Most Horrific "Truth or Dare" Game You've Ever Played? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what was the most horrific game of truth or dare you've ever played I kissed a girl on a dare and she literally gargle dishsoap after it happened if I wasn't gay already that was the nail in the coffin gay tality I dared a girl to make me a grilled cheese sandwich but they had no bread it was horrible mother grilled me a cheese I got dared to answer the door and pay for the pizza we ordered completely naked whatever easy right the doorbell rings I strip down quickly and I grab the cash to pay for the pizza but the pizza guy was not waiting at the door it was the mom of one of the girls at the party she had come to pick her up early only to find me at the door naked her husband was a church minister the party ended pretty quickly when she called all the other parents were called to pick up their kids good times decided to get drunk with my wife and another married couple started out as Scattergories then escalated to truth or dare but both me and him ended up with our asses shaved by each others wife at our toenails painted our wives both were naked all night and ultimately 7 minutes in heaven with each other's wife I spent so long blaming alcohol and having to tell my wife I regretted it I enjoyed her friend fist bump for honesty every girl has a hot what-if friend I was dead to snort a line of garlic powder I'll add that to the list with kool-aid Pixy sticks crushed up Smarties and instant powdered energy drink the only time I have ever played truth or dare was at a camping trip in year six fifth grade one night I was invited over to the popular tent where all of the popular boys and girls were playing a game of truth or dare after about 10 minutes of watching people make out and crap the boy who invited me dead a girl whom I had a crush on to kiss me she ran out of the tent screaming whilst everybody laughed I silently excused myself and cried myself to sleep when I was in sixth grade I was dared to let these three girls tie me spread-eagle to the bed clothed and do everything they wanted for 10 minutes I thought they would do something sexy instead they spent 10 minutes dropping different objects onto my notes from varying Heights one girl dropped a heavy tape dispenser on me which made me cry this may be the worst letdown I've heard in a long while I was right at the beginning of middle school we were starting to play truth or dare at birthday parties we were playing a variation that I think in the u.s. is called X minutes in heaven anyways I think it was my turn for the heaven thing I was sOooo rooting for the beautiful girl I had a crush with instead it gets to a really weird-looking girl I wasn't attracted to at all in my head I'm really led down this girl wasn't attractive at all suddenly the girl starts bawling and runs out screaming something along the lines of not with him yet a similar but not as horrible situation happened to me in sixth grade luckily my best friend was there to comfort me by saying wow what a freakin B it was the first time I had heard someone might use that language and I was like yeah she is a fricking B three cups one with water one with toilet water one with pee water blindfold pick a cup in reality blindfold three cups of pee water I never really had a horrible game of truth or dare but one time in the eighth grade my friend dead a friend of mine to give me a lap dance and as it was happening I quietly whispered in her ear that's what daddy likes and she got off and ran you silver-tongued devil we always did a pair of dares I too had get sprayed by this mace at as used in correctional facilities almost looked like a fire extinguisher or call my friend's mom and ask her on the date I chose the mace primarily because I thought she'd accept the day we updated truth-or-dare into dare or get the freak out when I was 13 a girl dead my older brother to show his butt he pulled down his pants bent over and gaped his butthole that's how he understood mooning I was dead to climb a friend's apartment balcony and nothing but boxes and sneakers I executed this task to a top spied the man liked efficiency until another inebriated friend stepped out and began to pee off of the balcony not knowing I was just below needless to say an TP instincts kicked in and I dropped two stories down into the parking lot my profanities were heard echoing for miles around that night ha not knowing frickle the sexual answers I once dared a friend of mine to lick a jellyfish she did it stung dared to eat a mystery spoonful to this day I have no idea how they fit so many disgusting things in one teaspoon when I was 15 a girl I was trying to date invited my friend and me over to a house where she was babysitting when we arrived she was there with four of her girlfriends including her one extremely [ __ ] and rumored ste wielding friend after drinking everything in the house she thought the parents wouldn't miss we played truth or dare eventually the girl I liked dared me to go have sex in the master bedroom with the S I passed and took truth but my friend took the Dare and went off with her they came back out about five minutes later and no one believed they had done anything nine months after that everybody believed them bullet dodged drunk in a pub dared a drunken friend to swim the canal by the pub this is in Liverpool UK in the middle of winter he stripped Bullock naked and did it when he got out he had no discernible genitalia whatsoever this was 20 plus years ago and I can still see his white are sticking out of the pretty frickin rancid canal water there was this farm party when I was around 15 years old everyone was told to bring different types of alcohol they'd regret it guess who forgot to bring alcohol so the person who didn't bring any alcohol had to be subject to one no pussing out no limits basically I had no choice or saying the Dare I could only agree and do it so in the middle of the party the host girl who was same age as me shouts that it's time for bracha taco to do the Dare and she gets all her girl friends together and they planned the most embarrassing exposing devious dare ever you have to let us blindfold you tie you up and do whatever we want for 15 minutes forget to bring bring booze SNH we three guys and three girls were all in the hot tub of there's chicks house and I get dared to go mash my dong balls up against her parents bedroom window granted it's like 1:00 a.m. and the whole house is completely dark so I thought it would be no big deal get out of the hot tub run over to the window drop my suit and smash my junk up against the window for a few moments then in the reflective light of the pool I catch a glimpse of her parents sitting right inside the window watching us from inside they didn't even blink just just watched me it was freakin terrifying terrifying like I saw them for a split frickin second as the light passed over the glass just inches away from my mashed up dong on the other side of the window something from a horror movie I gasped and ran back to the hot tub got back in and just sat there in complete silence a couple minutes later her dad comes outside laughing hands me a beer and then reminisces with the lavas for a minute about the crazy crap he did when he was a kid I've never felt a shock like I did when I saw their faces it still haunts me sometimes but it all turned out better than expected I was 25 definitely not the ending I was expecting once I was playing with three girls including me and three guys we dare two of the guys to eat dried hot peppers without any water two turns later one of them got dared to go down on me worst experience of my life shenanigans that started with me kissing a girl down there ended with my friend and his sister kissing each other back there we were sober no one talks about it 15 years later playing in a group of girls all around 13 14 years old the most kind-hearted girl there with the sweetest face cute little curls and freckles is dare to take a dump on a plate in front of the rest of us no hesitation just giggles okay where's the plate the girl whose house it was then proceeds to keep said plate in the basement freezer for a couple weeks for science until her mom found it I don't know if they kept the plate had to go to the bathroom and show my dong to a girl told her I wasn't doing it flaxseed so she would make out with me truth from me to my then-girlfriend is there any fetish you really like but never told me I love putting things in my ass this was in front of eight plus people too we barely knew it was a good night my first real party was when I was 11 or something and I was really excited because everyone else was 16 or so anyway we play truth or dare and it starts out fine but escalates quickly if someone gets a dare to motorboat some girl there they're both fine with it it made motorboat her parents opened the door to find a room full of teens watching a kid shoving his face in their daughter's breasts dared to do a seven minutes in heaven with this girl went into the closet it was dark stuck my tongue in her ear unpretty sure that was me it's all fun and games until your best friend admits he wants to Frick your mom when I was still in high school we played truth or dare at a public Jacuzzi but we were young and horny so we played a more adult version of truth or dare so three of my friends and three other girls who were all attractive it was a win-win situation it all started with me one of the girls dared me take some sugar which she strangely has in her car and lick it off her friend's tongue who has not shown up to the party yet I was stucked off life I was betting this girl was going to be super attractive five minutes later she walks in I quickly turned to check her out with a smile my smile quickly died she was extremely unattractive her breasts were in different directions her face looked like a cow now she walks in and says sorry I was smoking a cigarette they quickly inform her on the Dare and she agrees rather quickly I'm trying to stall time I even called my dad to pick me up but he didn't answer everything was said she had the sugar on her tongue and was waiting there was no getting out of it I walk over and look out of her mouth I see her teeth are yellow and smelled like cigarettes I went in for the deed she then breathed the most atrocious smelling breath I had ever smelt the smell was so horrific I threw up all over her I quickly apologized and ran out of there when I turned 17 me and my friends got together to drink some forties I like the one girl who came and thought tonight would be the night I made a move we decided to play truth or dare and I was dared to hook up with my crush but in order to do it I'd have to touch tongues with my friend Josh I did it into my crushes now my girlfriend this man is the ultimate wingman somewhere Neil Patrick Harris is saluting Josh not truth or dare but a bad I never story playing after prom my junior year when I made the horrible choice of saying I never cheated on anyone I was dating one guy who was there with a friend drinks and then it gets to a girl who takes a drink who had been dating a friend of ours for years we are all a gape at this point when she turns to him and says we should probably talk I felt like the biggest butthole ever oh yeah I also saw the guy smoke and other dudes pube is out of a pipe I was 12 or 13 I was at my step aunt's house there were a lot of young adults around and then my aunt she asked truth or dare I said truth she asked me if I wanted to sleep with her never drunkenly beside that all dares must be influenced by randomly drawn cards against humanity' white cards I was playing truth or dare with a girl I liked on my trampoline when she dared me to eat a dandelion one of the white nasty ones that the wind hasn't blown away yet a couple rounds later I dared her to kiss me she said nope and made me come up with a new dare I just hate a freaking dandelion hoping I would get a kiss playing this I was 24 when this happened what is this number in truth or dare it wasn't truth or dare but back in middle school we were standing at the bus stop and a kid found a comb and dared another kid to eat it and he just straight-up ate it right there I don't even know how he did it he just hate it I have always wondered how it got out if it got out he made $3 that day another kid in high school was dared to eat three rocks so he just hates them right there and he didn't even get paid he just did it for free he did it for himself it was rolling in some horse crap it was a bad day the only time that I have ever played truth or dare was with a group of hyper religious people I was kinda indifferent but I started playing just to placate them the wildest question that I heard before I quit from sheer boredom was how many times have you ever said the J word I kid you not and keep in mind that they are not seven years old they are all over the age of 18 the J word ease it is Jesus got dared to rub icy hot on my balls passed out crying in the fetal position in the hallway don't ever do that lol in Berlin a friend of mine had to walk through a graveyard with his pants pulled down pretending to be a dog the funniest part was when there was a couple sitting on a bench minding their own business when suddenly this stoned guy walks up to them barks at them while having his pants pulled down went to a little well right next to them started drinking water like a dog then went back to them barked again and then just sat there for two minutes staring at them eventually he wanted to run away but fell over his own pants you have been visited by the holy dog Oh like this video and subscribe for a good luck I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: W0sncCsqypU
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Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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