r/Madlads | top 10 dangerous reddit moments

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told alfie to stand on his chair and he actually did it the absolute nutter [Applause] [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin the one who can't stop eating and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash mad lads i love these mad folk let's get right to it all the accounts are owned by the same mad lad what power would you have looks like teleportation is in the lead i'd have the ability to transform into anyone i want i could be anyone anyone i want 100 or maybe i have that already i sang the b-movie script to the tune of all star full video no thanks i'm good you give me updos no screw you i'm giving you an award instead damn can't believe you gave an award to someone that uses the term updos he did it this mad lad actually scrolled through 46 days worth of metopia content and commented on my post people of metopia what is your job combo if the game happened irl airheaded mage how far down did you scroll this was 46 days ago good question my six-year-old sister asked me what's cringe well i told her oh you'll know when you get older once she turns into a teenager i'm gonna make her re-watch all of the cringy youtube kids videos that she watches right now ah not a bad idea this group approached tommy and asked for a photo but not with him they had no idea who he was they just wanted him to take their picture wow so wacky that they didn't know the minecraft kid wow i told my boss i was gonna post his picture he didn't believe me wow you absolute crazy guy you have a picture of jesus oh yeah i get it because obi-wan looks like jesus okay cool bye i dip my fries in blank you can't say ketchup ketchup nobody tells me i can't say ketchup i like your style jeff that's right i step on a lego without getting hurt just because you said you didn't get hurt doesn't mean you didn't get hurt my friend lol i found this song on a game and couldn't find the name so i recorded the song and uploaded it to youtube just so i could see what it would lead me to after being copyright claimed worked you know you can ask google what song is this right and shazam is still active as far as i know certificate of recognition chris for your contribution to the hawaiian and international scientific communities thank you for supporting whale shark research whale shark hlrt 340 is now formally named crunchwrap supreme given this 22th day of june also that hl is probably h-i no one can stop me i have disco keys imagine that hanging out of your freaking keyhole in the car while driving around you're going to kneecap yourself with that ball i don't know if this is considered a mad lad but he or she time stamped every time dvd logos hit the edges wow that's commitment that's true commitment nearest free machine tesco okay cool it's one of those not free machines love it oh yeah what does that say two pounds for cash withdrawals no thanks i'm out i showed my mother the giovanni giorgio meme and she said it isn't funny i've sent her every giovanni giorgio meme i've found ever since hello since you just joined could you please tell me your age we're doing a giveaway for young fans but you must be 13 to enter why do you not want to join the giveaway i am under 13 but that's against discord ah nice you got banned i am a genius i want to fly flags of multiple countries outside my house just to screw with people playing geo guesser okay not bad but how often do you think they take pictures of your street apex legends is being hacked by hackers who are frustrated with titanfall hackers update can't we all just get along y is literally three quarters of x now solve for y equals three x plus five five plus three x equals y listen here you little demonstrations of my infinite power scratching a plate with a fork without flinching eating mince then drinking near freezing water touching a metal pole at 150 degrees fahrenheit splitting two flat lego pieces apart without using my teeth this guy's insane and has to be controlled oh it's oneplus we make smartphones what do you make money yeah i don't want to see oneplus round here no more can you throw us the patch notes while we wait good sir no giving off some real david lynch vibes there i appreciate it student was beaten by teachers after delivering a speech on father's day in an orphanage all right i found this game for girls i'm a boy and i'm gonna play it what exactly makes that a game for girls my dad swears he doesn't have a favorite class of 2021 valedictorian class of 2021 not valedictorian hey look texas a m responded we're still proud of you justin yeah what the hell i sneaked fifty dollars into a woman's purse upon overhearing her tell her child that they couldn't afford peanut butter put pocketing i wanna make it a thing just a heads up you can only get the sift report on yourself if you're in europe assume since they have stronger privacy laws i think california too but don't quote me on that you don't tell me what to do gonna try and get banned on our slash atheism by telling them how i respected the religion of another person instead of telling them there is no god just say omg that's true to some random comment all right and now we wait just owned a christian today i totally respected their religion and their choice to follow it i didn't even tell them that god is dead or there is no god just absolutely owned them with respect probably didn't take long in 2017 my character looked so bad and it still does now hey thanks roblox for chiming in i actually drove in a roundabout exactly 57 times because i was trying to see how long it would take for my girlfriend to notice she was playing breath of the wild on her switch meanwhile this cop watched me the entire time never even pulled me over i'm kind of jealous of that cop i want to see this dash cam footage the hero we never knew we needed i salute you 57 times would he have any reason to pull you over like actually lord jesus died and rose again to pay the debt of your sin it is god's gift to us by his grace we don't earn it by what we do or how good we are by faith in the sacrifice god has made are we saved from the penalty of sin what sacrifice did god make we're all sinners that need god no one can say that they are perfect to be able to pay their debt a sin this is why only god could pay the penalty for us that is merciful love hail satan for some reason this song sounds so much longer than four minutes it's because there's 13 more seconds mad lad hacks the official formula 1 app sends this notification out to every single user i should check my security reading the entire shrek script one word per day this is content what extinct creature would be an absolute nightmare for humans if it still existed i feel like pterodactyls would be a nuisance they would urinate all over us and we wouldn't even notice you'd probably notice just not hear it the p is silent especially the people giving awards to themselves yeah those people sure suck edit thanks for the silver me i don't know if this counts but stampy has fought the wither while controlling an xbox controller with spaghetti i don't know how that works and besides he has 50 god apples but he fought and killed the weather with his wife and did it with spaghetti what with spaghetti battling the weather using spaghetti me and italian i've seen enough i'm clicking today is the only day that you can upvote nah i'm gonna vote tomorrow nah man it says today i don't care oh god wait a minute i've read this whole thing before all right buckle up i want to talk to you about triscuit several years ago i was at a party and i spotted a box of triscuits i asked everyone what does the word triscuit mean it's clearly based off of the word biscuit but what does the try mean i'm great at parties the consensus was that the try means three maybe three layers or three ingredients no one knew for sure though so i googled it but here's the thing google didn't seem to have an official answer either so just more guesses so we went straight to the source we emailed nabisco and the response we got a few days later shook us to the core here it is thank you for your interest in triscuit crackers no business record survived which specifically explained the origins or inspiration for the name triscuit but we do know the name was chosen as a fun derivation of the word biscuit the try does not mean three if you haven't done so already please add our sight to your favorites and visit us again soon the try does not mean three how how do they know what it doesn't mean but not know what it does mean how also no business records survived what the hell happened at the triscuit factory did it explode did someone run out of the doors and yell it doesn't mean three right before perishing in a giant blaze i was baffled and i couldn't stand not knowing so i did a little sleuthing online and stumbled upon some early triscuit advertisements take a look at these bad boys triscuit baked by electricity in the early 1900s triscuit was run out of niagara falls and their big selling point being baked by electricity they were the only food on the market prepared by this 1903 process look at the lightning bolts and that's when it clicked triscuit means electricity biscuit we did it folks we did it we had to go all the way up the ladder but we can confirm freaking love triscuits man i'm australian what's happening oh god hold i've gotta i can't tilt my head let me try and just read this upside down and backwards give me a second we are in the euro finals and if england wins against italy the person that posted this will delete his his what his reddit account okay sorry that kind of tripped me up at the end there not quite as hard as you'd think this man can do anything oh my god he really can it's actually kind of freaky pretty funny how this video came about i was talking a bunch of on one of their ads herder i can make a better ad and then they dm'd me taking me up on it i sort of panicked as now i couldn't just not deliver so i stayed up all night when i sent the rough draft i could not believe that they wanted to run with it next thing i knew i was on the company discord server with everyone laughing at the situation by far the chillest company i've ever worked for hello fellow apes user what the malone ranger thought our ad sucked so we hired him to make a better one damn sometimes i wonder if there are pictures and reports in the east german border guard records of that annoying boy who keeps climbing the accessible outer west german wall tearing off the rusted barbed wire throwing garbage over the wall and verbally abusing the east german guards who came to shoe him away yeah that was me between 1973 to 1975 when i lived in kroosberg within the american sector damn okay candace mom i haven't watched the show in a while who's candace candice is phineas and ferb's older sister who tries to constantly bust them for their wacky creations and antics damn it you missed the joke my apologies good sir but can this nick fit in your mouth there you go glow-in-the-dark condom review by sad lad tiny ghost i got them for a bit of fun and a surprise for the wife i come into the dark room only to have the wife shriek ah a tiny ghost she's your wife she has the right to make funnier i have one when i was 14 i really wanted another sibling so i used those needles you put on shots to poke a hole into all of my parents condoms i didn't think it would work but about four months later my mom told me she was pregnant now i have a ten-year-old little sister i haven't ever told anyone what i've done and it's my biggest secret i don't regret doing it though damn freddie mercury what the though my grandad played this epic decades-long practical joke on me every christmas for as long as i could remember he would put on jeff wayne's war of the worlds only the first disc and he said it was a christmas tradition every year without fail he would put the cd on regardless of if we were at his house or if he came to us that year it was only at christmas 2020 where i had christmas without seeing any family due to restrictions where i live but i asked my housemate do you want me to go stick on war of the worlds now or later the housemate looks at me perplexed what you know war of the worlds my grandad insisted it was tradition only your granddad does that i told him over video call boxing day i've never heard the old man laugh so hard i'm tired of lunch these clowns i'm tired of people caught in freezers full of beef wendy what is the name of your restaurant wendy's wendy's nuts gonna fit in your mouth oh you got wendy's good um also shut the hell up brand guys who pee directly into the center of the toilet bowl and not quietly on the side what other psychotic things do you do i tuck my penis between my legs and pee facing away from the urinal so i still leave myself prepared for any attack oh man what's this chocolate shoppie ice cream company that's right i said shoppy be mad is a family owned and operated ice cream company based in madison wisconsin we want to thank you for supporting your local ice cream store and enjoying our super premium ice cream genuine award-winning farm fresh super premium wisconsin ice cream nutritional information don't even ask this is the best ice cream made in wisconsin and it tastes so good because it has gobs of rich wisconsin cream tons of real ingredients for boatloads of luscious flavors that means it's not low fat low calorie or low anything and that's why everyone loves it you want nutrition eat carrots i think you're legally required to have nutritional information though so can i take a look at that please the difference is he does those clutches while being hunted by three to five people that try to kill him and you have a controlled environment i'm gonna be real with you i just did the clutches to put his name in the title it was pretty fun though she is probably silently fuming about you being in her favorite seat he should go sit right in front of her lmao that is the way to assert dominance my favorite way to assert dominance is to pee in an already occupied urinal what on that super happy note we've come to the end of another video folks let's take a look at today's fan art before we get going new things to make fan art for sign me up first mk fan art hope y'all like it ooh this is fun what in the world how was this inspired what inspired you was it something i said cause i don't remember i'm stupid always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and hey if you're feeling really generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 433,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Madlads
Id: 5jOrPP94WAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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