r/Prorevenge Employee Plays Reverse Uno on Smug Boss "No, YOU'RE Fired!" Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our / / revenge where an employee absolutely destroys the career of her terrible boss guys I know this is long but I assure you this is a juicy one I was working with a business-to-business sales company we sold services to companies basically and this company had managed to hire the most incompetent lazy and jealous sales manager I have ever come across we were a team of five sales people and a sales manager all five of us sales people hated our sales manager for various reasons but we liked her personally I was the top salesperson on the team I was sitting at a hundred and seventy percent of my yearly objective and was well on my way to President's Club this is largely because I was the only sales person on the team with real sales experience and the sales manager was too incompetent to train a team so my VP came down for our yearly performance reviews and I was called in first it was my VP and mrs. B short for the B word I was expecting a positive performance review right off the bat miss B hit me with hope e you know our location hasn't been performing at objective for a number of years and we suspect this is because salespeople are misrepresenting their daily work I'm taken aback Opie I don't think you were actually doing what you say you were doing in your CRM this is something that could get you fired I looked at miss B and I said really she said yeah I hit her back with I'm shocked you decided to go this route miss B with a confident smile said we gotta do what it takes to get this location on objective I said all right let's play a game miss B pick a day any day in the crm and let me prove to you that I went to all my appointments and did all my stops as recorded well Opie I'm not saying you never go in the field I just think some days you stay at home and put in BS notes in the CRM I said miss B pick a day any day pick a day you think I lied about my sales activities so miss B picks a day now I'm smiling ear-to-ear and I'm freaking heated right now I noticed the VP is smiling at me and his head is slanted to one side I suspected he knew miss Bea was about to get absolutely freakin owned and he was right so she gives me the day and I turn to the VP mr. VP are you aware of how Android phones work VP responds enlighten me I said by default Android has location services turned on and in fact Google will track where you went and win naturally I carry my phone everywhere so let's compare what Google says I did that day to what my crm says so I pull out my Google location services for that day and surprise surprise it's a match miss Bea is obviously very concerned at this point I said I'm actually quite enjoying this performance review let's pick another day miss Bea miss Bea fires back we don't need to do that I turn to the VP mr. VP would you mind picking a day he says sure what about such and such date he pulls up my CRM I pull my location services for that day guess what it's a match I didn't get ready to pull out the big guns mr. VP do you remember company XYZ with a contract value of excess of 1 million that we lost recently yes OPI remember apparently our competitor won them over on price we can't win them all mr. VP here's an email from their VP basically stating that they've decided not to go with us for our failure to provide 3 samples for them to decide on which product works best for them Opie can you Ford that to me sure not a problem mr. VP i forward it over mr. VP while I'm at this let me forward you over several email chains before this where I clearly asked mrs. B to order those samples in fact in those very same email chains she confirmed that she had in fact ordered the sample he asked me to forward those emails to him so I did now mr. VP I had our service department look to see if any orders have been placed for those samples no orders were actually placed he said I'm going to look into this miss bee is freaking sweating mother freaking bullets at this my performance review has just turned into her performance review and things are not going right mr. VP I have one more thing I'd like to bring to your attention do you mind if I step outside for a minute so I can show you he said sure I need to have a talk with mrs. B anyway now I need to mention that several years prior to this a general manager at another location raped a woman the company was sued and lost a lot of money because of this since this incident the company put in a very clear cut policy no sexual relations between management and people who work for them it's immediate termination for the manager now another sales consultant in the office was named Joe Joe was a married man with two beautiful kids and mrs. B had the hots for him she tried to have sex with him multiple times twice on text Joe and I had talked about if he should report this transgression I walked through the sales office and said Joe I think it's time we get a new sales manager you got those texts he looks at me and goes is today going to be the day I said today is going to be the day all the sales staff knew what was going on the mood in the office was lifted Joe and I began walking back to the conference room when the location manager who was not a part of the performance review saw Joe and I he asked what's going on and Joe said you're going to need to hire a new sales manager soon location manager was confused he said he's coming into the meeting and we said fine I knocked on the door mr. VP said come on in so I did there we stood Joe myself and the location manager mrs. B knew exactly what was about to happen we all took our seats and I asked the VP mr. VP I just want to clarify a company policy sure is it true that if a manager tried to engage in a sexual relationship with a direct report that its immediate termination for that manager mr. VP sits up straight takes a moment and goes yes if something like that came to my attention my hands would be tied I'd have to fire the manager I said well Joe has something he wants to show you mrs. B got up and walk out of the conference room she was about to cry you could tell her world her career had just completely wrecked and I don't think she wanted to be around for the end Joe went on to tell the VP how he's a happily married man with two beautiful kids and mrs. B kept hitting on him in fact she had sent him numerous sexual texts and on two occasions openly invited him to come have sex with her once in the office and once at his home even after he made it clear he wasn't going to have sex with her mr. VP asked to see the text and Joe provided them the VP asked him to screenshot those and email those over joe said he would then the VP said I'm going to need both of you to go back to the sales office the location manager and I have some talking to do we walked back into the sales office I noticed the sales manager office had looked cleaned out apparently mrs. B was bawling she was a wreck and crying and said she was going home Joe laughed and said yeah she won't be coming back it was about 20 to 25 minutes when the VP came into the sales office and asked me to come to the conference room again so I did i sat down and the VP said well I would like to inform you that mrs. B has been terminated effective immediately with this being said after your performance review and looking over your numbers you are our top sales rep in this location and deserve nothing short of stellar remarks on your review and you'll be getting that I said thank you I do have one question he said sure anything how do I apply for the new sales manager job that just opened up mr. VP laughed and said you sure do like to strike while the iron is hot don't you I said I do he said he would let the location manager know and I'd be able to put my application and I think Timoney said no thank you in my 35 years of being in sales and sales management that was by far the most interesting performance review I have ever witnessed I did not end up getting promoted I ended up quitting shortly after this I ended up quitting shortly after this because they decided to not promote me and instead hired a guy with no sales experience to be our sales manager and this rubbed me the wrong way also our service department sucked and couldn't deliver on what I was selling and another and he offered me more money hello thank you for joining us are you ready for your performance review yes I'm very ready in fact I've taken the liberty of preparing a document I don't understand why did you just hand me an Ono card yes that was a reverse card welcome to your performance review I've had a year ago I was working behind the counter for a liquor store it wasn't particularly busy and my boss was stacking shelves nearby when entitled customer walks in she gets several bottles of alcohol and comes up to the counter I ask tomates under 20 good evening before I serve you do you have a valid ID I don't need ID I'm 25 I'm sorry ma'am but I'm required by law to cite ID from all customers that may be underage well I don't have any ID just sell me that alcohol I'm sorry if you don't have valid ID I cannot serve you so entitled customer goes absolutely ape she screams at me calling me amongst other things a pedophile a rapist and a fat piece of doodoo I'm sorry that you feel that way but I'll have to ask you to leave this store still screaming invective at me and then the manager as she leaves the store as this is not an unusual occurrence the boss and I laugh it off and get back to work thinking no more of it so fast-forward about a week I'm working again when the boss calls me to the office to get a phone call from HR hi what can I do for you we received a complaint from a customer that you were exceptionally rude to her on this date due to this we've signed you up to a mandatory course on customer service it's at such-and-such time and date hang on a second I grabbed my phone and switch on the record function sorry could you repeat that the HR guy repeats it my manager was here for that incident he'll confirm that I was not rude to that customer yes he said that nonetheless you have to attend the customer service course it's mandatory hang on so you are trying to tell me that my manager and I are lying no but we got a complaint so you have to do the course so let me get this straight despite the fact I was not rude to the customer and my manager says I was not rude to the customer and she was literally lying about it I have to attend a course on customer service yes do you know what workplace bullying is what workplace bullying what why you are punishing me for an event that did not happen that qualifies as workplace bullying I suggest you take me off this customer service mandatory course I can't do that you have to attend it no problem I quit I'll see you in court I should mention that this call has been recorded for quality and training purposes I put the phone down and chat with a manager for a few minutes while he tries to calm me down from the incandescent rage I'm feeling a few minutes later the phone rings again it's HR supervisor we stick it on speaker and I record again the HR supervisor says what is this all about so I explain what HR told me and he questioned the manager and myself after a few minutes back and forth he says ok I'll take you off the course that's not good enough what I'm a victim of workplace bullying I'm taking you to court that's hardly necessary we fixed the problem right no I've been insulted and then told that the company does not trust me nor does it trust my manager I'd prefer to take my chances in court as I have direct evidence of workplace bullying what can we do to resolve this two things I'd like a raise and you to personally send a memo to everyone saving that they cannot just send people on mandatory training courses unless there is actual evidence that wrongdoing has occurred I'll see what I can do anyway I got a small raise and a memo was sent out requiring review a customer complaints before any mandatory training was required of staff so I took the win the boss and I had a good laugh about it and he admired my bravery and standing up to the dreaded HR what pisses me off most though is the thought of how many staff had to attend mandatory training for something that was entirely the fault of some entitled customer bizarrely this entitled customer was actually a force of good in the world she caused positive reform in a company and she got Opie a raise if people got a raise every single time an entitled person complained about them then retail worker would probably be the highest paid position in America I work in a hobby shop that mostly sells stuff related to RC the story is about a block away from a school so we have a lot of kids that come by one day one of our most frequent customers nice kid comes in with his Rock Crawler asking if the warranty would cover the damage the front end of the car is completely destroyed to the point where I doubt it if any of the car could be salvageable I asked him how this happened he mumbles something along the lines of I just crashed it you know unfortunately the warranty wouldn't cover that I inform him of such and he just completely breaks down I talked to him and got him to calm down he wiped his eyes and told me the tale of what happened to it nearby there was a little open area forest it's got a shallow stream a few fallen logs and plenty of boulders this area is the absolute dream and as a well-kept secret among RC enthusiasts in our area or at least it was nice kid had been having some trouble in school with a group of bullies the day prior nice kid had gone out to the woods and unbeknownst to him he was followed by the ringleader of the bully group entitled teen nice kid was minding his own business when the entitle team came running into the clearing and smashed the car a few times with a baseball bat now the car nice kid had was really nice I mean really nice if I remember correctly it was the six by six piece from RC 4wd the car costs about four hundred dollars and with the modifications nice kid made it was easily or something in the 1k range he had been saving for years to be able to afford it which is why he had the warranty in the first place I told nice kid to wait there and I went to go talk with boss my boss had been into the Hobby since he was about ten and completely understood nice kid situation but we couldn't cover the cost alone I then had a bright idea what if we contacted in title teens parents we could get them to cover half and we could cover the rest entitled teen came and sometimes to buy spray paint and had tried to steal some a few times so we had his parents phone number on file I called them up and explained to his parent what happened she was completely understanding and says she would bring in title teen over to discuss this later in the afternoon they arrived shortly after and I bring them into the back where I have my manager and nice kids sitting at a table I explained the situation and the ensuing conversation goes something like this I'm sorry to have to bring you into this ma'am but you're sun-damaged nice kids carved pretty badly and we need you to cover some of the costs I completely understand I am sure entitled teen didn't mean to do that but I'm willing to help reimburse the cost I ignored the comment about entitled teen and continued so I've got the receipts for nice kids purchases of the parts damage and we need you to cover about $400 worth of parts does that sound reasonable the entitle teen said I didn't damage it that bad that's impossible I can get an RC car like that at Walmart for $50 yes but this sort of thing is much higher quality and we have grounds to ask you for the full price of the vehicle we are being extremely generous by only asking for $400 we have proof of the cost if you like I'm not paying that take $20 and I'm leaving ma'am we can take this to small claims court it needs be well now I'm not paying anything just replace it and I'll be on my way and with that the mom and her heck child left my boss got in contact with a lawyer and talked with him about it he was told that without concrete evidence of entitle teen damaging the car we didn't have a leg to stand on so boss and I hatched a plan we inform nice kid of our plan he got a huge grin on his face and offered to help we have lots of spare parts around and nice kid had an extra body for the Beast we take an old chassis extend it with some plywood and mount the body on it we slap on some cheap electronics hardware and importantly a GoPro and a can of spray paint we then get into contact with some of the other kids that regularly come to the shop and it has made clear that entitled teen doing this was not an isolated incident we discovered that he even did this to adults perfect nice kid enters the woods to set the trap he drove the car round a bit and soon enough entitled teen appears baseball bat in hand he tells nice kid that he's gonna pay and proceeds to smash the car again stating that this job won't replace it now the spray paint can burst an entitled teen is covered in pain he screams and runs away the next day the mom is in with entitled teeing saying how she is going to sue us for aggravated assault and that she is going to make us pay for what we did so we took to court we now had evidence that entitled teen smashes other people's RC cars and we even managed to get testimonials from a few people that entitled teen had done this before the mom tried to use a spray paint trap as something like intentional assault but she had no foot to stand on and the judge ruled that it was self-defense the case was ruled in our favor and teen mom was forced to pay about $1,200 for the cost of the car and damages but best of all she also had to pay over three thousand dollars to cover the damage and title teen had done to other people's cars lady how on earth is it assault if your kid gets injured by attacking someone else's property that's like saying I'm gonna sue you because I hurt my fist when I punched you in the face that was our slash pro revenge and if you liked this video please be sure to LIKE and subscribe because it really does help me out
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Id: gf0yRwpE5tQ
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Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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