that'll be the easiest out of these four anime series which is the longest running a one piece hey you don't even have to say the other ones i'm picking it are you sure i i can i can lock it in i don't want to hear the rest b c detective conan or d crayon shin-chan crayon shin-chan i'll go with crayon the crayon one i'm gonna be really angry if it's one piece because i know that's the biggest selling but i don't necessarily think it's the longest running i think it's one piece because i've heard about how many episodes of one piece there are and it's like pretty ridiculous well i feel like one piece is the is the gimme so it's not right nobody really thinks about detective conan or crayon shin chan and i feel like crayon shinchan is like such an oddball like why would you throw that in if it wasn't true so i'm going to go with crown chinchin i'm just going to go with the obvious my brain went in one piece immediately i said it before the question i'll just lock in one piece it's probably wrong i'm 100 sure it's detective conan aren't there like a million of those i'm gonna go for it again i'm going for the obvious one i'm going with one piece i think detective conan has been running a long time but i i know that it hasn't been constant like one piece has i think it's chinchin i know when they this economy started i remember when one piece started i don't remember when korean machine just started i would say crayon shinchan it's detective conan 100 i know this one the correct answer is d crayon shinchan no out of these four one piece actually has the least amount of episodes oh my [ __ ] god this is this oh yes king getting [ __ ] here hey there you go boom i logic my way out of that one i thought shinchan was like done i thought it like stopped i got started i thought it'd be so funny i did i was just trying to look cool i saw that on adult swim back when i was in like third fourth grade there was only like 20 episodes so how many episodes is there so crayon shinchan is the 15th longest running anime series in total with 1 168 episodes as of this video detective conan comes two plays after that with 1068 episodes yu-gi-oh then comes one place after that at 18th place at 1023 episodes and finally in 21st place we have one piece with 978 episodes and that's just 15th do you know what the the number one longest-running anime is is it hello kitty i don't think many people outside of japan know because it's very culturally rooted in japan but it's this show called sazai-san it was the daily lives of the sazai family it's been going on since the early 60s and as of right now it has over 7 700 episodes fantastic and i've seen not a single one of them japan turns which of the following into renewable energy a stationary bikes b leftover sushi rice c footsteps at tokyo train stations or d crowd noises at sumo wrestling matches wow i have no idea how can you turn noise into energy if that's happened by now then the trash taste podcast would generate billions of tons of energy if i'm thinking good energy source millions i think like two million people pass through tokyo station every day if you could harness that foot power right into energy you could power like a light bulb or something i don't think oh i don't know tokyo train station foot energy it's gotta be that one come on the footsteps and the train station i'm just trying to think of how that technology would work i have no idea i'm gonna go with the bikes final answer the bikes like i heard something about the tokyo footsteps one so i'm just gonna go with that and say final answer it's the train station one because i think i remember hearing that okay so you're locking in footsteps at tokyo train stations final answer yeah it's either that or rice well which one why would it be specifically sushi rice because of the vinegar no it's the train station one i would say that they would never leave over sushi rice because it's rude to not finish your rice let's go with stationary bikes i know i'm wrong i'm just gonna say if they aren't using sea i don't know if you came up with that that's brilliant it's so smart that i'm gonna lock that one in i feel like it has to be the footsteps one i don't think anything else would really power it like stationary bikes crowd noise it's sumo wrestling i don't know how popular sumo wrestling is well i don't know if it'll be a clue to you but sumo is the national sport of japan so it is fairly popular you said you don't know if that would be a clue to me so that's gotta mean something i'm piecing together some puzzles oh my god this is tough man i'm such a i'm going for it i like to believe that japan is extremely futuristic i'm going with footsteps at the train station b that's the only one that actually seems feasible in my head let's go with three that sounds cool to me i want that to be real wrestling fights you can it cannot be that noisy it's getting losing some popularity over the years i would say one i myself am assuming electricity c is footsteps on a tokyo train which i could believe because if they were to put like a treadmill underneath they could use it as the power and how noisy is sumo wrestling i feel like if that technology existed i would be more aware of it so i'm gonna go with c what is japan man the correct answer is c footsteps at tokyo train stations i was gonna say that i've been a battery the whole time i've been in tokyo station hey mama freaking mia i'm a goddamn japan master over here oh yes let's go let's go thank god there are options to pick from there are special floor tiles that capture vibrations that are generated by footfall which is then stored as energy and then that energy during the day is used to light up electric billboards around the city that's mecha jozu footsteps how does that i don't know what i don't i don't even know how that works just hit me with the next one this makes me want to go to tokyo station and just like jamming out breakdance and [ __ ] and be like there you go you're welcome [Music] tokyo is well known to be the largest city in japan in terms of population but what is the second largest a oh no yokohama b osaka c nagoya or d kyoto i don't know i'm gonna go with be osaka that's the only one that i recognized outside of was kyoto one and for some reason in my mind i have no idea if this is true kyoto is like a taurus destination and it's not as highly populated it's just like a place that people go uh snagoya there's a lot of people that live there there's a whole like uh film industry there i don't know it's like the los angeles of japan i don't like going with the obvious answers because i feel like it's going to trip me up so i'm going to go away from kyoto and say osaka i don't know b so i'm going to ignore what i don't know because i fear it so i'm in between a and d but i'm going to go with a i was going to say osaka before you said it i i'm i'm pretty confident in osaka actually lock that [ __ ] in right now osaka kyoto d like i've had some friends have gone to japan and i remember them saying that word and like when you said that i got a little deja vu so i'm just assuming that means it's bigger well kyoto is always like what people see as japan like a touristy place but i'm not sure if there's actually more populated because of that osaka or nagoya i would go but i'll go with nagoya i think that was your camel i think we talked about it in history like a society class so i would say one yokohama okay final answer yes now if i were a gambling man i think i've picked c too many times i probably should have picked that one again and it worked out last time so probably you probably wouldn't have put two c's in a row because i'm gonna have to go psychological on this one too because i have no idea this man's playing the metagame right now go [ __ ] i'll go with b dog osaka because that's the one i know the most so when people say that you know tokyo is the largest city in the world they're actually talking about the tokyo the greater tokyo metropolitan area i imagine that the reason tokyo is able to get up to that point is because the next city over yokohama must be significantly big as well if not then i don't think that would be enough to push it over like mexico city and other like really really big cities say oklahoma hopefully my logic isn't too often that question is correct you're [ __ ] with me you're [ __ ] with me no you got it man you got it oh my god i don't even know where yokohama is you know what's the great thing about this quiz you might get a question wrong but you're learning something yeah give me a tour guide over there after the after this test conclusion yeah exactly you'd be like did you know yokohama is the second largest city and you'll be like whoa how does he know that you just [ __ ] go wild honestly i i never zero shot i was getting that one right well i was dead wrong then right i'm so great about myself have i never heard of that i've never heard of that city ever that's crazy well are you slightly impressed that i knew that kyoto uh is a tourist destination i am very impressed wow you did very good but you got the wrong answer so [ __ ] you let's move on to the next question [Music] it seems like everything i pick is the worst option so i'm gonna start picking the thing i'd least pick which of the following facts about japan is not true a there is one vending machine for every five people in japan b japan's birth rate is so low that adult diapers are sold more than baby diapers c japan has the second highest amount of mcdonald's restaurants after the us and d if you commit suicide in japan by jumping in front of a train the family of the deceased will be charged a disruption fee i think there's more mcdonald's in like i don't know [ __ ] europe or china or something i believe europe is not a country but would you like to walk in sea anyway i'm not saying europe is a country i'm just saying that there's a lot of mcdonald's there sure there is but there's also a lot of countries in europe i feel like i've heard the diaper one before so it's gotta be the mcdonald's one i know there is a lot of vending machines it can't be for five people it must be like 50 or something that doesn't make sense that would be like 20 something million vending machines is that possible god damn it this is a stupid question this isn't fair and i know there is a lot of mcdonald's mcdonald's mcdonald's i i don't know the plural of mcdonald's is it ah [ __ ] it it's gotta be a because i think while that's close i think it's more like one vending machine for every like 10 people or something i think you've you've been looked a little bit sneaky there i just have a hard time believing that japan is after the us and nothing would come before japan i'm gonna go with the mcdonald's one i am already regretting it but i'm gonna go with the mcdonald's one the cogs are turning in dogan's brain right now i think that the vending machine one is kind of like a trick question because japan is notorious for having a lot of vending machines but to me one for every five people feels a bit too much because that would mean something like 25 million vending machines in japan and that feels just a little bit too much i'm gonna go with one the venue machine one the one about vending machines i don't know if it's an actual fact or if it's like the numbers are slightly skewed in that fact so it's either see that one sounds true as well i'm gonna go with the oh [ __ ] i'll go with the adult no uh [ __ ] ah let's go with adult diapers please don't be true okay i'm gonna say that the last one's true cause you'd be [ __ ] up if you made that up what was a again the first one a is there is one vending machine for every five people in japan i believe that i just believe if someone said that i'd be like yeah it sounds right but i don't believe c so you're gonna lock in c japan has the second highest amount of mcdonald's restaurants after the us yeah it's like third or fourth i bet i'm pretty sure the us doesn't even have the most mcdonald's in the world so that's the one that's kind of getting me on edge there so i'm gonna go with my heart i think it's the mcdonald's i i really do i'm pretty sure the u.s doesn't have the most mcdonald's in the world i i don't know who does maybe it is japan but i'm going with mcdonald's i think it is uh i think it's c my gut's telling me it's the mcdonald's one but here's the thing my gut's been completely wrong so i'm going to then uh and assume the mcdonald's one is true and because i'm most confident in the train one i'm gonna then say the train one is full i feel like i've heard that vending machine fact before but may i think the number was like 10 or something like i don't know guess well felix i feel like you're tricking me with the vending machine one the vending machine is a red herring here i'm picking it get it out i know a lot of non-japanese people get surprised like there are vending machines everywhere where maybe in another country some youngster would just smash the vending machine and try to take the money it says how safe japan is so i want to believe that it's true i would go with the second one b diaper sync oh man b and d are so believable because i know they did something like that back in the day they used to execute people uh with a golden bullet and then charge the family the price of the bullet i don't know what country did that that sounds like something japan would do yeah it's very anime i'm gonna have to go with b because i know the birth of japan is abysmal because with how high quality hentai is in japan the majority of people are probably just jerking off rather than banging and having kids okay so you're locking in japan's birth rate is so low that adult diapers are so more than baby diapers as a false fact oh i'm an idiot oh [ __ ] wait only one of these is wrong yeah only one of these is false and you have to tell me which one is false oh the false one okay i believe that one see that's the one i'm sorry the lie is actually a there is one vending machine for every five people in japan there's an actual statistic for that though isn't there yes the actual statistic is there is one vending machine for every 22 people in japan see it's because i heard a statistic that was that rhythm and i was like oh yeah so that's the one the thing is is when it reaches a [ __ ] load my mind turns off right because it's already in a [ __ ] load so if it's a [ __ ] load more than a [ __ ] load that's still a [ __ ] load to me so it's a trick question okay that's a lot different than i expected you son of a [ __ ] i got started i thought my stretchy would work there you go i knew it was the wrong number you sneaky snake weird diaper wearing sneeze teeth oh my god [ __ ] dude i really thought i had that [Music] which of these bizarre festivals does not exist in japan a the belly button festival b the crying baby festival c the farting festival or d the penis festival i know the penis festival is real the farting one feels real i want it to be real that's or my answer i'm gonna go with the baby crying one if you think of the buddha statues they have their bellies on display a lot so you think they could tie that in the sea one that's just the sort of joey the anime man that can't be real no it's got c's not real i'm going to go with the crying baby festival final answer because i feel like the other three are weird enough to actually be festivals i can't remember the japanese actually but it's like the oni like the pony people dress up in those and then they'll like scare kids and like in in the west i think people would be like oh that's like a traumatizing thing that's weird you know like i mean you shouldn't do that i don't blame them for thinking that way that it is pretty [ __ ] traumatizing yeah i'm gonna say that the fart one is not real let's go with the farting festival because i feel like that's the most disruptive and unfortunate festival out of all of them penis penis penis penis farting in penis i'm gonna keep those in belly button i don't really know what the whole appeal of a belly button festival is but maybe it's more like crop top season and they're just they have a funnier naming convention for it oh i might regret this i think it's one of these two and i think i might get it wrong here all right hold up what are you walking in uh uh i'm flipping a coin all right heads i'm gonna say it's a tails i say it's b heads hey final answer belly button festival crayon shinchan is all about ass and stuff i i'm sure there's penis and farting there the belly button one just sounds like a fetish at one of the adult conferences my gut has been wrong every time so far today so let's go against my gut i want to say belly button but i'm going to go against it and say baby crying final answer my guts tell me it's the penis festival that doesn't exist but my gut's wrong so i'm going to go with the farting festival i can't even say this without laughing it's like the farting one seems least japanese looking farting get out i understand a berry button that gets it connected to a baby baby crying it's like i know it's out of house like if they're healthy so i would say yes see it's the most devious b the crying baby lock it in i'm not here to play games i'm here to get results japanese people probably jerk off the belly buttons farts are funny the correct answer was actually the farting festival what yeah japan does not have a farny festival oh man i was ready to [ __ ] book a flight for it i just assumed that was absolutely there we can start our own fighting festival in you know some kind of parking lot and just be like come on in just you know come and fart with us that's a joey festival through and through i'm embarrassing myself i'm embarrassing myself why can't i ever get nice things let's get the vagina festival going yeah like equality yeah exactly come on japan whip your vaginas that sounds like good family fun hey my my thought deduction finally worked this is too gross too gross for you in japan i appreciate that have you been to the penis festival just be honest yeah i made a video there actually i haven't seen that one the anime man penis oh wait that's a really bad thing to google [Music] which of these numbers is considered evil in japanese culture you don't even need to give me the multiple choice i know it it's four she because it means death a the number three b the number 4 c the number 13 and d the number 69 [Laughter] nice 13 is bad luck in the states the number 4 in japan is either young or shi and she has the same pronunciation it's four because of the the word she meaning death and sometimes if you go into buildings the number four's missing i think it's b the number four for some reason in the back of my mind that is a fact that i know it's four joey and i'm gonna lock that in because that's the death number right four lock it in i'm gonna go gut on this one i'm pretty sure it's four in the last question i learned that there's a penis festival so it seems like they're very open to genitalia so i don't think 69 would be a problem 13 that i know you you're tricky you're so tricky you tried to trick us with a one piece one and a few others like 13 is a problem in america because that horror film but no one over there cares you're just trying to trick me you think i'm stupid so we're eliminating those two and my gut says three but my gut's always wrong which means i'm going with four i'm locking in four uh i i think four i would say b or because it sounds like best in in japanese which is actually my lucky number i end up getting some like lucky things happening to me with the number four i guess i can see three being evil and not to men i don't think you put a as an answer yet and this is my eighth question so mathematically i should get this one right and maybe three turned on its side no three is the marking of the beast the three claws three a hundred percent a lock in that is incorrect what the [ __ ] the correct answer is four the reason why the number four is an evil number is because there are two ways to say the number four in japanese the most conventional way is but another way is she and she in japanese means death yeah i love this i just literally picked the exact opposite of what i think it's going to be like i was like for sure it wasn't for but i was like [ __ ] it i'll just pick it king of japan here i come i don't even know where i heard that it was just somewhere somewhere in my mind there you go you knew that you're so nihongo jose aaron that you didn't even need the multiple choice dude i'm i'm josue as [ __ ] dude i've done myself proud and that's all i'm here to do if someone's like yo you want to go to dinner at she would you be like this weirdo i don't think this is a regular dinner this guy's taking either thank god i needed that one thank god what about number three like is number three bad for in any other languages leave some comments yeah let us know in the comments [Music] japan is known for its wide array of public transport but especially its trains but what is the average delay time for trains in japan a 18 seconds b 52 seconds c 1 minute and 21 seconds or d two minutes and four seconds i feel like i knew this before because i feel like i read something about the trains being delayed like marginally like 20 seconds and people complain to the government about it so i'm gonna go with the lowest number and say 18 seconds i think it really must be 14 seconds i don't think i've ever been on a train that was late at all in the eight nine years i've been here hey 18 seconds i'm gonna go with a 18 seconds it all seems very efficient and very very planned out for all of japan it would actually probably be 52 most of these articles they probably actually only gather data from like the the major train lines or they they chose to use the data that just reflects the largest or the smallest number in order to get a better headline for the articles that you ended up reading is this guy's literally like playing the metagame of journalism right now again i think it's either one or two but i'm gonna go with number one it's a the shortest one there was a train that apologized and it made public headlines for leaving 30 seconds early so i imagine 30 seconds is the cutoff for like damn you [ __ ] up so i'm gonna go with a 18. an 18 second delay in between trains that that doesn't sound possible i think it's actually going to be sub minutes so i'm leaning towards 52 seconds okay would you like to look that in no because something's telling me it actually is 18 seconds and japan is just that [ __ ] wild i think i'm just gonna throw the hail mary i'm going 18 seconds i'm going hey my gut's telling me 18. and if we weren't if i didn't just get the last two right i would say 18 but i'm gonna just mix 18 because i feel too confident about it and i'm just stupid and whatever i think is correct is never correct every time i've said d it's been wrong so i'm just gutting d so we eliminated a and d they're just actually not it so that brings us to the middle the answer to the last one was a b and i know you're not gonna make two answers in a row b so it's clearly c i'm locking in c i think it's probably the lowest number but there again it could be a sneaker rooney so i'll go with a then because well i cannot be confident with the answer i'm just gonna jump in and say it's c when you're taking a test at least in japan like a growing up when you don't know the answer go with c like if you have questions i'm assuming japan is a country all about efficiency as minimal as possible japan is very efficient that is incorrect the answer was actually i mean i wouldn't consider that as delay in the uk it's like 18 minutes the fact that it's a country of that many people and that's the average delay time is nuts it was just so ridiculous for like someone who lives in you know america it just won't show and then a day later they'll be like yeah we had a foxy waxy our guy just did a crystal meth and quit and then you'll be like okay i can't even wrap my head around how that's even possible that efficiency is nuts yeah they can do that but they can't get rid of the fax machine it's truly a sad state we live in maybe the fax machines are what enables all of this to happen like maybe they're the catalyst without the facts machine japan just [ __ ] crumbles i guess that is the downside of completely ignoring your gut and picking what you think is the absolute worst answer possible is sometimes you pick the worst answer possible you figure out your trains [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm so happy let's go [Music] now as you know japan is an island country and it is made up of islands but how many islands does japan have in total a 6 b 12 c 147 or d 6 852 the problem is what is considered an island you know and and i i would imagine you get a little loosey-goosey with it i assume this includes uninhabited islands even i would like to say that all of these islands are named and like officially like under japanese law they are owned by japan and i think majority of these are are inhabited by people damn okay that sways me i was i was going to go off the rockers i was going to go 6 000. this is normal multiple choice theory you get rid of the outliers i'm let's cut one of the lows one of the highs and then let me flip a coin heads i'm going low tails i'm going high 12 final answer 652. look final answer do it oh my god i am going to go with the outrageous answer i do think that probably similar to the last question this is one of those things where it's taken the approach that seems more like bombastic sensational so i'm gonna go with d what was that the third one that was like 100 or whatever c 147 yeah i'm gonna go with that one i'm gonna play it on the safer side i'm gonna try and like guess without going over you know prices right rules and say c wow that last one is not even close to the others and i think that's either to lure out a dumb person like me or it's the right answer we went pure goofball brain off on the last one and it worked let's do it again i'm going for 6082 or whatever islands in japan what'd you have for breakfast uh i just have a cup of coffee cup of coffee both start with c i'm going with c [ __ ] it i'll go with 12. i don't know i don't know why am i getting upset i don't main irons are like five and there's all those small ones um because i'm very bad with you know making a hunch i'm just gonna go with this biggest number let me go with a b12 lock it in the answer was actually d 6852 no you son of a [ __ ] you set me up so how many islands are just like a rock well they're counting that i know for a fact that most of these are named most of these are inhabited and the reason why there are so many is because in the southern part of japan off the coast of kyushu and going down to okinawa is where most of these islands lie basically that entire area there are so many small islands that are grouped together it's basically an archipelago i was thinking like uh like when i watched code geass and they'd constantly like show the world map and i have this distinct picture of them showing a zoomed out japan and i was just like yeah i didn't see six thousand islands on that map there's not six thousand that's also what i was thinking in my head oh my god i can't believe kogi has lied to you like that yes jumping on the rock this is my hat my my winner's king hat before the crown comes in the post i've got this hat to see me through yes i passed barely hey i knew it it was such a crazy number i should have just gone for it i not trusting my gut on this one [ __ ] you talked me out of it i didn't talk you out of it i said i merely stated the fact that most of these are named and most of these aren't dude i was so ready to run that one and then you were like well let me just tell you you fell for my trap you didn't want me on top you didn't want me to get the respect i get it i get it i cannot all right i'm glad i went with that that's crazy oh my god how in the [ __ ] thank you joey you've made a very happy king thank you so much for having me take this quiz i'm so glad that i could make you proud this is fun thank you for having me out i appreciate it thanks for having me this is great this is a very fun video this is a very good idea thank you for having me thanks for having me on it was really fun i appreciate you having me on and uh it was a pleasure this was fun man thank you for having me on thank you so much for including me thank you for having me so there you have it guys how many points did you score if you scored 10 out of 10 or 1 out of 10 it doesn't really matter because again as i said in the video hopefully with every wrong question that you got you're one fact smarter about japan for the next time or the first time you come and visit the country goes without saying that this video took a very very very long time to prepare and make and really get right so first of all big big big shout out to all of the youtubers and twitch streamers that came onto this video to show off and flaunt their japan knowledge or lack thereof i'm sure i don't have to go tell you guys this but links to everybody who was in this video is down in the description below so please go and check them out and again let me know in the comments below if you were playing a lot how many points did you score and how did you compare to the youtubers and twitch streamers i brought onto this video because if there's one purpose that this video serves is that from now on if you did play along then you can legitimately say that you know more about japan than x youtuber or x twitch streamer so uh you're welcome either way guys i hope you enjoyed it i definitely want to do more of these kinds of videos again so if you have any suggestions please leave them down in the comments below this was a lot of fun to make i love making quiz videos and stuff like that you guys love watching them and it's a fun educational time all around but if you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like and subscribe and if you'd like to support your boy in future collaborations and ideas and projects on this channel then support me over on my patreon patreon.com the anime man links down in the description below and thanks for watching guys and i'll see in the next one like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for another banter keep watching anime [Music] foreign
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,067,566
Rating: 4.977457 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Asked, MASSIVE, YouTubers, Try, IMPOSSIBLE, Quiz, Pewdiepie, MrBeast, jacksepticeye, Game Grumps, ludwig, crankgameplays, abroad in japan, shibuya kaho, tectone, dogen
Id: pF8L_haE_2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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