r/Iamapieceofsh!t [S2]{5}

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ever wanted a really expensive fish but you're really not trying to spend no 24 i'm going to show you how to finesse them for free you can bring a backpack or just honestly use a club oh this is really messed up so my first grade teacher had als or something and i think she couldn't stand so one day i fell asleep in class and i got in trouble so i told her if she doesn't stop talking i'll take the batteries out of her wheelchair okay was that supposed to be funny because it just sounds crappy it just sounds like you were a crappy six-year-old oh wait a minute this is uh this is an identity for you huh oh you're such an evil person but also kind of funny you're not funny that that's not funny being a mean person isn't funny it's not a character trait you're just terrible and you're finding a reason to justify that by saying that that's some sort of personality type it isn't you're just crappy gen z calling bill burr a racist uh this is bill burr and his beautiful wife nia while i'm not suggesting bill burr is a racist a white man having a non-white wife can sometimes be a sign of racism so you shouldn't assume someone isn't racist just because they own a minority sex servant they might what it's so funny that when you come across anti-racists specifically on twitter or or in person you come to find out quickly that they are some of the most racist people on the planet this person with his whole chest just called bill burr's wife a sex servant and essentially insinuated that it's a racist for a white man to date outside of his race you cannot win it's racist to date exclusively within your race and now it's racist to date outside of your race that is that is insane these people are [ __ ] insane yo 24 hours homeless how much money did i make i hope you gave all that money back because you just bragged about scamming people that's that's what you just did you made a video about scamming people nice people who thought you were homeless and gave you some money to help you out but no you're a wealthy youtuber so you're just bragging about committing crimes crimes against people who were kind hearted and thought that you actually had you know issues and some struggles i wanted to alleviate some of that for you with a couple bucks i couldn't imagine selling my dignity down a river for a crumb of clout a crumb of fame but hey i guess you're just that vapid and stupid oh this can only go one way people who think zoophilia is intrinsically abusive would probably be dumbfounded to find out how often it's the animal looking for sex and the human zoophile groaning and saying they haven't got the energy these people and i i am stretching the definition of people to include these degenerate pond scum really go out of their way to justify their abuse of innocent creatures by saying that the dogs cats whatever want it and in reality it's the human that's saying no what type of perverse rationalization is that how does someone come to such a deplorable conclusion like that what type of thought process can conjure such a degenerate justification by literally saying that the dog wants it are you [ __ ] serious these people are the embodiment of disgust and it always gets worse when i come across posts about these people each post is always worse when are we going to talk about the fact that having a crush is literally a form of sexual harassment don't you love it don't you love it personally i love it when people use terms like sexual harassment incorrectly and misuse them thereby watering it down to such a degree that no one takes it seriously anymore don't you love that because no having a crush on a woman isn't sexual harassment maybe i'm in the wrong but having thoughts in my head don't affect anybody me thinking that i want to date this girl or that i find this girl to be attractive isn't affecting you because you literally don't know unless you are professor x and you can read my mind you don't know so what what is this what does this [ __ ] mean are you serious stop watering down the term sexual harassment because there's women who genuinely are affected by that who are now dealing with the fact that the world doesn't take them seriously because of people like you 41 year old unemployed oxford graduate sues his parents to get a maintenance grant for the rest of his life get ready this one's a doozy a 41 year old unemployed oxford graduate has sued his parents and bid to force them to grant him financial support for life the man claimed he was entirely dependent on his wealthy parents who were based in dubai he further claimed that without the money from his mom and dad his human rights would be violated how how will your human rights be violated if your parents don't pay for your life i can see how you can make that conclusion by saying if i don't have money i can't eat or i won't have shelter i won't have access to the internet you know basic human rights but uh you have an oxford degree a graduate degree so you can you can get that all your own i'm certain of it but now i'm starting to think that maybe you didn't get into oxford because you were smart but because you were wealthy and if that's the case this whole situation makes a whole lot more sense because you know deep down that you do not have the skills to take care of yourself i swear this dude must have very very little self-awareness to realize just how lame he is suing your parents so that you can have your whole life paid for the audacity tell me how you know your boyfriend won't cheat on you without telling me how you know your boyfriend won't cheat on you every single stitch to this video is a girl filming her boyfriend and being like ha look how much of a [ __ ] loser this guy is he won't cheat on me because nobody else wants him [ __ ] nerd not one video has been oh i know he won't cheat because he's so nice snow it's always 10 out of 10 times because he's a [ __ ] loser dog owner who tied heavy rock to pet and threw it into river fined 80 pounds there are images i'm not going to show you because it's it's awful what i will say is that the dog is alive uh the person who found the dog in the river found him just in time dog is alive and breathing and i can't believe that this isn't a jail sentence in the uk in the us it would almost certainly be a couple hundred dollar fine plus possible jail time for an action like this jesus that dog deserves so much better what's so hard about taking a dog to the pound or to a shelter if you can't take care of the animal anymore who who jumps to the conclusion that they need to kill the animal in order to get rid of it it's [ __ ] awful woman sent 159 000 texts and broke into his home naked after one date yeah yeah of course she would look at her face look at her she's crazy i don't know what it is i don't know if there's a science to it and that it could be completely subjective in my opinion it could just be how i perceive but the way that she looks she looks so far gone she looks very broken mentally in that image it's something about her eyes man it's freaking me out sweet jesus oh my god oh and you're crying it looks like you're tearing up in court you [ __ ] bastard how are you going to be upset that you were caught for doing such a terrible thing how dare you cry and this post only gets worse because the caption is kid's a [ __ ] how the [ __ ] are you going to be mad about that are you serious this is a 14 year old boy who's been taken advantage of by a sick individual his life is ruined he's going to be 24 asking himself why he can't trust women and why he doesn't feel comfortable around women he's going to be haunted by this for the rest of his life and that's what you have to say you just have envy for him you want to experience that you want to get you want to be a victim are you serious here's my cash app hey if you saw this and didn't send me anything during black history month you hate black people it's all so tiresome people using racial political discourse to earn money i really hope white people didn't fall for this [ __ ] because that's who the target is it's like oh if you're white and you didn't donate to me you're a racist no you're not don't let these people manipulate you and make you feel like you're a bad person because you didn't want to give a stranger online five bucks you're not a bad person when you can point out a scam and genuinely if someone uses that type of ultimatum to get money out of you they're being horrendously disingenuous and manipulative just letting you know so someone tells you if you didn't support a specific political group and you're a racist or you're a homophobe or an islamophobe or whatever just remind yourself that those people are some of the worst people on the [ __ ] planet because it's normal and kids can consent shut up and deal with it monkey racism and pedophilia you're just speed running damn nation aren't you and you know what the worst part of this entire post is it's not even really the words the fact that the person who put this on the subreddit went out of their way to block the pfp in a username why did you do that why are you trying to protect these people from criticism or maybe you're just afraid that people are going to attempt to dox this guy or harass this person but in my opinion that's just the occupational hazard for being a pedophile i would assume that these guys expect some sort of social ramifications some consequences for their sick activities as of late there's been a lot of videos on the subreddit showing people abusing uber drivers and a lot of the uber drivers are asian or middle eastern and it's been a quiet issue that i haven't been aware of and i'm sure you guys aren't aware of either it's really terrible because i haven't seen any news organizations talk about this or any wide scale movements online talking about how asian and middle eastern uber drivers are being abused during rides and it's genuinely terrible it truly begs the question why nobody cares it's just very strange given that a lot of news organizations are very progressive yet they aren't going out of their way to cover these stories it's almost like they're trying to just sweep it under the rug or act like it's not even happening teachers staples piece of paper to a disabled child's head as a reminder a reminder of what a reminder of what what could you possibly remind a child by stapling a piece of paper to their head what could possibly be the lesson that is some seriously sadistic [ __ ] you are certainly something else because i have never heard of this happening before this is new this is novel for me i hope to god they throw you under the [ __ ] jail you ever just ride the bus look down and see disease because those are all the used heroin needles that someone just crammed into the floor so yeah that's great that's just i that looks so nasty speedo wearing dr phil guest 37 who legally changed his name to sexy vegan and had it tattooed on his face is arrested for sexually assaulting his pet pit bull and posting a video of the act on social media oh i guess we've come to the end of that character arc huh i remember watching that dr phil episode and this is how the story ends with uh this dude sexually assaulting his dog i genuinely wouldn't be surprised this guy is mentally disturbed the stuff that he did to himself for fame and you know attention online is so wild and so strange i don't think anybody who is mentally sound would ever do something like this [Music] so yeah i just this is just throwing me for a loop i don't even know what to say remember this little story you know how twitter refused to remove cp because it didn't violate its policies it still hasn't been resolved the teen and the teen's family who's requesting to have the images taken down from the website have been completely ignored twitter to this day has refused to take it down so i normally don't do this on take talk but today i am livid so i want your opinion to see if this kind of thing is justified so i work at a retail store and i've worked there now for like a year and a half well i'm moving these racks and i didn't want to hit anyone so i kind of look to each side to see if anyone's on the other side to see if i can move it well i look this way and i end up seeing someone so i stop and i don't move it well she instantly looks at me and says can i help you with something and i'm like oh no i'm sorry i was just going to move the rack and i want to make sure i didn't hit anyone well then she says i want to put a corporate complaint against you for racial profiling because apparently i looked at her the wrong way and was assuming she didn't have money i would never just assume someone doesn't have money by what they look like that is stupid well i had to give a whole statement about the thing and overall they called me up today and fired me due to me looking at someone and being racist so do you think that's justified or do you think that's wrongful termination because i'm pissed your dog is peeing on my friend's memorial please stop i'm starting to think that people don't have a general awareness of things that they just exist in the world they just do things they don't really have a thought about what they're doing or any thoughts considering their actions no it's just people existing because i would think if i'm outside with my dog and my dog used to use the bathroom i wouldn't let them just use the bathroom on a statue or on a bench or anything like that because those are things that have purpose and you don't want to destroy or disrespect those things so the people who are peeing on this memorial either couldn't care less or are genuinely unaware of their surroundings and they just exist in the world doing things without a care or a thought to how their actions affect others watched a baby get a circumcision today boys you do deserve that pain right after birth yeah it's about as painful as seeing your dad walk out on you and i'm sure you know that pain imagine being so broken and hurt that you're willing to apply your feelings about men onto a baby boy you have some serious resentment issues and you need to see a therapist today ooh throwback i've shown you this post in the past but now we're going to take a look at how people reacted to it and it's disappointing is it bad that i saw this and thought hey good for her yes actually it's pretty terrible that you thought that we're in a social climate right now where women have been through enough [ __ ] and if they want to take a machete and rape a dude every now and then all the power to them they literally create life i think they should get a pass sometimes what a disgusting mindset it is it's pretty terrible there's really nothing else that can be said just the fact that people believe this and people really think that women have a license to sexually assault and rape men just because they've been oppressed in the past is uh deplorable no one has the license to rape anyone but i guess these people feel like they're entitled to it because my oppression or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hey don't you dare rip everything off retail stores shelves for jokes and laughs me and my co-workers now have to spend the entire night restocking everything something that usually takes a day with planning while also running a store gonna lose it hey remember this yeah we found him i don't normally say this but he almost sent my co-worker to the hospital because she was panicking so bad so uh please report him waking up in the morning thinking about so many things i just wish things would get better i'm trying to get rid of them but nothing seems to stay the same woke up in the morning doing my hair making getting my clothes on walking into school thinking of what is going to happen next oh wow things are just caught up in them your landscaping is horrible there's a whole lot of laziness going on here you're dragging the value of our real estate down if this isn't cleaned up in a week i'm going to call the code enforcement your neighbor you know there were a million different ways for you to you know confront your neighbor about this or maybe even bring this up in normal conversation because trust me i get it there's some neighborhoods out there that have specific rules for high grass where to put garbage all that stuff but there's multiple different ways for you to confront your neighbor about this and you chose the worst way an anonymous note written in all caps in red and then you proceeded to insult them and threaten them so yeah you're a terrible person you knew exactly what you were trying to do you were trying to intimidate this person and you didn't even have the balls to put your name at the bottom of your little letter hello neighbors of 430 addie unfortunately this is an upsetting note to write sometime last night or early this morning a whole load of clothes from a dryer went missing they're all gone please if you took them in air kindly returned them to this laundry room in addition to my box of dryer sheets which were left in my wicker laundry basket it would be the right thing to do as it's good karma these clothes are very precious to me having been given to me by my friend who i recently lost to cancer again i would love to have them returned no questions asked as much as you want it to be a mistake it isn't someone took your dryer sheets too somebody just wanted some clothes and just took yours which is strange there's no guarantee that the clothes you stole will even fit you so what's the point i can't see any fetishy reasons why because the clothes are clean so this is just a really weird situation it takes nothing to be considerate i understand that you have a big truck dude but you couldn't find any other spot this person parked there because they needed that extra space so that their wheelchair-bound family member could get into the car this is extremely selfish and i guess now they're just gonna have to wait outside until the guy comes back and when he does i really hope they all chewed him out woman who blackmailed couple over photos of dying child appeals against jail sentence oh so this is gonna be a treat a woman who blackmailed a grieving couple over a lost phone containing photos of their dying daughter is appealing against her jail term saying the sentencing judge was overwhelmed by the crime why would you do that you found somebody's phone and now you're asking for money because you know something on there is valuable are you serious are you serious that that's probably the only images that they have of that child and you want some cash for it yeah you you deserve to go to jail for that you you are an awful person sometimes i forget that humans have an insane capacity to be malicious to be very selfish and to be very inconsiderate of their fellow man and you somehow checked every single box my daughter what's the worst way someone told you i don't love you without saying i don't love you well he had an affair with my mother while i was pregnant with our sixth child a swat team destroyed this innocent woman's house while chasing a fugitive and the city refuses to pay for damages damn how do you even fight something like that i hope you can take the city to court because there's no way that they can just refuse to pay to fix up your house after i guessed barging in and knocking everything over damaging walls kicking in doors all of that no way can they refuse to pay you you gotta take them to court that's ridiculous and what city would do that even even pr wise that's bad truly if the city didn't care they should still pay because it's just bad it looks terrible elderly woman dies after receiving vaccination in los angeles county oh wait a minute that's not true because her death does not appear to be related to the vaccine so why did you write the article nbc why did you tell lies nbc isn't it a treat to read articles from the very news organizations talking about how it's so scary that the public is losing trust in the news media and journalism as an industry is being threatened because nobody's reading our articles anymore and in the next breath they say this [ __ ] they they create this [ __ ] they post this [ __ ] they publish this [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] stalker sexually assaulted japanese pop star after tracking her down by identifying a train station that was reflected in her eyeball in one of her social media selfies that is so scary and grotesque that it sounds like a movie plot or a plot from a crime drama on cable it's just unbelievable that something like this can happen you literally can't avoid that your eyes reflect light sometimes you that just happens so if you take a picture someone could literally just find you that way that is terrifying to think about remember last year that giant controversy in france about the teacher being beheaded for allegedly being islamophobic in his classroom discussions well a student admits to lying over claims of islamophobia against beheaded teacher yup it was all [ __ ] and he was just murdered for no reason the student accused a history teacher samuel patty of islamophobia which began a hate campaign that led to his brutal public beheading in october has admitted to making up her story the story was already bad the fact that he was murdered for essentially saying words uh and now he was murdered for nothing at least before there was some tangible reason oh and get this he wasn't even alive long enough to even be proven guilty of his islamophobia it was all alleged all hearsay all rumor and he died for that and now it's now it's a lie now we know that it was all a lie what the [ __ ] judge sentenced to 28 years for selling black teens to prisons what how how does that even work how can someone even do that clearly it's illegal because he's going to jail i didn't even know that that was even possible that you can sell prisoners and in this case specifically black teen prisoners to other prisons i didn't even know that this was an illegal practice bruh what the [ __ ] is wrong with you [Music] stop being a child can you make a male babysitter pay child support i'm a single mom going to college with my sister we currently rent an apartment together a couple weeks ago i asked my neighbor a trustworthy guy if he could watch the kids for two hours while i went to class and my sister wasn't home and he agreed if he babysits and doesn't accept pay can i sue him for child support because he took on a fatherly role i'm sure i can convince a court that he accepted a fatherly role no no this can't this can't work right this can't work i'm not a lawyer person if there are any family lawyers in the audience right now uh could you explain to me or just tell all of us if this is even possible god i hope it's not it's obvious that this woman is just trying to find someone to you know foot the bill and why isn't the biological father paying child support why is she over here trying to fish for a guy to pay child support jesus please tell me that this doesn't happen that this cannot happen in my opinion my uneducated non-lawyer opinion i think that most likely if she ever took this guy to court to sue him for child support the existence of this post online would completely prevent her from doing that because it's obvious that she's aware that he wasn't the biological father or is trying to be a father you know accepting a fatherly role so this guy is safe as long as this post remains online man jailed for 28 years after woman dreamed that he raped her is set to be freed i initially thought that this was a fake story you know it's really easy to fake a screenshot nope the story is 100 real and the dream was used as evidence because the woman couldn't remember the assault and she happened to hear his name and see his face in her dream and that was more than enough to send this man to prison for 28 years the denver police department who arrested and charged this man went on record saying that dna that could have exonerated him 28 years ago was destroyed so the only evidence they had to rely upon was the dream the man only got a chance to retrial because he got an anonymous letter from the actual rapist essentially saying that hey it was me my bad i feel sorry that i had this giant weight on my chest he took that letter to a lawyer and now he's outside of jail free for the first time in 28 years holy [ __ ] a dream a dream ruined this man's life will the person who is disposing of their dog poo over my wall please stop it's disgusting [Laughter] huh molly has been called home to god while our hearts are broken in a way that feels like they can never be mended we take comfort knowing our molly's 12 years were filled with love and joy we're immensely blessed to be her parents uh god isn't real learn some logic and then you put a wikipedia post you are awful you are terrible these people are mourning the loss of their child and that's what you have to say you couldn't be nice for 10 seconds you couldn't be compassionate for 10 seconds and the funny thing is i don't know how much recognition you got for this i don't know how much attention you got for this i hope you got none i hope you were left in the dark alone because let's be real here that's what spurred this comment you made this comment because you know that someone was going to react to it you knew that you were going to get some sort of social reaction some sort of social interaction because otherwise you would have to sit alone in your room with nothing but your thoughts nothing but your failures inadequacies that's all you've got so i hope the post gets you the attention that you wanted but it's not going to be positive but i guess social interaction is social interaction right you'll take anything beggars can't be choosers why why would you set somebody on fire what do you get out of that jesus the one thing about this subreddit is that it's a constant reminder that we just have nothing but predators and creatures on this planet waiting waiting for their moment to hurt someone i don't even want to know the motive because what's the point it's it's just tragic jesus dear public out of curiosity who do you believe i'm glad to see that people believe johnny depp i mean this is some old stuff a lot of people understand that uh he was abused and that amber heard is a terrible purse oh depp's a [ __ ] for being abused in the first place and there it is miss salazar i've been talking to you miss salazar i can hear you a little bit you can hear me a little bit why didn't you answer all the times i answered i spoke to you then you know thank you thank you why don't you why don't we talk sometimes why don't you email me we'll set up a live zoom and we're going to have some real communication at some point in time okay maybe you can have your counselor join us okay do you hear me okay wonderful do that professor she's actually hard of hearing so her translator goes in a little bit she can't respond like right away she's not paying attention she's not trying [Music] are you her translator abigail no i'm followed by later next to me it's slower on her and because she needs to get it translated and then it goes to her it goes to her hearing piece okay well her salazar have your counselor speak with me because you've got too much distraction to even understand what's going on yes i do because my translators next to me explain to me everything that i was saying okay so maybe just have them teach you the whole class that makes sense to me i don't know i don't understand it but uh uh i see you laughing and smiling and giggling with somebody else it doesn't seem to me like why should i be in a bad mood you shouldn't be in a bad mood you should pay attention all right whatever okay wait in your terms whatever okay all right i'm married i understand have your counselor talk to me period i nearly was cussing at this have your counselors speak with me period i know i have no problem i don't want you to argue with me okay like i'm disrespecting you and you're just like attacking me okay okay i'm not attacking me i'm not attacking you i'm just significantly disappointed in you okay that's all that's all it is not attacking you all right forget the crosstalk sensor reflex it doesn't matter you guys read about the cross extensor reflex i hope you don't fall down if you if you understand it you'll recognize how you maintain your balance mum heartbroken after toddler has 14 000 prosthetic legs stolen maybe i'm wrong but aren't prosthetic legs custom and if that's the case you can't sell that leg to anyone no one can get any use out of it and it has a serial number on it so whoever buys it from you is going to go to jail as well i'm starting to think that you probably stole this because you thought it was funny to see a disabled baby have trouble walking without their leg that's what i think i'm drinking and smoking because it's a boy pregnant model who had a boob job on the nhs says that she would have had an abortion if she known it wasn't a girl so you're actively giving your child your baby boy fetal alcohol syndrome because you want a baby girl and not a baby boy you're willing to give this boy permanent lifelong disabilities because of your personal feelings about boys and men that is the epitome of depravity but in most terrible situations there's a silver lining at least he's alive he now has the ability to be better than you when he grows up and leaves you and becomes better than you i'm almost certain that you're going to want to crawl back acting like oh i loved you i'm your parent you're my little baby boy when he's aware of what you tried to do to him when he was a fetus in that moment i hope that you gain a lesson i hope that you learn just how awful you are how terrible you are but hey i could be wrong i put a lot of stake in the universe in karma because i think that everyone gets their commitments everyone i only give money to black and hispanic homeless people because mayo monkey's got white privilege it can easily get a job this is a giant public service announcement to people who type stuff like this or hold this type of opinion if you don't know what's wrong with it you're a bad person you feel me if you can genuinely look at somebody who's homeless scoff at them laugh and say that they have privilege and they can just get a job right oh if you're homeless just get home feel me if you say that and if you feel that way you are a very bad person and you need help you need some perspective my boyfriend ran off with my mom 44 when i was in hospital having our baby he claimed her boyfriend and her mom started a secret relationship together during lockdown with the couple laughing and flirting together while she was pregnant jesus i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy i wonder how terrible this mother felt while giving birth to your first child your boyfriend is out having sex and dating your mom how can anybody reconcile with that in my opinion the boyfriend would be dead he's out i'm taking that guy out and to end today's video we have this wonderful galaxy take off of twitter homophobia is understandable transphobia is not there are so many reasons to hate gay people most specifically white gays but there's never a reason to be a transphobe i really don't have anything to say i don't know what there is to say about this statement it's so stupid and so weird i don't get it maybe she's had bad experience with gay people maybe she's just your typical progressive person who hates whites what is it what's the story i need i need some context before i even have an opinion because i don't have enough information to know whether or not this is a joke or the fact that she genuinely feels this way and is just dumb she's just that [ __ ] god damn what's up everyone it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time sorry about the delay with videos last week i got hit with a community guideline strike and wasn't allowed to upload for a little bit and then the strike was rescinded but by then i didn't record anything so i had to upload all the stuff today sorry about the weight i hope you enjoyed the video i hope it was worth the wait uh and all that good stuff also i've made a second channel for just random videos that aren't quite you know the aileronous aesthetic you know the reddit aesthetic if you want to subscribe to that link's in the description and the pinned comment it's called aileros extra where i upload extra things about me i might upload vlogs or 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zesty [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 804,815
Rating: 4.9540186 out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: tEo8wIbJ3mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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