My NEW RimWorld "Demigod" faction sends a CHALLENGE (Magical Samurai #2)

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so in this video i unveil a rimroll faction that i've been working on for quite some time don't worry i paid someone to do all the coding for me and no i did not do the art i paid someone for that as well i did direct it though like i had a concept art in mind i had some kind of coloration ideas in mind the dude had already made the wings though and that was kind of the seller point for me as to why i picked him as the artist i just thought they looked so clean and i was like yo can we reshade these put them on an armor that looks like this and a helmet that looks like this and that was pretty much it like it didn't take many redrafts before we got the final product like the dude owns there's four of these sets of armor that have some special properties and shout out to my coder guy he's amazing i was like yo is this possible to do and like every time he was like yeah i have a solution for it this is the demigod faction but unlike the void faction they are merciful gods they only raid you if you accept the quest for them to raid you more on that later in the video and there will be timestamps below if you want to skip to certain parts so at the end of episode one i said we bring the voice storyteller back and we change the threat scale down to 530 and we're no longer getting the daily raids at 6am but we're still getting daily orbital traders and we're gonna see how this whole thing plays out if void ends up being too easy or too difficult then we can always bring back the daily raids and swap them back out for a more chill storyteller like parry persistent since we're not getting raided in three hours today we're gonna focus on kind of building up the base a little bit um there's a series of insect caves that were here when we first began and they did have insects living in them but the raiders cleared them out we're gonna tunnel towards this northern insect cave and a lot of this is being guarded by overhead mountain which is great if we end up getting siege then their mortars cannot hit us as long as we're inside of this dark green area the light green is just regular roofing and mortars can just go right through that as you can see our prisoners are not being protected by overhead mountain and speaking of our prisoners kyle has 5.4 resists left it's gonna be really good when he joins us because he's a gladiator class i know this class is a vanilla rimmer of magic class it should have a few new abilities with the custom class mega pack mod as far as our other prisoner garrixon he has 9.9 resist left he might actually join us sooner than kyle because his mood's so good a bunch of his rivals died and he was really happy about that kyle's mood as you can see is not so great we fed him some cooked insect meat unfortunately there should be no need for that for a while because a lot of caribou died on our map in a previous raid at least for a few days everyone should be eating pretty good we got garrix in his 9.9 resist we should be able to get through that pretty quick and he's a gadgeteer class which i'm not really sure what that does exactly we're gonna hope that he gets something that can help him shoot like the technomancer though and he's also a crack shot which lowers any time and he's 12 shooting he will eventually be our shooting specialist hopefully although i'm not sure if we're gonna be able to convert them speaking of which marita is ready to converts we gotta quest the hunted baron even though we're at war with the empire we still get this quest and i want to make it so we're not at war with the empire because we're at war with every other faction on the map i might be able to go into game files and change our relation with them you can usually do in the dev menu but unfortunately my open debug actions menu does not work it gives me this debug log and i'm not sure which mod is causing that but yeah without this i can't spawn anything in or you know do any shady stuff so that's the thing but yeah so before i try to fix the relation with the empire morita's convert is back up which is up every three days the ability for this to work is dependent on morita's negotiation ability which is not great 55.95 percent i want to eventually recruit gerrickson so we can make him our shooting specialist and they'll increase his shooting stats but the person we're going to try to convert first is to congo the reason being is she's vengeful and because she's of a different ideology than us we're all her rivals and that's giving her a negative 20 moodlet it's really a fat dinner mode there are some positives with her idoligion like she actually likes slavery she's wielding low tier weapons but yeah overall i think it's gonna be way better if we are able to recruit her over to us and we got a hoarder trader today which is nice okay well before we deal with that if we use conversion onto comgo we can reduce their certainty in their ideology by 8.4 percent that is pretty trash considering she gets one percent per day due to mood and removes pretty bad for moves at fifty percent should get plus two percent how are you supposed to convert people then like do you need someone with better social what we could do is enslave to congo and there's this option to convert instead of recruits now i think about it we should probably convert these people before they join us because i want kyle to be our melee specialist in garax and be our shooting specialist in order to do that they need to be a part of our ideology on we could also imprison to come go and reduce her will but we kind of need her to fight right now but we will do that if she has a mental breakdown her mood's really bad so maybe she'll a mental breakdown soon and see i don't think we're even gonna try to convert to congo right now we're gonna save our spiritual leaders three-day cooldown for preach health which can improve the healing rate of someone because yeah we might need that if void sends us some pretty bad rates as for this hoarder trader we're gonna dump off a couple of these longbows that raiders brought us and not that many more weapons i'm surprised we're not getting more there's gotta be more stuff around the map though and what i'm gonna do is just make a home area around the entire map because the hoarder trader will vacuum up pretty much everything and there we go there's some random weapons around the map we'll sell all these you always keep mine it may seem like these weapons are selling for lots because yeah not only do you get punished for selling you also get a weapon sell penalty on top of that normally but if weapons are increasing your wealth by a certain amount then they should sell for that amount that's just my theory on it oh yeah we have some plain leather from butchering up to caribou we're gonna get some more of that too traders probably gone by the time we do that though so i was able to go in the game files and change our relation with the empire it still says they're red to us but it says we're neutral so i'm not 100 sure if we're actually usual with them like maybe we're neutral with them but they're hostile with us either way we're going to accept this free plus a honor with marita they're going to be our cycaster as they are cycling hypersensitive they have 80 extra psychic sensitivity plus natural genius multiplies it by 140 percent bringing her to a grand total of 231 percent psychic sensitivity she hopefully one day will be a great sight caster for that quest we got a pretty giant man hunting guerra lenora sounds like a pokemon from the jurassic rimworld mod usually the manhunting animal for that quest is like a yorkie or something but no this was a bit of a buffed version of that you could say it might have been a mistake here making shimazu activate her photon forge and use all her abilities on this thing because we could get rated at any time i was thinking since it was 8 a.m it was fine but i forgot that we're not getting ready at 6am every day so we're just gonna hope that for the next few hours boyd does not send us a raid we're gonna have to do that we're supposed to protect a rest to come go because he had a 100 chance to do that her moods are really bad like it's going down to zero because yeah observe rotting corpse and observe corpses are both really lowering your mood i would rather preemptively imprison her though before she goes berserk and starts attacking people at a bad time or something and yet we're now going to begin the process of converting her same with these other prisoners so it looks like we get five percent resist down each time we try to convert them which is pretty good actually i believe we need to get that all the way down to zero before they'll consider joining our ideologies so yeah we'll have marita continue working on that with carricks and we'll have them try to convert and while only got two percent that time that's not great gary says the mood is really good so maybe that has something to do with it maybe while garrickson has these rivals have died buffs it's better just to reduce his resist and then after we reduce that down to zero we can start worrying about trying to convert them if that is the case though maria should have a really easy time converting to congo because her mood's terrible it's going down to zero she might even go berserk in the prisoner cage which would not be ideal while she's working on that i had welding come over here and we're gonna have dimitrios use word of inspiration on weldon he's a random royal that was being manhunted by that giant insect and he has not that good of abilities aside from word of inspiration i had to meditate a little bit and yeah he's going to use that on welding and welding gets inspired taming and my audio just randomly cut out here for a second it was really weird i was thinking we might get inspired crafting slash construction and like whatever he builds will be one level higher of quality because he has 11 construction 9 crafting but his animals is pretty high too eights and i think he could have also got like inspired mining it's some inspiration that's appropriate to him it said but yeah so we could tame any animal on our map that has eight handling although i'm looking down the list of animals i'm not really seeing much like mufflers are useless now as of this patch but this work might be pretty useful it does pretty good damage 5 dps 20 armor pen as far as this genetics well the damage and speed are okay but the health is bad oh god damn that cluster huh kind of forgot these existed this is actually a good one for us though i think and all these mechs are dormant until the countdown activator goes i guess in 14 hours even when that activates though they're gonna be just chilling up here i don't think they're gonna attack us or anything and raiders actually might go for them so that could be helpful so we did end up tunneling to the north i was actually about to get well in over here to start doing some more mining and trying to you know just make it more accessible to get back here but we did get an infestation it's not that big of one though there's only two hives and what i'm thinking here is we could kind of smoke these insects out we're gonna use the feral flame thrower and this is gonna start just kind of creating fires inside here just after doing that it's already 88 degrees and the fire hasn't even really started we'll just do one more round of them it's starting to get really hot 109 or even i don't know how we need to get it earn 88 and okay i think that's good enough it's 291 yet get out of here 370 300 400 yeah they're done though oh they're pissed too they're trying to get out of there they're gonna probably yeah they're gonna try to just make a break for it maybe i should have sealed this in better yeah oopsies i'm getting everyone inside now yeah they're coming for us actually or maybe not they decided a full-on attack on our colony was not worth it i guess we've reinforced the south side with three bone walls and then to the north there's two steel doors and then some building walls i'm gonna hope this is gonna be enough this time and yeah we could leave these up to have the raiders deal with them the only problem with doing that is i don't know if the raiders are actually gonna go for them i don't really know how raiders behave anymore and i'm gonna err on the side of caution here and just not let these insects get out of control i think we're just gonna dump all of this feral flamethrowers fire on this and yeah this should be enough i think that's all we got so hopefully that's enough it's up to 254 now 280 300 it is uh pretty toasty in there you could say i just got a quest challenge from the ooh so shout out to my faction mod developer it looks like the mod is working as intended there's a few parts of it that are still kind of unfinished like they're called the wing dudes i'm still not sure what i want to name the faction but essentially every 10 days you get a quest from them and if you accept the quest you can get a pretty good reward which i haven't really tested out the reward system yet it seems like this is pretty okay for where we are right now but yeah so essentially the goal with the quest is every 10 days you can kind of test your strength against them and get a reward if you can beat them before accepting this i will do a save because the mod is highly in beta right now before i do accept it though let's finish dealing with these insects it's 450 degrees in here and they are getting heat stroke it's not going up that quick i will say and the fire's out there was 20 more rounds of explosive ammo in here unfortunately so i might have messed up on that their heat stroke is not rising quick enough i think although this one's unconscious down here it's a mega scarab though i guess the smaller insects can't deal with this heat looks like they gave up it's not superheated air anymore i think that's why they kind of went super hostile was because the air was super heated and they were getting burns and that's when the air passes like 350 or 400 degrees it becomes super heated and they start literally burning alive but yeah it's down to 298 which is still pretty toasty and they are still getting heat stroked by the looks of it yeah they're still pissed actually by the looks of it he stroke is serious though that's good their stats are lowered so we might actually just be able to fight them pretty easily okay they gave up again he strokes at 46. it's going up pretty fast temperature's kind of dropping pretty quick though it's down to 208 i'm gonna try to get marita back in here to grab this last 20 explosive ammo and we're going to have her turn the heat back up a little bit all right that's all we got it is getting a bit toasty though i will say 220 and rising 250 oh yeah these insects are all going heatstroke soon they're gonna get pissed actually it's about to be superheated again it's at 344 345. it's not getting to 350 i think it got about 349 but it's not getting to 350. i think that's the superheated number and okay yeah they're all unconscious i think i believe that's gonna be it for these insects their heat strokes just gonna keep getting worse we're gonna wait for it to cool down to like a hundred and then we'll send some people in there to finish them off we'll get some free insect jelly out of it which is nice so while we were doing that whole cleaning out the insect segment the challenge from the wing dudes was expiring i didn't realize you only have six hours to accept this quest we're gonna rewind to an auto save i got where the insects were pissed off and they were charging our door but they should give up looks like they gave up early actually it's currently 7 p.m on day 9 and we get the quest to the start of day 10 which is 6 a.m that's going to be 11 hours before we get the quest then we have six hours after we hit the quest to prepare totaling 17 hours to construct a crapload of spike traps i think that's going to be our best bet at trying to take these gods on as they are very powerful and the fact that something like this is even going to be remotely possible is thanks due to welding deep driller multiplies his mine yield by 110 but then i didn't realize coordinated not only increases his mining speed but increases mining yield as well increases global work speed like the dude is just amazing at mining we currently have a thousand extra steel it's just stockpiled away and we're gonna have everyone start hauling out over to this main maze area apparently thrumkins can actually carry a lot more stuff than normal humans 195 kg carrying capacity they're not quite as beastly as thrombonians who could probably carry all that 1000 steel if you guys aren't familiar with the thrombonian race it was updated pretty recently and hopefully we'll be able to run into some of those on this playthrough we also release to come go for this fight as she is a nomad she can help us in battle and if she gets injured it doesn't really matter because we're just going to put her back in the prisoner cage she'll have plenty of time to heal up we're currently just trying to cap out her mood and her recreation is fully satisfied now which is nice i was going to have her smoke some menthol smokely but her religion does not allow it if we give her back over the yumi plus we give her some of this gear her religion does not like the fact that she is not completely covered up that might help out like maybe enough to where she won't even be in mental break threshold i just have her doing recreation full time and hopefully she'll be able to kind of manage her own mood at least before we get raided and then after that we don't care yeah we got quite a few spike traps up which is pretty good it's only 10 p.m right now and great brought a bunch of steel out here very nice forgot to take that offer and i forgot gray actually is 10 construction very nice we also leveled up gray's soothing breeze it increases consciousness by 14 which helps with pretty much everything we're almost able to put another point into this as well and yeah it lowers her mana regen but every time someone's buffed it does give her xp so it might be worth to keep that on in terms of leveling efficiency it might not be slowing her down too much don't you freaking do it all this hair is actually managing to outsmart our trap system i knew it right before shimazu was able to kill the hare and yeah one thing about these spike traps is they attract nearby animals they have a scent that animals are drawn to and all right we got the challenge now it's 6 a.m am it's gonna be different rewards yeah it's actually better this time looks like we got two masterwork things that might be pretty good death cap spear a toxic fungus fashioned into a deadly melee weapon has a lot of armor pen not the greatest amount of damage 20 chance to stun the target for twenty percent of damage lowers incoming damage by eight percent that's pretty good good and chance on that and what is this war banner 11 dps and 60 armor pen whoa that is very strong and maybe a little bit too strong it also increases melee damage by 12 percent yeah we're definitely gonna want that we do still have till noon though to prepare before we have to accept the quest and we do still have a bit more steel left i'm lagging please no raid we're getting siege wait this is perfect timing actually unless they drop in right on top of the mechs which that's bad for us actually of course void would do that you know you would just ruin some of our defenses we're actually just going to call the quest in anyways because whoever wins here is going to charge our base yeah i thought that whole thing was going to be really lucky for us turns out it was actually really unlucky so not long after accepting the quest we get raided by a 1 500 threat point raid which is double the strength of a normal ray that we'd be getting that's part of the quest these gods each are worth quite a bit of points though and we're only getting rated by seven of them the concept with this faction is i wanted something like void where you could test your strength and have it be kind of like a challenge but it's up to you whether or not you want to accept that challenge there's four different sets of god armor with varying stats based on the quality of their armor as you can see their descriptions aren't fully fleshed out yet but essentially there's sets of really high value armor that require the wearer to be a a demigod which is this god race or b the wearer has to have specific traits like for the white god armor still not sure what i'm going to call it but the wear has to be a body purist kind pretty beautiful and there's some other traits i'm going to add as well and if the wearer doesn't have those traits they get a negative 50 moody buff i think later once i flesh out the idea of the armors a bit more i'm gonna make them have specific stats like the white one's gonna increase social impact negotiation ability trade price all that stuff that's related to aphrodite's grace the god trait and it's also related to beautiful kind pretty all that stuff is very social related on top of that for now all the god armors are going to increase global work speed by 100 and movement speed by two that is subject to change as well it seems like it might be a little bit strong but do keep in mind the value of these armors is very high 8700 as far as the protection the chest gives it's not super crazy op like a good one gives 138 which is subject to change still in the process of balancing it and i might increase the shield as well right now i give 60 shield but it recharges at 30 percent per second however if you do break the shield i think it's out for a bit so yeah the 32 percent per second does get cancelled out if the shield goes down to zero as far as i know as for the helmet again you can see the value is really high for helmets it's like three power armor helmets from the spartan foundry mod it does give quite a bit of protection though possibly even too much 178 percent and it lowers range cooldown by 30 percent there's not a lot of stuff in the game that lowers range cooldown there's a lot of stuff that lowers warm up but not range cooldown it also increases melee hit chance and shooting accuracy by 15. and just like the chess piece it does require the wearer to be a a god or b they have to have specific traits and they're going to be the same as the white armor i just haven't updated yet also these demigods are all supposed to have a god trait but i've noticed if they're casters then sometimes they won't plus they're all going to have a death acidifier implants so if you do kill them then their gear will evaporate but they're also going to have a few random high tier implants but yeah so as for the raid it looks like the raiders actually might help us out more than these mechs would have because yeah the raiders just obliterated the max the question now is are these gods gonna go for the raiders or are they gonna go for our base they might not be hostile with the raiders which would be disastrous oh wait they're going for the bone art bench i forgot to bring that back inside so we're gonna close the door again and we're gonna hope these guys aggro on okay yeah i think they're going for the raiders wait the gods are actually going for the insects first i don't know if they're gonna be at war with these seizures because rosemary is going over here by herself and if she starts knocking at this oh she's setting us on fire that's normal actually i think okay she was just being a annoying little raider meanwhile up here though the insects are getting torn up and these guys are wasting some of their ammo on them i think it should matter too much though um i want them to take out the seizures for us or at least make it so they're not sieging because sieges are annoying they're kind of hurting themselves in not even just friendly fire like these mega spiders are doing damage to this dude they do have some pretty good implants though some of them do so it looks like they are locked onto the seizures which is great for us i guess they just called in their materials as well you know they got their shells they got the components all that stuff and here we go the gods versus some you know just normal seizures some of these guys are gonna be casters so they could take out the gods potentially be nice if one of these gods got knocked out even just one of them that'd be a really nice addition all their value is like almost too high i think their base value is 6k and then they have implants that are increasing their value by a lot so i don't know if it'd be too amazing for us to get one of these guys it kind of depends if they're gonna be like really useful around base i guess trying to tell yeah two of these raiders got knocked out and now they're running and this dude also doesn't look especially good so we don't really care too much about that but this guy over here he's burning complete out in three hours he's a shadow i heard somebody get evaporated yeah looks like one of the gods got killed and the other gods are coming for us now one thing i did notice is two of them are androids which they're not supposed to be able to be androids and dallow is actually gonna died at just three traps so we should be okay here these guys should go for our main thing so we just opened the door yep there they come rosemary is setting our which might call on fire what can men do against such reckless hate holy crap this dude's tanking so many traps good lord he did drop his weapon but but is this not bonded to him maybe it's not bonded to him and we can actually use it although it hates killing so maybe it's not the greatest weapon yeah we just want like one of these guys to get knocked out that'd be ideal oh man what is going on with that soakage oh their powder shield is soaking all their traps that is no good oh there we go okay hallo leap on the aga we knocked her out i think she's a pain shot okay well that's really good her traits don't look especially good aside from the fact that she's a paladin is obviously really good but she's a coward which makes a social run but we can still kind of micro her if she runs i think they change around that trait because you just not be able to micro them if they run away ecologist i guess is not bad and chris is playing harvest healed and she does have a burning patch for planting so he could never be a planter and yeah the armor is not banged up on aga it's still in pretty good quality versus the armor on the robot who hit like six traps himself it's at 34 quality and the value went way down which is kind of a good thing actually the armor value went way down too i think one of my mods does that where like if the durability goes down the value goes down too so you can't cheese it but yeah we killed the android wearing this armor it should have been evaporated but androids cannot use death acidifiers which is why i disabled them from spawning in this faction which will be in effect as of the next raid because the android died and the armor should have been evaporated i'm just going to delete this god armor but that being said agga got knocked out and we still have her god armor and before agga decides to get up let's arrest her right now no stupid freaking the animal's hunting agga dude imagine if this animal kills her the fact that it's even putting his filthy paws on this god armor is just okay a few we captured her i guess the dog's pretty hungry we should probably feed it we should have some raiders to be able to feed it too wing dudes are gonna steal what they can leave well that's not ideal we could teleport one of these guys into us question is who would we want like rosemary does have cybonus blessing producer team and training animal trans playing harvest healed she doesn't care about doing that stuff though too much athletics also pretty good lower saving time she wouldn't be a bad fighter actually just for that reason she has also have a burning patch for shooting her value though is extremely high like imagine adding 16k market value to our colony the person we just picked up is only worth 9 600 so it's not as bad part of the reason why agg's value is so low is because she's got a bunch of injuries which is lowering her character quality and there's some other factors that are also in play like her traits or lack thereof i actually don't think any of her traits are increasing our market value with paladin if we do recruiter though we just have to increase threat scale by 10 that was the only stipulation with casters the main thing that's affecting her value is her implants all of them added together accounts for 9 000 of our value and we can extract the death acidifier and the mine suppressor later the death acidifier is going to be completely useless for any of our colonies it's just going to make their gear evaporate when they die but the mine suppressor might prove pretty useful at least while we're trying to recruit her not only does it lower her consciousness so it's gonna make her less powerful if she does revolt according to the mod page it will passively reduce the resistance of prisoners and attempt to recruit them as well you guys are about to find out in a bit this person has a ton of resist so this might actually be really useful to have meanwhile rosemary's trying to pick up the persona weapon that the robot dropped i think we're going to delete this anyways because it should have been evaporated when the robot died it's still worth the runner down though because we might be able to knock her out same with the other god let's send out to congo though and let's use shadow shot on mikael maybe that broke the shield hook shot i guess let me know what that does but we'll find out momentarily teleports are over there i guess and gus stereo does damage over time we can also have shimazu use holographic shockwave because mikhail is chasing i think we use like right here it won't hit to combio like right here shouldn't right stuns good did they drop their weapon they did but it's bound to them so it's not like it even matters if we take it all leap onto oh crap rosemary's gonna get away i think we gotta teleport rosemary back in let's have iwasaki summon rosemary who's getting off with the weapon she won't be able to get away and then to come go is still in this i think for six seconds yeah we'll have to come go charge it mikhail kind of you have schmazzy use her which might call it corona burst and here's rosemary she's actually just trying to leave which is good for us let's have gray use ice build on her shimazu use chronoburst over here shiraz is not immune to damage we'll have her hollow leap on the miquel and then knocked her away then photon blitz oh we killed her meanwhile over here rosemary's hand got shredded off by gray's ice bullet i think and frost ray too that did quite a bit of damage to her left arm now let's have shimazu just open this and then to come go use your broadhead arrow which stuns uh i'll leap and they're dead well we captured one of them aga who is in pain shock as for a resist she's got 83.9 and 49 will oh no it's gonna take forever to get through we could steal our gear and give it over to someone else it's anima gear so it's meant to be kind of nature focused and i'm not sure if anyone has the nature of focus traits animal aficionados kind of that could give it over to our slave wellness wouldn't really help their combat stats too much but it could give them some extra global work speed and stuff yeah marita can't really use it doesn't really have any traits that could be said to be nature focused shimazu does have ecologists though they use all parts of plants and animals and strongly appreciate mother guys blessings so that could definitely go with that armor and all right so i did a few modifications to it i had the helmet from the back recolor a little bit to match the armor and i'll show you guys what i mean by that momentarily but yeah shimazu can now put it on and can use the helmet with the flat goggles which was not intended or never take those off and yeah there's some setting you gotta choose to make it so they can't wear goggles over a helmet but yeah so here's the armor from the front it's got kind of a green tint but then from the back you can see it's like a lot more blue and then from the side it's pretty blue as well which i kind of do like that about the armor how it's different colors from different sides i will say i do really like the green though if anything i would probably retexture the wings to be more green from the back or i wouldn't do it i'd pay the artist to do it but yeah so i changed the name of this armor site it's going to be based around the god artemis who's the god of like nature the forest stuff like that and i've only got a couple traits in here it's going to be a work in progress if any of you guys have ideas on like what other traits would go good with this then feel free to leave them in the comments but yeah so our hollow smith is going to be quite the beast now they can't do any planting as long as there are melee specialists and so i think i actually might remove that role it will upset her by doing that but now she can do planting again she is only before planting but she's still gonna be able to do it really fast also on just kind of a side note i devmoted shimazu out of the world wait what the heck that person just got up it's not expecting that i devmoded her out instantly on a caravan reason being is i couldn't destroy the god armor that was dropped plus the persona laser weapon for some reason became unbound same with this super sledge it used to be a persona but i've been doing some updating i'm not sure if that's what's causing it or if it's on the mod side of things or if this weapon's even supposed to be able to be persona because yeah it was persona when we were getting raided but then it became on persona like it doesn't have any more persona traits and one of the laser weapons that was dropped became unbounded as well so i just decided to destroy it wasn't fair that we were able to get a free laser weapon from a dude that it should have been bound to basically but yeah there's a bunch of stuff still out here from the seizures and crap the fire is spreading to these plague shrapnel shells and i'm not sure if it's gonna make them explode trying to get shimazu out here oh iwasaki's out here we can summon them some of the shells don't blow up nice they were kind of on fire but i guess the act of teleporting them over kind of put the fire out on this mech assembler is actually gonna assemble a siege breaker in zero days it says i mean right now we've got a quest too prisoner joffrey from the broken empire which is now blue by the way so they're definitely not war with us they want to keep a prisoner cage for 13 days it's quite a long time we do have 7.6 days to decide if we want to do it though samurai armor is pretty bad so we don't want this 22 protections really bad we will take the honor though for sure but yeah can we destroy this mech assembler before it makes a siege breaker looks like it and cool the mech cluster buildings have been defeated which gives us a bonus mood which is nice because yeah shimazu gets negative 15 for losing our melee specialist role just haul this stuff back to base those mechanoid components actually will sell assuming we do get some kind of trader that will buy them so we did get a hoarder trader who will buy pretty much everything the only problem is that void did send us a manhunting pack of dinos that well are kind of preventing us from leaving our base right now on the bright side they won't come inside and they are protecting us from raiders we have quite a few things that we don't need like these three reinforced barrels which have a value of 600 they're used for building the mortars that the raiders were never able to build we don't need components right now we don't have tech for it mechanic components all this insect jelly we're not needing so we've got kind of an opening the dinos are not really near the hoarder trigger right now and we're gonna see if we can get to comgo out there which we were able to and we're gonna never sell off as much stuff as we can like these reinforced barrels for 400 each yeah pretty much everything that we just don't need like these shells some of these leathers cloth actually does have uses so i don't really want to sell it ooh the insect jelly though that sells for quite a bit and i guess that's pretty much it and we have a bunch of gold lying around let's just sell that too all right that's going to give us 3k silver which is great wait is this person attacking our door why i feel like there's something to do with the fact that we just send tacoma go outside we're going to try to repair it online repairs really fast nice yeah this thing's pissed too this one attacking door makes sense like it's thought to come go go inside but the other one i don't really understand we just got a quest farming worksite uncovered if we wish we can raid the camp to collect 1600 raw fungus it's not that far away it's just kind of a risky journey to go over there but since we have the dinos just kind of guarding our base now might be the right time to do it they shouldn't be here for much longer because we got this event on day 11.6 where we got the manhunter pack and it's now day 12.5 and already we loaded up shimazu with some goods and sent her away there goes the hoarder trader and yeah shimazu is going to head to the top corner of the map and leave with quite a bit of wealth actually so with her on our map our wealth is 59k after she left it dropped down to 44k so even if we do end up getting rated the rage shouldn't be that fat i will say we do got to kind of be careful of all these scouting parties on the map being never playing with remore it is a little bit scary although it is nighttime so we're able to just walk by these guys or not we're getting ambushed by five thrombonians and they want our helmet i think earlier on in this episode i said hopefully we'll run into some thrombonians so i guess i got what i asked for on the bright side none of these guys have ranged weapons and two of them are kind of range casters like the super soldier class is a range caster and same with the elemental gunner one would assume that this is a range class okay these guys are pretty beastly their hands have 60 hp legs have 60 as well it's funny both the people that i inspected had wooden body parts on the bright side here shimazu is moving faster than them and she does have two skill ups so we put six points into engaged photon forge that was able to max it out it's our main ability that gives her stamina regen which allows her to cast all of her other abilities now the question is what do we want to put points into now corona burst seems like it might be good it gives her immunity to damage but leveling it only slightly increase the duration of the immunity i'm not sure what slightly means exactly but yeah i think there's gonna be the ability that we wanna level it does do aoe damage as well so you can't really go wrong with that yeah we're gonna have her engage photon forge she's gonna give her a 35 second duration of photon forge it didn't actually go on cooldown i'm just gonna spam until it goes there it goes oh now it's up for 70 seconds i guess you can cast this twice like i don't know if that's intended but we just casted it twice she hasn't casted it for a while so maybe it can like stack up i don't know or maybe that's unattended we have 70 seconds of ownage let's use photon blitz did quite a bit of damage to leer not that much actually she is very tanky holographic shockwave onto these guys stun them all shimazu was unable to use it that's not good corona burst she's immune now for eight seconds only oh and the reason why we didn't do much damage to lure there is because she's tough that was a mistake takes 50 less damage i think the people we should be focusing on the casters probably like scorpion the super soldier would be really nice to knock them out and we'd be able to maybe capture them we did a bunch of damage on there 30 damage on the arm with the brotherhood warbanner we have no staminos anything or are you casting oh they use their bandage ability and where are these guys oh they're going for our dog babs or wolfhound crap the wolf town is very fast i'm going to set an area over here and maybe it can outrun these guys while shimazu dual scorpion flesh cutter keep that on autocast i guess cast it whenever it's up scorpion runs away due to being a coward that's good i still want to knock them out potentially though i don't think they're going to full run how's the wolf hound doing oh it's not in the best spot i think it's fleeing so yeah it's dead it's done so bye-bye i mean it's not dead but it's you know it's not in a great spot i would like to knock out scorpion though they're pretty good five hours left dead oh their bodies actually rotting because we gave them a bunch of toxic build up with this venomous war banner that we're using gives toxic buildup to whatever we hit based on our damage but yeah we have 45 seconds left of photon forge and now these guys are charging i'm not sure we play this exactly if we can knock one of them into the wall we can stun them with hollow leap so that could be good although this is kind of a bad position let's try though hit her knocked her away holographic shockwave like right here stunned flash cutter wait just run i guess actually i wasn't sure how long the sun would last so yeah we're gonna now corona burst oh shimazu got hit there by the corona burst i guess she hit herself with that tougher walk over here nope they're trying to hit her but they're not doing damage i'll leap on the intro just to you know get out of these guys which macaulay condensed light is only up for four more seconds for immunity we can coronary burst again just have her cast chrono burst again i guess if we can do it there we go we knocked out intro yeah shimazu has not gotten hit yet which is good so let's condense light up from the corona burst for eight more seconds four seconds okay she's not a good spot actually get out of here if you can i'm gonna put some dirt in your eye she got dirt in her eye oh no not the dirt in her eye she halloween away oh she can that's sick actually yeah photon forge only gonna last for 60 more seconds let's use photon blitz on um the elemental gunner maybe be nice to knock them out oh we killed her and we won the caravan battle these guys are running let's try to knock out later the tough dude yeah i'm not sure they're running i think they're gonna be able to get out i'll leap i mean stun them no they're gone i'm not sure about the whole cooldown thing and how things are not cooling down i'm not sure how to feel about that it's gonna be a work in progress so to try to fix that issue as far as intro part of the reason why she went down so easy is because she has alcohol addiction which i believe is lowering your consciousness or maybe not either way her stats aren't especially good for doing stuff around the base like she can plant and thrombonians do get a bonus of planting but she does have 11 melee which is going to be really useful if we do want our wrestler and bring her back to base i think we'll do that the only problem with leaving this ambush site right now is there's a scouting party right on top of it so we got to kind of wait for a little bit i think we just had shimazo bandage up intro and then we're going to have her just kind of take a rest i guess oh and then what about the wolf dog it's got mechanite plague and it's gonna bleed out in three hours i think we're gonna let it die but it's bonded to someone it's bonded to shimazu she would be really sad if it died we're gonna try to save it i guess what is mechanized plague though has progressed far enough a mechanoid known as a burster will erupt from their corpse well this can't affect animals no mechanics will burst on our bodies so we get good tens on it it will regress yeah i guess we'll save the wolf dog to probably carry back to base though along with the prisoner which will be kind of annoying and yeah the scouting party moved i think we're fine and it says we're still moving at 25.6 tiles per day i have no idea how that's the case because we're carrying bob's an intro and there we go we're moving at 6.7 only i guess we were moving so fast because we were on the road so we're about to make it back to base and these dinos are still here we're going up to congo to start sniping at them and they won't actually mind that we're doing this i don't think they don't really care iwasaki runs away due to being coward yowasaki saw this going on and she ran but yeah part of the reason why this is gonna be good is we can actually butcher these things up and we should probably do this a while ago i thought they might help us if we got raided though but void of course does not send us a raid while we have a bunch of animals outside oh nice head shot probably on that yeah that was a headshot very nice well they just made a bunch of ammo thank you allnun for that and we actually have shots that we can do on these guys just use some of these uh nomad abilities shadow shot sure gustaro why not just have her auto cast them okay i think that's gonna be pretty much enough like we gotta be wasaki come out here too and start helping out give her a clear mind and have her start just using magic missile well it's a lot of missiles so we ended up killing and butchering all the animals they did not rot because i disabled scary rot in the settings we got visited by a orbital carnivore trader and i thought they would buy all this meats and leather and stuff that we got from butchering up the dinos but no they just want to sell us some dinos of their own which these by the way are not even carnivores but they're a carnivore trader they don't want to buy meat and they're not even selling carnivores not sure what's up with that this dino must have really good damage genetics because it does 10.84 dps 52 armor pen but then it's counterparts that are only doing 8.97 43 armor pin which that's still pretty good this one's only dealing 7.6 37 that's pretty bad compared to the other two but still pretty good we should have much more silver than his 1860 because we just bought 3k worth so someone must have it on them we're just gonna buy all these there's zero sauruses sell the components because we don't need those and then the amber actually is really beautiful i think we mined this out or we got it from butchering up the dinos we have been mining out quite a bit of stuff though so we might have mined it out and yeah we can make it into sculptures 500 beauty is actually an insane amount see let's see how good these dinos are in terms of their hp genetics on this one 82 percent i think this is the worst in terms of damage health's okay 99 this one's damage is 117. that's probably the best damage the health is okay speed's okay and then yeah the second one has 111 health it's a bit tankier bit less damage we won't know exactly how tanky these are until we can test them in battle but yeah i believe they can be ridden and weldon who's already doing a ton around base he's doing all of our mining a lot of our building he's an animal aficionado increases his team and train animal chance by 40 so he could train them pretty easy i bet they have a no handling skill requirement as well zero percent wildness so they're very easy to tame but i'm really happy these are not pen animals if they were i would look for a mod that just removes that whole feature i'm pretty sure there is one wait and this thing's already mounted the com goes hacking there's no way you have that mounted you're not supposed to apparently we can mount these already not sure what's going on with that okay well maybe they're that tame that uh you can just mount them i guess so we're just gonna fast forward to the next day where we got a new trader and yeah void has not been sending us events he's being kind of boring because yeah the last event we got was on day 11.6 and it was the manhunting event and then we got the infested chunk crash on day 11 which is kind of a helpful thing we can open up that ship chunk and some insects will spawn and attack raiders the last raid we got was that series of raids on day 10. so it's been a free four days which just feels kind of weird i will say on day 20 we are going to be getting the god raid no matter what so maybe we're just preparing for that today we got visited by a bionics trader and we cannot actually install these muse chips or i think the neuro enhancer as well the mu strip requires 16 medical the neuroenhancer i believe requires more than 10 which is all we have but we can install the energy fists and the muscle wire into someone and i think the muscle wire is better than hover feet it says the hubbar feet enhances movement speed by gliding but i don't think it actually makes them glide i think it's just a really efficient foot i believe the muscle wire is just a lot better because it increases movement by 15 percent and adds 20 hp to the leg see we're gonna buy the muscle wire and the energy fist because one of our colonists has a wooden hand and this energy fist is a way more efficient hand than a wooden hand the wooden one 60 this energy fist is 150 and it does quite a bit of dps it just has no armor pen but against unarmored targets it's really effective it actually might be in our best interest to give this over to shimazu takamiyo or nomad does have a wooden hand though so yeah i think we probably want to give it over to her and she's been doing quite a bit of arts it would help her do that quicker so yeah i think we should probably give her the hand and she is also capable of doing combat and like she has a regen i also forgot to buy medicine we're gonna buy all their medicine and then maybe some glitter world as well i think our dog is about to die actually from those mekanites might be able to save it with some glitter world yeah if we look down here at babs the mechanite plague is bursting our first few tens on it were not good they were like zero percent tens the recent one was 36 and then yeah we're gonna use glitter world on the next one we weren't even using herbal on the last one oops i really don't want babs to die because it is bonded we could actually use a healer lance charge on it to save it or we could try to preach health on it and we can't preach health on it we could use a healer lance charge though and i believe that would save it is it worth though it's a rear right paw got cut off too so i don't know how good it is maybe it's better just to be rid of it and save the psychic killer lens charge because we're gonna need that later for sure yeah i'm not gonna use a psychic healer lance on it but yeah so we're now gonna do the operation to install the energy fist into tokomgo which should go pretty well and we're doing it on an excellent bed the room is actually not that cleanly but it is still giving us a 100 surgery success chance factor and then marita has a 104 medical surgery success chance with her 10 medical plus her manipulations at 116 because of soothing breeze increasing your consciousness by 20 from our ice mage and yeah there's like a two percent chance that fails it did not and she only has 22 hp on her hand is that less than a normal person by the way i think that's two more than a normal person actually i'm thinking of an arm pretty sure that's the case with drumkins they have slightly more hp than a normal person when we got the one wood from extracting a wooden hand which is now ready to be used on whatever you know we can make a torch lamp out of it we just toss the wooden hand in there speaking of torch lamp we're actually in the process of building a torch lamp in this prisoner cell and we're gonna install the muscle wire into aga reason being is i don't think it's gonna help us too much right now and one thing i did with the demi god race since they're worth so much they have a base value of 6k and they're demigods like they're supposed to be more powerful than normal humans they have 50 more hp than a normal colonists on all their body parts so like their torso s60 whereas a normal colonist has 40 and like her leg with this muscle wire should be really tanky because it's going to add 20 hp to the leg plus what's nice about installing this into a prisoner is that it's going to lower our wealth while they're our prisoner this implant basically just disappears off of our map as far as the game is concerned in terms of calculating rage strength and the implant was successful her leg now is 65 hp she's going to be one super tanky paladin and then it's going to increase her movement speed she can get around the map quicker and yeah i don't really think it would be oh no the mechanic plague bursted in babs and she died shimazu really is sad about that negative eight for bonded animal died and then lost to five for being the master of babs oh then is distraught for negative eights because of arcane shadow yuwasaki's buff which is looking like it's a lot more powerful than soothing breeze soothing breeze lowers pain by 15 increased consciousness by 20 lowers tiredness but arcane shadow increases manipulation by 25 movement by 20 conscious by 15 sight hearing talking metabolism as well so they don't need to eat as much tiredness times 60 if that stacks with soothing breeze that's actually insane like these people do not need to sleep that much the only problem is that arcane shadow really lowers their mood it gives them negative eight mood for maxing that out yeah iwasaki just had three points and i put them all into her arcane shadow ability so it's lowering people's mood by eight but i feel like that buff is really powerful if we can just figure out how to manage their mood like i put a bunch of sculptures in our dining room slash barracks area and it's somewhat impressive i think we get it to 80 it's very impressive if we just pick this stuff up we can actually see pick up the silver pick up the club all the medicine out of here is that going to help it's really dirty just clean the dirt and that'll do it 82 is somewhat impressive maybe it's 85 is the next threshold yeah 85 is very impressive so if they eat in here or sleep in here it's gonna help their mood basically also we let them do recreation here if we build some type of recreation thing that could boost their mood as well it's just that this room is very small what we could also do is expand the room down here towards this prisoner cell and that will allow us to fit like a pool table in here which would be nice to figure out what to do with aga like our prisoner cell is not looking good kyle's almost ready to convert over to our religion he's at 21 percent wait is garrickson's rival buff not going down it's at 5.9 days wasn't it at like six days a long time ago like mikhail rosemary those people dying was a long time ago right i've been waiting for this dude's mood to go down because it's actually going to be really hard to recruit him because he's got 50 global certainty loss factor from his steadfast trait and yeah that just slows the rate at which we can convert them so maybe just recruit this dude i don't know what's going on with his rival buff it went down to 5.8 days so maybe it is actually going down i thought he's had that forever though like maybe time has just been passing slower than i think but yeah he's got zero resist we could just actually recruit him right now if we wanted to i think maybe one more spot in our prisoner cell and then we could just expand our dining room down this way build a pool table in here and everyone be happy about it i think that's what we gotta do because everyone's gonna take a mood hit with that shadow buff and all righty garrickson joined us now we gotta check out the gadgeteer class there's a lot of abilities here you can turn sand into more arable soil that's pretty good and it costs stamina as well i wonder if you can turn soil into like a rich soil with that he can dry up shallow water or mud into more airable terrain scans an enemy calls out their weak spot increasing damage dealt for a short time to them i guess pulls out a couple of spare batteries from somewhere using them to charge up a battery node grants 400 watts of power auto spanner tosses a nano auto wrench to a target rapidly mending their equip gear this is actually really clutch because one thing i have been noticing about shimazu and every time she uses corona bursts is it actually damages her equipment her god chest piece is down to 48 durability so that's like actually one of the first things we're going to do right now after we convert this prisoner cell into our new rec room we're going to weld and mine that out yeah you can see how fast william mines like he's actually nuts we cannot put it here why though understandable space on all sides what do you mean maybe this chunk is not considered stainable space oh there we go chunk was blocking us let well then start working on that and then meanwhile shimazu you're actually going to consume some mead first of all i just realized she had food poisoning too that's partly what's lowering her mood i think intense pain for negative 15 ah that's why she's in such a bad mood but yeah while she's doing that i think erickson can just mend her equipment cass was successful spell mending active orders her manipulation of movements increase her hunger rate and tiredness is it patching her gear though 49 i think that went up oh yeah it is patching up her gear not that quickly but yeah her furs went up to 50 very nice no longer ratty apparel and alcohol warmth the outer mood is good now i just didn't want her to go to mental breakdown because she's kind of our carry not kind of like she is our gary but as far as garrickson's other abilities we got mysterious amulet points of a mysterious amulet at the target grand them a small amount of mana at the cost of some of the users stamina the target's not a mage they're instead granted with some powerful temporary buffs we can also auto cast this it does have a really long cooldown though and it costs all this stamina so it's probably something we don't want to be auto casting i would say it's one of those abilities that's going to come in really clutch though i think it's kind of a shame too because his other abilities cannot be auto casted so he can't just auto level up but we can decrease the cost and the cooldown though if we level this up see what the cooldown is putting one point into it 1100 seconds what was it like 1200 before i just wanted to level that up because it's an ability that he can auto cast i don't have to worry about it and like he's got so many abilities i will say like some of the ones that we already went over like hydrated water and pocket sand those are just soil enhancements so it's not like they really do anything so it's one of those classes that like it can look really intimidating but some of his abilities are just highly situational grants target stealth that's pretty good cars two points a level though rocket boots gives increased movement speed tosses some disposable goggles to a target enhancing their aiming and shooting capabilities for a moderate duration of time that's obviously really good you don't really need that right now though like it's one of those abilities that scales into the late game inflatable wall quickly inflates a portable wall perpendicular to the caster we already have an ability like that with our arcane mage i've never used it yet plant some bramble seeds units that walk over the brambles will take damage but they get destroyed really easily i guess takes the air with the portable jet pack flying over any ground obstacles dude this class is nuts it's got even more abilities points a haywire snowmaker at a target location generating an instant snap freeze which saps an area of heat then taser can inflict massive pain on someone and that might be able to knock someone out so that's really cool i think what we should level though right now is mysterious amulet just like in autocast it and not to worry about it we could also autocast scan but it scans an enemy so i don't think that's something he can auto cast around base but mysterious amulet he will cast it whenever it's up so let's just max that out and i can be lazy with it i guess it requires two points to level up because we only have one point left and he started out level five so yeah we were able to put two points into it has a cooldown of a thousand seconds but yeah we're just going to auto cast it i actually want to cast it on weldon and see what it gives them dude's a beast arcane dexterity manipulation plus 120 arcane speed movement plus 50 arcane vision sight plus 60 whoa the dude is gonna be beasting this is probably the person we want to be beasting though oh and also i completely forgot that he has inspired taming i was gonna have him go out and do kind of a mission to tame an animal we could have do that right now with shimazu because there's nothing on our map that i've been wanting to tame there's an arctic wolf i guess that enter a map can maybe tame that is genetics any good not really shimazu is still under the effects of food poisoning but when that does wear off we'll have her and well then go out and try to tame some cool animal we should be fine because we're not getting raided at all like boyd he just doesn't want to raid us i guess which i mean i guess we're kind of due for a raid there we go we got a neck cluster with a massive amount of power actually 1500 sidekick droner medium one that's going to really upset males in 22 hours they've got a carpenter mech which will obliterate bases and they have a proximity activator that's going to be active now shimazu recovered from our food poisoning and we're now back on the road i want to get over to this farming work site because there's a cold snap that just set in and it's freezing all our plants that we're trying to plant although i will say at this farming site the 1600 raw fungus i don't know if it's gonna help us that much because people don't like eating that even in meals they get like a negative three moodlet so maybe we don't go all the way over there and we just look for an animal to tame with wellnen we are about to run into a scouting party a 433 combat power one too but i don't think it's a thrombonian one and we converted kyle over to our religion kyle now has 50 certainty in our religion he gains at one point two percent per day and yeah now we'll finally try to recruit him he does a 5.4 resist but when we do recruit him we can make him our melee specialist that will disable his ability to use a lot of skills but he can't really do a lot of round bass anyways so that's pretty huge the dude's a gladiator so we'll be able to check out the new and improved coors gladiator we'll be able to do that momentarily the question is are we going to run to the scouting party they are one tile away i'm kind of surprised we're not so we could also run into this trading caravan we could just fly out doing an attack on them they have two trade rat slaves one trader for rat ogres whoa that could be scary i don't know shimazu console that we can try and then i think we can back off if we bite off more than we can chew all right so i think i fixed engaged photon forge i don't think i can cheese that anymore so we're gonna kind of have to really somebody want berserk and bass that's not the good timing for this and crap she's gonna just obliterate our prisoners although agga is a demigod she does have extra hp on her body parts so maybe she can put up an okay fight i'm sending to congo in here but tacoma goes really far away i think if we can stun her well it's not going to knock her out i'm not really sure what we do here i think we just got to leave them in a duke it out because yeah i got a micro shimazu over here oh and yeah i didn't even look at the camels and what they had by the way this one has a lot of pigskin 417 quartzian casting which has a value of 10 bucks a pop it is very beautiful like extremely beautiful if we just take out that one camo we would be freaking rich i just feel like the rat ogres are gonna tear us a new one they have a value of 840 each they deal not that much damage i guess but i feel like they're going to be really tanky like they have 40 built-in armor apparently they're animals i wonder if we just take out the skaven traders if that's gonna be enough because there's only three of them like i think shimazu could get in there and just rip them up a new one engage photon forge okay it didn't go on cooldown i should engage it again okay we can't engage it again dude i thought i fixed it meanwhile back at base auger runs away from being a coward she had a couple scratches i can't really micro this i mean we can't marry to take the smg and go in there and you know lay down the law i guess that's what we have to do i don't know i can't really pay attention to that though these photon blitz yeah a little bit closer corona burst they're not even charging us by the way hit one of the camels this is not the good one though just haul leap on this dude killed one of them get out of the range of the rat ogre if possible i don't want to fight the rat ogre if yeah if at all possible this guy's casting can't have that oh we got hit by something poisoned moderate or is moving by 30. that's not good photon blitz this guy and then just run him down are the camels dipping oh the camels are dipping that's the whole point of us being here is we want this one we want this camel we don't even care about zach actually we want to take out the camel no we're slow though wait this camel's turning around what a dumb camel i'll leap onto it very nice and then kill it kill the camel oh i'll leap again no we knocked it but it's in pain shock we can strip it oh yeah and we got all this stuff i'm just not sure what's going on photon forge like it's kind of one of those things where i guess we just got to use it once per battle i guess i was gonna do that earlier then i started trying to cheese it because i don't know why we got hall leap onto zach and we won the battle because shimazu is poisoned uh well the poison actually went down a minor so it's not really affecting her anymore meanwhile back at base it looks like marita laid down the law again is bleeding really bad she's going to bleed out in five hours we've got marita on that though with their 11 medical so yeah again is going to be fine we're gonna use as good as medicine as we can too so these wounds don't get infected okay maybe just herbal is actually fine but yeah marital laid into intro with the smg and yeah part of the reason why enter is in such a bad mood is because she's got alcohol addiction and she's in withdrawals it's lowering her mood by 35 but we're just gonna let her go through the trolls as a prisoner and then when she joins us she'll be clean meanwhile back on the map that we just fought in there's a dyno here that has a seven handling skill requirement and an 80 chance to revenge on tame fail i will say the market value is not that high although the base value is 800 the base value of our dinos that we just got is 800 too it's just kind of weird that it's so hard to tame though and like the ones we just picked up have no handling skill requirement no chance to revenge on tame fail no wildness just weird how they're so different i'm not sure like the balance of that but yeah we're gonna have weld and just tame this thing and we'll just go back home there we go boom because yeah he had inspired taming so there's no chance it fails as long as he had enough handling seal requirement which he had one extra in terms of the hp on this thing i'm not sure how good it is the genetics aren't great seven percent health 100 damage though but like the damage isn't even that high four point nine two and thirty one percent armor pen versus like this dyno which has less dps genetics but it has more damage 0.97 and 43 it's like actually significantly better and the market value does not reflect that maybe it's got a lot more hp though or something i don't know we'll find out and yeah we're going to grab all these leathers this jade a usa suspended flag from the fallout mod i guess gives 25 beauty wow or the ammo standing lamp sure we got like this skaven crossbow and some random armor that was on the camel that we knocked out plus we got a ton of meals we're gonna bring all that fat loot home and we're gonna decide what to do with it in the next episode it will substantially increase the wealth of our base from 50k to i don't even want to think about what our well is going to be once we get back but recently boyd's been really nice he just gave us a mech cluster on day 14.8 and the last raid he sent us was on day 9.89 then we got the ship chunk and then that manhunter pack we are getting quite a bit done around the base like we have a good rec room set up we've smoothed some of this limestone not all of it but this is a pretty good makeshift dining room for now and we'll be using this for a while until we move into the mountain which we are kind of in the process of doing i set up some lights in our stockpile room so there's no chance we get infestations in those with the mod infestation spawn and darkness as long as an area is lighted infestations cannot spawn there but you have to light up the entire room like only this area of our stockpile room is currently safe they could spawn anywhere else i just don't want insects spawning on our loot basically but i do want to move back here into the mountain more because it just seems like it's a lot more protected and maybe we'll be able to get quite a bit of progress on that in the next episode if we don't bring back daily raids maybe i'll do a thing where like we get rated once every three days at least or something like that i don't know similar to like how igor works what we could also do is just commit to the god rate that's coming on day 20. it's going to be pretty fat because our wealth is going to be a lot fatter and so yeah maybe the next four days we'll just be dedicated to preparing for that and speaking of which if you guys have any input on what you've seen so far with that mod then let me know in the comment section unveil more about the other armors in upcoming episodes but if you guys have any ideas that you want to toss in the mix then just feel free to put them in the comment section the modpack i'm using is in the description as far as that bug i was experiencing earlier with the cooldowns not resetting mainly i was just noticing on one ability completely exiting out of the game and restarting it seemed to fix it so maybe if the game runs too long then that glitch starts to happen i'm not really sure but yeah for the most part my mod pack seems to be pretty stable the link to that will be in the description and with that i want to thank you all for watching i will see you next time
Channel: trmplays
Views: 29,335
Rating: 4.9056973 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld of Magic, Rimworld of magic custom classes, custom class megapack rimworld, rimworld kure's custom classes, RimWorld update, RimWorld Update 1.3.3101, RimWorld update 1.3, RimWorld fluid ideology, RimWorld fluid ideoligion, trmplays, RimWorld 1.3, RimWorld new expansion, Rimworld ideology, ideology, rimworld ideology steam workshop, ideology mods, 1.3 mods, rimworld mods, rimworld, rimworld new update, rimworld 1.3 update, RimWorld gameplay, RimWorld Let's Play
Id: 8ohJorz7CMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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