Why Rimworld Is So Awesome

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there are very few single-player games that have truly infinite replayability but the ones that do are usually extremely good games minecraft civilization don't starve and factorio are some of the best indie games ever made and one of the things that they all have in common is that it's very hard to get bored with them each new minecraft world or civilization session creates a completely new experience with a new environment and scenario in c5 you could play as venice and get nuked by gandhi then start a new game and change it up to play as russia and still get nuked by gandhi but the experience is different every time keeping on the topic of civilization 5 it's not surprising that it ended up becoming such a cool game there were 50 plus people who worked on it that's a pretty big team for a game like that but what if i told you that there's a strategy game that's even more impressive than civilization a lot more addicting and with even more replay value and that game was made primarily by one dude i'm talking about rimworld playing rimworld is like learning how to play the guitar you have to sit back and cultivate your skill focusing on learning what's important and improving your technique throughout the process except this guitar is made out of spiky toxic metal that sometimes spontaneously combusts and can give you malaria oh and spiders come out of it when the moon's in the wrong position in this game you control and manage a group of colonists who've crash-landed on a distant planet your goal is to build up a colony stay safe advance your technology and try to get off the planet but this isn't your usual solve problems that you've created type game where simple issues create simple and predictable problems like how an oxygen not included you could accidentally pollute your water supply if you put the toilets in the wrong place no my friend rimworld is much more complex this is one of the ai storytellers who changes your gameplay experience based on what's happening for example let's say you're a lone colonist named massive small biggs just trying to live out your life and build a mountain base on a strange planet then the fire nation attacks and you take a guy prisoner because you're lonely you got to use your medicine on him which makes you not have enough medicine which means that it takes you longer to heal which causes you to not build up your defenses enough and then die to a singular rabid squirrel and that is why rimworld is so awesome thanks for watching anyways enough blabbering rimworld is without a doubt one of the best indie games on steam and that seems to be a common agreement among thousands of people it's one of the most addicting games i've ever played and its design is top notch there are so many little mechanics that add to the quality of this game and a lot of the time you won't even realize it until you take a deeper dive so in today's video i'm gonna dive into some of those things discuss the mechanics and specifics of this one-of-a-kind title and talk about why this guy will give you nightmares and ruin your social life in today's video talking about why rimworld is so awesome another thing that will give you nightmares is a bad website to avoid that problem i've partnered with the sponsor of today's video xyro cyro is the best website builder that i've ever used it's the most affordable option on the market and even with the absurdly low prices starting at three dollars a month it packs an insane punch and is a great service i recently decided to make a portfolio to show off some of my content to potential advertisers and using xyro was insanely easy and quick with access to simple drag and drop editing and tons of designer made templates i made this entire home page in less than 5 minutes and i'm not even exaggerating their websites load extremely fast too which is really nice when you want something simple and clean like i've made and not to mention if i ever have any questions i 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time playing it you'll realize that the story is actually generated along the way action 1 will in fact lead to action 2 but something else will almost always be thrown in along the way changing your plan and making you have to rethink everything let's take a look at the tragic tale of my first colony shitville i was struggling with my four colonists and was probably gonna die in the upcoming future i just had a raid happen so i wasn't that worried about another one for a little bit and i was running dangerously low on supplies so i took a big risk set some traps and sent my entire colony on a supply run warning don't do this if you're playing rimworld no surprises here but the second that i did this someone decided to barge into shitville and raid my vase they did a little bit of damage here and there and set some stuff on fire but luckily they ended up walking into my trap and dying so when i got back i repaired my base and was feeling good lucky to still be alive and then a mega sloth decided to attack me it severely injured two of my colonists and as my doctor was carrying them back into the base to be saved she stepped in the traps that were still there causing her and the two other colonists to die yes my friend if things can go wrong in rim world they most definitely will so you have to prepare for the worst you see most management games are focused on doing tasks x y and z in order to keep things moving but rim world is about living through the unpredictable stories that are generated for your colonists and solving the problems that arise because of them the story unravels itself as you see the consequences of your prior actions and you need to focus on damage control and preventing future situations from happening each and every colonist has specific personalities connections and bonds that can cause or fix problems in your game some colonists have a tendency to use drugs when they get stressed which makes them become addicted and can cause a much bigger problem later on some colonists fall in love with each other and then when one dies the other one loses their mind and goes on a rampage destroying everything in your colony until you send another colonist to arrest them where they can stop it is an absolute show most of the time and that's what's so good about it if everything had an easy solution it would just be like every other management game but it's not and this is the reason why real life always has something that's unpredictable and rimworld mirrors that perfectly these events that absolutely derail your gameplay aren't just limited to repeatable predictable things like raids or angry colonists the unpredictability continues with how ridiculous some of these events are sometimes you get attacked by poisonous attack squirrels sometimes lightning just so happens to strike the most flammable and combustible room in your entire house and sometimes it's stuff that you can't even explain like look at this review a guy killed two raiders and captured another made him into a prisoner decided to decorate his room with a statue and the statue that the colonists created was a statue of the prisoner's two friends being killed which caused the prisoner to have a mental breakdown and run around naked you may think this review is a stretch but stuff like this happens in rim world all the time and the unpredictability helps to make it so awesome in between managing each and every crisis that inevitably unfolds you spend your time trying to manage your time you need to work to progress in the game gain a steady food supply research new items and protect yourself from raiders rimworld is one of the most engaging and strategic time management games i have ever played there's always something to work on and you usually have a limited amount of labor because you need to satisfy your colonist needs as well as make progress these colonists aren't mindless drones they are real people with real personalities quirks and needs and if you don't focus on them they become like a needy girlfriend who always starts problems so in between caring for them you got to make some progress or the elements will end up killing you if the millions of other things don't food is a pretty big priority because you only start with a small amount and it doesn't last very long and if you have a pet well kiss your food goodbye because yorkshire terriers have the appetite of three large elephants so it's always a good idea to plant fields and grow something quick like rice while you can then you have to cook the food to use its full advantage so you got to make sure you have a colonist who's good at cooking and if you want better food you got to mix your grown crops with meat which means you also have to have a good hunter and you need someone to clean up the blood from butchering where nobody gets sick each task creates more tasks that need to be done which further intensifies your time management eventually you'll get overwhelmed with the small amount of colonists you have and you'll have to focus on getting more usually by capturing them or wounding them in a raid honestly captured prisoners are a huge strain on your time and resources which means that until they convert over to your side once again you're going to have to be conscious of your time management it all goes full circle speaking of prisoners they have been my downfall in most of my playthroughs going back to the lovely colonists of massive small biggs he was a rich solo explorer and he was tasked with starting a colony on his own turns out he was terrible at pretty much everything and was struggling so when a raider named monkey attacked i captured him and thought everything was going to be better but no this stupid prisoner ate a majority of my food which left me crunched for time causing me to be underprepared and die to a rabid squirrel it'd be like that sometimes regardless of how things work out however time management is one of the most important things in room world and you're gonna have to try your hardest to be good at it there's a really simple and intuitive prioritization system that allows you to change what each colonist focuses on and in what order they do it i really like the system and allows things to run exactly how you want it to be run plus if something urgent happens you can queue up priority tasks to make your colonists focus on whatever it is you're struggling with allowing you to take manual override if needed you can configure everything from storage items to allowed paths of travel to electric grid setups and each of these things can make or break your productivity as things progress you need to focus on your end goal of getting off the planet you do this by researching new technology trees which you use to further your progression and eventually leave the planet and beat the game i've never actually made it to this point because i either die or yeah actually that's pretty much the only reason you start with fairly simple technology and you can eventually create things like defense turrets advanced weapons and armor drug production and more research is really the only way to progress in the game and if you don't have anyone who's good at researching things it's going to be a struggle for you in fact when you recruit your initial colonists you need to make sure that you have people with a wide range of skills because your colonist productivity and efficiency depends heavily on what they're good at this is one thing that changes the gameplay drastically compared again to a game like oxygen not included in that game a duplicate is a duplicate and it doesn't really make much of a difference who you have and who you don't but in rim world having a bad character can make or break your game in my latest playthrough it is pretty balanced with one person focused on farming one on cooking and research and one on mining and construction with a few other traits filling in the remaining gaps you'll often have visitors from other colonies who want to trade with you and having colonists with good social skills will help you do that trading is a big aspect of the game especially later on in your playthroughs because good relationships with rival factions can be a blessing in disguise but it all stems down to the skills of your colonists and your gameplay will change drastically depending on what you decide to do with all of these needy-ass colonists demanding your constant attention you're going to want to make sure they have somewhere secure and comfortable to stay base building is the main focus of the game and ensuring the longevity of your base is extremely important you can start out with basic wood or steel walls to help keep you out of the elements but you can eventually upgrade it to higher quality materials and add defenses to make it harder to get raided my favorite design is putting a majority of the base inside of a mountain where it's nearly impossible to successfully raid and it's a lot harder to catch on fire plus you can add mortars automatic guns and all sorts of other technologies to help keep you safe and sound but safety isn't everything because the visual appeal of your base is important too things like room comfort and aesthetics help to keep your colonists at peak performance and spreading things out is a good way to keep everyone productive and happy regardless though the wide range of customization makes every experience feel different and it helps to make rimworld so awesome now as you could probably tell rimworld is a very complex game with many different systems that play a big part in your gameplay there's animal breeding pets combat body augments like artificial arms and legs caravans and quite a few other things in this video i'm not going to go into detail about all of them because the gist of these types of videos is to deliver the most important information in the shortest amount of time plus i want to take a break from writing the script where i can go back and play rimworld but there is one other thing that i really need to touch on to help explain what makes this game so awesome the modding i've said this in the past about some other games but rimworld also has some of the best modding communities i have ever seen i thought games like stardew valley had extreme modding communities but rimworld takes it to the next level there are thousands of extremely high quality mods in rim world and all of them can completely change your gameplay experience i am not exaggerating there are complete system reworks and mechanic overhauls cosmetics mods multiplayer mods and more it's quite impressive how many more hours you can put into the game if you dive into the modding community and these mods can really turn rimworld into an entirely different game these mods plus the amazing dlcs help to make rimworld an infinitely replayable and infinitely awesome game and i 100 recommend it to anybody who likes this style of game sorry i had some hiccups but i promise you you won't regret it like i said i could spend a lot of time talking about this game but i have to limit it to where the video isn't infinitely long but even with the things i did talk about i hope i can convince you to buy this title so what are your thoughts on rimworld do you think it deserves to be in the top steam games of all time and what are some of your crazy unbelievable rimworld stories let me know in the comments below that's gonna be it for today's video feel free to like and share with a friend and maybe even subscribe if you enjoyed i will see you guys next time and peace
Channel: RoboKast
Views: 181,802
Rating: 4.8782983 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld review, rimworld review 2021, rimworld 2021, rimworld awesome, rimworld awesome review, rimworld good review, rimworld experience, rimworld robokast, rim world, rim world review, rimworld is it worth it
Id: QfwB_MaPoDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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