r/Maliciouscompliance "I CHEATED ON YOU, SO GIVE ME YOUR CAR!"

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where op listens to his stupid boss our next reddit post is from foobar back when i was working at a small company the company didn't really have a ton of support staff so i'd take a break from the various programming tasks i was doing and help out the manager of the support team was completely unqualified and basically got the job because he was also the head of sales and it was a customer-facing team he was also a lazy luddite who refused to learn how things work and generally made our lives much more difficult one day i was covering on the support desk because they were short staffed and i got a call from him that he needed his password changed i was confused at first and started to walk him through the steps on how to change it himself and he shouted angrily no god dang it just change it write it down in a post-it note and give it to me and then he hung up so i sat there for a minute and remembered that i don't report to him at all so i changed his password for him i made it 18 characters long and it was a combination of uppercase i lowercase l 1 exclamation mark and tall bracket he was not happy especially after he mistyped enough times to lock his computer and he couldn't log in for the rest of the day because the support guy who had the access to do a hard password reset was out for the day guys how many times do i have to say this don't mess with the it guy at work and then down in the comments we have a similar story from the mcp only 18 characters my boss once got pissy about something and demanded control access to the very sensitive system that we had built for the company we had given him an account which would allow him to see all the summaries but he wanted control of everything which would allow him to destroy the company in a heartbeat if he did something stupid and i knew that he wasn't technically qualified to have this kind of access he absolutely demanded it and i'd be fired if i didn't give him the password for the super user account at once so i brought him a printout of the username and password the username was 80 characters of gibberish with the word cabbages in the middle of it no particular reason just to make him wonder why the password was composed entirely of uppercase i lowercase l 1 tall bracket 0 and uppercase o 300 characters of it i never heard a peep about it again and then of course the next comment is my cabbages our next reddit post is from a blackbird named jude so my last relationship was beyond bad he was all sorts of abusive and controlling at one point i had the strength to break up with him but then we got back together after we discussed some things stupid i know but yeah that's just how love is well anyways one of the things that we agreed on was that he and i would stop drinking alcohol because he was beyond crazy aggressive when he drank and i wanted to support his sobriety this is really important fast forward about 8 months or so and we got into a huge fight and i not only broke up with him i kicked him out of the house and told him he wasn't ever allowed back inside we've been living together for over a year at this point so his mom got in touch with me about getting his stuff while on the phone with her i could hear him in the background saying make sure they get everything that i own or bought i want it all back apparently even stuff he gifted me he wanted back but honestly i didn't care i was happy to get rid of anything related to him while cleaning our room up and gathering everything i started to come across numerous bottles and cans of alcohol it seems that he had been drinking again for a while and was hiding the evidence in the room i mean he was hiding them under the bed in his guitar case rolled up in his clothes and some old backpacks of mine and so on and so on he did say he wanted everything of his so any bottle in the few unopened cans i found went straight into one of the garbage bags of his stuff by the time i gathered everything up i had three bags of stuff and one was basically just all the alcohol dropping them off was just so satisfying he actually called moments after i left his parents place ranting about how petty and immature i was being my response well you wanted all your stuff back and those definitely weren't mine plus i figured you'd probably need a drink to deal with a breakup i promptly ended the call and blocked him on everything the most satisfying thing i've ever done our next reddit post is from dorky dad i work as a supervisor at a manufacturing plant and i was hired for an eight hour shift as a nighttime supervisor as soon as i started they changed our mind and said they really considered the shift to be from 11 pm to 7 30. so they would need it to be 8 and a half hours i'm salaried there wasn't much i could do and it wasn't a big deal so i said okay as i get into a group working there i find out that the second supervisor shift is a train wreck no one would describe him to me they just said that i had to meet him he leaves an hour or two early from his shift two to three times a week friday nights he leaves the plane at 5 30 and tells him to call him if there are any problems he calls out at minimum once a week it's psychotic every time that he's out i come in at around 8pm to cover the last three hours of his shift and my full shift at least once a week i do it i figure the company is gonna deal with this guy but as time passes they obviously don't structurally the company is just as bad as he is infighting rivalries backstabbing all of that but i work night so i don't see much of it then sarah starts as my boss i actually have two bosses which is how every successful employee works sarah is a nightmare sarah wants me to work 11 p.m to 11 a.m on monday tuesday wednesday and 11 p.m to 10 a.m on friday i dig in my heels document like crazy and after a couple of months of harassment hr finally backs me up and she has to stop but now sarah is angry and she sees me leaving 15 minutes early one morning after i came in two hours early she sends me an email clarifying our time expectations the second shift trainwreck doesn't come in that night so i come in at 8pm and the next morning sarah sees me leave 20 minutes early i get an email saying that she's coming in early to talk to me and when she shows up i'm getting a formal warning for my early departures that's going into my personnel file i've never been written up in my life during the meeting with hr in attendance she said that i'm expected to be there for my eight and a half hour shift i made sure that the expectation was on record for an eight and a half hour shift which hr documented the next week the second shift supervisor is out for two days after the first day sarah asked me the next morning why i didn't come in early since there were problems with this shift and i said that i fulfilled my eight and a half hour shift so i'm not responsible for his they had to hire a contractor at 125 an hour to cover all of his missed time which amounted to 19 weeks this past year eventually they hired a fourth supervisor at 85 000 per year to cover his gaps sarah got demoted and i only ever work eight and a half hours op if i were you i'd go and update my resume because this company sounds like a train that's barreling towards a cliff our next reddit post is from jada when i was a teaching assistant i used to work as a substitute teacher for very unruly classes that is to say the classes that licensed teachers wouldn't accept i had full responsibility i worked all the hours and my numbers showed that my class was making great progress i just had some bad luck that caused me to not finish teaching college at that time because i didn't have my license my boss came to me one day and talked about how i was too uneducated and inexperienced to teach and that i must have had someone else telling me what to do i told her i didn't but she didn't believe me and she told me that she'll be watching me like an eagle to see if i was fraudulent that is changing grades and stuff i never did anything to my students i'm not a cruel person and i didn't want anyone implying that i wasn't doing my job as expected all of my students graduated with scores higher than what you would have expected beforehand but i started to behave like a beginner student teacher to my boss only i asked really stupid questions like how can i make my class quiet i'm really too uneducated to know so can you please help this teacher out by showing me i knew fully well that my formerly disruptive class would never listen to her i called her for everything a parent wanting to talk to me a kid who fell down and needed a band-aid anything i made sure to tell her that i was too uneducated and inexperienced to handle such a task and i needed to observe a true pro work my colleagues got in on it too they started pointing out everything that i wasn't allowed to do but was still expected to do and told my boss that she was being very fraudulent by expecting me to do these things in the meantime i was discussing gamification the need for programming in english and primary school showing other colleagues new teaching methods and digital assistants all the goodies after six weeks she was done she called me to her office and apologized to me for saying that i was too uneducated and inexperienced and she also said how she was renewing my contract and got some budget to pay for half of my studies i was happy to tell her that i had already gotten a new job that would pay for me to get my license and i would get creative freedom without being watched like an eagle that was two years ago i almost have my license and i still work at that awesome school that hired me after the allegations of being uneducated and experienced at my old job i even got a reward and a trophy from the board for doing exceptional work and obtaining goals with my students in my experience the single best way to get your manager to appreciate you is to get them to help you do your work because they don't want to help you with your work sure they're supposed to help you with your work because that's part of their job but no one actually wants to do it because deep down most managers are just plain lazy so the second that op made her boss actually do her job and help her do these things she was like i give up i give up please i don't want to do this work our next reddit post is from mcpucks i was in my first semester of college working at my first full-time job i was taking phone calls one day when i received a phone call that went something like this hello thank you for calling hello i'm calling to complain your office provided dentures for my grandmother and you charged her far too much for them i'm sorry about that but this isn't but nothing how can you possibly treat an elderly person this way you clearly took advantage of her and excuse me if i can say something real quick no do not interrupt me i have something to say to you people you should be ashamed of yourselves so i did as they asked i didn't interrupt this continued for a solid 45 minutes they laid into me hard she was very upset about the way that her grandmother was treated she was fully justified i might add her grandmother was treated horribly and was very clearly taken advantage of with her procedure they come to the end of their rant i'll be reporting your office for their behavior what do you have to say for yourself well i'm terribly sorry for how your grandma was treated that's horrible and nobody should take advantage of the elderly that way but i'm afraid that you have the wrong number that's what i was trying to tell you this isn't such and such dental practice no this is another business we build websites for dental practices the dental practice you mentioned is our client big reveal my job was tech support agent for a dental website company somehow this person got our phone number from the practice's website and since they were deaf into rage they wouldn't listen when i tried to inform them they apologized for wasting my time and wish me a good day i thanked her for her apology wished him an equally good day and had a very good laugh with my co-workers once they hung up and op ads in an edit a lot of people have asked why didn't you just hang up and to that i say if i hung up they were just gonna call back again but angrier two it was very entertaining three since i knew they had a wrong number i didn't really have to pay close attention to what they were saying so i just kind of took a 45 minute break and browse the internet four at least i didn't have to talk to an actual angry customer for 45 minutes and for those who insinuate that it was bad work ethic to waste company time or spend 45 minutes on a wrong number call well yeah you're not wrong welcome to customer service i used to take smoke breaks just to get away from angry customer phone calls and emails and i don't smoke our next reddit post is from bark my ex-wife and i broke up because she cheated so our separation was quite tumultuous she still hadn't apologized for the act of cheating and still denied it even though i knew beyond any reasonable doubt that she did it i was incredibly hurt at the time and i'll admit that i wasn't acting my best but i still tried to treat her fairly when she left we agreed that she would take over the payment for our car because she needed it for work our other car was totally paid off and i couldn't afford the payment on the one that she drove but i agreed to leave my name on the loan because her credit didn't qualify to be honest i didn't really have an alternative i told her that she could keep it for as long as she made the payments and that if she paid it off i would immediately sign her over the title but if she started flaking on the payments i would have the car voluntarily repossessed i also agreed to give her the washer and dryer on the condition that she'd take over the car payments i had purchased the washer and dryer but i had no use for them because i lived in an apartment at the time this is important for later well we inevitably got into a disagreement over the parenting of our children and she randomly showed up with a car handed me the keys and said have fun figuring out how to make the payments she knew that i couldn't afford them and then she ended with and get all of your junk out of my storage unit we hadn't yet finished untangling the mess of items in our jointly owned storage unit but she wanted it done immediately because she was mad so i did what she asked i went over that day to get my stuff out of our storage unit while i was there i saw the washer and dryer sitting in the corner and immediately remembered that i had only given them to her on the condition that she paid off the car so i took them i had absolutely zero need for them at the time but she had specifically wanted my stuff out of her storage unit so who was i to argue she called me a day later screaming about telling me that she had fought a police report i just laughed knowing they wouldn't do anything because it was my property the story gets better as it turns out she was just angry and actually wanted the car back well the day after she dropped it off on me i got into a freak accident and totaled the car don't worry everyone was okay so she ended up without a car and i never had to make a single payment on it the universe wanted to maliciously comply with her demands down in the comments we have this story from vlad taltos i once watched my brother's ex-girlfriend throw a big frozen roast at him this was her last act of desperation as he and i moved his stuff out of her house that freaking roast bounced off the floor and my brother caught it in his stride and walked out with that as well we ate the rose for dinner later that night back at his new place so i guess you could say that your brother's girlfriend had a beef with him or that perhaps with all those insults she was throwing at him he got roasted that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 722,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: L98zFLVaZDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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