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trying to teach my dog Herbie that passer byes are not a threat if you see him outside please give him a treat Thanks Oh Herbies like can I have a little snack please hello you beautiful people welcome back to easy peasy I'm Cougar today we're diving into our slash made me smile I'm hoping I can bring you some joy today so let's dive right into the happiness our new adopted baby on the way home couldn't stop staring at me thank you for saving me Father no he's so cute ask this man if he needed help he replied that he was waiting for his wife so he could scare her ah bless you you know that's true love right there my neighbor's seven-year-old son told me that he wants to walk on the moon one day I told him that it's totally possible and showed him videos of Apollo missions I couldn't be happier he just made my day you know I really appreciate this we need more people supporting each other's dreams my apologies I tried to fling a bag of poop up to our pal kane' I missed and it landed on yours it was not intentional number 10 2000 that's sweet that they would say that deer eating an apple no I'm not thank you for the Apple human oh and he's got another one ready look at the girls smiling in the back she's having a good time friend cats loves attacking Xmas trees but hates placed it begs the narrative tension in this picture is outrageous but still adorable hey the yellow bag kind of looks like a star if you're jumping on the Avatar The Last Airbender bandwagon just because it's on Netflix and never even watched it as a kid let me just be straightforward welcome aboard I hope you enjoyed as much as I did slash do you know this is how all fandoms should be all-inclusive when a great flower bag baby dad I wish you were my dad mmm that right there is some tasty looking bread I just want some right now my son was playing basketball at home earlier today and while playing his ball went right into the road as a car was coming the car hit the ball and it was toast but the person who ran over the ball came back and left this thank you my son was so excited I'm not sure if this was you or someone else but I ran over someones basketball on this street sorry if it was you there's a brand new basketball we need more of this in real life and I appreciate this message but it might get a little darker if it was a dog a semi moment shopping in a supermarket wearing a full hood job NGO buff sorry if I mispronounced that calmly miss named as a burka and the whole time she is there this kid is staring at her won't stop staring just looking with wide-eyed shock the little fella is in any older than four she doesn't think much of it she is used to than just a few stairs until the very end when the kid and his mom are behind her in the checkout and he leans up in whispers loudly I love you babe Oh imagine if she turned around and was like thanks kiddo Batman away I really appreciate that wait stop scrolling I think you're beautiful oh thanks puppy I was talking to the viewers but you're okay cougar yeah thanks buddy as bad as the world is if we could all just do a simple gesture like this it gives me hope for the world and I hope it does for you too five years ago today some stranger caught the Garter and I caught the bouquet now he's my husband Oh 523 2015 man look at that glow of and the smiles and the photos did not change but my question is why is the guy kind of got like a scoop missing out of his face and then wedding photo I'm not dissing I'm just saying it's kind of funny oh look at the little kitty with the Lyra stuff kitty on look at him cat looks angry though I'm sorry this my friends is not the Dalai Lama it is the doggy good boy the doggy good boy oh look at the little kitty with the butterfly TV game a little watermelon treat our funny farm has expanded we now have added a camel and a dinosaur I really like the dinosaur but what is the one behind the camel is that a poodle oh my god I wish I knew where this was I'd visit it every day look at those pretty brown eyes it looks like a cartoon Bob blew up in her face it does and I appreciate that it makes me smile hey how's it going human I just wanted to say thanks for having me in the house now I'm gonna stay in my cave maybe not in mind-blowing but sometimes dogs slash wolves and movies we need CGI tails if they're supposed to be acting me because they're so excited to be doing a good job acting that their tails can self wagging as an actor I can tell you this is true they actually do that for films there were a group of characters dressed as superheroes at a local costume shop this young boy who's using a walker did his best to walk and approach Superman and slowly just said thank you even Superman start to try it man Ethan I'm crying too man I'm okay I'm not even kidding oh dude that's freaking awesome I love this so much man you're one lucky person tooth no one came even came to my graduation look at the muffins always go nuts a appointment number four oh that is amazing that is amazing I respect the heck out of you but relatives visit your home and your mom offers them cookies that you have never seen before I thought it's the sacred cookies that is the coolest freaking Castle I've ever seen or whatever it is where is this I need to visit this in my lifetime that's amazing hello class my name is professor Popa and today's lesson is if you ever find yourself cringing at something you did in the past it means you have grown as a person ah thanks professor pepper that means every time I look at my channel my gold garbage content I must have grown I want to hug this perfect and good boy after arriving late to class George death Zig sorry that's mispronounce copied from the blackboard two problems thinking they were homework and then solved them turns out they were actually two previously unsolved statistic problems which turned his PhD I swear if he didn't get his PhD after solving these I would quit college dude uh it's kind of creepy though cuz it's a fake beer and look at those eyelashes at least the eyelash game on point I appreciate this level of detail I'm not gonna read the whole thing but listen to the bottom part the game is tricky please don't break it and the spider on the porch is called Frank be nice to Frank he guards the tomatoes oh man Frank Europe you're a Spidey hero mr. butterfly they were making fun of me because I don't have spikes like them don't worry stegasaurus I've got your back literally but a flash jigsaw rarest oh I hate this but I love it and the dog has the same emotion I built my dog a doggie bed what do you guys think I really appreciate that you gave him a little like Foot drawer and the head drawers above them that I appreciate you my friend look at the little dolphin giving you a wave hey there pal wanna come swim in the ocean just ignore all the dolphin things we do in captivity if you know what I'm talking about this makes me so happy that's a very good clear message here that is surprisingly hard to articulate you go dragon you go nine-year-old boy who kept getting in trouble for doodling in arts class gets a job decorating a restaurant with his drawings heck yeah dude follow your dreams I believe in you you're gonna be a major artist one day he saw his feeding the Ducks and pretended to be one bork bork bred me please woman adopts elderly dog realize it's the best friend she lost as a child man this has made me smile that made me cry with happiness man exhausted humming bird found on SC firehouse floor might be the fattiness rescue ever author giving them little sweet water I know things are dark but I just watched the FedEx guy pluck a snail from the sidewalk cradle in his glove and find just the right size tulip in our front yard to set it aside oh look at the little puppy hug they just want to hang out come on move the gate I bet they're best buddies I don't know why but the smile of her face that the joy of catching a fish really makes me happy this old lady is the best gardener I've ever seen ten out of ten this is the world's best pillow fort and I want one in my own house now look the art skills here are amazing especially on a napkin I love this can you point to where we touch you for the court Billy touch me right here okay love you Ted I love you too Billy I made this time for my dad when I was in first grade 11 years later he wears it to my graduation that Pikachu is amazing and I respect your father look at that mustache toddler dresses up as their grandma on Halloween oh that's cute my sister takes Halloween very seriously even the dog has to get involved oh no he's the little boat that's great oh happy 70th mom the time this took in the fact that no one is ruining yet faith in humanity restored this is the happiest photo I've ever seen I'm a turtle on a dog I'm a dog under a turtle yeah give my dog a hat now he thinks he's the crap dude your dog is the crap homeboy did not have to flex that hard in the third picture I'm feeling fun baby girl Humpty Dumpty had a great fall uh-huh didn't die I look at the little smiling and the kitties like I don't like this but I'm not gonna claw you cuz I love you I recently got a plushie of a bird shaped like a Kiwi so I got a real key we have made it look like the plushy lol ah the ingenuity and that that's just great I'm watching the office for the first time and I'm very sad in here that you two aren't together in real life if it makes you feel better I found my gym and he found his Pam they just happened to be named Lee and Emily oh that's sweet welcome to Leonard freaking out jumping and trying to lick my face at 5:00 a.m. which he never does before I realize the farm was going off and they were smoking the hallway of my apartment complex we evacuated and everyone is safe thirteen out of ten very good boy that's right he is and he gets all the better scratches oh look at the little kitty with the star necklace saying hello to the little gecko it's a bunch of munchy puppies and a little kt22 do apparently a Tetris battle royale came out and in addition to that just being funny on its own we've also got twitch streamers getting pwned by like retirees who've been playing Tetris for the last three and a half decades they're getting blown up live by people with handles like a lien and love my kids that is so incredible thank you for this news god I hope one of them is kicking in just but right now when you are mad about something and you tell your mom and she gets mad too mom I can't find my tennis ball what I will find it's done March 2015 we started dating and March 2020 our daughter will be here in five years the smiles have not left their face this is without a doubt one of the single greatest freaking photographs I've ever seen fills me with indescribable joy oh my god dude the effort you guys went to to make this guy's day heck yeah I appreciate rock concert crowds hey Matt do you know how to build a bookshelf to wall I mean sure I have no idea how to find a stud lol look in the mirror oh thanks buddy but can help me put up the bookshelf a hundred percent stand this nonny needs more respect when you're watching your dogs a nap and you realize how much you love them and how lucky you are to have them my neighbor has a boy German Shepherd and him in any always play and kiss through the fence and today they met for the first time oh they're gonna make some adorable puppies hey I did it did why yesterday you told me to have a nice day and so I went on a walk at the park and watch the Ducks it was nice oh good thanks again you're welcome yeah another day another happy person served when you have a nice hat man you feel nice my dad once wrote a note to us and put it in a drawer and the note said if you're scared to tell me something just bring me this note as a reminder that I'm here to support you I won't mad I'll work with you on a solution best way to keep her kids talking to you I'm gonna do this with my kids if I ever have any oh look at the little fluffy kitty with the little fluffy ears I just want to snuggle in another painting done looking great hi oh I still love it so do I little mama so do I little dog-ear getting a doggie back ride from his Papa or mama Birds you ruined photos in the best possible way penguin business goose oh my god is this right thank God the perfect tattoo doesn't exist oh it looks just like him down to the little heart nose and look at that little half-smile hey ready what's a good song for a 60 year old father with no rhythm and two left feet to dance to with his 24 year old daughter at her wedding any song you both like it's not about performance it's about sharing a dance with someone you love this teacher from a remote village in Kenya has been crowned the best educator in the world Peter I'm sorry if I mispronounced a hibachi gives away 80% of his monthly income to help his poor students now he's been awarded a 1 million global prize beating 10,000 nominations from 179 countries you know what's even better is the fact that you know he's crying because he knows he can help so many more people now I got off the plane and the first thing I see that would make a terrible plane ride and all worth it feeling huge might eat a poacher later I don't know you do you lying boy you do you women are so adorable when you compliment their dress and the dress has pockets lol hey that's a really nice dress woman thanks it has pockets and then she puts her hands in them and she to show you hello oh the kid has got a little Payton behind him that's adorable will you pick me up please look at my eyes do it human I love when professors try to use modern slang to relate to students my professor referred to the theater of pompeii as the place where Caesar got Bob cheered by a bunch of senators word and has lost it Bob check 18:06 got a relate to the kids dog oh speaking of dog this just makes me smile this lady has a great sense people don't like rats I really like rats they're smart and intelligent and this is Riley every morning he hangs over the and drops his toys so the nearest passerby is forced to play with him it works a hundred percent of the time 14 out of ten oh no I dropped my toy mister human would you grab that for me you maybe throw it back and forth a few times why are you wacky one time I saw Samuel Jackson at an airport and he saw me and my cousin hovering around trying to gain the courage to ask for a photo and then he came over to us and said y'all mother truckers want a photo it was everything look at the good smile I love Samuel Jackson he's perfect I did it dad hey Sarah I may not know you but oh what's really funny is Siri came up when I said this that's better what's your dirty little secret I secretly wash my friends streams and support him without him knowing by using a different account he gets very few viewers so I talked to him throughout the stream to keep his spirits up you know I wish someone would do this with all young youtubers you know how many people we how many great youtubers and twitch streamers we can have if people just gave them a shot mom was pregnant with me so she missed her senior prom eighteen years later I took her to mine dude not only are you the best son in the world you and your mom look fly as Rick my dude and your do too are killing it prom king and queen right here Jimmy has separation anxiety so he holds on to you when you walk in the door either mr. human I didn't mean about your shirt I just missed you so much Kentucky school surprised the student by including a photo her service dog in the yearbook oh that's so great and they even put the name off my then wife was having an affair and left me and our girls when they were age seven and four I was a single bad overnight and brought them up on my own and held down a full-time job this pic is my favorite of my girls and says a lot about them they are now 25 and 22 they are my world hey there mr. human can I get some bacon please okay this is either a kid's sock collection who will never grow up or an adult who never did either way I wish I was friends with them wow I've never seen a picture being destroyed be so beautiful dude Seth Rogen your parents are the bomb okay I'm not a big fan of sprinklers but this is adorable right there he's having so much fun bottom drank sumo wrestler burst into tears after winning first championship you know those are the tears of someone who was underestimated beaten down trained for a long time to finally win and I respect you sir odd kids get little bit sir light sir light doo doo doo doo look at the little possum in the sweater he's so adorable I just want to snuggle him every time I see a photo of stever when it both brings the biggest happiness and biggest sadness to my life because he was a hero and I wish he was still around - bored farmers in lockdown decided to paint one of their cows and posed as Tiger Kings right here's my cattle he's a prize-winning a heifer and let me tell you that snitch Carol Baskin tries to take my cattle well I'm gonna pump her full of lace oh my god you need to see he actually owns a bunch of pit bulls and that's why I love this man oh he's sniffing the flower that dude perfect time to take a photo thank you for this I went to lunch with friends and saw my husband at the restaurant I was going to say his name but he was staring at his phone so I watched him he was smiling he typed that my phone dinged and it was a very forward of a dog wrestling a water hose this is love yes it is penguins attending classes on the first day of school at the University of Antarctica 2007 I know this is fake history but I hope it's real future he told us that he wanted to learn how to train his new dog and his dad said there were lots of dog training videos on YouTube so here he is showing them to the puppy and the puppies watching and that's adorable this is not a baby announcement I just wanted to show off my wife heck yeah dude show off your girl all the time praise her she's beautiful oh look at the little wolf husky misty looks so cute look how happy she is that dog I don't know 20 years ago I was eight and my grandma brought me a yellow gameboy color the box said it was supposed to be a teal slash blue I was a little disappointed but still loved it today my new switch came in the mail yellow on purpose because it made me think of grandma Becky made a it was dangerous to go alone so you took your grandpa boo cosplay to Comic Con a zoom in I gotta say something have a good day friend do a smile be as happy as me I am now I am now hey everybody thanks so much for watching I really hope this video brought a smile to your face like a different mind while accordian also feel free to like um scribe let us know what you like to see more of down in the comments below have a great day and remember be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 149,258
Rating: 4.9525075 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: EaLW3qo8kBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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