Rimworld: DNA Despair - Part 1: Hydras and Spiders and Boars, Oh My!

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[Music] hey folks this is d coherent and welcome to a new room world series as you may guess this time we're going to be focusing on playing with the basic building blocks of life no not mechanized the squishy ones dna so the central mod that we'll be using is genetic rim so genetic rim lets us basically stuff animals in a blender and use the dna that comes out for all kinds of things obviously we want to make all kinds of bizarre animals but we can also make human and animal implants genetic rim also adds a new wind condition which is very exciting basically instead of just building a ship we'll be building the ultimate biomechanical horror which just sounds awesome so coupled with genetic rim we'll be using alpha animals as usual alpha animals adds all kinds of interesting new creatures which is always fun but we'll also be able to use them with genetic rim system and add them into the mix so to speak we're also including magical menagerie which adds even more creatures next up is alpha biomes which adds 10 different and frankly rather bizarre biomes we've played with a couple of these already in previous series and i've really enjoyed them this time we're going to be playing in the fairless jungle which promises a terrible swamp filled with unpleasant beasties i guess should be fun rounding out these mods um is questionable ethics enhanced which lets us make clones and organs should we so desire and the bioreactor mod which lets us use prisoners as an energy source neither of these is strictly necessary but they're fun and really i think we need them to kind of complete this whole mad science vibe i also want to add a challenge for myself um which is to actually use the creatures we create in combat that's something i almost never do but this setup just kind of demands it in addition to these i've got my usual collection of quality of life mods and you can find these in the mod list linked in the description below but enough talking let's go ahead and let's get started all right so we're just going to do the basic crash landed scenario um we'll be using cassandra but we're actually going to use a custom setup here so um if we take a look at the hardest setting we can actually tweak these even further um i don't know how much i can play with them before i can't beat the game anymore let's move them all up a little let's make this 225 harvest yield 75 mining 75 butchering 75 research speed 85. this is really fun isn't it 100 blah blah scary a rot chance at 100 percent enemy death undowned huh interesting okay um colonist mood 12 this is probably fine food poisoning should be fine animal revenge is fine let's add a little more infection let's add a little more disease bugs are fine i hate infestations we'll do that and i think that's probably good ancient threats natural hives trap snaps mortars yeah oh here we go um we can scale these up so this is um the rate that the challenge grows and this is the effect of that adaptation value on actual threats i don't really know what that means but let's increase it a little we'll see what happens it'll be fun right right okay so let's go ahead and let's generate a decent sized world here this is no problem all right so we're going to be using an extra mod that was just pointed out to me called prepare landing this is cool basically instead of clicking all over the map this thing will actually find you the different biomes so we're looking for feralis jungle um i like small hills i think that's the best terrain filter the tiles if we have minimum now look hooray there are oh only four on the map okay well that's fine ish actually it's kind of not are these mountains no okay well oh we could be on the one with the river oh yeah let's do that that'll be cool all right um yeah that looks good and then that's it the mod doesn't do anything else so let's go ahead and let's prepare carefully um i've got a preset already ready here so we've got our usual couple people starting out here um i just want to kind of get the basic things set up so we don't have any pyromaniacs and we have some people that can cover most of the basics um otherwise i tend to keep them fairly useless because otherwise you know it's too tempting to make them overpowered um for equipment so given that we're starting on this really challenging biome that's full of nasties i decided for once that i'm going to give myself a good pat i'm giving myself a ripper hound isn't this cool so these were created as a purely biological defense against insectoids they're genetically engineered species bred for hunting and defeating them these hulking canines sport two viciously sharp claws specially designed to attach to chitonoid plates and rip them apart despite their fearsome appearance ripperhounds can be extremely affectionate and loyal and they love to be pet by those they trust this has some armor this can actually attack things i think this will actually give us some survivability otherwise it's going to be like me and cats you know where i spawn with the cat and poof all of a sudden it's cat for dinner so beyond that this is all pretty much i don't know set as default so let's go ahead and let's get started all right and welcome to the world so we've got you guys um we'll come back to you in just a moment here let's take a look at this map ooh pretty well that river running through the middle is actually really quite annoying but okay so what do we got around here we've got jungle trees okay they're trees fine we've got you gumphoria i think i'm saying that wrong maybe slightly toxic okay we won't eat you um [Music] red bug loss one of those weirdest plants from earth modified to thrive in wet warm environments okay that's great oh look at you what are you a aclak something a huge rare flower which can be found in the deepest jungles well that's where we are so perfect all right so taking a look around here not a ton of resources we're gonna have to think about deep drilling fairly early um there's not really an obvious place to set up either i think we may just settle more or less on spot maybe let's see here so um [Music] what does the fertility look like this is actually not bad actually if we started building right here this is perfect we can build some farmland there's actually oh a steam vent right there this would actually be a great spot to start just right there okay that's definitely an option uh what do we have for wildlife oh overgrown colossus i think these are super cool look at them aren't they adorable yes they are these are basically giant things that have trees on their back because of course they do no this will be fun all right chimeras dunalisks oh look at this webbed marshy soil ah cool and chimeras oh my god we're gonna get oh this is gonna be fun but yeah let's set up right here i think this is a good area yeah okay so how do i want to do this yeah so we can yeah so we can just basically set up right here um let's just throw a box in here we'll make this even worse than usual that's not easy but i assure you it can be done it will be done it is in fact being done all right so let's set this to home zone and [Music] oh i don't have my cleaning mod installed um i'll have that installed by the beginning of the next episode so we can go ahead and take a look at that build a roof thank you very much um yeah you'll figure it out go ahead and allow everything on the map let's go ahead and let's put a stockpile zone we can just start stockpiling indoors because reasons i don't know whatever and let's see here so let's take a look at you guys didn't really look at you terribly carefully um maintain vat warden fine handling yeah sure um construct looks like you'd be my researcher didn't look at these terribly carefully my miner and my grower that's not helpful to be honest okay at the moment what do you guys clean just do something like that maybe two yuck yeah yeah go ahead and do that all right and let's see here weapons 3.8 shooting 3.8 shooting oh my god okay well this should be exciting well you guys just go ahead and grab weapons at random then and i guess it doesn't really matter who uses what and i think that will be a good start your name is butterfly oh that's that's phenomenal i love that that is super cool 100 lux range weapon yeah okay okay actually actually then i have these weapons backwards here go ahead and uh drop your weapon and connor go ahead and grab it hurry up come on guys and equip okay and let's get some groin going here so let's throw in just i don't know potatoes or something out here just we've got it um well this is going to be really hard to find these oh no i have no idea where it started well we'll find out once we have stuff growing i suppose okay this is fine go ahead and grow some cotton because we'll need that eventually um i've again i can't see anything okay you're actually way over here um that's fine i don't think i have anyone that can grow heal it yeah that will be problematic in the future not for right now right now we have other things to worry about so go ahead and do those other things let's put a dumping stock pile out here just because reasons we should probably get you guys some beds wooden beds will be fine you just go ahead and throw up when just anywhere you want it'll be okay so this is from quality builder if you've never used this mod you can basically set the minimum quality that you want the item to be constructed as and if the um crafter makes something lower quality they will just take it apart and remake it it's actually really quite handy i don't need it now but it's still handy all right people bring all this stuff in maybe i should have you chop some more trees too while we're at it do you have any others around here oh yeah yeah there's some trees to chop here and there okay good it's actually better putting on the growing zone because then everything else will get chopped as well see look this rat's gonna come eat all of our food and we're gonna be stuck like with a wall and a rat and no table oh my god we're screwed i almost forgot about a table we'll build a tiny table where are you silver and steel yeah i don't even have enough what i can oh there you go okay it'll let me do it and sir like that and can i just put a wooden stool in here i can okay good all right so now i just need this stuff built and wood hauled over and everything like that so work harder good morning campers and i see that you have successfully failed oh god oh this is gonna be fun you have failed to uh let's see here build this table that's right so everyone's gonna freak out now fox are you nearby you're kind of not oh there we go someone built the table hooray look at you boulder mites i love boulder mites to death they're so cool they use a boulder as a shell they're adorable what are you guys up to you are hauling steel that's also fine it's too bad that we don't have any structures right near us to take apart i didn't really think about that that's okay we'll just build everything out of wood for a while it'll be fun i'm gonna have to have you chop some of these things because these are really in the way and let's see here yeah let's um [Music] how should we do this need recreation yeah blah blah we want to kind of close this area in to some degree is this buildable oh okay good i just all of a sudden wasn't sure if it could be built on because otherwise that would have been slightly irritating please feel free to chop all the trees in the world i'm just saying if nothing else i want to keep the animals out of my growing area chop those down too hurry up and you guys started a social fight already that didn't take long what did you do ah subtly shamed fox's hairstyle seriously seriously seriously all right all right all right oh let's set you guys to um not have medicine for that all right i'm going to use my doctor right yep fox [Music] uh oh that didn't take long um let's see if we can come help you out who's outside does someone have a gun where's my third person oh you're way over here yeah come here come help i don't know if you can beat a chimera all on your own um come here butterfly you guys got this destroy okay animal revenge is not great fox please back up please don't die fox like you can't die right away like that's a little too that's too much we may be in some trouble here okay good you're bleeding out good good i mean you're bleeding out too so that's not amazing there we go okay well things are going well um you can have actual medicine now um for sure can you please attend yourself okay well it was fast oh animal needs treatment yeah are you okay you're not doing great but you're not doing terrible when you're done tend to butterfly and then eventually tend to counter all right well at least you didn't lose any major body parts i mean that could have been worse could have been a lot worse trust me it can all right let's just increase our stockpile a little so yeah we're not gonna be ready for research for a while let's just go ahead and let's just kind of box this area in that we're working in i don't know something like this maybe and then i can put an entrance down here maybe something like that i guess we'll see hmm okay no problem now i don't really want my people to freak out so i'm going to try to move all this stuff outside um i'll make this be my you know storage unfortunately that's not gonna work so well when these people are in bed can you please get up and go help okay you're up or you will be up momentarily fox however is probably going to be taking the day off and i guess that's all right but i need to get all the steel and stuff into this outdoor area and to do that we need walls ah okay i mean what's it look like in here i mean it's not that bad it's not great but it's not terrible let's cut all these down while we're out here chop down chop down chop down it's just basically because it's in my way i don't know what else to do with this i'm just going to leave it there we're nowhere near butchering so it's like i don't know and oh you can haul that too and someone gets to it do you need like more trees to chop down because i can give you more trees to chop down let me tell ya we got trees for days around here chopped down those chopped on these chopped on that i know we need a lot of lumber but we need to get to that please sooner rather than later the nest stuff used to be chopped down i thought i had i'm gonna leave these things because they're funny these like weird red what are these called the bugloss or something like that that's weird if a visitor hi visitor i'm too busy to deal with you all right good let's put a door on here then we can move all of our general storage outside and they will like that we'll just put our regular stockpile in here just thought i'd leave this guy outside as bait and see if that helped but alas it didn't help okay let's shrink the zone first of all let's turn this into our food only one um food and medicine actually so we want foods um medicines drugs should that show up um we'll put this to critical and then this is basically everything else that normal that will be okay i'm not too worried about it let's make this a little bigger just in case that's the wrong button let's try that again let's make this a little bigger just in case so long visitor our conversation was never actually going to happen so alas any more trees guys and let's make this inside not quite so awful you already have an extra pair of pants hmm i suppose all right so just finish up this wall and then we should be pretty close to being ready fox seriously ravenously hungry go eat awful barrick yeah it's it's it's not great i'm not gonna lie it's uh it's grim that's for sure oh my gosh would you guys just build these walls thank you all right so that one's done and we should probably go ahead and make an entrance maybe um let's actually let's take a look at our research so this is going to be all the usual stuff um yeah i'm gonna have to think about deep drilling sooner rather than later like i said and that is not easy to get at it requires going through microelectronics which is really not what i want to start with um prosthetics this is standard um a dog said standard here's our genetic research oh yeah okay so genetic engineering learn the basics okay we can begin experimenting on most creatures [Laughter] anyway never mind so we'll build that stuff uh animal enrichment it's good to know that we can build enrichment centers different genomes oh this will be fun questionable ethics always a classic organ vats refining genome sequencing cloning people is fun it gets a little op if you get carried away with it but it is pretty cool where are our um little pods to keep people in the bioreactors i don't know we'll figure it out um so what do we have for power at the moment all we have is um windmills right i don't actually remember if i left a big enough space here i'm stalling here as i space because for some reason i'm staring at this okay there we go it's moved around yeah just wind turbines all right why can't i put it there oh probably the ground oh hilarious okay well anyway put one there um we'll run some power in it'll be fun uh we don't know how to make batteries yet so we'll have to deal with that we should actually mine this out so we've got some more space i suppose we could go ahead and we could start researching i don't really want to but i guess that we have to yeah all right go ahead and do it we'll wedge it in there just to give you some motivation then we'll put in lights and stuff like that connor you have five seconds right you're not a to mining okay and you need every one of mining at four even if you suck at it morg is the person i want to come work at i thought that might have been our first raid already but not quite yet do we have enough steel to build this stuff we should yeah we got a thousand steel a mad swarmling what pray tell is a swarmling well first of all it's dead that was extremely uninformative oh my god what the hell are you oh raptor shrimps cool yeah yeah it's gonna be a little tricky working on keeping animals out of our base and out of our bodies versus like having okay targets for raiders i don't know how that's gonna work out this could be interesting okay thank you for screwing that up i appreciate that is this really this is fox's fault right man this is fox's fault okay seriously come make this i can't have you screwing this stuff up we don't have a lot of components yes 28 sounds like a big number but it's not not at all all right and then once you've got that done oh yeah recreation variety um here how about you have a horseshoe pen and it can go there yes go play horseshoes this doesn't need to be in here disconnect a generator i know because i don't have batteries yet i don't know how to make batteries all right good morning campers you're idle ho ho ho ho no one is ever going to be idle in my area let's see here we could actually use a door back here but for that we need some more lumber so go ahead and chop those down and yeah i guess i can just put in like a wooden door i'm sure that'll work great i expanded the growing zones just a little bit here while everyone is sleeping not by much this is gonna be heel rut once we can actually make it i think that this will be enough veggies that we'll be able to get going it should be fine major breakers yeah i know a fox it's because you're not like doing anything you have an awful barrack look at this i was even trying to make you a bedroom i mean it's not much of a bedroom but it's kind of a bedroom it's the type of bedroom that you would make if you hated people is the kind that it is oh i hear so many things dying a decay drake awesome what are these fermenting mounds a clump of rotting organic matter reeks of rotten alcohol okay that's okay definitely a thing that exists all right oh we need a name okay factions northropa human like compact i like that all by itself and which we call it terrace plateau we're gonna pass on that here's a good one so you know when you're at amazon and like there's all those weird random off-brands and they're clearly generated by a random word generator this is an actual brand name and i like it cause it doesn't actually contain any vowels and know why it doesn't count it's really funny that you guys keep running out of things to do like you really you really don't want to chop any more trees down or anything huh i mean it would be convenient to have more lumber that hitching every afternoon by the way is um progress renderer which lets me make those cool um time lapses at the end of our series okay so let's see here so where can i start building so it looks like um here um this planning mod is really great by the way you can see there's all these different colors and stuff you can use it's so amazing so i built this basically totally wrong okay that's fine cargo pods really containing milk we're not running across the map for milk um actually i've got this wrong too how do i want to do this well frankly for now just build a little thing there and i should actually start you mining because we do need this area like open and then let's go ahead and let's get some research going so um crap i guess batteries and then probably solar panels oh i don't even have a light inside do i here let's add a light um everything is in like a slightly different spot this is the wall light mod i like these quite a bit because they just go in the wall there's nothing special about them really there's just you know a light here why don't you uh give fox a chair that'll be nice won't it yes it will yeah there's more planning it gives you a bunch of colors it gives you the option on whether or not you want to remove the plans once the thing's been built all kinds of good stuff i'm obstructed generator by a deep tree seriously seriously here let's turn this all into a growing zone um there good so i've got a gigantic hay grass zone and then just some more i don't know potatoes i guess could make some smoke leaf actually to make people happy let's grow smoke leaf that'll be funny and you guys almost have bedrooms you're very close perfect yeah i'm happy with this me you don't have to mind in the middle of the night buddy you know i actually never did set up your schedules um let's see here so using the better pawn control mod you can go ahead you can create all these complicated different things here um i'll kind of show you how that goes so we're gonna have let's say normal and then animals we also want animal normal or actually i can just call it normal for them so now that this is set on normal now i can get everyone unrestricted um i can give you times to work times to play just we're early on in the colony so i need you to get a lot of work done please but it is important you get some recreation every day even though it's just hanging out you'll have a good time probably connor is such a trooper he has a mining of zero but you're working hard at it sort of you hate it welcome to mining of one oh man and yeah i need this taken out so i can build a proper entrance i mean it's gonna look different but at the moment it can be okay we'll be fine for the very first raid but after that this can't be left like this the fertility over here sucks i just need to make sure that nothing grows and obstructs our generator basically hey good chopping down some more trees very good and here is our first raid from the nuke men that's so amazing the nuke men i love it i absolutely love it once you get down here we'll shoot you because i need your knife i'm not even gonna bother like dealing with my defenses for you but that does mean we can't wait too much longer come on hurry up okay everyone come on over here please whatever weapons you have will be sufficient even your knife whoa this guy's fast faster than i thought let's knock him down as quick as we can then huh okay let's hit him okay this isn't gonna go great for us if we have to like yeah actually engage in melee combat come on guys connor's gonna get killed connor can't die at least not run away okay nicely done and we're not gonna rescue you because well actually do we want you no we don't uh i don't even want your crummy gear yeah no we'll leave you for the animals thanks though i appreciate you stopping by you just rot out there maybe something will come hunt you and save me some trouble all right 24 meals oh god are we gonna have enough food i think we will that wasn't a good sound oh that's just the feralis and stuff that's okay i don't care about them let's extend our grow zone even a little further and just don't build this way deco and counter's got an infection okay that's not great that's not great at all hmm i think he'll be okay yeah you should be okay i should have let them uh use some medicine that's unfortunate but we'll work on it yeah we have no way preparing meals i have no way of getting meals you're gonna have a tantrum what are you destroying you're gonna destroy my components oh the hell you are what we are gonna do is come knock you down as what's gonna happen don't destroy my components don't destroy my components no oh no this is so bad you destroyed my components oh no okay oh no all right well this will be interesting i mean there's some available on the map but not not a ton and my miner sucks at mining well combine these just so we've got some i mean that's not true you're at almost a seven that's actually not bad i can't believe you destroyed all my components i'm so mad at you see look something coming at the corpse no problem i don't have to i'll like dig you a grave okay so what are our factions called we've got the nuke men we've got yeah the nukemen the kin league the great basin tribe huh interesting well that should be fun oh miner where are you morg need to make sure you bring that stuff back with you needs treatment yep fox should tend to you with actual medicine yep so now you should be okay yep tending quality good okay good yep you're not gonna die bye 27 components whatever man yeah we're working on batteries i don't know how to make him yet so stop complaining at me we've got 18 meals that's fine it'll be okay remember when i had components those were good days i mean we have 10 now which isn't terrible but it's pretty bad how's your infection going is hunting morgue okay that's a lot less good hi panther um i need to bother you guys in just a moment here and have you come help fox what do you have to cheering a patient well i don't care come on let's go scare the panther away hopefully so far our track record on killing things is actually extremely poor come on kill it there we go it should run away but let's shoot it anyway just in case okay connor you can go lay back down the youtube come over here it's gonna change its mind and it's gonna try to come after us again come on there we go that should solve our panther problem correct yep thanks team and is it the same panther is it a different panther a different pant there okay well let's keep killing panthers like i don't know how to tell you that like you're not going to be allowed cloud watching okay you are not going to be allowed to uh kill any of our colonists and butterfly is not yet trained soon look at this little icon well that's new thanks team does that mean you have an infection oh that's super neat that didn't used to be there i like it okay okay seriously like yeah we've got to pull construction down because i need to have our research and get done we haven't even learned how to make batteries yet like this is pretty bad guys yeah low food no kidding i mean we can just like make a fire and cook some food that way oh you know we should bury this guy it's pretty early on and more importantly i don't have a way to sign them on fire oh yeah that's right because this is useful for um meditation purposes maybe i should put a grave inside my base then yeah let's do that i like that plan for sure okay so let's go ahead and let's take a break here but before you close the window let me just hit my usual first episode speech here so first of all if roam world looks like fun to you go buy it it's important to support the developers that make the games we love so that they can continue to make them also consider picking up the soundtrack it's wonderful it's cheap and composers don't get the credit they deserve on third ish i guess i'm continuing to do the game giveaway at the start of each series um leave a comment below just post i don't know whatever anything and i will random off a copy of roomworld and the royalty dlc at the beginning of episode three um and i think that is it please feel free to leave a like or subscribe or whatnot i've got a patreon campaign if you're so inclined but in any case thanks for watching and i will see you next time you
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 103,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, Rimworld Royalty, Alpha Biomes, Genetic Rim
Id: 0FptsaFGzWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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