r/MadeMeSmile · cat on facetime?... what's he saying?

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these folks came here from Zimbabwe I ask what brings you to town they look at each other nervously and the dad answers a car and their defense that is exactly what I asked love it that's so cute how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash made me smile our paramedics captured this beautiful moment today even when he was taken to a hospital 104 year-old William found the time to spoil his lady for Valentine's Day love has no limits oh we're starting off real good little penguin he's ready to take on the world he get he can he could do anything and I believe in him well I don't know whether to feel intimidated by all these alpacas or want to just run up to him and hug them all this gives off very mixed vibes I like this content I like you be my Valentine sure the legend fun fact my cat and I are both blind so we accidentally run into each other sometimes but because I'm much louder than he is when we get close to each other he chirps to warn me he's there thank you for sharing this is beautiful solidarity North American boomers got kids wanting better standards living under the economy we've ruined Japanese boomers old people line up to clean radiation in Japan mr. Yamada I'm 72 and on average I probably have 13 to 15 years left to live even if I were exposed to radiation cancer could take 20 or 30 years or longer to develop therefore us older ones have less of a chance of getting cancer basically a group of 200 plus retirees are volunteering to expose themselves to high levels of radiation so the younger men and women don't have to making the ultimate sacrifice to protect the lives of their children and their children's children this is uh this this is great this is real good bless them bless the Japanese boomers I don't know this man's name but he deserves to be recognized Exhibit B look at his full three baskets of Valentine's candies and cards and jokingly said you got something for every one of the loves of your life didn't you his reply no ma'am I'm a school bus driver the real MVP priceless that is so good wholesome give this man a raise oh man sleepy kitty oh I'm getting I'm getting the soft feelings Oh God oh man and this is even better look look they're best friends oh now this cat this cat's concerned about something he's he's putting a hand on your shoulder like like good you need some new some support you know I think you cab I hope that one day I will finally be okay I'll make a cherry pie when it's all over today's the day oh that's that's real good imagine that your child feels so lost for me that they sink into the arms for complete stranger in sob endlessly just because that stranger is wearing a shirt offering hugs from a dad dad gives out over 700 free hugs at Pride Parade the kids rejected by their parents oh man buddies Oh their best pals look good I love the animal pics never get old oh look at this pup he's ready to ride bad to the bone I recently noticed that whatever life was getting me down I'd usually find a dollar in my pocket the next day I told my parents how weird it wasn't they told me my little sister puts a dollar in one of my pockets when she knows I'm sad to help cheer me up and now I'm crying and I'm gonna cry to Dorothy anonymously bakes treats it leaves them for her apartment community she was recently caught Oh caught red-handed but you're appreciated Dorothy beaming sleep-deprived II am half an hour ago get started by phone ringing it's one of my players me dude it's midnight you good yeah sorry if I woke you could I ask for a favor oh god he killed someone give sure shoot my daughter can't sleep could you tell a quick story over speakerphone she loves listening to the recordings of our sessions before bed but I left my laptop at the office so I can't play them naughty the Freak diabete she listens to us to fall asleep yeah but she really likes her plot in MPC acting bit so she calls you dum-dum mister guess Dungeon Master's a bit hard for a free schooler Wow well it'll help her sleep and sure thank you okay give me a sec to head back to her room pause okay you're on speaker hey daughter's name it's uncle a nun happy gasp dum-dum mister I've never been happier to be called a dum-dum jpg you ready for a story about diem improv skills engage the time your daddy and his friends went deep into a cursed temple to save a frost dragon egg incomprehensible happy squealing noises I then proceeded to spend nearly 20 minutes spitballing a story over the phone for the most fascinated little girl until she eventually fell asleep friend thanks me for the help and says he'll see me on game night lay down in bed actually feel content and comfortable for once I should have thanked them I am the dumb-dumb mister that is incredibly sweet and wholesome I love this so much I love when you hear and whenever you're here your parents come in in the audience they literally drove me here today oh my god that is that's sweet never seen someone FaceTime a cat well now you have and I have two flight attendants Sheila Frederick saved a passenger from human trafficking by leaving her a secret message in the planes bathroom she noticed a young girl traveling with an older man who wouldn't let her speak so she whispered to the girl during drink service the girl made it to the bathroom found the note replied I need help and Frederick told the pilot when the plane landed police were already waiting in the terminal because that's what heroes do that is really really good to hear now this is the news I want to see on my timeline a three-year-old cancer survivor served as a flower girl and her bone marrow donors wedding Oh people who grew up in third-world countries what was the biggest shock for you when moving into a developed country a sunken African man who I hope I said that right was staying with me came rushing in the first week he was staying and woke me up he was extremely excited there was a garbage truck with a motorized arm and was picking up the wheelie bins as it went down the street have you seen this have you seen this he kept exclaiming over and over again amazing amazing it made me laugh very hard but he was a lovely guy that is the most precious fricking thing I've ever read can confirm yes I agree so many things we take for granted that are just normal to us other people just have no idea and they're just blown away by it be grateful for what you have I go to the same gas station every day after work for beer and burritos today when I asked for my burritos the guy said they're hot man oh you'd be here so I made a fresh batch and that's the most thoughtful stuff anyone's ever done for me in a while I I've seen this this is really nice to hear I got I love that young kid banging on the door I wake up like WTF I open it like what up low homie I've never seen him before he said I missed the bus and no one will take me to school I've knocked on three doors my response say no more fam didn't even brush my teeth just grabbed my keys slipped on my foams go get that education young brother this is what big home he does for young brothers man this is so goddamn sweet I get that education my boyfriend came to watch me present my research and at the end I asked for questions he asked a super specific question that allowed me to reiterate the most interesting part of my research he knew the answer he wanted me to be able to highlight it again what a man be nice to everybody and use nice words to everyone even your teachers and everyone in the whole world be good friends forever man that that that needs to be framed okay I don't care what you say it needs to be framed masterpiece we're in Grand Lake this is where mom and I were engaged over 30 years ago Wow 30 years how about that my grandma and granddad got divorced 30 years ago and my granddad remarried and his wife is in the hospital and my grandma has been cooking dinners and sending them down to him because she knows he can't cook for himself is that not the purest woman on this planet I'm crying I love her and I do too came home to a nice surprise tonight I got the mail and there was a card addressed to Dave and I open it up and had no idea who was from it said sometimes for no reason at all good things happen to good people enjoy karma wants you to have a night on the town gift certificate for dinner and two movie tickets from karma I don't know who did it but thank you it really made my day it's so good so sweet happy Valentine's Day smile oh my god the colors look so nice also having chard he wished me a happy Valentine's Day in your letter which arrived on the right day yay I was like when is it going to arrive it arrived today it was hard to keep my mouth shut about it it's so sweet I really needed it I've had such a bad day and I went downstairs for the first time today at like 6:00 p.m. and my roommates had picked up the mail and sweet delight well it made my day - this this is good this is wholesome I love this wholesome content life acts 20:20 feeling alone on Valentine's Day turn off the lights and watch a horror movie after a while it won't feel like you're alone anymore love and friendship in the same image oh my God look at that fellas helpin fellas out friendly reminder that you don't get to celebrate Lunar New Year unless you're literally from a country that does or if you are invited by someone who is from the country that does friendly reminder that I hereby formally invite everyone to celebrate Lunar New Year thank you Andy Wang oh my god happy Valentine's Day make good choices that's that's funny that's funny this little type tan boy was left to die in a garbage can among find him and cared for him oh man that's really good though I'm glad to hear that my dad died nineteen years ago today now I'm a dad and I look at this little dude and think what do you need for me what can I teach you what can I give you I don't ever want to leave you and I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry thanks Brian a Japanese man with a sweet tooth who believes in smiles has become the world's oldest male at 112 years and 300 thirty-four days old according to Guinness World Records holy cow this is all a cheeky little boy who has caudal regression syndrome oli is a wheelchair user he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a boy like him on the posters in a u.s. Target Will's at all Ali's family says he stopped dead in his tracks to turn back around and get a closer look his family said to Oliver sees kids every day but he never gets to see kids like him and magazines or on posters it made a world of difference to little Ollie so well done target for representing people with disabilities this man just look at him that so good so wholesome so my parents asked me to take their pictures so that they could recreate their picture in the same spot from the year 1992 oh you're beautiful pass it on make someone's day smile this made me smile first day and pediatricians block oh look a little turtle clip in the dinosaur clip and they look at that suckers perfect dear person behind me and I hope today doesn't suck lots of love the person in front of you please can you write a silly joke on the pizza lid if my six year old loves jokes and is feeling unwell thanks what is the dog's favorite pizza pepperoni it is critical we give him a raise immediately this is yeah he needs a raise right now 12 year old boy helps they disabled puppy that was born without its front legs by building it a Lego wheelchair this kids going places and well just like that we've reached the end of our slash made me smile great as always love this subreddit thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bells you get notified every time you PC uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 111,119
Rating: 4.9620452 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, made me smile, made me smile reddit, r/mademesmile ezpz, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: BRP15b4qjAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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