r/Prorevenge Getting $400,000 Payback on Thieving Aunt

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where Opie forces his stealing on to pay $400,000 this happened about five years ago my grandma was getting old late 80s Early 90s she had one wish to not die in a senior home easily done as my grandpa sold some assets way back when then invested the money and let it ride for 30 plus years he never touched it and collected a pension way back when my grandpa died about 10 years before this my grandpa appointed my dad my sucky aunt and my uncle as the trustees of the trust basically the trusted advisors for her and her care for the foreseeable future all was well in the beginning then my dad Willy moved further away and couldn't take care of the day-to-day upkeep as the trustee and to see that my grandma was okay my aunt Rebecca told her that she and my uncle Fred who lived in Arizona could take over and all would be fine it was fine for a while a few times my dad went back to visit and notice my grandma didn't always have overnight care or that her mail wasn't picked up and the driveway wasn't plowed she also lost her cable TV and newspaper subscription my dad figured it'd just lapse so he had the services put back on my dad also noticed my grandma was eating moldy food at times because her truck was sold and she had no transportation she drove up to 90 years old she basically just chilled at the house alone and did crossword puzzles the craziest part of this is that my aunt only lived two miles from my grandma but my grandma told my dad she saw aunt Rebecca once a week on Saturday for about one hour as with the elderly an age my grandma passed away she did get her wish and was able to die in her home upon her death things started to get real interesting once the probate lawyer got her children my dad on uncle and another estranged Aunt Becky around the table some shady business started to come out my aunt Rebecca asked that everyone just forgo any audit or paperwork and they just sell the house for around 400 K and divided up the remaining bank account balance of roughly 400 K so just signing on the line each sibling was to get a check for $200,000 not too bad of an inheritance my dad thought that was somewhat a little rush he said at the time that he wanted to wait because my grandma's house was easily in the 600 K range based on size and location my aunt exploded in his face cursing at him and calling him all kinds of names because he was unwilling to sign the assets then and there she basically wanted to quit clothes while everyone looked the other way my dad ended up leaving the room after the screaming and the deal wasn't signed that day it took nearly six months before another appointment and they were all back at the table the thing is though when you're a trustee and the person dies the funds and access to financial accounts are all under heavy scrutiny until the beneficiaries are made aware and signed the final papers at the next meeting my dad went in there with no intention to sign the deal he got his brother my Uncle Fred to agree that they ordered the entire accounts going back five years when they demanded this again at the meeting with a lawyer my aunt ended up arguing that a forensic audit would cost $5,000 and it's a waste like what difference does it make two beneficiaries requested it so it was what was going to happen the audit report showed up about three months later here is where it gets good my dad began looking over the audit report and saw that it was full of holes like excessive monthly food costs for a 90 year old lady payments made for car services for a car my grandma no longer had many different things in there that just didn't add up my dad asked me to give the audit a second look so I spent Saturday night going over it and here is some crazy stuff I found and alerted my dad about Costco monthly food costs of $1,100 to $2,000 for the last four years telephone bills for six cell phones grandma has a home phone only gasoline for a truck my grandma didn't have for like four years and easily 400 bucks a month house repairs paid to my aunts husband who owned a construction business some of the house repairs were like sixteen thousand dollars for a new roof new garage doors home security system which she didn't have etc all inflated prices grandma paid for my aunt to go to Europe twice on vacation my grandma was paying my estranged on Becky a stipend of $2,000 a month for the last five years as well as her deadbeat son for $2,500 every month they were paid all grandkids were to be paid a lump sum of ten thousand dollars upon their 30th birthday as that is when the $50 check from Grandma stopped for all the kids guess who was paid out her kids and my estranged aunts kids but not me or my siblings my grandma gave loans to my aunt Rebecca for her husband's construction business in return for equity in the company which amounted to nothing these loans totaled over $200,000 over three years right around when the housing bust happened they also sold her assets like jewelry and whatnot for cash because some big-ticket items simply vanished from her house armed with all this the next probate meeting was interesting in the time between my grandma's death and the third probate meeting my aunts construction business filed for bankruptcy so that two hundred thousand dollars in equity grandma had simply vanished the probate lawyer was also somewhat concerned and makes it obvious that this was fraud and breach of fiduciary duty where my aunt could actually get real prison time after this the negotiations were much more favorable my aunt got nothing literally zero my other aunt only received twenty five thousand dollars after all the stipend payments my father and uncle shared the rest after all grandkids received the ten thousand dollar payout the house sold to the first offer for five hundred and twenty thousand dollars that was the regular event for any treacherous jerk there ripped off grandma and had her eating moldy food here is the pro my on probably felt pretty bad that she couldn't supplement her lifestyle with grandma's money anymore but that was the least of her worries since she tried to personally rip me off for ten thousand dollars I took it personally I don't care how tough you are the IRS is the scariest thing that can happen to a person nobody wants to have their money forcibly removed I did a little research and found that 3949 - a I also had the audit and the legal office could and would provide the full trust if requested or demanded by the IRS I don't know if it ever was so I photocopied my documents had them notarized and sent off the info to the IRS I felt like it went nowhere then maybe 18 months later I was notified and asked to come to the IRS building for an appointment in my city the agent went over all the details what they found in their research and then they asked for a sworn statement it turns out my aunt didn't declare something like 1.2 million dollars in additional income over five years and as such she owed the IRS around four hundred and twenty thousand dollars plus penalties there was no way she was going to pay that on a teacher's pension and after her husband bankrupt his business her house was sold her vehicle sold and they left the state now my aunt and uncle live in a depressing desert town like this in the southwest the IRS paid me around $60,000 about three months after the appointment she should have paid that $10,000 so opie is referring to a special policy with the IRS that most people don't know about if you report someone for tax fraud and the IRS collects they actually pay you a commission of I think it's like 15% guys do not mess with the IRS our next reddit post is from apple fruit spice I was bullied relentlessly from the third to seventh grade by multiple people in my class or upper grades after I graduated eighth grade I received a Facebook message from Andy a boy who had been bullying and harassing me from the very beginning of it all I would post the exact message but it was extremely vulgar and long he ended it by saying that since we would never see each other again he could put it all out in the open about how much of an idiotic ugly and loser I was of course he used a more colorful dictionary with those words but you get the idea however there was one problem my parents owned a large wood chipper Andy's father owned a tree cutting business and would often rent it from them for a much larger jobs during the summer I noticed him walk in and start talking to my uncle and I realized the golden opportunity I've been given I loaded facebook on my laptop and bring the message up I then approached his dad and tell him your son sent this message to me a few days after graduating and I think it's really important you read it he raised an eyebrow at first but took my laptop as he read I could visibly see his face turn blood red and his hands shook as he gripped the size of my laptop harder and harder I think he reread the entire thing over again just to make sure what he was reading and even click the profile to make sure it had indeed been his son who sent it finally he gave me my computer back and told me he was so sorry for his son's behavior and language and that he would most certainly be dealing with Andy the moment he got home it took two months for me to hear back about the fallout Andy's older and way nicer brother grant was friends with my sister who told her and then she told me Andy was grounded for the entire summer fall and winter break his parents canceled the trip he was going to take to the beach with her student youth group Church canceled his summer camp trip they're going to hold him back from getting his driving permit for a full year took away all his games and computer instead of going with his dad and brother on their hunting trips he would be sent to his grandparents house to help clean his social media passwords were changed so he didn't have access to them delete his Xbox account and Andy would have to work for his dad doing tree cutting the entire summer and winter holiday there were more punishments but I honestly could not recall them I ruined his life for a good two to three years and destroyed the relationship he had with his father and mother probably not forever but they certainly no longer saw him as their well-behaved youngest child it was so satisfying that's a pretty good revenge don't get me wrong but when you said that your dad owned a wood chipper for a second I thought that you're gonna feed that kid into the wood chipper I'm kind of glad you didn't that would have been a little extreme our next reddit poses from apps are Coolio I was working for an advertising agency a pretty big one and I had an unethical manager well when I started out I had a manager who was one of the most unethical managers I've ever dealt with he'd order his sales reps to do things that would increase his bonuses which are based on margins for example say a client decided to buy product XYZ and their spend was $2,000 a month he would want the agent to put up products ABC and keep the spend at $2,000 even though the client didn't agree to that the fact is clients generally wouldn't notice but if they did it could cost you your job I was the guy that refused his demands he would tell me to cheat the client and I would refuse he would get mad I wouldn't care this went on for quite a while now there was something I don't tell people very often I live in a one-party consent state which means as long as I'm aware a conversation is being recorded I can record it without informing other party I had just up sold my largest client making him even larger but I didn't sell their products my boss wanted me to sell he demanded I switched things around I refused I told him I sold the client XYZ that's what we agreed to I'm not going to change without the customer's permission his exact words were at the customer this is your largest client I need him on ABC or I'm not going to make my number I'm sorry but you and I both know ABC isn't right for this client and that's why he didn't buy it you're fired if you can't follow instructions you're fired after confirming he was dead as serious I said if you do that I'll have your job by the end of the month I went home I didn't think he'd go through with it sure as anything next morning I'm locked out of all of our systems I call tech support and get told I've been fired so who do I call I call our regional vice president and tell him I have several recordings I think he should listen to remember my boss ordering me to do unethical things wasn't uncommon so I made up with a regional vice president and plays six different recordings then I had saved showing my manager was pushing his agents to break the law to which my regional vice president leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh knowing he had to fire my manager having a sales manager that is forcing his reps to break the law is just bad business at which point I asked for my job back he agreed that I would get my job back and asked me to take the week off and call him on Monday he told me he talked to payroll and make sure I got paid for this week as well for your information he fulfilled all of his promises with me although I missed a payday but got back pay later so I was fine with that that Monday I came into our Monday morning meaning in which regional vice president was there he informed the entire team that my boss had been fired and why he also mentioned that if anyone wanted to apply for his job there was now an opening so I applied for it and after three rounds of interviews got my promotion sure as anything I was right I did have my boss's job by the end of the month it was glorious the first day walking into his office and sitting in his nice big comfy chair my first order of business as the new boss would be to send an email to my old boss thanking him for this thoughtful promotion our next reddit post is from deleted so this happened a couple weeks ago but I saw the result of it earlier today a bit of backstory I live in a predominantly Mormon area and I'm not a Mormon I received quite a bit of criticism from my across-the-street neighbor because of the religious difference I'm assuming we never interacted before he started messing with me he currently has 10 children about a month ago on trash day he told one of his kids to kick my trashcan over into the street the kid did it and I witnessed everything this is not the first time he's kicked my trash over and I figured it was a lost cause to go over there and asked him for some decency more than I already have that same day I was reminded by a friend about how I used to have a pimp out when I was younger before I moved later that night I was browsing the web looking for a pen pal when I stumbled across a cool-sounding site Prison pen pals com I visited the site and after clicking through a few dodgy links was brought to an array of different prisoners who are looking for a pen pal after doing a bit of browsing from there I stumbled across a fellow who was on death row for a first-degree murder feeling bad for this guy but not wanting to give my address out you send an email the guards print it out and give it to the prisoner who then writes you a letter and delivers it to your physical address I remembered the butt hole across the street more out of curiosity than malice I proceeded to write a very detailed letter about how I am a trapped secretly gay Mormon man with 10 kids who is looking to start an extramarital affair with a prisoner I put in his address and sinned I had my hilarious petty satisfaction I expected nothing to come of this I thought he would be going through his mail see the letter not open it toss it and think nothing of it after that but boy was I wrong of course with it being a small town this guy runs a small business here where one of my acquaintances works I went in just earlier today and chatted with my acquaintance before he told me oh my god did you hear about neighbor I said no because I hadn't and he filled me in on all of the details apparently one of the neighbors kids had brought in the mail only for his wife to find it and read the letter from this prisoner responding to the joke letter that I wrote I don't know the specifics of the letter but I do know that his wife threw a freaking fit when he arrived home and made him pack his bags my acquaintance informed me that this was not the first time neighbor had started or tried to start an affair with another man and apparently this was the last straw for her I'm still shocked horrified and extremely amused by this predicament this post from the Zapp's up and down in the comments that poor first-degree murderer he won't get a reply from his nice friend the gay Mormon man frowny face that was our slash Pro revenge and if you want to support my channel check out my merch store the link is down in the description
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, nuclearrevenge, prorevenge, r/nuclearrevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge, nuclear revenge
Id: DDNipFm-amo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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