Creative People On Another Level

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some creative people on the internet i came across this fake window trend on tick tock and it is nothing like i thought it was going to be so it is a projector that is a projector projecting what looks like to be a fake window and you can put like whatever scenery you want no window necessary like it's on a wall you could be looking at new york city without living in a shoe box for three thousand dollar rent a month so when you first look at this oh it just looks like lines right and then when they put this over it it's running the jaguars come to life i feel like it takes a massive amount of brain power to like create this art i've been seeing these molds on tik tok you put ice in them you squeeze it and then a heart comes out and how does this stay on the tree like that wow look a perfectly good lipstick did i say perfectly good no not yet wait wait just mold it a thumbs up out of it now it's perfectly good okay to use this now and just have to make sure y'all ever try one of these head massagers they feel so good but no no no no sir sir i don't know this is a good idea i mean i asked for a head massage and got me a scalp bun y'all ever want to just flatten it revert it to its original state i've never seen anybody do this before so they did tom holland basically this guy makes art by slicing to a pic how how is this possible like it's just sliced and then just cuts on the paper bent at different angles to create like shadows and dimension i get that by making it into like somebody's face making it recognizable how step one stuff your shirts step two put some tomatoes in a bowl step 3 become a turkey when your girlfriend asks what's for dinner me so she went to a restaurant and ordered plain rice today this is what she got they had a lot of extra time on their hands so they literally made the plain rice into plain rice i mean you did ask for it you know they just went above and beyond very nice just when i thought tik tok couldn't get any more bizarre they reimagined a chicken nugget as a hot anime boy let's see this you're gonna be crispy gonna be greasy i don't know how i feel about this no words only questions this villain origin story be like i was deep fried alive but i survived so you all know how to tie dye shirts so she used ice to make some geode shirts put the paint onto the ice and then when it melted it melted on the shirt and made this absolutely sickening design how did melting ice and paint on a t-shirt make confused i decided to bedazzle a basketball for a photo shoot she took a basketball painted it white spell like 10 hours long before oh hey i don't know i understand it's cool but like i ain't got that kind of patience but like wait wait till you see this finished product though and then when it's done painted the black and then here is the final result oh very blingy gucci taking notes right now it does with basketball ten thousand dollars easy this is what i say when i'm shopping online you know i'm just trying it on can i actually go into the store and try it on right now so like cut out a picture of himself and then just scrolling through the shirts like let me see what looked good she made this art piece for school and just look at it bro if that isn't just automatic a blow the rest of the class away i don't know what is so she made a mold with her hands basically you just like did you do dip it in the thing wait three to five business hours i don't know how long it is and then you got this mold of the hands it came out perfect by the way she painted the hands and look they already looked so realistic she used clay and flex tape to make like the the part that makes the hands floating add sand for texture and wa-bam that finished product and it looks like it's picking up the sand in the sand it's just like floating in real time i really hope you win our school i don't see nobody dropping this much time and effort on an art project in high school by no one i mean me so when you're watching this do draw it kind of just looks like splotches right but you have to wait for it he starts filling the man coloring it and it's like what is that and then puts a rounded mirror and it reflects into this pick i think that's conor mcgregor right how it's like all stretched out and like but once you put the thing there it's like condensed sensory overload oh no you all done cracked it the wrong way oh that's got a lot of seeds in it very ugly watermelon i don't like those okay just because it's a cube now doesn't make it any more appealing i don't care how much frosting you add to it it doesn't change the fact that there are an infinite amount of seeds in there put some fondant over it okay you know what now he's speaking i would have never known in a previous life that that was a watermelon so what kind of voodoo magic is this cut it open where do the seeds go there's no seeds on the inside of it but this is the weirdest watermelon i've ever seen look at look how much seeds it is and then we cut on the inside nothing seedless sydney or bamboozle okay i can't imagine how long this would have taken everybody knows you don't paint like this this ain't ms paint where you could just press the paint bucket fill option and then it just like fails each individual section is this billy eilish oh no she's red maybe it's satan but the same blonde whoa had the details i don't know who it is maybe it's billy ray cyrus or something you're gonna have to finish the photo for me oh adding all the shading oh she's not red anymore okay now i am certain it's billy eilish oh here comes the drum solo that's not how you art pablo picazzo could never show you and then show your art but did you have fun okay so i had to take like 10 looks at this before i realized all of this art is made of pills everything all i recognize is the fish oil those big old yellow ones that i can't swallow in one try the black one like this is insane you could really make art with anything i asked my stepdad if he could help me make a floating bed that i saw on facebook and that was like say less i oh these floating beds they're expensive too so they made the wooden frame you know it only looks like it's floating it actually like sits on the ground but like you don't see that part and then they put leds around it and this is what the finished product looks like wow very cool i like the leds nice touch monsters y'all got nowhere to hide i can see you they drew a big pac-man at the bottom of the escalator and then dots on each stair so when it comes down it looks like it's eating it all started with a slab of clay you tell me this is going to be a person you know the other day i tried to like mold something out of clay it didn't didn't quite go as planned you know it kind of just stayed in this state i didn't really know how to smooth it out anymore but like wait look how they smoothed it that tick-tock guy the angry nice guy is that him i'm gonna sound really stupid if y'all have no idea what i'm talking about now we got an iphone charger as an anime boy i can't with this he gonna look like gojo i mean i kind of wasn't wrong we got bored and decided to make cute pizza mushroom pizza frog pizza you know i forget that y'all can really make shapes out of dough you could do whatever you wanted out of the dough domino's where is this on the menu they can make a frog pizza but i can order a frog pizza they got the smoothness man on a green toothbrush hey sir that is not the lawn that is a toothbrush and you did this for what so she told her friends drop me a cake design and i will make you a mini cake so they drew patrick oh this is actual mini cake and they got her cinnabon i know this ain't the rules of equivalent exchange here hello kitty as she makes it like a whole entire like mini cake we go spin it and frost it and everything it is adorable whatever this design is ah very cute changing my closet again at 3 p.m so i'm like changing your closet you mean like rearranging your clothes right no she just painted her closet doors i never even thought to do that like i get painting your wall but like the door that makes it even easier and it's like if you want to change it up just paint it twice again now we got a big old titan hand i'd be lucky if i could draw an outline in one night just kidding edge up very fast but then it comes out bad but i have no patience oh should i want to buy a louis vuitton bag and then made one so you know when you buy something from the store they give you the shopping bag and then wrapped it in plastic added some leather handles just like the real louis vuitton bags and then made this custom shopping tote i think that's a really good idea and at a very smooth fraction of the price for a unique bag i mean hey it came from the louis vuitton store didn't it it ain't fake so he took a ferocio box you know it's got 16 pieces of those candy in it and he has a phone case that he doesn't use anymore pop the phone case on the ferro crochet box and wham bam you got a piggy bank man what are the chances of it like fitting perfectly on it i mean couldn't you take like a i don't know like a butter box and then cut a hole in it too and that that'll work just dandy there's this designer bottega venetta 3 300 necklace for a beaded necklace what was the reason this bead master over here was like is that price correct no i don't think so she pulled out her bead kit i was like i'ma make this diy it and show you how to do it and it's like if i knew anything about beading i just might because it's actually very stinking cute just wove the flowers together and look practically the same thing look at that comparison over three thousand dollars made it for less than five i can't even tell the difference this is kind of extra but this couple literally did a custom alphabet font in each other's handwriting so look when you start writing anything it's in their handwriting but i can't lie that's kind of cute they took this old louis vuitton luggage it was in pretty bad shape cut it apart and made two bags out of it so i've been to some like vintage stores and they actually do this they like recycle the old bags and make new bags out of them so it's like using a real louis vuitton bag but you're like making your own bag and they got two bags out of one and it's gonna be unique no one else is gonna have it but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the coolest one and if you guys enjoyed this video make sure that the like button is and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,276,063
Rating: 4.9344797 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, creative, artist, art, creative ideas, creativity ideas, creativity, satisfying, creative people, another level
Id: z9kcz4AFriY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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