Ridiculous Wedding Day Request (r/AskReddit)

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bridesmaids groomsmen not read it what's the most ridiculous request you had to injure for the couple's big day I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in a wedding of a male friend I had tried to befriend the bride because the groom was a childhood friend all of the planning leading up to the big day was a total crap show and she used our wedding chatter constantly discuss all of her problems with the groom ring was too small they never talked about finances before getting engaged and now she's not sure he makes enough can you get a print up for children you don't have yet constantly telling us we were bad friends keep in mind we are all friends with the groom for many years before she was in the picture I could write a novel about it the final straw for me was when she asked me to plan a bachelorette party it couldn't tell me anything about what she was interested in doing clubbing versus pod a versus beach trip etc other than nothing too wild but definitely cost-effective and when I presented however the plan told me I was a terrible friend and that was the worst bachelorette plan she had ever seen I was replaced as a bridesmaid did not attend the wedding and do not speak to either of them anymore I think you got the better end of that deal outdoor wedding with no backup plan on the shores of Lake Michigan pouring rain and wind but the happy couple requested no umbrellas because they wanted to be able to see the faces in the crowd they were able to see the very wet and angry faces of people whose clothes were ruined while the bride and groom stay dry under the gazebo the juxtaposition there is actually kind of hilarious in college I was a best man for a wedding where the bride demanded we all wear designer suits I had to sell a guitar to afford off the rental I had no money before and after I had no money and one less guitar then at the reception the groom pulled me aside and told me it was my job as best man to make sure their marriage went well I was supposed to check in and help them with marriage stuff to make sure they didn't get divorced I looked him in the eye and said I can't be responsible for your marriage he didn't talk to me from that second until just a couple months ago six years after his wedding I'm far from an expert on marriage but asking your best man to be the guardian angel of your marriage is pretty weird not being able to leave the head table to talk to my friends the whole night my sister addressed my invite to me and a male friend I had known for about 10 years a male friend whom she had always had a huge crush on even better was it I had been dating my boyfriend for two years at this point and my male friend was engaged when I asked my sister why she put my friend as my plus-one and knocked my boyfriend she said that she didn't want some random guy in her wedding pictures I went to her wedding so lo no surprise she and her husband divorced two years later and I have been happily married to that random guy now for 15 years $500 pants after I refused the bride freaked because it made the wedding party uneven groom bought my pants I wore them once they divorced he seems a lot happier with his new wife short and sweet like that couples marriage I was a bridesmaid and my sir was a groomsman and we were banned from looking at speaking to or dancing with each other for fear of out cuting the happy couple we'd been together for five years at this point we didn't do it but the request alone was outrageous sounds like by not being massive dirtbags you would have out cuted them easily my college roommate invited me to his wedding in Vegas I live in Colorado so attending this wedding already required me to travel and pay for a hotel the invitation specified that the group should look their reservation area under a certain group code to receive a discounted rate they're discounted room rate at Aria is over $300 night when I told him I simply could not afford to pay for round-trip flights and a hotel room for three nights at $300 night he flipped his crap he said that we all needed to be in the same hotel for ease off plans or some crap like that he expected me then 24-year old female to come out of his wedding in Vegas alone and pay over $300 night for accommodations the kicker he did not even give me a plus-one I later found out that the groom was so pushy about everyone staying at Aria because the bride and groom received a free hotel room if seven hotel were booked under their discount code it was really scummy of them to pressure their friends into booking expensive hotel rooms at their destination wedding and lie about the reasoning anyway the bachelor party is scheduled for the night before the wedding the groomsmen had put a lot of effort into planning an awesome bachelor party and they had pre purchase tickets for everything well the groom is simply a no-show for his own bachelor party so I got to attend the bachelor party in the groom's absence which was pretty awesome we had a blast also the night after the wedding the bride was kicked out of the britney spears concerts for trying to climb on the stage i can include the group text screenshots for that whole fiasco if anyone is interested interested completely and totally entrusted a slight twist to the question I'm the bride I had told people my wedding date almost a year ago one of my friends messages me a few months ago asking me if I could change my wedding date cause another of her friends just set her wedding date for three weeks before she told me it had be great if she could attend both of our weddings in one trip got asked to stand up for a wedding during culinary school for a high school friend she said she didn't want us to buy presents it wanted us to help with various wedding things since it was a backyard wedding like someone helped with the flowers another do favors table setting etc she wanted to know if I could help with dinner I said sure and asked her what she wanted help with figuring it was prep work for someone else to do know she wanted me to handle the whole dinner as in cooking for 200 people as a 19 year old having only done a year culinary school she also wanted me to help pay for the food I'd be making as their gift she wanted me to make Caesar salad potatoes au gratin and roast enough ducks for 200 by myself and pay for about half for it I was learning how to be a pastry chef I explained and she just stared at me blankly I told her I could do the cake easily enough but she insisted she wanted a real cake from a bakery I told her there wasn't any feasible way I could do it not only because that's freaking crazy but because I literally wasn't to do it and I got disinvited from the wedding they apparently served bagged salad boxed potatoes and roasted chicken from Walmart my friends were getting married and my girlfriend and I were both in the wedding party the bride's mother suggested that my girlfriend get hair extensions to be in the wedding to not ruin the photos for her daughter my girlfriend has very short hair because she has Graves disease her hair has become very brittle and started falling out in clumps I'm sure it wasn't intended to be rude but telling somebody that have to put on a wig because you don't think they look good enough to be in your daughter's photos seems pretty terrible to me holy crap I hope the bride went half a crap on her mother for that I definitely would have the groom asked me to keep an eye on his tux for signs of dandruff he had a bad case of it at the time I told him to choose a light-colored tux if the bride insisted the guys wear black a color that of course showed every particle of dandruff so I placed a small brush in my pocket and every so often would dust him off as discreetly as possible throughout the day so you were a little groomsman my sister just came home from a weekend trip to Miami that the bride demanded she attend why Miami you may ask to get drunk and spend time in the Sun and party all night apparently not she forced her bridal party to go to Miami on their own dime to go to some spars and be in bed by 10:00 she also only booked two hotel rooms with one bed age for 8 women I advised my sister to get some better friends my friend decided to get married at a resort in Aspen we don't live in Colorado and he wasn't offering to pay for flight hotel tux etc for anyone except him and his wife they were broke 23 year olds just like us neither parents had the money either it was a noon wedding and a two-hour reception immediately following that's it everyone fly home the bride and groom didn't even stay the night he got so mad at me when I told him we won't be able to make it five years later he still doesn't talk to me my best friend asked me to dye my hair from blonde to brown because her other bridesmaids all had brown hair and she wanted to be the only one with blonde hair she did pay for me to get it done at a professional salon so I didn't mind too much and her photos did look amazing after however I definitely have a few friends who thought I was crazy for agreeing to that request but honestly relative to the other ones in the thread this is a lot better because she paid for it and didn't make you pay an exorbitant amount of money I'm from Asia and I went to college in u.s. I was shocked when I found out that bridesmaids they have to pay for their own dresses so if the bride told you to wear this specific dress and Vera Wang you actually had to pay for it yourselves and I think plane tickets for bridesmaids and groomsmen are also not provided if it's a destination wedding it's so bizarre from the UK and I was the same if you ask someone to be your bridesmaid or best man usher it's generally understood that the bride and groom will provide your suit if hired and buy the bridesmaids dresses you normally have to have your own shoes et Cie but I wouldn't have dreamed about asking any of the wedding party to put their hands and their pockets for my wedding my friend was set to get married in November of 2016 he got engaged in October of 2015 from the time he got engaged until April 2016 he continued to add things on to my to-do list for the wedding it seemed like once a month he'd say by the way I need you to do this and buy this for the wedding my wife was also a bridesmaid the bride had picked out very expensive outfits for the bridesmaids $300 dresses 150 dollars shoes and $75 costume jewelry there was also a weekend at the beach planned for the summer and my wife was responsible for the food at the bride's shower I still have no idea what they meant by being in charge of food as no matter how much we asked they acted offended does that mean provide food organize food what kind of food was expected for the 40 people who were expected to come no answers were given in March 2016 my friend had pneumonia and was hospitalized in total he was down with it for about three weeks during that time the wife and I talked about the wedding and totaled up how much it would cost us we ended up with a figure of about $1,500 for a wedding an hour away from where we live which we thought was absurd the wife and I both worked but didn't make enough money to drop that much on someone else's wedding so when my friend healed up I went by his house and told him the wife was going to drop out as a bridesmaid as the cost had risen to high we were all so upset with how they had been treating us as friends he was initially surprised but then we continued talking the next day after getting an earful from the fiance I'm sure he called me and told me I was out as the best man and to never speak to him again I was the best man for my brother's wedding I'll never forget the following directions he gave me hey butcher just like Vlad I need you to go put the flowers in the car call the photographer and find my suit I'm going to go shotgun two beers while I take a crap not totally ridiculous but it still makes me laugh I'm a photographer and my cousin wanted me to shoot their wedding for free as a gift to them wedding was also on the other side of the country and they wouldn't be paying for my flight or room my pricing typically starts at a few grand and goes up I was still willing to do it until my cousin wanted me to also throw in finished prints 350 retouched pics basically about $3 K worth of photo work well suddenly I came down with a case of something else to do that weekend she still doesn't talk to me and that's just fine she never really talked to me before either come to think of it my best man had to hold hava at 5-inches mini crown 1 inches over my head non-stop for 40 long minutes of the ceremony a feature of my Brides is Greek Orthodox Church tradition the maid of honor visibly outperformed him with half as many right-left on switches his shoulders burned for days bridesmaid to my sister she demanded that I grow my fringe banks out months before because quote I don't want anyone's hair blowing in the wind it all has to stay perfectly still also I'm quite pale so she insisted I had to wear fake tan I originally went bought a pale tan color but the morning of the wedding she made me pile it on it was pretty hot that day so subsequently it stained my pale pink dress was still an amazing wedding regardless also I like to think that when I get married I have two ridiculous requests cards two things she has to do and I'll bring up a wedding if she refuses tell her you need to be the tannest person there so she can't tan at all leading up to your wedding she needs to wear sunscreen whenever she goes outside for even a minute I don't know that this is ridiculous or that I enjoyed it but I was asked to be the maid of honor I'm a dude a manly dude she didn't really have any female friends at least none she could count on as her bachelorette party proved we settled on the term greatest knave it was a beautiful wedding as a dude who had a female friend as a groom's mom in my party I salute you my future sister-in-law has made it very clear that she wants a bachelorette party to be a week in California we live in New Jersey that means I would have to take a week off from work my husband would have to take a week off from work to stay with our children I would have to pay for my airfare and hotel and all the week's activities and pay my chef for her since everyone knows the bride doesn't pay for anything on her bachelorette party when I said I'd have to see if it's something that we could make work she basically just said well only the people that really love me will be there I'm only going to get married once so I have every right to be selfish good luck marrying that one I'm only going to get married once I have my doubts we went to their Jack and Jill bachelorette party in Atlantic City on Labor Day weekend cost a fortune for the room he got pee when I wouldn't gamble after paying for his steak dinner and expensive scotch then got loaded got into a fight at the nightclub and disappeared yeah we don't hang much anymore I wouldn't gamble after paying for his steak dinner an expensive Scotch hug my friends were champs and paid for several things during my bachelor party but I expected none of it if I'd had to pay my way the whole weekend I would have been fine with it Yule bachelor party is a time to celebrate with your friends not extract money out of them I was a bridesmaid for a high school friend not a super close friend but whatever at the time I had lightened my hair color and it didn't turn out well before the wedding I had it cut and changed back to my original color the color I had all my life except for the awful month or so of bleach figured the least I could do was not subject the wedding photos to my hair disaster I showed up for the wedding ceremony and the bride had an epic meltdown because now all her bridesmaids wouldn't be blue apparently I wasn't asked because she wanted me just my blonde hair I guess in retrospect that explained those awful candy pink dresses we had to wear and pay for I knew a woman who was a bridesmaid in a relative's wedding she was married and had been trying to get pregnant for a while finally her and her hubby got lucky and she conceived the Britta's illa got furious and kicked her out of the wedding because she would be pregnant in the pictures three months later sadly my friend miscarried the bride called her with a response along the lines of good well now you can be back in the wedding needless to say she didn't even attend it that is Fric tup it was my wife who was one of the bridesmaids the couple was way over sexed or trashy I'm not sure which but they wanted the entire wedding party to do a group pic and just their lingerie boxers except the bride and groom of course she noped out of that but apparently the other two girls in the groom's men went for it they still did the pic anyhow then they wanted the groom's men and maids to pair up and kiss for our picture none of them knew each other apparently she was the only one who didn't then they basically shamed her for opting out of both of those to the point she came and found me crying so we went home I worked for a country club during my college years and I recall one wedding party that thought it would be a brilliant idea to give their 300 plus guests the option to order their own steak and have it cooked to their preference as their entree this may not sound like a big deal but custom cooking 300 plus steaks meant that it took forever to get everyone served and since there was limited capacity with the stove tops in the kitchen for this type of cooking the food came out in intervals this was chaos as a result for me and the other waitstaff because half the party had eaten and were drinking and dancing and the other half was still sitting at the tables waiting for their food during the point when the bride and groom were getting ready to cut the cake and have champagne poured we were finally serving the remaining guests their steaks to add to this this delay pushed the event an extra hour and a half over its expected time frame and resulted in us having to keep the venue and bars open longer than the agreed-upon time and this pea offer fill as a result by 11:30 p.m. the man was shouting at the manager to close the freaking bar so people would begin to leave and was chasing the bride and groom around and telling them to get in the freakin limo and go away as it was costing him about 7k an hour extra to keep the staff and venue open I was 8.75 per hour and I also didn't get gratuities as I was a seasonal hire yet I said Frick this after a summer and a half working there left to work at a grocery store and I enjoyed it far more for only slightly less base pay I was the maid of honor she demanded I can pull weeds out of her parents yard a day or two before the wedding because the reception was at her parents house I had already gone though multiple ridiculous requests the week leading up to the wedding so this one I put my foot down and said no got through the wedding no longer friends she did send a gift when I got married a centerpiece from her wedding that I had helped make I'm not thinking you lost any big deal in that one miss Gardner you've been visited by the Rowdyruff dojo of the Wild West many hoes of good fortune and delicious dishes of chicken parmigiana will come to you if you comment giddyup popper and subscribe to sup dude Road it I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 201,285
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, ridiculous request, crazy, wedding, wedding stories, Bridesmaids, groomsmen
Id: 3Hpr-qYxqcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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