Which Anime Boy Would I Sleep With?

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yeah that's gonna run this the mmm you know I myself am a straight heterosexual male but I get a lot of people questioning my sexuality especially when I start to talk about hot anime boys because it doesn't matter if you're as straight as a razor's edge or if you're as gay as a not straight razors age pretty boys at anime are just pretty and I think that's just a universal fact and just because you are a heterosexual dude it doesn't mean that it's weird to find these anime boys attractive in fact I am going on record many times to say man I would [ __ ] sleep with that anime boy or I wouldn't sleep with that anime boy for different reasons so today I thought I would answer the question once and for all which anime boy would I sleep with and to help me along that way I have created this fun little chart right here which I like to call the [ __ ] meter it's very simple essentially it goes from right to left starting from you I wouldn't want to sleep with that boy - [ __ ] yes let me get in on that [ __ ] and with any good boy on boy action we also have to dictate whether that character is gonna be on top or they're gonna be at the bottom so anywhere that is colored the boy can fit in - so I thought this would be a great little opportunity to see which anime boy will rather the preference of anime boy that I would [ __ ] and I asked you guys are on Twitter to send me a bunch of anime boys which I would like to [ __ ] or we'd like to hear my opinion about whether I would like to [ __ ] so thanks Twitter people and I picked out 30 pretty varying anime characters so uh yeah let's go through each one see where they land on this graph also if you'd like to join in and possibly give me your opinions on which anime character or which anime boy you'd like to [ __ ] then screenshot right now to grab a copy of this graph and I guess send it to me over on Twitter without further ado let's begin alright let's start with you'll see that hunter from tornado kleberkuh I think he's called now this boy I don't know about you guys this boy pretty is [ __ ] so just on the looks basis I would absolutely [ __ ] him but he also has a little bit of a strange or I guess a little bit of a cringy personality like I'm kind of scared to go to bed with him because I don't know if he's going to treat me nicely like he would any lady or if he'd go off on his weird tangents of weird [ __ ] so I feel like on the horizontal he'd kind of sit maybe like a little bit past the middle maybe around here would he be top or bottom um either way I ain't complaining but he seems like a little bit of a top so I'm gonna put him right there yeah all right up next is loosely talk to me from kaichou middle summer now you know I've said I think I've said this in some past videos but the city for me was my husband or for the longest [ __ ] time I mean anyone who watched Kaito made someone would know that he's like the perfect [ __ ] human being right he's handsome he's smart he takes care of the ladies yeah he's a little bit of a pretty boy high-maintenance boy but you know once you once you grab ahold of him you don't want to let him go I'm definitely putting him right near the end here and he definitely seems more like a top boy so I'm gonna put him like around here I'm not gonna put him all the way at the top because there might be another character reserved for that spot but he's pretty up there all right up next is Oh who does she bother to cut now yes that is a boy first of all if you haven't seen Stein's game dukkha is 100% a shrine Maiden boy well we know for starters he's definitely gonna be at the bottom if I do [ __ ] him and he's got a pretty face he's got a pretty face you know I brought I ain't gay but he's got a [ __ ] face so I'm thinking he's gonna be right at the bottom there because I would absolutely ravish is me all right up next is autoscopic again a lot like Luca from steins gate psycho first all is a boy 100% a boy he hangs out with the boys but as you can see he's also uh he's gone past androgynous at this point even though he wasn't necessarily my favorite character in Oregon you know like he definitely did add like a little twist especially when he confused the [ __ ] out of the protagonist Hashima and probably confused a lot of male viewers of Oregon so yeah I definitely [ __ ] might I'd say I'd say more than do god I would [ __ ] him so I I'm gonna put him around yeah probably yeah here's a pretty good spot I'm not gonna put him all the way at the bottom because I'm sure he has like a little bit of a fighting spirit you know not as much of a [ __ ] as the duque is but yeah definitely [ __ ] okay who's next put a little key show up oh now look I know I'm probably gonna piss off a lot of ladies but I wouldn't [ __ ] him because you never know when his quirk is gonna go insane you feel me that if his quote goes insane during the sexy then I'm either gonna get my dick burnt off or frozen off honestly I don't want either and I don't know man it's gonna feel weird especially if he only has like one head turn to each side it's like it's like I'm it's like I'm sleeping with two different people ain't about that all right I ain't about these unloyal hoes so I'm probably gonna put him around here not all the way at the end I do this there's like a little part of him where I'm like yeah okay sure and would it be a top or a bottom definitely a top so I'm gonna put them all the way up here what is this list okay who's next Oh Sebastian Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler definitely a top definitely [ __ ] I mean ask ask any one of Connor's fanbase and they will be happy to give you like a thousand word essay as to why Sebastian is [ __ ] and you know I love the Japanese voice and I love the English voice which is very rare when it comes to anime characters especially anime boys so yeah and this this boy is definitely going on the the left side of you and I'm gonna put in just a little bit below Lucy I'm gonna put him right there yeah but definitely like on the same level of [ __ ] who's next Phoenix right uh yeah I ain't about that haircut bro that haircut looks like is this gonna get in the way it doesn't matter if he's in bottom or top honestly and I don't know man it's it's a lawyer I feel that any position I put him in he gonna [ __ ] object me in some way or another so yeah sorry Phoenix you're gonna come you're gonna come near the end right here you're gonna come over there yeah I'm not about you bro okay who's next od hada Isaiah now if there's anything I learned from life and from my boys who have experienced life and experienced a lot of bedding it's it's it's the simple quote which is don't stick your dick in crazy and Isaiah it's like the definition of crazy and anime I mean the [ __ ] holding a knife right there alright I I am putting my penis anywhere near that [ __ ] sorry is aya but you're probably gonna go right you know what now I'll put you a little bit above Phoenix right because at least you know you have a prettier face than Phoenix does it was next Norman hmm not sure what I can say that won't get me arrested the kids like 11 why did you guys make me pick this character yeah I'm putting him at the end here but he's definitely a bottom so I'm putting him like down here yeah that's that's a good spot from alright up next is Leah from permit now I don't want to give premiere away in case there are people who haven't seen it cuz I'm sure there are but this boy gay is fun bro not just with like how he looks and everything but like his mannerisms like I know plenty of like people in the LGBTQ community who like froth over Leo and for good reason I mean he's a he's a pretty boy I'll tell you what and he does some pretty like epic [ __ ] in the movie as well that will get anyone excited so uh yeah he's definitely top tier material so I'm gonna put him kind of around here and would he be top or bottom probably a bottom because he was kind of a bottom in the movies law so I'm gonna put him like down here yeah that's a good spot alright next Light Yagami Kira himself again don't stick your Deacon crazy we've learned that lesson from Isaiah but unlike Isaiah this boy's a little bit prettier he's got much nicer eyes he's got a lot of power and I'm much more afraid to go against light than I am Isaiah or any other characters so yeah I can't really like belittle him all that much so just to play it safe I'm gonna put him around yeah yeah around here cuz yeah I don't want to I don't want to anger him up next call my denied Oh again what did I what why did I tell you don't stick your dick and crazy and again come Ida out of all the dangan ronpa characters and of all of the characters in that series and all of them are crazier in their own respect you had to pick the one that was the craziest this was definitely a top though he's gonna [ __ ] me up but I'm gonna put him over here because again I ain't sticking my digging crazy okay right his next Kirito oh dude I would absolutely ravishes but all like not even with love like just like I'm going to like do a prison break on him if you know what I'm saying so he's definitely gonna be at the bottom but if I had the choice I wouldn't want to do that to him but you know if if time comes that I must then I will so I'm definitely putting him although at the bottom but not all the way at the end because there isn't there isn't a lot of a wall there all right who's next kita yo Chicago my god what is it with you guys I'm picking all of these crazy anime characters but then again unlike all these other crazy boys cura is a fine devil I'll tell you what bro look at that chiseled jawline that that is that is some Madison chin goals right there crimson chin be mad as [ __ ] and he is one of my favorite villains from the Joe Joe universe so I definitely am putting him somewhere around here not all at the end he's he's definitely more on the crazy side of things but not as much as all these other people and is he a top or a bottom yeah he's absolutely a top so I'm putting him around there or who's next Kazuma oh this is difficult I've never looked at Kozma in that way while watching kono super I like the fact that the female characters in Kona Suba haven't looked at a Kozma in that way just just proves my point but he seems like a little [ __ ] so it's definitely a bottom so I'm putting him like around yeah yeah I think I think that's a good spot Oh who's next Kahn's like he's an idiot again another one of those confusing arse characters definitely not as like cute in terms of like personality or even face as say dukkha or psycho but uh definitely a heavy bottom even though his personality in blindness would tell you otherwise I'm definitely putting this boy at the bottom so I'm gonna put him like around here yeah right in between Duke and Keitel his next joseph joestar oh my boy my boy there's a lot of connection with this one because a he's a sexy ass boy like any jojo character is and he's got the same name as me and he's like he's got a fun personality you know he can he could probably make it a very uplifting time in the bedroom and brought it all about you but i want to be filled in with some of that jamon power so I'm definitely putting him at the top and I'll put in like probably around here I'd say that's a good spot yeah you know he's not like the first person I'd go to but you know he's a good candidate let's just say that our who's next Oh Joey wheeler again another person who was off to my heart with the same name as me but unlike joseph joestar this boy uh this boy's got a chin back in kill listen man I love I love Joey wheeler Oh jewel notes goon as I like to call him because that's his actual name if I am in bed with him and he's on top and I'm turning around and he gives me that look yeah I'm gonna get soft as a pillow immediately so I'm gonna put him like around here I think that's a good spot yeah that's a good spot who's next Inuyasha can't see this is a this is a tough one because would [ __ ] him be considered bestiality would I rather be the one responsible for bestiality or would I rather be responsible for the beasts consuming me if you get my drift either way I'm not too keen on it his hair seems to get in the way of a lot of things so uh yeah think if anything I'd be the one to [ __ ] him up so I'm gonna put him you know what just underneath Joey right there yeah not to Akeem all right his necks guts oh my boy guts this is a tough question because topple bottom is really dependent on what era of guts we are talking about here because if we're talking about like modern-day guts like after the Eclipse cuts then he's definitely a hard hardtop but if we're talking pre Eclipse guts then he's definitely a hard hard bottom which one did I prefer personally I prefer the the pre Eclipse cut because you know who you saw all of that development and he was a he was a growing young lad who finally snapped after Griffith apparently did nothing wrong so in that aspect I'm probably gonna put him around here I think that's a good spot because he's definitely on the list but yeah this boy's a hard bottom I'll tell you what okay who's next Felix oh that's always been a hard question ever since I watched Reiser oh it's been a hard hard question for me if you just forget about the fact that Felix is a boy then I don't think it'd be too bad like he sounds very feminine he looks and dresses very feminine but I think that's because of his clothes once those are off different story you feel so just because I am confused I'm gonna put him around the middle and he's definitely a bottom so I'm gonna put him around here yeah that's a good spot definitely getting demonetized to this but I do not care are his next da Xiumin Oh every boom go stray dogs fangirls favorite boy now I do love him very much so very witty boy you know very clever very charming and a pretty face hey it's all the things that you want from your husband oh so I'm definitely putting him right near the end here but when it comes to top or bottom that's a that's a hard question I don't I don't know he could either really possible boat so I think I'm actually gonna I think I'm actually gonna keep him in the middle right here yeah because you know if he wants to go bottom some days or if you want to go top some days hey I'll let him I'll let him he sees charm is already enough for me I don't care which position he takes art is next Oh a stole feh hmm again this is a lot like Felix this this confused me the first time I saw it now yes in case you weren't aware that is a boy and I have read so much dodging involving us over and I don't know why I enjoy it and so just based up to the fact that all the doujins I've read honest although mostly him on top I'm going to put him around round yeah I'd say yeah I think I think I think that's a good position for him right there because he's he's sometimes at the top sometimes at the bottom but he's also in that area of like oh I'm a little bit sexually confused as to what I should think all right who's next I don't like equal me Oh again this is hard I've said in a previous video I'm pretty sure that me personally I'm not too fond of reading doujins on series that I really really enjoy so the monogatari series is one of my favorite series like ever and so I actually try and avoid reading one of the Tyra series doujins of any character because I don't want the characters to be tarnished right I want them to stay pure and not in the the grubby little hands of the Dorjan world so it's really hard to say because I've never looked at other oggi you know in a sexual way of whether he would be at the top or the bottom so I'm probably going to put him in here because he's neither a top or a bottom and I would have wanted to sleep with him if I had the choice but you know he is a good-looking boy so hey it's gonna be hard to decline when the offer comes around up next is um I know you did it well first of all this boys absolutely at the bottom are you [ __ ] kidding me even when he was with you know who was a full fledged female he was a hard hard bottom so I think regardless of whoever else decides to be with him he's gonna be a hard hard bottom for the rest of his life now I personally am NOT a huge fan of Yuki's personality and I think it's single-handedly ruined me or any key for me and for a lot of people so I'm definitely putting him on the lower end of this bactrim here but i'm also putting him as a hard hard bottom so here I'm gonna snuggle alright who's next ah yeah again not keen definitely wouldn't if I had the choice because I [Music] don't like staying in jail and I'm not even sure how old this boy is like he's a younger than Norman I mean it not that it really makes a difference I'm just gonna sneak you right next to Norman there yeah let's let's go right here you are so bottom that you are just off the chart alright who's next alright now you might be thinking I've never seen that anime before Joey and if you are one of those people then congratulations you still have a very pure heart but for those of you who do know Rance he's the main character from a series called Rance a quest for Hikari which is also a hentai and let me tell you what this boy is a hard hard top like any good anti protagonist is and you know what he may be a little rough around the edges but he looks good he can treat me well so I'm gonna put him like around around here I think that I think that's a good spot for him all right who's next god damn it Cordy listen I got nothing against Cory you know he is part of the greatest anime of all time but I again I don't want to go to jail but he looks like he's a top so I'm gonna put him next to the next dope cometa right there yeah we got a few more who else oh look it's my favorite anime character see don't be a would I [ __ ] Connor yeah and right there you go my boy and finally it's me this is the hardest question that I've ever had to answer on this channel would I [ __ ] myself I mean some can argue that I've already done that years ago okay but listen this is technically not myself right it's technically my avatar so the question is what I [ __ ] my avatar and I've seen some I've seen some yaoi fan out of my avatar and not to stroke my own ego here but god damn I'm hot so yeah absolutely would I [ __ ] you as much as Connor probably not so I'll put you right yeah and there you have it guys that is my [ __ ] made a chart for anime boy characters it's pretty evenly spread I think I'm looking over at this right now and everything is is pretty justified I think hopefully that answered the question as to what kind of sexual preference I have when it comes to anime boys here you go use this for reference the next time that you want to ask me hey Joey do you think so and so will animate characters hot if it falls anywhere within these lines then you have your answer but guys let me know what you think in the comments below I'm looking forward to the comments section for this video and again guys if you'd like to make one of your own then go back earlier in the video to when I gave you the opportunity to screenshot the empty graph fill in as many anime characters as you want it can be girls it can be boys it can be nonhumans or whatever you want my dude and if you're brave enough to put it out onto the Internet and send it to me over on my Twitter then you can do that if this video ends up having any ads then it's gonna be a goddamn miracle so what if you like this video please be sure to slap a like on it just so I know that you guys want weird [ __ ] like this from me and thanks for watching me out my sexuality live on the Internet thanks guys I'm gonna end up there thanks for watching like varied if you enjoyed subscribe for any or Banta and keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,105,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Which, Anime, Boy, Would, I Sleep, With?, tier, list, smash or pass
Id: e0eEsuTtizU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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