r/MadeMeSmile · i want to join them

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elderly youtuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook and then thanks them individually everyone like that how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash made me smile oh look at that doing tee time with the girls I love it this is this is wholesome he looks great in that hat by the way due to virus we decided to just go to the courthouse today instead of stressing about the wedding we've been planning for months couldn't be happier I've been in love with this woman since I was 4 years old wow that's impressive Congrats couple marry again after husband with dementia proposes to wife he thought was his girlfriend oh my cat always covers his private parts when sleeping on his back because he is a decent upstanding member of society 2400 lucky people got to hear John William to conduct a program of his music on Wednesday night one who didn't was a security guard stationed in the stairwell leading to the musicians locker rooms Seth Lowe gave her a mini concert of Star Wars themes much too with her lights aww missing dog I miss my dog she's not gone or anything just at home and I'm here at work enjoy the picture of her I will I just saw a dad get out of the car with his two young boys and he yells who can go hug mom the fastest and all of them start running towards their house that's the kind of future I want you're not even watching the movies me yes I am yeah today I messed up by buying a bottle of wine at the movies once a fancy movie theater with date decided to buy a bottle of wine go back to bar fast for two glasses bartender says he needs two IDs I'm too lazy to go back two seats to grab dates ID I tell him I'm alone and was embarrassed to ask for just one glass he is clearly sympathetic idiot me then tries to sell the story and continue on about how lonely I've been recently he tells me he's off in a few minutes and insists I'm watching the movie with me I try to fight it but I can only argue so much without giving away the truth bartender is insistent I text my date what's happening go back to the theatre with my new de sitter for you rose in front of my first date she has the stupidest gun on her face as me and the bartender Jared said a couple roses in front of her he ends up being super cool and bought him and me another bottle during the movie movie ends I thank him for his gesture he didn't even ask you my number anything I think Jared was just a genuine guy trying to comfort someone met back up with my date in the parking lot and thankfully she found the whole thing hilarious I don't deserve Jared Katherine Johnson NASA legend 1918 to 2020 rest in peace indeed married people have read it what did you only start doing in a relationship after you got married everything I married my husband who was in the Navy at 18 and he immediately moved me across the country and then got deployed leaving still teenage me alone in a strange place trying to take care of her home my sweet elderly neighbor who had been really lonely because her son didn't visit often came over the first week with some flowers from her garden I was so touched I started crying and she said honey what's wrong I was like how do you write a check to pay bills she helped me we became really good friends I'll never forget her oh man hey barn my neighbourhood is delivering entire leaders of their premix margaritas for $25 you can get a complimentary roll of toilet paper with your purchase and it's really starting to feel like there are no rules anymore so I found this caterpillar on my way to class we're bros i named him chicken nugget now he's turning a duller color I hope he's all right so apparently chicken nugget is a spicebush Swallowtail and they turn yellow before they pupate he was making little silk things everywhere brother scatter peas gonna involve into a metapod today my boys are messing around he's been showing like this for a couple days he's been in cocoon for 10 days now chicken nugget is a chicken wing now baby we have liftoff yeah nice found my clones selling nuts in Istanbul we couldn't communicate but the whole market was cry laughing there is no day that can't be improved by seeing pictures of how they weigh now that is amazing an old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey we wanted to plan his annual tomato garden but it was very difficult work as the ground was hard his only son Vinson who used to help him was in prison the old man would have read her to his son and described his predicament dear Vincent I'm feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year I'm just getting too old to be digging up garden plot I know if you were here my troubles will be over I know you'd be happy to dig the plot for me like in the old days love papa a few days later he received a letter from his son dear Papa don't dig up that garden that's where the bodies are buried love Vinnie at 4:00 a.m. the next morning FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies they apologized to the old man and left the same day the old man received another letter from his son dear Papa go ahead and plant the tomatoes now that's the best I could do under the circumstances love you Vinnie oh man that has to be one of the most gorgeous creatures God has ever made and I just like to take him home and just just keep him as a pet but that's not what he's meant to be he's meant to be free free I love Bob Ross so much when one act of kindness creates a lifelong friendship I fixed the pigeons wings so he went to fetch his girlfriend and now they live at my house Oh ten years ago I said if one day yesterday I said day one that is incredible I love that I saw this so good a police officer spent his lunch break sharing pizza with a homeless woman and it was captured in a heartwarming photo Oh today at the airport one of the drug dogs set off a false alarm and off rushed over to find out the dog had alerted them for a piece of pizza the handler just patted his head and goes it's okay buddy I know pizza always confuses you gave him this tree anyways Oh my little sister tells our puppy to play teacher with her all the time and he actually sits and listens to her talk and draw on the whiteboard it is clear in the lease no pets are allowed in the apartment sorry okay I will make an exception because he looks very polite oh this sweet little boy has been having a hard time since his pop passed away he's been praying for a little stuffy of pop that he can carry around with him he chose this photo and also requested that pop would be holding a fish I love what I do and love that it matters very good five years ago I lived in an apartment and said hello to this one man almost every day last week I ran into him and he said I have something for you and dug through his bag it was a postcard that someone had sent me after I'd moved he held on to it for five years met the sweet man at Outback he saw us at prom and showed us a picture of him and his wife at prom in 1949 Wow oh they can't open look at the wolf puppy eye well I couldn't be able to help myself my parents told my little sister she couldn't dye her hair unless you found someone to do it with her so this was purple hair now amazing since our doors are temporarily closed to the public we let our rats explore the California Science Center under staff supervision of course my grandpa called me in the middle of my shift at work today and he goes I know you're working but this is important do you want to go to Red Lobster with me on Saturday that's amazing I would I would go from 75 in 1905 to 3600 and 2020 India's rhino population is increased by 35 times in 115 years excellent while putting your favorite condiment on the sandwich you accidentally make a magical occult symbol and summon a demon you silently take two more slices of bread out of the package and make another sandwich you put it on the plate with a handful of potato chips and hand it to the demon he takes the sandwich smiles and vanishes in a puff of demonic smoke the next day you get that job promotion you're after there was no contract no word spoken you were nothing but every now and then another demon pops in for lunch even son often get homemade sandwiches just a reminder that your parents don't determine what you become my dad has been a meth addict my entire life growing up I always felt like that would have confined me with what I would be able to make up myself recently I was accepted into my top choice medical school hell yeah I know this is pandering but I've been depressed for months and having hit the gym during that time mr. Schwarzenegger can you please tell him to get off my lazy ass and hit the gym I swear to everything I hold dear that I will snap out of it and go I'm not going to be that hard on you please don't be that hard on yourself we all go through challenges we all go through failures sometimes life is just a workout I think key thing is you get up just move a little roll out of bed and do some push-ups or go for a walk just do something one step at a time I hope you feel better and get back to the gym but don't beat yourself up because that's just useless talk it doesn't get you closer to the gym don't be afraid to ask for help good luck thanks Arnold aasaiya and Jawa jayven I'm sorry I forgot those names wrong owners of a small shop in Scotland spent 2,000 pounds on masks and alcohol gel and are giving them away free to older people found two kitties cuddling by the sea this is more romantic than anything I've ever done in my life adorable it was just like your favorite person day at five-year-old eastern school today Easton wanted to go as a school security offer Geoffrey because he says he keeps me safe so his mom made him a shirt in surprise Jeffery at school best buds for sure this is a wholesome AF some things never change Oh single dad adopts teen abandoned at the hospital I knew I had to take them families don't have to match it's true it's true Kenya installs the first solar plant that transforms ocean water into drinking water that is good dad today is your birthday I had an extra strong cup of tea just how you liked it a hug mom for you and told her how much we love her Robyn and I went on a hike through the mountains you cherish I watch one of your documentaries with Chandler and shared stories about you I walked through your office in the zoo and smelled at your own family photographs today and every day I miss you and love you beyond description you're always with me Oh bindi Irwin i boy I'm all right oh my goodness they're so happy I mean they're surrounded by some flowers I I would be happy to myself ever since my daughter found out our plant Serena wasn't getting enough sunlight she insists on taking her out for walks while holding her up to the Sun Paul I'm at Petco and they found a kitten in the storm and put her in a little sweater Oh reason 628 thousand two hundred ninety three I left my mom when we were wee little elementary school kids my sisters and I loved the Tamagotchi games but the time I got you required consistent attention right and we couldn't play them during school so my mom would bring it to work with her and she'd do all of her accounting banking stuff also feeding to Tamagotchi pets this small serious Asian lady playing Tamagotchi for her daughter's I love her so much I'm glad people enjoyed this post I sure do how is everyone making these with an app called photo fun yup thanks man I appreciate this a man who had a few too many alcoholic beverages ordered an uber for a baby goldfish that he found struggling on the ground the baby bird was the sole passenger on the ride to a wildlife rehab I actually have a habit of uploading a lot just in case it may make someone happy so one day I was uploading a guy to whom I was he was downloading me every time I applied to him he realized that he was getting upload it instantly on every reply and he asked are you uploading me I replied mmm yep your comments are polite and well put even though I disagree it's a bad habit to download you just because I have a different opinion that guy damn to me and we are friends to this day he even uploaded all those comments in that thread which he had downloaded so you see guys a little upload actually makes a huge difference spread love wholesome no dogs were at the dog park this morning my good boy waiting patiently for his friends to arrive aw walrus becomes embarrassed when receiving a cake made of fish for its birthday oh look I I am bad at accepting things too haha I love this he doesn't want to wash it off come on I mean come on I was lonely until I glued a cup of coffee onto my car now everybody waves at me the World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract 19 dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released to be clear who let the dogs out I see what you did there so I work out a librarian about a month ago I helped a little a woman who is legally blind figure I had to listen to her audiobooks on our tablet we got to chatting and I mentioned that I always listen to audiobooks Oh lighten it which made her very excited and she told me about all the Afghans she used to make when she could still see she was so sweet I was so glad to be able to help her figure out a way to still enjoy books without being able to read yesterday I entered the phone at work and when I said my name the one on the other line gets so excited and said Madeleine you're exactly who I wanted to talk to this is Mary Brandon and you helped me about a month ago how late are you working today it was her about an hour later she and her husband showed up and she was carrying a huge stack of old knitting patterns for me and her husband brought in a few boxes full of yarn they couldn't stay long but I was so touched that she remembered me and I struggled to not just flat out start crying when she handed me the patterns and I looked through them later I realized it was her entire personal collection from over the years including all our personal notes and drawings and even some photographs over finished pieces no one in my family knits and to have someone pass on their legacy to me like that was incredibly moving this isn't what I usually post here but with life being especially dark lately I wanted to share a moment of happiness and a reminder that a bit of kindness goes a long way a co-worker just texted me that Mary brought an even more yarn for me today I'm going to be crying into my knitting until the day I die and well that brings us to the end of our slash made me smile and I gotta say my face hurts from smiling so much thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bells to get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you [Music] [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 270,727
Rating: 4.9713044 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile reddit, wholesome made me smile, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: -8FYOuBiRxY
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Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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