r/Maliciouscompliance I Played a Reverse Uno and Fired My Boss!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where Opie gets his boss fired during holidays my brother usually stays in his room and Minds his own business he doesn't like to interact with people and stays at his room watching anime when school holidays come my mom gave us chores to do like throwing trash cleaning the plates and vacuuming the house and he wanted to throw out the trash but my mom instructed him to vacuum the house to exercise he's overweight but not obese he argued but lost to my mom the next day at 5:00 a.m. he woke all of us up by vacuuming the house my mom asked him what the hell he's doing and he replied that he was vacuuming the house my mom wasn't impressed and told him to sleep but at 5:30 a.m. he woke all of us up again with a vacuum he claimed he had slept for 30 minutes and was eager to vacuum the house my mom then gave in and told him to just throw the trash out every morning our next reddit post is from art of roast to start I work at a data center regulated by a military company we have a very strict no phone policy since this policy was made by the company it basically trumps everyone's position in the office my desk is located near my boss who has an office when he gets in he has meeting after meeting to go to so it's typical for him to come in for his stuff down and leave for the day's meetings the thing is he has the annoying habit of leaving his phone on the desk on loud so when his alarm goes off it blares out everything else I'm a Systems Administrator so my job is to help users with our access to our systems part of this is calling them and when I do they tell me all the time that they couldn't hear me over the alarm our clients are all over the world and some even deemed a disrespectful from all the background noise one day when my boss had done his typical routine of leaving I asked him if he could turn off his alarm I've been getting complaints from the users son when you're in my position you can do whatever you want so shut up and do what I pay you for I have no choice because I honestly don't know what to do in this situation anyway he leaves and I carry on I get a call from one of our top clients in Japan about one of our users having trouble accessing applications midway through this call my boss's phone alarm goes off again and the user starts complaining about the call experience I had enough and told the user to give me a few seconds so I could silence the phone alarm obviously I can't get into the phone so I press any key that usually silences alarms while I'm doing this the boss walks in and catches me what the flip are you doing in my office I had to get the F out and don't ever touch my stuff again or you're fired you contract your piece of garbage sir our Japanese clients are complaining about the background noise and call quality you heard me don't touch my stuff and let them complain I'm the boss here he also added that if anyone wanted to challenge him try it I'm thick-skinned but this moment I was heated I sat down close my eyes and took a deep breath I looked down on my desk to see a flashing light indicating someone on the phone and I had completely forgotten about the client on the other end I picked up the phone and turned meat off so the user could hear me again before the user could even speak my boss's alarm starts going off the user eventually hangs up from frustration queue malicious compliance I got the great idea that if I could get enough users to complain about the phone something could happen about 80% of the calls I took had the alarm noise in the background I went as far as to roll my chair as close to my boss's door as possible for the alarm to be as loud as possible users begged me to turn it off but I told them I couldn't I honestly wasn't trying to be a dick to users but my hands were tied and the boss wouldn't do anything I needed to either leave or make him leave users kept complaining I kept refusing to touch the phone they started submitting bad reviews for me until one day I get an email to meet our HR rep about my performance as we went over everything I noted that it was my boss's phone and that's what the users were complaining about oh I mentioned I couldn't touch it either and how he was threatening to fire me the HR reps jaw dropped I don't know immediately what happened but by the end of the day I get another email stating that the boss didn't work there anymore and to disable his account and secure his common access card I processed this request with the biggest grand cheek-to-cheek I found out later that it was the phone not the bad language that he got fired for also for anyone who doesn't know if you get caught with your phone in a secure location they take it and don't give it back due to the risk of compromised data he had a brand new iPhone 11 pro max down in the comments a bunch people were discussing trying to figure out why he would need so many alarms clearly it was his time to be a douchebag alarm our next reddit post is from double Peaks JJ several years ago I went to return a library book to discover that a drink had spilled on it in my bag the librarian handling returns sighed and said I'd have to have the damage assessed of course the result was I had to pay for the book after an eternity of checking queuing and searching the system for a price I paid 13 pounds 50 pins despite the RRP printed on the back being 899 pounds she takes the book and is about to drop it in the returns bin with all the other normal returns when I say hang on I paid for it that's my book now right she shrugs and says sure but then starts to remove the property of city library sticker as she pulls at it the page starts to tear whoa don't damage my book now I quip she glared back at me as if I was really pushing it and continued to pull in probably the only moments of my life my brain worked fast enough I came out with if you damage my book in any way I'll have to charge you for that she let out a squealing noise and stormed off into the back staff only area then returned with her boss who thrust the book in my hand and says just take it and leave Opie that librarian had it coming and we have a similar story from tangled up life down in the comments my mom did that with a textbook once the Vice Principal was truly awful my mom went over her head to the superintendent once and from then on the VP hated her my mom had five kids in the school so they had clashes quite often well my brother was being charged for a damage book so damaged my mom had to pay the replacement value it was absolutely damaged but not totaled my mum argued it with the teacher a couple of times and then was referred to the vice principal she went to the office and ended up paying for the book my mom said okay I'd like to have my book please the vice-principal said but we're going to use it again next year you just charged me for it because it was too damaged for you to use next year I paid forward and I'd like my book please the vice-principal grudgingly hands it over my mom rips all the pages out of the book and tosses them in the VP's office trash cannon Thanks our next reddit post is from Eric Cartman is when I was 19 years old and a fresh high school graduate or my country's equivalent I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life the one thing I did know is that I needed money so I started applying for all kinds of jobs after a few days of writing applications going to interviews and waiting nervously for replies I was hired as a full-time sales assistant at an international company making smart phones TVs and other electronic gadgets said company was in the process of opening their first official store in my country and I as I was hired about three months before they were due to open helped them however I could I created one pagers basically posters that shows all the hardware inside a device plus a picture translated manuals put security tags on products etc whatever they wanted me to do I did sometimes until late at night still foolishly thinking that this initiative would maybe be recognized in one shape or another alongside me they hired four other people three more sales assistants and a store manager all of whom were young and ambitious just like me the grand opening went very well business was booming for the first two weeks and everything seemed fine that's where the problem started the first thing we realized we didn't have were guidelines on how to handle returns and warranty cases as the company's electronics had been available online long before the store opened some people now started bringing in their devices to get them fixed or swapped out none of which we knew how to handle this annoyed a lot of customers being given the information that only devices bought at our specific store would be handled under warranty only made things worse for us we were getting abuse on a daily basis that ranged from curse words to death threats once we even had to call security because a customer was threatening us this dress cost one of my colleagues to quit understandably this as it turned out was only the tip of the iceberg some of the other problems we had included having a break room with no access to fresh water no fridge no microwave and of course no bathroom all-big no knows where I live resupply came in sporadically at best sometimes we were resupplied twice a week sometimes there were no deliveries for three weeks making it very hard for us to tell our customers when their devices would be arriving the store manager was so incompetent he couldn't even finish our schedules three days in advance although giving the schedule two weeks in advance is mandatory one of my colleagues thought F this about a month after our grand opening and went on sick leave which where I live basically gives you immunity from getting fired so now we were two men down the bosses upstairs apparently wanted us to provide tech support over the phone which again none of us were trained to do we did our best but only really ended up with more threats in addition to having our official store number constantly blocked by these calls also we were expected to take over social media communications as well meaning we now had to answer questions on Facebook Twitter Instagram etc putting even more strain on our small team in the end the manager couldn't deal with the stress anymore and broke down about two months after opening he even sought psychological counseling after quitting well I was sad to see him go I thought that now my time had come to prove myself I took over most of his duties still only earning about half of what the manager made naively I worked 60 to 70 hour weeks for almost three months straight still thinking that this would somehow pay off I made sure to tell my bosses how much more I did then we agreed upon in my contract but they didn't seem to care that is until our sales figures dropped all of a sudden I had two of them coming to the store unannounced basically drag me into a back room and start lecturing me on how badly the store is performing the conversation went something like this so why would you say the store's sales performance his job so much since the manager left well a lot of customers are unhappy with the way we our products are very competitive why are you still struggling to sell them me slightly disgruntled well sir as I was trying to say the customers are not happy with our service and running a store with almost two employees is almost impossible if we could hire two more assistants maybe we could focus better on our numbers the interviews for these positions are ongoing you will have new employees soon but you were hired for a reason so would you just do your Epping job yes sir after that meeting I felt defeated doing all this extra work staying late taking responsibility for things I had no business taking responsibility for the threats the uncertainty the stress the sleep deprivation all for nothing and that's when it clicked in my head if those guys they wanted me to do my job fine from now on I would do exactly what my job description says nothing more nothing less the next day I came in early open the store everything normal until the first tech support call came in I picked up the phone and after listening to what the caller wanted told them that I was only a sales assistant and therefore not qualified to answer their questions hanging up the phone without saying goodbye a postman came in with some special documents for the store manager requiring a signature I said nope sorry not gonna sign that I'm not a manager after being formed that these were court documents and need to be signed for immediately I just shrugged and said not my problem just doing my job here man later that day after my colleague had arrived we got a delivery of new product for the store the delivery guy handed me a manifest asking for a signature again I declined stating that I was just doing my job and the manager would have to sign that after making it clear to him that there wasn't a manager on site he left taking all the new product with him product which we desperately needed I was beyond caring at this point about 15 minutes later I got a call from boss one asking me why no one had sign for the delivery I told him that as there was no manager on site nobody there was allowed to sign that document after a few choice words he hung up the phone and I went back to work chatting with customers and generally not caring about anything half an hour later boss 1 & 2 descended onto me they rushed into the store demanding an explanation for my behavior I simply replied I'm just doing my job sir just like you asked me to do what the f do you mean then why has nobody accepted today's delivery or the documents we've sent you well that's the manager's job I'm not a manager yes you effing are what the hell are you talking about uh no not only would my pay be pretty poor for all the work I'm doing my contract clearly states that I'm a sales assistant and as such shall only fulfill duties related to that position and who the hell is supposed to do the manager's job if not for you I don't know but I would gladly do it if you doubled my salary of course hahaha he actually laughed in my face who the hell do you think you are we can have you replaced with someone cheaper in a heartbeat okay then go ahead I quit effective immediately bye and then I just left my remaining colleague upon hearing me quit also quit immediately leaving our former bosses wide-eyed with no employees to run their store I had also taken the liberty of informing the Board of Health and labor about our working conditions as well as getting myself legal counseling for some issues related to bonuses not being paid out the store ended up having to completely shut down for about two weeks until they had a skeleton crew back together to run it the kicker about a month after I quit and with my lawsuit for unpaid wages now pending I got a call from boss one telling me he wanted to accept my offer of doubling my salary to become a store manager he said no one was willing to take the job now that word got around how awful things are in the store the following conversation ensued frankly boss one I used his first name here just to piss him off I don't much like getting laughed at so I'm afraid if you want me to come back you're gonna have to quadruple my initial pay what are you insane we can't afford that how are we suppose one I really don't but I've got an idea how about you pull your head out of boss two's butt and just do your effing job click I love how they complain about not being able to afford paying their employees but in reality what they really can't afford is having their stores shut down indefinitely if they just pay these people a reasonable salary to begin with they would have made so much more money are you next reddit post is from RD 42 back story back in 2010 I had my left eye removed due to cancer it's no big problem but obviously my field of vision on that side is not quite what it was on with the story I visited a local convenience store to pick up a couple of items it's a very small store and there's no clear area to queue just to narrow aisles in front of the counter at right angles to each other I collected my stuff and walked up to the counter just as someone was leaving it I heard a small noise on my left and realized I had gone in front of someone waiting in the other aisle I apologized stepped back and said I can't see on that side the guy smiled but clearly didn't believe me and wanted to say so although he didn't possibly because he had a young girl probably about 10 years old with him there was an unspoken oh yeah prove it I was in a silly mood so I took my prosthetic eye out and showed it to him he was a bit shocked the girl thought it was cool I replaced my eye and let him finish buying his stuff then we had this this really good story from Eric the right candidate down in the comments this is my favorite story of all time we played a lot of euchre in high school we would sit in the cafeteria so you'd be sitting next to your opponent making cheating really easy if you were so inclined one day Petey was sitting to Nikki's left and said to Nikki Nikki stop looking at my cards PD I can't look at your cards even if I want to what do you mean that's silly Petey I lost my left eye to cancer when I was three can't even see right now at this point Petey was mortified just absolutely embarrassed he decided to make a quick joke to ease attention so Nicky I hear your mom is hot Petey my mom died of cancer when I was 12 it feels so awkward to laugh there but oh my god this poor Petey at this point our fearless protagonist knew when he was defeated he dropped his cards and made us retreat from the cafeteria never to be seen again our next reddit post is from your Pokemon my roommate my attended University where were given 250 page per semester to print as part of our attendance well we hardly used it since we have our own printer so we went over to the print room and asked if we could have our 500 pages they said that the pages were only for printing and not a quantity of letter paper we were entitled to so we said okay we then went to two of the computers in the print room open word to a blank document and printed our pages out we then walked out with that thick stack of paper without being noticed there has not been and there will likely not be any fallout don't you just love it how universities charge fifty thousand dollars per semester and then nickel and dime you over paper that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,069,254
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: -9MxttPkuXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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