Starting with nothing - Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal Episode 1 [Rimworld Beta 18 Ice Sheet Challenge]

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Alright Pete, we're onto your shenanigans. ;P

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smastian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually do lol I listen to roll1d2 also :) not as soothing but somehow his stream-of-consciousness style of commentating is oddly relaxing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hero_Link πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trying this tonight

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JIP117 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been doing this the past few weeks lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bloopsmee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yep, it's an amazing series. So glad we finally get a new one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IdleClique πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Actually did this last night...went to sleep on episode 9, woke up on like 20 something. I need to rewatch the series now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SheLuvMySteez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do you wake up hungry? Like... really really craving a specific type of cuisine?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zechnophobe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like to hear his voice in the background

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RickRPA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw it in my recommended videos a week ago. Watched episode 18(?) And was like, yeah, I can watch this. Started from the beginning.

After a couple episodes I updated and bought the new dlc. I now have a 7 man colony, 5 years old.

I've been doing the exact same thing. Its gotten to the point where I am rewatching the same video once or twice because it just puts me immediately to sleep, so I can't remember what happens at the end of the episode without rewatching it.

I can't help the Dutch accent just lulls me to sleep.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CejusChrist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey there and welcome to rim worlds my name is Pete and yes we are starting a brand new series and we complete a rim world beta 18 now rim world is a sci-fi colony builder game that is still in early access however for over a month now the game is officially out of alpha and with beta 18 released I think this is a perfect time to start a full completionist serious and that's the title and description already revealed we will be playing one hell of a tough scenario tribals start on one colonists no equipment Ice Sheet Randy random extreme difficulty I think it's safe to say that we're in for quite the challenge now quick note at this point the setup for this playthrough will be rather detailed we will actually spend the next 10 minutes or so configuring our scenario our world and our character and I will explain a lot of stuff that might be old news to those of you who are already familiar with the game nonetheless around the 5 minute mark or so when were choosing where to settle things will already get pretty strategic so even if you already know a lot of these things maybe you're still interested to see how I approach this scenario I will leave several timestamps down below in the description and in the comments so you can choose and go straight to the part of the video that interests you the most now maybe for those of you who are new this right here is a completionist channel meaning that we usually play games to full completion this can include for example the entire storyline of a game so all main inside quests or unlocking all available achievements if the game has them now for those of you who are a bit more familiar with rim world you know that the game doesn't really have quests or achievements unless the game does have an end and that is also the overall goal of this playthrough to finish the game and reach that end and I think it will explain everything else as we go along so let's get things started with a new colony now by default rim world offers three different scenarios and the three main variables between those scenarios are the number of people you start with the amount and quality of equipment that you start with and your level of research the crash-landed scenario is more or less the standard it has you start with 3 colonists a good amount of equipment and a rather modern level of research and Technology the rich Explorer scenario then is a variation of that allowing you to start with only one colonist instead of three but in exchange giving you better equipment and they slightly higher level of research as well the tribals start on the other hand creates its challenge pretty much the other way around by giving you more colonists to start with five this time but instead giving them the low level equipment and a significantly reduced level of research leaving them technologically far behind the crash-landed scenario that lack of technology and the slow research rate is also the main source of challenge for this scenario but I think for our playthrough we can increase that even further in our playthrough we will take the trouble start as a base but instead of five tribal colonists we will start with only one to add to the challenge we will also give that colonists no equipment whatsoever so we will start with absolutely nothing which means we have to get every resource we need from the map that we play on the research level will of course remain troubles so we will start with a lot of things not researched yet for example we will start things off with no electricity as well as synthesis new and betta 18 without bets one last thing I have disabled the wanderer joints incident which is an event that can randomly happen in the game that gives you an addition colonists pretty much for free on one hand those additional colonists can make the game a lot easier on the other hand it removes all control you have over who joins your colony and who doesn't so this is our setup let's choose the storyteller next once again rimworld gives you three options here Kassandra classic Phoebe chillax and Randy random cassandra classic is the default storyteller offering a steadily increasing challenge as the colony grows phoebe chillax as the name already suggests a bit more relaxed giving you a bit more time between random events while still remaining somewhat challenging in the latest stages of the game and then we have Randy random Andy random doesn't really care about breaks between events he also doesn't really care about steadily increasing the challenge he will just randomly throw events at you both good and bad sometimes with a lot of time in between other times multiple events at once that makes him by far the most unpredictable storyteller and one could argue that he's also the hardest one however at least in my opinion his unpredictability also makes him the most entertaining storyteller and because Randy random seems to perfectly combine entertainment and challenge he will be the storyteller for this playthrough now we can also select the difficulty and these will always be the same no matter who storytellers and they are pretty straightforward peaceful as the easiest one and extreme is the hardest one and of course we want to go for the toughest possible challenge and for that reason we will select a Randy random on extreme difficulty up next we have to create our world and wellton room world are generated randomly based on a seed for some of you that might be familiar from a little game called minecraft the good thing is that based on the seat and the other settings here the world still are generated will always be the same so that means if you want to with the seed peat you can play along we will then set globe coverage to 100% even the world generation will take a while with that setting while the rainfall and temperature settings will remain at normal levels now I have said world courage to 100% as this is the only setting that will generate an entire planet and because I have a very specific biome and environment in mind that we want to play on we want to have a full planet generated as that gives us the highest chance of actually finding what we need all right this right here is our world and as you can see we have different biomes in the middle near the equator we have a lot of rubble and desert and rainforest and as we move further away from that we will see temperate forest boreal forest tundra and eventually ice now ice comes in two different variations in this game Ice Sheet and sea ice sea ice is very likely the hardest biome to survive on in this game so hard in fact that it is absolutely impossible with the scenario that we have chosen so we will just take the next best thing and that is ice sheet compared to the absolutely flat sea ice ice sheet gives you the occasional hill or mountain and we might even meet the occasional animal and at this point choosing our starting location we will already get a bit strategic now what I want here is a towel that has a mountainous terrain as that will hopefully increase our chances to build a defensible base and it will also provide us with a healthy amount of stones and minerals speaking of which stone types are the next thing that we want to look out for and so we want to find a mountainous channel that has granite marble and sandstone now there are other stones in this game like limestone or slate but granite marble and sandstone all possess unique qualities that make them a bit more desirable than the rest now granite is the hardest stone in the game making it also the most durable so it is the best type of stone to build outer walls and front land chances with marble on the other hand is regarded as the most beautiful stone in the game so everything built from marble will impress your colonists just a tiny bit more sandstone then is the type of stone that is quickest to work with making it not only faster to mine and the other stones but also very useful if you want to build structures very very quickly now I did find a good place right here at eighty six point oh six degrees north and one hundred seventy one point nine one degrees east so once again if you want to play along that is the tower were going to play on and as you can see here on the left it has not miss terrain with sandstone granite and marble now one last thing that is also somewhat important when selecting a site here is temperature of course on the ice sheet it will be pretty cold most of the time and we actually want that we want it to be cold enough and cold enough in my experience is achieved when the average summer temperature is below minus ten degrees Celsius the reason for that is that I never ever want to have temperatures above zero as long as we have zero degrees or below food meat and corpses will remain frozen and as long as they're frozen they won't rot allowing us to store them pretty much indefinitely and that is actually one of the few advantages the ice sheet offers so with a quick look at temperature here we want to make sure that we absolutely get the most out of it now also a quick look at the Advanced Settings here where we will slightly increase the map size from 250 by 250 to 275 by 275 simply because large parts of the map will be mountain and a slight increase here gives you just a tiny bit more useful terrain to work with we will also set the starting season to summer where we will have the warmest temperatures otherwise this playthrough might become very short-lived as starting in winter could have a colonist freeze to death in just a few minutes one last thing that we want to at least keep in mind are the factions here where we have three friendlies and two hostiles and the yellow faction here the blue rock nation tribe those are actually friendly which is somewhat convenient because they are the faction that is closest by but we'll get more into factions as we go along for now let's complete the last step before preparations and meet our colonists now room well normally generates your colonists at random but it does give you the option to read role as many times as you like with the randomize button now we could do that until we find a suitable colonists but that might take quite a while because surprise surprise that once again have a very specific character in mind for that reason and just as a matter of convenience I haven't start the prepare carefully mod that is however the only mod featured in this playthrough the gameplay itself will be entirely vanilla and mod free the prepare carefully mod is simply installed so that I don't have to click randomize for 15 minutes straight you can however do exactly that but there are a few things that I absolutely want my colonists to have here number one most importantly and absolutely critical for this playthrough is the cannibal trait without this ability to eat human flesh relatively penalty-free this playthrough will be more or less impossible now the rest is not as important but having an adult so a guy that is at least twenty years old also helps tremendously as it not only gives you the childhood but also the adulthood backstory which provides you with bonuses to various skills speaking of backstories and skills ideally your pawn is incapable of nothing there are backstories that make it colonists for example incapable of violence however since we play with only one colonists we want him at least in theory to be able to do anything now I allowed myself to optimize slightly here I think the odds are already heavily stacked against us and therefore a bit of tweaking should be allowed and I went with the cave child and Digger backstories both giving bonuses to construction and mining and those skills especially mining will be very important on the mountainous map that we play on I also took the liberty and added two more very useful traits but like a set apart from cannibal those are definitely not a requirement the industrious trait significantly increases our pawns work speed while the jogger trait makes him move faster so caviar here will be able to do everything just a tiny bit faster which considering the overall circumstances that we're facing is a small advantage that we can allow ourselves to have now the last thing on the right side here are the skills now cam BR has knowing capabilities so technically he can do everything that however does not mean that he's good at everything I have put a few points and shooting in melee because he needs to be able to defend himself and since we will go for ranged weapons as early as possible I have given him one flame of passion for the shooting skill meaning that he will learn that skill at an increased rate social and animals remain at zero because they're not overly important at least not compared to the other skills while medicine on the other hand is somewhat important and therefore gets five points and one flame of passion cooking gets only two points because we won't cook for quite a while but once we do we want to have some familiarity while construction and mining will be can be us main skills resulting of course from his back stories for our storytelling purposes they are also the only two skills I allow him to have burning passion and so two flames which I think makes sense considering his back stories growing will not be a heavy focus for a long time and therefore remains at zero art is also largely irrelevant in the early game whereas crafting and more importantly intellectual will see a lot more use both get a flame and intellectual is actually our highest rated skill because we will be forced to research some technologies very very early on and intellectual is the skill that helps with that all in all our colonist is now worth roughly 1800 points which is par for the course for some of the better randomly generated colonists so caviar is by no means overpowered he is just extremely carefully created now if you want to play alarm but don't have them out then please don't overthink it the only real requirement for this playthrough is the cannibal trade and then having no injuries or incapabilities would be desirable as well but your skill set can look different from this and that might make you play through a bit harder however it won't make it entirely impossible now we have finally reached a point where we are about to jump in I admit that the preparation took a bit longer than I had anticipated but as the saying goes failing to plan is planning to fail and with that let's go planetside and place some rimworld alright here we are can be our in the middle of nowhere quick look at the map and as expected we have quite a few hills and mountains scattered around including one huge mountain that covers the entire southern edge of the map now at this point in the game we have two things that are of critical priority number one getting food at number 2 not freezing to death and with food we really only have one choice as you can see there are no edible plants anywhere around here and there never will be so instead we need to look for animals to hunt and luckily there are a few snow hairs on the map which will hopefully be enough to get us through the first two or three days very important with the snow house however is that they won't stay on the map forever sooner or later they will discover that there is no food for them here and at that point they will begin to wander off now we also have a Polar Bear here that we definitely do not want to mess with and when this guy starts to get hungry he will not simply wander off instead he will start hunting snow hence if there are still some available but if that's not the case he will come after us that is not an immediate danger but something we definitely want to keep in mind now the second big problem at the moment is temperature as you can see here in the lower right corner we currently have an outer temperature of minus 21 degrees Celsius now it is still only six o'clock in the morning so that temperature will rise a bit during the day but it will remain uncomfortably cold now if we have a look at cam BR here and open up his information window then we can see both his maximum and minimum comfortable temperature and that minimum comfortable temperature is at 2 degrees that means everything below will make can BR feel cold and give him a penalty to his mood and everything significantly below that will cause them to freeze eventually develop hypothermia which can ultimately lead to death now we can of course take measures to protect can be off from the elements and one of the easiest ways to do that is with clothing in the gear tab we can see what cambia has currently equipped and that would be a piece of cloth tribal well and that cloth tribal wear has a cooled insulation of a -10 degrees meaning that it increases can be our tolerance for cold temperatures by those 10 degrees that gear however is already factored into his overall minimum comfortable temperature so without the tribal wear that would be even higher at 12 degrees now at this point in the game we can't really do much about this we have no materials or other means of crafting new and warmer equipment so we have to resort to the only other viable option of staying warm on the ice sheet steam geysers there are a few dotted around the map that will add regular intervals give of hot air and normally that hot air evaporates into the cold air around them however it is possible to build structures around these geysers which will allow us to trap the heat and that is what we will have to do in order to not freeze to death on this map here so our first two tests for this episode are number 1 hunt a snow hare and number 2 build a shelter around the steam geyser now for that second part we also want to have a quick look at which guys that were going to use eventually I want to build a mountain base because we don't really have the resources to build one in the and a mountain bass also has numerous other advantages that we will get into in due time so ideally we're looking for a Gaza close to that big mountain in the south here there are too close to the western edge of the map and then we have two more here on the other side but I think we'll go with this one here in the West because as you can see here it is in a very secluded area which should also be a bit easier to defend on top of that and this is really the most important reason there's also steel close by and steel will be our only building material in the beginning so having it just a few tiles from where we want to build is very useful but I would say let's get to it now we need to start hunting and for that purpose we will draft caviar and then we'll tell him to Mellie attack the snow hair that is closest by and he will then do that with his fists because we don't have a weapon yet so it might take a while for the snow hair to go down okay so the snow hair has attacked back this is something that can happen and it's not overly dangerous unless the wounds get infected now we can see in Cambiaso tab that he has suffered three snow hair bites and of course we want him to bandage those immediately for that purpose we will activate the self tent option on the left here and we will set it to dr. care but no medicine simply because we don't have medicine anyway caviar will now tend to his wounds and bandaged him up which will stop the bleeding and stop the healing process while the wounds are healing there is a small risk of them getting infected though and if that happens we might have a bit of a problem on our hands early on so all we can do here is hope that cambia will be fine alright caviar is fully patched up and because it's not hungry at the moment we don't need to eat the snow hair just yet instead we want to haul it back to where we will eventually build our base for that purpose we will simply create a small stockpile down here and we will set that to allow everything cambia will then all the snow hair down there and he can heat it later once he's finished building and now it is high time that we start building a shelter and with the planning tool here I have outlined the walls we don't have to fill in the corners and the room will still count as closed off so that allows us to save some materials in total we therefore need eight pieces of wall - one because one of them is going to be a door and to build all of that we need at least 110 steel so let's tell caviar to mine four blocks of steel here each block mind will give a slightly over 30 steel so four blocks will be enough to build what we have planned all right everything is mined we should now have more than 120 steel to work with so let's start building the door will be placed near the top-left corner as that is also the direction in which can be our leaves and enters the area so with the door at the top there he won't have to run around the entire building to enter on the other side now we can also see here that sometimes construction fails this can happen if your colonist has a low construction skill in our case though it is the result of chaos injuries whenever a construction fails some of the resources will be wasted so it's a good thing that we have mined a few extra okay here we are late afternoon already and caviar is actually using the last steel block to finish the building here as his construction attempts failed quite a few more times throughout the building process now the construction is finished though and cambia will proceed to build a roof building a roof does not cost any resources and materials stored under a roof will never deteriorate in our case the roof also serves a vital function and trapping the heat from the steam geyser and we will be able to see that effect in just a few moments okay now the roof is finished the steam geyser is blowing out hot steam and we can already see the indoor temperature rising as a comparison outside we currently have -6 degrees inside however we have a cozy 27 now all the building has made can be are pretty hungry he is already urgently hungry giving him a minus 14 mood penalty so let's have him eat the snow hair now now consuming a raw corpse is definitely not fine cuisine but for the early game it will have to do caviar has consumed the corpse in one go leaving us now without any food reserves so while we still have a few hours before cambia needs to go to sleep let's find ourselves a few more snow has to hunt as can be our Max himself on his way we can now see that he is fully healed from his earlier injuries so like I said unless the wounds get in fact that a few scratches won't hurt us too much now this no hair conveniently does not fight back allowing us to kill it without taking damage and since we still have a bit of time let's immediately go for another one in our home base we will then create a bigger stockpile right next to the wall here delete the other one and tell cam BR to start hauling we will also quickly set his entire schedule to anything so that can be our does not go to sleep simply because it's time to but only when he's tired enough and actually needs some sleep now we're hauling both snow hairs back to the base at the same time cambiado can only carry one so we'll have to go back and forth now caviar is also slowly getting pretty damn cold as he has already developed serious hypothermia now he can probably stay out for a few more moments but we want to get him inside as quickly as possible speaking of inside we will now also place a sleeping spot inside of our shelter this is by no means a bed it simply shows cambia where he's supposed to sleep then just seconds before he can get inside cambio develops frostbite so once again he needs to tent himself now otherwise we actually risk losing a finger here and with the wound tended now caviar can finally get some sleep three hours later the injury has already fully healed again and a further three hours later a cambiar needs to get back up because he is once again getting hungry now the next goal is to build a few more things inside of our shelter for that we quickly need to move the sleeping spot and then with the planning tool I have once again outlined the area that we're going to use and we want to build four different things here a research bench a table a stool and a crafting spot in that crafting spot we also want to craft a club later on and the material costs for all of those things will be 183 steel and with every block giving a slightly more than 30 steel we now need to mine 6 blocks ok we have a first random event a group of visitors and they apparently have something to trade now we don't have silver or anything else to trade them in exchange but it might still be worth having a look at their inventory the visitors are still on their way and caviar has already mined what he needed to so he can quickly get some rest until the group arrives ok they're here let's have a look what they have to trade alright nothing too special here the herbal medicine would be nice to have though it costs 18 silver the who and like a sad way of nothing to exchange it with so while sadly half to pass in the meantime though we can quickly lay down the plans for research bench stool table and crafting spot and if we put them down in this formation then the stool in the middle can be used for crafting spot table and research bench at the same time so we only need one stool to serve three purposes shortly after camp er once again hands off to bed and while he's asleep we get our second event some crashed cargo pots these drop a good amount of hops which can be used to brew beer not that we necessarily want to do that but they might also be useful for trading so cambia will haul them back to the base once he's awake again we just need to slightly increase the size of a stockpile for him to be able to do that now we also want to tell them to roof over the stockpile otherwise the items outside will slowly deteriorate alright so our visitors are leaving again now and just a few seconds later we hear a noise coming from the north the group has apparently run into the polar bear and as we can see here the polar bear lost the fight this is now extremely convenient for us because it secures us a large amount of food for the next few days contrary to the snow has the polar bear can serve us for multiple meals and so even though we didn't up trading anything the group of visitors still proved to be useful in the end now cambia has already eaten the last snow hair and build a roof over the stockpile and he is now building a research bench in the next episode we will very likely start using that right now though he can quickly haul the polar bear back to the stockpile and then also start bringing in the hops after his second hauling - a caviar has earned himself a quick polar bear snack before he can then head out one last time to grab the remaining hops he wasn't quite able to carry all of it so 10 asked a left up here but we won't bother coming back for those the time it takes to get up here can be better spent elsewhere and with 195 hops in our stockpile can be arcane once again head off to bed now at this point I quickly realized that our audit cambia to build a wooden stool and table that of course will not work without wood so here will tell him to build the steel versions instead and despite caviar being tired we will quickly rush him to build those two things afterwards he can then go to bed and get some well-earned sleep and we have our shelter up and running and ready for big plans in the next episode now I hope you enjoyed this episode and the mix of challenge and well somewhat educational gameplay I am definitely eager to continue this series and of course if you have any questions or ideas for it then please leave them down below in the comments if you liked the episode then I'd be happy if you could leave with a thumbs up and if you want to support the channel then feel free to subscribe by clicking on the small trophy I can't in the middle of the screen thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time kiss
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 1,365,736
Rating: 4.8856497 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld Tribal, Rimworld Ice Sheet, Rimworld Beta 18, Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal, Rimworld Tribal Ice Sheet, Rimworld Ice Sheet Challenge, Rimworld Starting with nothing, Rimworld start with nothing, Rimworld Ice Sheet Guide, Rimworld Ice Sheet Start, Rimworld steam geyser, Rimworld Tribal start, Rimworld challenge, Rimworld Episode 1, Rimworld Ice Sheet Tribal Challenge, Rimworld Beta 18 gameplay, Rimworld Ice Sheet Beta 18, Rimworld, Rimworld Start, Rimworld Strategy Guide
Id: XUk4IzwHXcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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