Up explained by an idiot

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welcome to donna the movie begins with a little dude watching a short film about an adventure going to his place called paradise falls with a bunch of dogs to bring back a super rare undiscovered bird alive to show all his science friends how cool he is he's like well bro then he runs off playing and finds his old raggedy shitty house with a female child inside of it that has the same passion for this dude charles muns explorer guy as this little kid she's a bit creepy but kind after she breaks his arm she breaks into his house at night uh solely normal i see no red flags here anyway she shows him her top secret adventure book or she wants to go to paradise falls just like this guy charles and she's left a bunch of pages empty for her adventure there when she gets then she makes some promise to take them there when they grow up no pressure and she leaves and because he's a dude the power of owners is super strong so he grows up to marry her and we start a montage of their life together where they buy the [ __ ] up house and immediately get to work fixing it up i don't even take their wedding clothes off do you know how uncomfortable not to mention dangerous it is to work in a wedding dress you [ __ ] [ __ ] beans anyway they fix up the house we find out their names are ellie and carl nice no promises on sticking to them though they turn the house into the gay dream house of the childhood he needs to do more cardio he sells balloons she's a bird person then they decide to make bibas together but turns out her baby oven is kaput either that or his piss pump supplies lackluster baby mix but i do think his hero is the point is bebe is a nogo and she depresso has pressure over that so to cheer her up he suggests saving up to go to paradise falls finally but problemo after problemo cucks them from doing that stop breaking bones [ __ ] carl also if you really want to speed this process along a bit you should look into shifting your career from selling balloons to something a bit more lucrative mine i said just meth continuing with the montage they go all together and forget the whole paradise falls ordeal but roblox man after years and years and years remembers it and i guess he has the money now so he buys plane tickets to surprise ellie but hold on paradise falls is in venezuela bro do you know how dangerous venezuela is doesn't matter because ellie's sick and eventually she dies pretty sad [ __ ] apparently lots of people cried i didn't but i think that's probably because i have no soul just take their next word for it it was pretty sad on to present now movie time carlito goes about his sad daily routine for us to find out that his neighborhood has been turned into a concrete jungle and some business [ __ ] wants us by his house and mr potato head comes over like boss man's willing to offer double his last offer for your property oh is he let me talk to him hey [ __ ] yeah gay vampire looking ass [ __ ] and kiss my wrinkle ass what yeah i'm not with him you can have my house when i'm dead he goes inside and after a little while he gets knocked on his door from this little killer bean looking ass dude named russell your boy scout and carl's just like no and shut the door but then opens the door again turns out russell wants to get his assistance in the elderly badge and won't leave card alone so block face makes up the story about this annoying creature snipe thing all right and tells him to go find it if he wants to help him then he'll sign this thing for him you know if you really want the kid off your back that bad you could just sign the paper that said that he helped you and just be done with that and right how he helped you by avoiding a headache and leaving me alone i thought all people were supposed to be wise so dumbass kid goes out to find the snipe and bulldozer comes along and backs up into call's mailbox and mark zuckerberg tries to help like oh my god i'm so sorry don't touch that i can fix it go steal someone's data [ __ ] i can help ah he has a tennis ball and a cane right how the [ __ ] does it do so much damage i guess it's possible but still mark's [ __ ] faces bleeding and since this is the great usfa we get lawsuits baby [ __ ] yeah can you smell that it's freedom [ __ ] we are vampires who's his ass and gets the house and forces his call to go into a retirement home you know maybe if carl didn't run away like a [ __ ] and just apologize right there and there and then they wouldn't have this problem but i died because you know this is land of mcdonald's they will salivate at the whiff of a lawsuit that night he's told to pack up his [ __ ] to go to her diamond home next day but stumbles upon ellie's old adventure book so he looks at it and then looks at the people home brochure like [ __ ] [ __ ] oh a toy and next day when the retirement home people come he releases the kraken a [ __ ] ton of balloons rise up and rip the house from the ground and he flies away now obviously this is impossible ripping a house from his foundations by a bunch of balloons is just a tremendous amount of horse [ __ ] but who cares he flies through the city and sets sail for paradise falls and he sits down peacefully in his chair but then what the [ __ ] is that turns out to be russell you see he thought he found the snipe and followed under the porch it turns out to be just a tiny mouse and then the house took off and here we are however i have a question he said he was hiding under the porch so where where where where the [ __ ] is this kid in these images and also later on we find out that russell can't climb for [ __ ] so this is cat piss right here anyway he lets him in kids annoying he fantasizes about killing him then he tries to lower the house by cutting off some balloons from this fireplace where they're all attached to the house but then they approach the cumuloid nim [ __ ] alright that's a cloud storm cloud they go inside it and plates crack [ __ ] falls and he's like no my stuff and we cut to later when he titled his stuff down and he's passed out there and russell steered the house to south america using his wilderness explored dpf that he immediately loses and carl doesn't believe that they're in south america so he takes the bird down to get the kid home and they pass by some rocks and he's like oh and they crash into the ground and fall off and save the house from flying off a cliff by the way this guy this old frail old man is supposed to have all his bones shattered and or dislocated and he's gonna keep doing [ __ ] like this and be completely fine afterwards so i'm just gonna pretend he's some sort of invincible mythological god or something and just move on okay so the fog lifts and he sees that they're super close to paradise falls and the final resting place that he wants to put his house in and cause carl has sausage arms and can't climb he decides to walk his house over there by the way if russell could have made it up he wanted him to hoist him up that's why a 12 year old kid should hoist a fully grown man up yeah that was never going to happen also now that he has decided to walk the house over there and set it down he has in effect given up on the idea of taking russell back home just saying so that [ __ ] russell decides to help and they have to get to move him quick because the hilumilli cut the balloons intrestes they wear the house like a backpack russell takes a [ __ ] in the jungle and with the help of some chocolate he finds a big gay ostrich brings it over like i found the snipe listen good oh my god there's no such thing as a knife dude can we keep it of course not they keep it then they meet a dog with a collar on it that allows you to speak and he's a very good boy okay his name is doug and he has been tasked by his master to find a bird and turns out that the big guy ostrich kevin right that's his name kevin malone is the word he was looking for he's like can i take your bird as prisoner please please please oh please be my prisoner then we cut to another pack of dogs also searching for kevin bacon and they check their colors to see that dog has a bird on their little tiny screens that have gps location how the [ __ ] is this technology available 80 years ago whatever i guess 1920s [ __ ] movie signs haven't used that one in a while anyway they contact the good boy and see he has the bird and run to his location meanwhile the duxter has made carl his new master because he loves him so much but carl is running dangerously low on [ __ ] to get and he wants to get rid of both him and kevin so he throws a ball and some chocolate and both doug and kevin run after them respectively and he tries to run away far far away but that does not work at all that's no good because they still find out i mean you're not that hard of a target to find your dumbo [ __ ] you literally have a floating house attached to you anyway they came under the shelter of the house at night from the rain and it is revealed that russell's dad doesn't give a crap about him and next day kevin's gone but not really is on top of the house stockpiling food to take it to his kids that's right kevin is a girl it's official kevin is a gender-neutral name if you don't agree eat a dick up has spoken so kevin takes some food and says goodbye and goes off to his babies but his ostrich spidey sends tingles and we cut back to the photo house gang where the dog pack jumps onto them and asks doug where is the bird oh yes the bird is the word oh yes i could see how you would think i have the bird uh tomorrow come back tomorrow and i will have the bird yes dumb [ __ ] you lasted then the dogs forced the gang to come with them to their master as prisoners and we see kevin on top of the house okay i've noticed once but how the [ __ ] does it get up there especially without getting noticed no way it can fly whatever they take him to a cave and lots of dogs show up then charles muns shows up yup he's still alive and he's still here looking for this [ __ ] bird he takes one look at their mode of transportation and decides that they're not a threat and car goes holy bazookas that's charles munson oh boy i don't give a [ __ ] so charles invites them in for dinner and they park their house next to his big fuck-off blimp and he's trains the dog to be servants and make dinner for him and do everything for him and he has not left this place because he's still looking for this burden but he can't catch it because he's escaping into this labyrinth place i've lost so many dogs in there blah blah people try to come here and steal my discovery blah blah blah i sort of mentioned that charles must be at least 80 years old and the fact that he might be having sex with his dogs is not too far fetched of a theory i'm just saying anyway [ __ ] dick's suspicion keeps arising and they both see kevin on top of the house and call uses this as a distraction to get out of the blimp and takes his house and the dogs go after them so jesus takes the wheel sorry kevin takes the wheel and a bunch of balloons pop while doug tries to help them out and slow down the rest of dogs but he almost gets thrown off a cliff himself then they jump this gap or rather float across this gap and make it to safety but kevin has been bitten and russell's like we gotta get it back to his babies this [ __ ] kid alright let's go so they walk through the night to get to the labyrinth where these babies are and no way the balloons aren't popping here they're floating at branch level come on this is donkey dong i'm mixing it up here with the [ __ ] you know the animals and the feces you see what i'm doing here anyway they get to the entrance of the maze and the fastest healing bird ever limps over there but munch shows up she tracked them down using doug's collar because it has a gps drag remember he traps kevin and tries to burn down and calls house balloons popping and [ __ ] and forced between freeing kevin and saving his house he chooses his house and then swoops in and takes the bird then russell goes you gave away kevin i didn't set out for the [ __ ] i'm not your master too and he calls doug a bad dog now listen here you rack the whole piece of [ __ ] you take that back hunt anyway he decides to take his barely airborne house to the falls with her without help of [ __ ] russell he gets there parks that they're kind of crooked in him and russell goes [ __ ] you're a dick i hope you got polio who goes in the house tidy's up a bit smell like titties all right focus no time no time okay guys it's down this chair checks ellie's adventure book to see that she has filled out the pages of the stuff i'm gonna do sections pictures of the two of them and for some reason this is more touching to me than the montage in the beginning but i still didn't cry i'm i will not cry i'm i'm soulless goddammit i'm strong i'm so listening man decides to help russell get back kevin but russell has helped himself through some balloons and leaf blowers to go safe kevin himself and he's like no then he tries to move his house but it won't budge and goes ah [ __ ] this chair oh and he gets the idea to shed weight from the house to make it flow and he does that and he finally takes off enough weight to make the house take off once more and doug shows up at the porch and he's a good boy now yay he was supposedly hunting on the porch as well but i didn't see him when it took off does this porch have a secret compartment how do porches work i don't know russell finds a blimp somehow goes inside and gets caught and then dick mitchum does the classic i'll tie the protection to a chair and let some weird [ __ ] mechanism kill him really slowly says more time to escape move then clark claral it's not clark then carr closes down the blimp and sees the kid being lowered to his death and he goes to save him i don't know how the balloons aren't hitting the bottom of the blimp and popping to be honest and aren't they supposed to be having trouble breathing how high up are they it doesn't matter carl tries to keep beanboy safe but b boy wants to help so carl and dog will go inside and distract other doggos with the ball and free kevin while russell frees himself and [ __ ] up big time man sees [ __ ] russell and sends flying dogs after him which is funny hilarious stuff because the dog fighters i get it but now that i'm trying to shoot out the [ __ ] balloon said they aim for the tiny target that is the kid [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] but you know what am i complaining about is there [ __ ] dogs flying planes using chew toys why am i even moving on munch finds carl and they fight each other while doug runs away from other dogs and humiliates the alpha and accidentally becomes the alpha dog himself you know like toothless and other dragons he's a leader now okay then carl and the super healing bird climb the side of a blimp and try to knock off once but he survives and russell finally learns how to climb rope the dogfighters crash out because squirrel by the way the fight carl had with monts he gave him a good whack on the head with the stick right and once didn't bleed while mark had a [ __ ] explosive period in his head how's that possible doesn't matter i guess months is [ __ ] built different so roadrunner and minecraft reunite with earbud on the roof and killer beam brings the house over but musket man shoots some balloons off with the rifle and the thing slides off falls down a bit and starts sliding off the blame but carl the north god gets a hold of it from the [ __ ] garden hose and he keeps it on board because he's [ __ ] zeus or something and months tries to break in the house and get the [ __ ] bird he does that and then carl gets a brainwave right he's like chocolate russell and doug hold on to heaven he shoots through the [ __ ] window the garden who says adios monster falls to his death but mo [ __ ] call got a death grip on that [ __ ] hoes man and he saves these idiots while he sees his house float down into the abyss is that an abyss no it's just the sky never mind we transitioned to kevin getting back to his kid then carl assumes ownership of the airship and leadership of the dogs that's a lot of ships there and they get back to their towner city for russell's badge receiving ceremony and his dad ain't there but carl is and he gives him the ellie badge and i don't know if this [ __ ] is his mom stepmom maid caretaker or whatever but she seems hello okay with the fact that the kid's been missing for three [ __ ] days also what the hell is wrong with this kid his cat died or something is he constipated doesn't matter movie ends with them parking their blimp on top of a ice cream shop because that's fine that's legal no problem with that and his old house very conveniently resting in the correct spot on paradise falls which you might call luck but i call it camel duty this movie gets eight noses out of eight cessna 172s you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 5,221,755
Rating: 4.9417663 out of 5
Keywords: up, up recap, mrbeast, up explained, everything wrong with up, up cinemasins, up review, movie, movie recap, recap, review, funny, haha, lol
Id: nt7G9JsshPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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