RimWorld Frost and Fire - Landfall // EP 1

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of a brand new room world youtube series frost and fire frost and fire is a result of my community voting that i should do an extreme temperature challenge where it gets very hot and very cold and i created a mod a pretty large mod to accommodate this series but before i start let's go over the rules so the mod that i made for this is going to be available to the entire community and for all of us to play the same thing i created a community challenge this means that we'll be all using the same scenario and save game files and model it out as well and here are the challenge rules to use the provided scenario and save game file you can't have more than one colony or move map tiles you can't change the difficulty or storyteller and it is set to rainy as random losing is fun so it is pretty difficult you may not use any mods to make the game easier so just use user interface mods and you have to remain neutral or allied with all factions the goal of course is just to get off the planet so if you don't know anything about frost and fire there is a nine minute sort of overview of the entire mod in the description that is also can be found on my youtube channel there is a website rodomont.com frost and fire which gives you pretty much the same information as the overview video or alternatively you can find the frost and fire mod on the steam workshop that gives you somewhat of a truncated overview but still an overview nonetheless alrighty so we're starting off and let's analyze both the world here so let's get out to the world so we are on the seed frost and fire with spaces between all three words as you can see the coverage is 100 and we are at 181 north 83 69 east now of course if you are using the safe game file you don't need this information but if you would like to use this scenario and then generate the same map here it is uh i do have royalty enabled but royalty is not required for frost and fire there are two scenarios one that supports royalty and one for those who do not have it enabled or do not own it so it is up to you um here is my factions so you can never ever ever be allied with the reapers and we have the united cities the machinists and the rebel farmers they're all enemies of the reapers all right analyzing the terrain that we have around us we've got uh two points of ingress west one through spiders so what i'm gonna do before anything else is to mark down this area as dangerous so that we don't go there we also have some spiders down here so i'm going to mark this as dangerous as well for the same reason [Music] and let's invert this and rename this avoid spiders done uh from the east it looks pretty open north looks open and south looks open as well and we're landing around here now other things to note the fertility of this map tile of this terrain biome whatever you want to call it is basically zero there are some barely fertile areas in the tunnels and caves and that's about it for terrain affordance you do have to avoid the pipes and there might be some shallow water yep there's some shallow water in the tunnels but that's about it uh all right so let's land and introduce you to the characters so we've got jd raptor gabe and bash uh jd is an industrious iron wheeled jogger whose burning passions are shooting crafting medical and backup passions is construction of mining raptor is high percentage of sanguine and bloodlust now if you're playing on non-uh royalty dlc instead of uh hypersensitive he'll have fast learner uh he has medical social intellectual with some crafting and cooking gabe as uh cyclical deaths super immune quick sleeper plants mining shooting animals and artistic and then bash is brawler nimble tough melee construction cooking animal and medical let's give them priorities right off the bat i want jd and gabe to do mining i want bash to do construction and then i'm going to have uh raptor do research eventually but initially just haul i am also going to want to set up where i want to live so eventually tapping into the geothermals here would be a great source of power and i'm going to settle around this valley i'm going to set up a sun lamp and i'll set it up here just arbitrary all right let's lay out the sort of pathing for the sun lamp you know the minimum space requirements or whatever so this is the bare minimum requirements for this sun lamp but i'm also going to cut out a little corner here because i will be adding uh some cooling so it's gonna look like this uh then on top of that i'm gonna have a door here and here oh nope here and here like this leading eventually to airlocks so this is the i'll have it be more symmetrical for some of you that might care uh so this is the initial build that i want it also means that i'm going to put let's put steel here so raw resources put it in preferred and put raw resources out there and then in here i'm going to have just called stockpile and this is not going to include raw resources so the things that decay quicker are going to be inside and things don't decay as fast as gonna be outside so the raptor once you equip that revolver i want you to start hauling in steel now for jd gabe and bash i'm or jd and gabe i'm going to have them start to mine the close ores and then bash you're going to get started on the structure but i also want you to start on um setting up a power grid of sorts so i'm going to set up uh wind here and then inversely here i can even nudge this a little bit so when it faces one another like this and this will run out like that i'm having it avoid the geothermal and then eventually probably knock down this structure here and cut these trees and put two more wind in there i'm leaving this for maybe solar all right that's a good start i'm going to keep the meals and the medicine forbidden actually raptor first thing i want you to do is haul the components so jd is going west to this metal steel whatever it is and the gabe is going south mining different spots bash you should not hunt all right so let's get this built all right raptor uh what i want you to do is seek out resources that are a little further afoot from our base gabe what are you okay you're still mining good so this is a a clean start uh what i'm gonna do is have a kitchen up here and then have the dining room and living quarters over here eventually but initially we're just all gonna live piling into this small space that will turn into a hydroponic area but that's gonna that's gonna be a minute it doesn't become hydroponic overnight hey bash jd and gabe all looking good now one of the things you might notice is we're starting at the start of um fall you know it's the 2nd of september but it will get so much more violent temperature wise that's something that you're going to have to be aware of that is the resource scarcity and uh temperature variants are probably the main challenges of this series uh certain resources are extraordinarily rare like stone for instance uh you're gonna definitely have to buy and then some things that you'd normally grow in fertile soil like double strand are just basically impossible you're just not gonna get double strand either uh take a look at the wildlife we do have a bunch of blood spiders i have to keep an eye out for and then a gorilla somewhere yeah here it is raptor's still hauling i'm gonna have jd and uh gabe start to haul their steel as well so that bash can focus more on construction than anything else and then i might have raptor start delivering material uh to the wind turbines so steel is no issue but the issue with having an abundance of steel and a lack of things like let's say stone is flammability i think you can all see where i'm going with this um the world is everything that we build is going to be quite flammable if you ask me oh uh raptor i'm gonna have you move i i'm not gonna use the caravan trick all that often but i'm gonna have him move the food and the medicine right now bash you keep working all right let's drop this stuff off so that we just don't have to haul it like 15 times you know that would that would definitely be a lot slower all right so we're starting to get the external structure going but until we have wind power uh we're definitely not going to cool down and yes everybody is currently heat stroking if you were wondering i'm also gonna uh forbid let's start grabbing the rest of this stuff i'm gonna forbid all the meals until i have a table i don't want anyone um i don't want anyone you know eating without a table if i can help it let's load the rest of this up uh so bash is roofing everything off and then we're gonna try to get here we're gonna try to get uh there we go uh try to get our wind power up and running afterwards here we go okay so it's all roofed up let's forbid the meals all right raptor i want you to start delivering to this wind turbine and bash we'll do the other one and that will get our wind up quicker i could also maybe at some point in the future mine out the corners here if this is an overhead mountain and put another wind turbine like here but i don't want to put one where it's going to block the geothermal in the future jd in gabe i'm going to force you to haul some of the steel that you've mined saving bash some footwork there we go here is our first wind turbine and then we're probably gonna need more than one likely in fact you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to mine out some of this right now with uh with jd so that we can put in another wind turbine nesting it in here i'm gonna have to cut down some of the trees but that's fine all right so deliver the components and bash you are going yep you're already doing it wonderful so this wind turbine is generating 92 watts which is not going to be enough to power on a cooler in fact i'm going to need three wind turbines just to generate that first so bash after you're done breaking this uh ship trunk down we'll get a wind turbine here well we'll actually build this one i'm gonna stop the uh stop that breaking down the chunks all right so jd you're gonna dig here so that i can have an unobstructed wind turbine hopefully this here will not be overhead mountain in fact i'll check that now i'll dig right there because if it is i'll have to move it up one it is overhead mountain wonderful okay well then up one is fine and remove roof from here all right bash that's that's good project all right so now we're starting to do ac in here which is going to be critically important let's work on this wind turbine and a raptor what i want you to do is to start delivering for a table and deliver materials for a recreation deliver materials for a surface to eat on and then start delivering materials for bedding now i will work towards getting uh everybody their own betting and all that but right now you know i'm gonna have to focus on you know making sure that we have a comfortable base for everybody to live in or i'm gonna have some mood issues aren't i all right so let's deliver the beds so that bash can make them much much much quicker and we are starting to get ac here there we go now we have enough wind power to fire up both coolers which should be enough to cool this down to a non-heat stroke level jd actually bash remove the roof here when you're done and then raptor you haul the steel uh looks like the blood spiders that i was worried about went for the mega spiders and took themselves out of the equation so that's fine by me all right gabe you're going to be required to cut these trees down so i'm going to send you over to cut the trees now because he's their best farmer and then that will start producing uh that will start producing more power because right now it's blocked by the trees all right bash is going to make sure that we have a surface to eat on and then eventually beds all right so let's work on the surface to eat on and then i can unforbid the meals now that we ate with tables or we will be able to eat with tables and we're starting to get the beds constructed which will allow us to be a little bit more comfortable an excellent one too and then probably the next big project is to get a kitchen and hydroponics and research table there's a lot of projects as as you might have imagined all right last bed all right normal quality uh who's our fast sleeper it is gabe so i'm gonna give gabe the normal quality bed and i'm gonna give raptor the best because he's gonna do research and then the last two are good quality beds between bastion and uh and jd okay you are hauling raw resources hall of steel so the next project is let's get an airlock here something like that and then we're also going to want to get a double insulation uh pretty much everywhere outside of our uh this is this here is going to be an air lock as well but double insulation double walls everywhere around our farm uh because the farm is the most temperature sensitive part of the base and just for aesthetics i'm gonna put the corner pieces in here because i can afford it but um there we go so that's sort of the layout of the initial farm and we'll get the get a stool for the research and then we'll also get steel chess table for some recreation all right day one looking good now that i've properly designed my power systems to avoid the uh hydropon uh the geothermal i don't need to worry about that what do i need to worry about so i have a gorilla that is probably getting increasingly more hungry and he's going to be dangerous to me uh we've got bugs down here they're guarding some jade and lots of steel so it is 70 it is temperate in inside here which is going to allow us to keep cool gabe is back as a quick sleeper back to already mining all right so this is minimum wind on minimum wind we only have enough power to to power up one cooler if i had uh what is that 90 270. so right now we're making about 276 watts of power and i need a bunch more wind so battery tech is going to be uh pretty pretty necessary raptor i want you to start delivering for the research bench and then as soon as bash is awakened we'll be able to build that and you'll be able to start research towards hydroponics and by the time i have the hydroponics set up i want to have like a barracks of sorts so that there's places for my guys to sleep not in the farm because that will all turn to farmland so raptor right now is you're just hauling in steel and then some wood all right mr raptor let's avoid spiders and then also you're gonna be researching in a second once you're done hauling that stuff in fact i'm going to clear your prioritized work as soon as you deliver clear looking good there gabe so now we have an airlock which will help to keep it cooler inside and then what i probably want to do is let's go ahead and deconstruct this stuff so that i could fit some more wind power and then we have another lock so i can unfold that door and then i'm going to double wall everything and the double walls is to prevent uh overheating or over cooling issues you know double walls with the double insulation helps to improve uh heating and cooling efficiency okay so building chess table is going to take a minute but we are already on our way to getting hydroponics which will help to keep us fed because we have 63 uh 63 uh package survival meals and then we might have a little opportunity to do some hunting but like not much really not much at all because there's not a lot of animals here uh i guess there's more blood spiders new blood spiders so that's dangerous and something to keep an eye out on but um yeah there's not a lot of opportunity to do a ton of uh hunting so you're definitely gonna have to grow most of your food or you know you could possibly get ranching animals for eggs and stuff like that but those opportunities are kind of few and far between all right so there's a gorilla hunting game i'm gonna pause for a second uh gorillas are quite quite quite dangerous creatures uh you could think of them as like like sort of bears i guess so jd raptor you're gonna get out here help to intercept the bear is out here gabe go south bash get ready so these are the gorillas are sort of like uh you know they're about the strength and danger of a grizzly bear i need to get some shots on to intercept it all right right now it's chasing raptor let's all reconvene over here and hunt it together interrupting everything that we were previously doing all right and hopefully it chases bash nope it's not chasing bash there it's downed um female okay so i'm going to hunt it fully and then that means we have roughly what three days two and a half days to create some sort of kitchen uh i had planned on the kitchen being here i just hadn't planned on it being built quite yet but i guess so the most efficient shape to heat or cool is a square that is the greatest area for the least amount of resource so i want a square kitchen so this is going to be the square kitchen and then i'm also going to put a cooler in here to keep this hallway close cool so that the airlock works um let's make it a little bit bigger i don't know how many coolers i'm going to need so let's do this shape do an electric stove and then i'm obviously going to need a lot more power generation in order to support such a behemoth project um that i think is going to be pretty obvious so let's also double insulate it and i'm also going to want a steel butcher table i'll stick this uh here i don't really care where it goes but it's gonna go there for now all right so let's start delivering materials and then bash i'm gonna have you deconstruct this stuff [Music] so that i can expand the power grid because if i'm going to have a kitchen that freezes anything it's going to be very much required to uh to generate a little bit more power all right gabe i'm going to have you all this stuff and then cut down these trees so i am planning on putting some additional wind here and here once we have that stuff out of the way and i think i'm gonna have um raptor play delivery person for a bit just to try to get the resources delivered so that bash can build more effectively so before i even do anything here let's haul the steel over i do also have to worry about moods because mental breaks especially in extreme temperatures and um extreme situations could be very very deadly so yeah we do have a bit of a war between spiders here mega spiders and blood spiders going at it [Music] you're still researching and then i'm also going to need to go after the ship chunks for their components as well all right jd haul that over and just leave it there that's fine all right so we're starting to get cool coolers in here uh the coolers in here are going to be idle uh for a bit because it's not walled off and straight to bed everybody that currently has heat stroke should lose the heat stroke overnight yep there goes now the soil here is too low uh fertility to ever really support crops uh but it will support these sort of sessile mechanoid trees okay ng uh gabe should be compact steel mining all right so we have about two days to butcher this thing and then we'll have a certain amount of days in order to make sure that we've got uh refrigeration or freezing okay so here's some tribals passing by just passing by as you can see now that we're getting later in the fall it is becoming less hot so the amount of the temperature is not as bad and we're heading into our first winter uh so all of these coolers that i have here are probably not all that necessary now but they will be necessary when it comes time to prepping for next summer these seasons are very very very violent all right so we're starting to get a source of food on then i'm going to want to get some additional power grid up we're gonna have rolling black brown outs because i simply don't have enough power to support uh this stuff here so these coolers are gonna bring the temperature down to cold let's say 26 fahrenheit which is freezing obviously uh i'm gonna have a yeah okay that's fine so i could at any point uh butcher this gorilla and it'd be it'd be good to go uh jd what i want you to do is remove the floor here marble tiles are going to really make for good bedrooms oops i'm having you clean but whatever marble tiles are definitely a premium premium another thing that i'm going to have him do is head over here and break these down now that it's not so hot uh in in the in the months where it's not broiling hot you should definitely definitely take advantage of capitalizing any resources that in summer and winter you won't have access to that's um critically important i cannot stress that enough so these stales with their mass amounts of marble is going to really help me design a a pretty base going an attractive base that keeps people happy all right we're also going to want a lamp in here and then this cooler should bring it down to freezing as well what do we say 26 okay and we'll store our meals in here jd let's have you up some hauling as you can see due to my soul reliance on wind um we do already have a bit of a brown out and this is going to be a recurring thing as soon as the wind goes low i'm gonna have a lack of the ability to power up anything or everything um just you know that's how it is then as soon as the wind picks up we're good again like magic all right so jd is hauling in this uh marble and gabe just finished off mining this corner so here's our full realized power grid looks pretty good all right butcher creature uh let's see no no insect corpses and who's my cook it's gonna be bash so bash butcher that thing and then i'm going to stockpile and let's design this smartly now so i'll have to do it later so three individual stockpiles and then a stockpile for the rest of the stuff and then a stockpile for meals so here is going to be cycloid leaves let's have it be important plant matter cycled leaves here is going to be important for meat that is not human so this will be uh cooking meat cooking veg so raw food a vegetarian and then everything in here preferred for uh raw food meals that are not packet survival meals um that's probably good and then in here we'll do important for meals and then when we cook we'll bring it to this spot here i'll have this be sort of an airlock but i'll probably leave the door open for ease and then once we clean this slag up there now it's dirty but it's not gonna kill us uh we also want to haul in the gorilla leather that's gonna be important stuff and all the new creatures have their own sort of leather properties in the light so that's going to be important for you to follow as well the different different leather so gorilla leather for instance has um pretty decent cold and heat insulation it's pretty beautiful and then it offers a fair bit of heat and sharp armor but not so much blunt somewhat typical okay so there's no more wild animals anywhere there are there's the mega spiders and that's about it the they killed off the remaining blood spiders i'm also going to want to get a smelter not exactly sure where i want to put it right now but i'm going to want one in the future because the map is literally covered in slag and uh i should take advantage of that it looks like gabe here you need something to do so i'm gonna give you some additional mining cues i'm gonna try to get the uh the components and game gabe is also a farmer so soon he's going to be responsible for um planting the hydroponic stuff that that will that will lie squarely on his shoulders so jd i'm going to pause for a second jd i'm gonna have you switch gears now you are going to help me construct more than mine and i'm going to delete a lot of stuff so yes build the smelter and bash and jd are going to claim as much stone as possible for security purposes so one of the things i want to do is grab all this wonderful material and put it to use in secure bedrooms and the like all right let's turn this off though i don't need that right now a power outage where we are losing lights that's not good so down here we do have a chokepoint and let's build this with limestone and a steel door and then we have another chokepoint over here same deal limestone steel door so when enemies spawn down here they'll go around and in fact i might even push them out this way so to that end let's find train affordance and this is for future security driving enemies towards what will eventually become a skill box for security's sake so these are very good projects to have and then another thing i want to do is i'm going to take off auto home zoning because i don't want to own massive swaths of the area around these little walls i just want to own the wall themselves all right so now any enemies coming from the south will go around and ingress this direction and then i can drive all the enemies that are coming to my base through this direction into you know turrets and the like right i mean that's that's sort of the idea which means i want to get rid of all the ruins that might be in the way like these ruins or these ruins so that i have a clear shot to kill you know anyone that's trying to attack me no line of sight blocking or anything like that all right looking good so far now i'm not going to use this meat until i have some vegetables so i make fine meals fine meals are going to be really really rare and uh i definitely want to i want to preferably save the fine meals for when i have mood issues and not waste them on everyday consumption forbid these so that i deconstruct everything all right they're going for a walk uh raptor is very close to having hydroponics finished jd is breaking down some additional structures gabe is mining and let's get the compact machinery first i think that's going to be really important for me to stockpile up another thing i might want to do is to fill in these overhead mountain zones uh if i'm worried about an infestation risk because there is an infestation risk leaving that the way it is that's not something i would do [Music] soon it's kind of a low priority low you know low importance type of thing but that is something i should do at some point is to fill that in so that i don't have bugs spawning in the vulnerable back of my base speaking of the vulnerable back of my base um i'm going to get a very very simple sort of wall here to protect what's back here uh so that enemies can't quick easily get to the sensitive stuff all right so now that we're getting some additional limestone uh i will cue up those walls to be finished off and these are just very simple retaining walls they don't mean anything they're not you know they're not all that useful or whatever but they're going to uh they're going to keep enemies from entering my area that aren't sappers from directions that i'm not um haven't you know planned to defend from all right so that's the remainder of the limestone and then uh blocks like granite should be used for like kill box type constructions you know the uh the most sensitive parts of my walls and the like and if you see the temperature being tempered here don't you worry this is just because it's between seasons the spring and the fall are temperate and the winter and the uh summer are just hell i don't i can't i can't even explain how bad it's gonna be but it's it's gonna be bad and you should prep for the worst which also means at some point getting heaters everywhere i don't have a network of heaters at the moment um but that's definitely something i'm gonna need and i i certainly in this area don't have enough coolers either but uh yeah it's starting to drop we're now below the sort of cooler temperature so uh that means getting heaters out uh pretty soon and then i also want to get a proper bedroom so bedrooms um that is a very very very good thing to plan out i do have a lot of marble and marble's going to be very crucial to have uh high functioning bedrooms so what i want to do here is to have a little bit of um exposed wall in this area let me um figure out how i want to lay this out maybe like this and then all right so that's steel and this is marble i'm gonna pause for just a second so all of the bedrooms are gonna be roughly the same shape uh because of my extraordinarily limited amount of resources i have to make sure that they are um like mid max size let's put doors in them and then vents in between [Music] and vents out to a main area all of this is marble and then the outside structure here is instead of a double walling marble we're gonna we're gonna wall it up steel and then i'm gonna have some sort of workshop work living area here but i have to be very very very careful about how much functional um square footage this takes uh so this nook here is going to be like a research a high-tech research bench area uh without it can sterilize um and then i'm going to need sort of a bare minimum amount of square footage for the rest of this so it's gonna be something like a door here and this will be where my defenses are so if i'm putting a door here actually door here and here this is going to be a long uh airlock one of which we should be able to more easily so over here will be steel there and then a distant airlock and then this will be sort of the living quarters and the like it's hard to picture it right now but that's the plan so you're digging a compacted steel that's fine hydroponics is now done let's immediately pivot to solar and i'm going to uh start to get hydroponic um benches out this is going to take a ton of resources because they're very very expensive uh but that was to be expected now i'm going to keep this light off because i don't want to spend the resources for it so uh hydroponics is going to look something like that right these beds are sort of in the way so this is going to be the initial hydroponic tables i i construct and i'm going to put in let's copy this setting and copy the name and the last thing i do in this episode is just put my stockpile back alright guys well that is all the time i have this very first episode i just want to reiterate if you have an interest in playing frostifier for yourself just go to well here you are go to writermont.com frost and fire or search the steam workshop for the frostifier mod and scenarios you can get the save game files only from my website because it can't share save game files over steam if you have any feedback for this very first episode let me know in the comments below i hope you enjoyed it all thank you all so very much for watching i will catch you next episode the schedule is at ratamount.com thanks for watching and adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 97,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Frost and Fire, Community Challenge
Id: 0dDF4K8bLrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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