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i hate you [Music] oh oh my god boy dies in mom's care court jail's dead for criticizing the judge who gave her custody alright so the story is that after the child passed away because of his mother's negligence this dude went on a tirade online essentially threatening to judge his life for you know giving custody to the mother who then went out of her way to not take care of their child and personally i don't blame him i'd be upset too it's my child and he would be alive if you just ruled in a better way this guy was given a 500 000 bond and of course it was waived because it's just bad optics yeah the guy did go online and say a bunch of threats and and make a whole lot of terrible comments about this judge but you literally sent a grieving father to jail because he's upset at you and he's just upset at the world for losing his son yeah anybody would just drop those charges that's ridiculous it's such a self-esteem boost to know you [ __ ] someone's girlfriend i bet i bet you're dripping in self-esteem that's why you're not showing us your face but hey you're saving us a whole lot of trouble i don't want to see it my viewers don't want to see it and i'm nearly 100 certain you kept those lights off so she wouldn't see it either my son was on the bus playing on his phone this morning and two kids behind him threw a shoelace around his neck and tied it and pulled it back choking him after everyone watched the bus surveillance video they said my kid was just playing on his phone not messing with them or doing anything to provoke them this is not normal behavior this is not a case of kids just messing around this is aggravated assault the school had the police there when i got there and we're pressing charges against both boys there are images of the child but i'm not going to share that here obviously there's a giant welt on his neck and he looks really hurt maybe times are changing or i was just lucky in elementary school and middle school because i never experienced this or seen other people experience this but i'm noticing there's a lot more stories now about children just being viciously assaulted by other kids and having it being considered normal and not just an elevated form of bullying it really begs the question where all of this behavior is coming from it's so attractive when a guy isn't afraid to open up and be emotional takes maturity to do this though in my opinion six months later the last time a guy cried over me i literally had to force myself to think sad thoughts to stop myself from laughing at his face oh so you're that type of person hypocrisy aside if you're the type of person who feels the need to laugh when someone is crying around you you need to evaluate those feelings and those mental thoughts critically because that's not normal it's one thing to be uncomfortable around people who are upset it's another thing to find that entire moment to be hilarious you're a terrible person and you need to sort that [ __ ] out everybody would do this everybody would i swear people who just let their dogs defecate on the sidewalk and do nothing to clean it up are some of the most inconsiderate people on the planet and seriously like i said before who wouldn't spray paint this in front of somebody's house or around their car stop messing up the neighborhood because you're too lazy to carry plastic bags i help my intubated coven 19 patient face time with her husband and kids for christmas when we reached them the family was at a large group at some friend's house i don't understand how you still ignore all precautions when your spouse has been proned and paralyzed and vented alright so a little context for this image this twitter thread is about inclusion in the animal crossing new horizons community so yeah buckle up so apparently people feel like they can do blackface again now get ready for the blackface get ready i know it's about to be is about to be nuts get ready there you go that's the black face yup not only did they dox her but plenty of people noticed and pointed out that there are plenty of white people who have olive skin or tanned skin plenty and get this even if you are a pale skinned white person get this oh my gosh it is not blackface to have a tan character in a fictional video game it isn't you're not stealing culture you're just making a character the way you want to make a character i would think out of all video game communities animal crossing new horizons would be the less controversial of all of them but somehow people have gone into that community and ruined it turned it into this now this woman's been doxed for literally playing a video game and just making a character the way they want welcome to the future everybody hey you ever just grow bees and then wake up one morning and all the bees are gone because someone's gone out of their way to set them on fire not only did these people burn his hive but they burned his shed and greenhouse i'm assuming probably all of them were in close proximity but if they were separate from each other that's even more malicious my husband just told some lady that i was deaf and the only way we communicate is by reading lips so he can't wear a mask i wonder how much time you wasted formulating this plan i wonder how much brain energy you spent trying to come up with this lie just so you don't have to wear a mask because at the end of the day whatever they were asking you to wear a mask for i'm assuming it was a temporary activity like buying groceries or maybe just simply entering somebody else's property what i'm trying to get at is that it's not the end of the world to just buy your eggs with the mask on i mean go outside and not wear it if you want to that's on you i don't care what you do but in someone's private property you have to abide by their rules it's that simple i mean you don't go into stores half naked do you are we old enough to talk about how our families had bills and credit cards in our name before we could even read when i turned 18 i had a nice little letter from the social security administration saying i owed about twenty thousand dollars in back pay why you ask my mother was collecting social security disability benefits in my name basically my entire life up until i turned 18 and i had no [ __ ] idea because i didn't live with my mom when i turned 21 to buy my first car my credit score was so shot because i was not paying social security there's money that i never took from them they garnished my taxes they did they [ __ ] me my little brother had the cosign for my first car because my credit was so bad fast forward 2016 i'm deployed in korea i got a phone call from con edison collection i had a past new electric bill from 1993 that was never paid in my name i was three in 1993. i spent from 21 to basically 29 getting this [ __ ] fixed why did it take almost a decade for these [ __ ] to realize that somebody born in 1990 is impossible to be signing checks in 1993 beyond me damn if you're watching this [ __ ] you you dumb imagine for a moment being a poor person seeking housing and getting this response hey christine sorry i haven't responded earlier my concern is that well you're a capricorn i love capricorns but i don't think i could live with one or be in a band with another one this virgo slash gemini house is a special place where soft mutable signs get to run free untethered by you know cardinal authorities i wish you well in your search and i hope you're doing okay oh my bad i'll just change my birthday i guess uh what i swear people who believe in horoscopes and just astrological signs i swear it's a cult now it's not even just a hobby it's literally becoming a religion to these people so much so that they're willing to bar someone else who's just seeking for a bed they just want someone to lay their head but i guess they made the wrong decision they [ __ ] up and chose the wrong birthday alright so this is a text message that i received from a customer on christmas eve after a huge snowstorm rendered me unable to deliver food to their apartment on a steep hill that my car couldn't get up listen you dirty little [ __ ] oh god damn god damn i don't know who the [ __ ] you think you're talking to but i'm not the one [ __ ] your dumbass driver should have called and said that she couldn't get her [ __ ] ass up the hill and i would have came down but don't worry you little dirty [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm sorry that was just who calls anybody a dirty little [ __ ] or what okay i'm sorry i will definitely call corporate on monday hope you run into a tree merry christmas oh at least they ended with merry christmas like i guess they're so polite i guess that makes up for the dirty little [ __ ] part in little dirty [ __ ] i mean why are you so mad you probably spent like 35 bucks on some food and you didn't get it you now you're hungry and mad and you're gonna call somebody all these names they gave you a valid reason why they couldn't come up the hill i truly hope and pray with all of my heart and soul that every single bit of food that you order from anywhere is always late and always cold dui suspect facing murder charges after crash that killed oc couple seriously injured three daughters three young children are fighting for their lives after they were injured in a suspected dui crash that killed both their parents in newport beach i think that it's universal across most people most cultures most nations that people who text and drive or drink and drive are some of the worst people on the planet because you're literally endangering other people's lives for selfish reasons there's something that i've always noticed when it comes to dui crashes in accidents that the person who was drunk the person who was inebriated is always the one to survive always yeah this woman's coming from some sort of event she's drunk she's inebriated and as a result she just stole the parents away from three young children and those children are fighting for their lives they just might die too and all for what because you really need to get home because you couldn't find a parking lot to sleep in you can find a friend to drive you home you can find any other alternatives that wouldn't endanger other people's lives you suck you're awful this cat is named bruce and his owner has a story to tell vets think someone shot my little bruce with an air gun and broke his hip yesterday he has an operation today trying to save his leg so he won't be joining me in my lego loft anytime soon this has been a recurring theme in our slash i'm a piece of [ __ ] and it's not intentional it just seems like a lot of people are going out of their way to shoot cats with air guns and i don't know why i don't think i'll ever understand i don't think you'll ever understand but what we can understand about this entire situation is that a lego loft sounds awesome and i want that that that sounds like really cool a whole loft dedicated to just large lego creations sounds amazing bruce is living my dream wow this is so messed up mailman dropped off mail and i grabbed it out of the box right away as he was walking away this is how it was someone that works for the post office did this and stole the gift card this used to happen to my grandmother all the time when she would send me money for birthdays or holidays and i'll share her innovation with you so that maybe when you're sending people money through the mail it won't be stolen she would just staple the money to the car directly so that if you were to remove it with you know quickly or not carefully you'll end up ripping the bill or it'll just be obvious that someone's taking it or tampered with the letter in some capacity and also it's going to make it really obvious to other male workers that you are stealing something out of somebody's letter because you're gonna be fighting with that twenty dollar bill trying to not rip it because it's staple to the card does your school board ever just suspend you for having a bb gun in your house during virtual school does that ever happen and then just refuse to take that away even though it's been explained and argued how ridiculous that is you ever you've ever experienced that if not i'm glad you haven't because this young boy has and now that's on his permanent record what in the world it would be one thing to bring a bb gun to school i understand like to to the place to the building where there's other students i get the suspension for that because that could be really bad you could take out somebody's eye you could scare someone you know it is what it is all right i get that but um how in the world is a bb gun dangerous violent or you know malicious in any way in somebody else's house across the internet that you see on the screen like seriously that that's crazy if i were to point a gun at all of you guys right now you wouldn't be any danger because i can't shoot you what [Music] obligatory not a florist i was a wedding planner got a call from a soon-to-be bride next day on my work phone at stupid o'clock she's bumbling perhaps drunk and there's loads of noise in the background it took me a while to get what she was talking about look the groom sent her a bouquet of flowers the card read i don't and i bet you can guess what follows well [ __ ] now i'm in bed panicking waking up my ex and scramble to locate and contact the groom i get through to his number he was sleeping hung over as i had been and slept through missed calls apparently he's annoyed and confused i think my words were jon what is going on why send flowers like that turns out one of his groomsmen had sent them as a joke like a stag party joke everyone and i mean everyone was furious so yeah the entire bridal party had less than three hours of sleep before the big day myself included it was an intense day the amount of [ __ ] up [ __ ] i've seen at weddings is unreal wow this groomsman had everybody laughing right why would you send something like that making it seem like the groom was going to abandon the wedding and leave his fiancee that is ridiculous what type of funny is that that's not a joke there's a lot of money in weddings there's a lot of preparation in that a whole lot of moving parts a whole lot of feelings and emotion and you nearly nuked all of that because you thought that was funny what type of bottom tier humor does someone have to have to think that was okay grieving mother scammed out of 2 400 trying to buy a puppy to cope with daughter's death i didn't even know that there were fake adoption services online or just fake puppy kennels that's the thing you can buy a puppy and just they take your money and run that exists online and i really hope that this wasn't like a service that helped grieving people or people who lost family members like oh you can replace a family member with another one like this puppy will do all the processing for you pay this money please and it's a scam i really hope that's not the situation here but i'm catching that vibe i was just ready to die man beaten after confronting men for not wearing masks try and make me wear a mask and the same thing will happen i don't have to do what you tell me i also don't have to explain my reasoning yeah you don't have to explain your reasoning to the person you're beating up but you're gonna have to explain that reasoning to the police officer and the investigator because that's assault and battery you can't just beat people up because they confront you now granted personally i don't get in other people's business i don't want to have a fight i don't want to start anything it is what it is if you're not wearing a mask it's none of my business but someone just confronting you on not wearing a mask and maybe a private space or a public space where that is the rule does not justify you laying them out or putting your hands on them and yes you do need to have a reason and funny enough you already do your reasoning is because they confronted you and that's not a good reason you're just gonna go to jail you [ __ ] okay so i caught covid and i stocked up on stuff before it gets worse sneezed on some people by accident wiped some of my kleenexes on shelves windows benches and some people's coats even on some food too some people are in it for a rude awakening in about a week sorry why yeah what what else could be said seriously like you infected people you probably killed somebody maybe and you don't even know that you're just bragging about it on twitter why did you do why you sick [ __ ] why story time my son screams like a girl so my fiance and i call him bryce selena and he's been acting like a butthole so my fiance told him he was going to tell santa he was acting like a girl and santa would give him girl gifts well i couldn't help myself and i bought my son my seven-year-old a baby girl doll which will be the first present he opens tomorrow from santa i can't wait for his reaction yes i'll be recording it it's going to be priceless really it's going to be priceless you're bullying your kid you and your fiance are bullying your son for screaming like a girl i mean there's nothing wrong with encouraging your children to have specific gender roles but you're not doing that you know that he isn't going to like that baby girl doll because he's aware that's a girl's toy and you're using that to make fun of him he's going to be immediately aware that either santa if he still believes in santa is making fun of him and bullying him or worse he's going to recognize that it's you who's doing it to him and for something that he has no control over he can't control his voice he can't control the way that he sounds he's a seven-year-old kid why are you acting like this why are you treating him like this he's gonna open that and be immediately disappointed and immediately aware that he's the butt of a terrible joke was your day today good how about you it was good did you eat yet yeah i ate a little bit ago where'd you end up getting food from just uh take out from insomniacs oh who wanted to go there haley haley the girl you took out to antonio's earlier today what are you talking about so you're gonna tell me that you have no idea who haley is no idea what i'm talking about and you weren't with her today at antonio's getting food i don't know which one of your friends you're listening to but no i don't know okay that has nothing to do with any of my friends as if i did literally did not see you in there today i definitely did though i definitely did you can go [ __ ] yourself honestly mothers who breastfeed baby boys need to stop we need to empower more females in this world and by breastfeeding them we're giving them a good start in life which they deserve over a baby boy which are already physically stronger than baby girls i have feminist views and i'm not ashamed to admit that no boy baby will ever be fed from my breasts and i'm unfortunate enough to have a son formula for him and circumcision to take away sexual pressure excuse me oh god i want this to be fake because it's too perfect it's too on the it's too on the dot for exactly what you would expect from radical feminism but i've been so damaged and exposed to people who act like this online i don't know what's ironic and what's fake and this is treading the line so hard if this was a real post there's no reason in responding to it it's so unreasonable i'd be wasting my breath and life trying to just explain and rationalize to this woman why she's such a sick [ __ ] and why she's literally physically and emotionally neglecting her son for ideological reasons but i'm more curious what you guys think to be honest do you think that this is real have you encountered posts like this in the past that are legitimate like me have you experienced this in the wild i want to hear all of your crazy stories in the comments and i want to see how many of you guys think that this is fake i'm airing on the side of fakeness because god save us if this is real seriously like oh my goodness no i it needs to it can't be please confession i only give black homeless people money i thought i was the only one because if you whiten homeless you just willingly decline success well i mean it's twitter if twitter says it it is real uh so yeah if you're white and poor it's not because you were furloughed from your job or you became redundant or maybe you didn't have the right you know uh qualifications for a specific job it's none of that no no it's because you haven't renewed your white privilege card and you just didn't get your job for free you just didn't get your free job and ten thousand dollar payment i'm sorry you just gotta redo that every month if you if you forget to do that you become homeless and clearly only minority homeless people specifically black homeless people deserve any sort of help this tweet thread is absolutely ridiculous and um it just goes to show that twitter needs to be deleted just the whole platform arkansas cop shoots family dog after going to wrong address a deputy from the same sheriff's office was charged with animal cruelty last year for casually shooting a small dog going to a wrong address that's a mistake that's an accident shooting a dog that's on purpose why did you do that that is foul there's no accident there because dogs aren't humans and i have never heard of a soul mixing up humans and dogs ever even at night because you have to point down so are you shooting the kid do you think you're shooting a toddler because that's what that is you know when you're shooting a dog that's not an accident why did you do that exactly that's my torah just to get away from me bro just get away from me i had a baby axel i don't feel okay with my body okay i have lost so much weight being with you because of how stressed out you have made me in the past few months i don't feel good i don't feel good in my skin in my body and you think that it's just a joke and then you sit here and you're thirsty over other girls you don't even you literally you don't tell me that i'm beautiful you don't tell me that i'm pretty you have me blocked on social media you never liked my pictures that i posted when you had me on social media you never do the things that you do for other girls for me and i'm your girlfriend i put a roof over your head you stay with me i let you back into my life you need to give me the respect that i deserve i shouldn't tell you how to treat me you are supposed to gotcha life i've seen so many images of this just just awful titles and somehow they're getting thousands of views like what i don't understand how do videos like this stay up on youtube i know other content creators have gotten strikes and takedown requests for far less and this has 44 000 views gotcha life community what is this what could you explain guess who's getting paid 33 000 to give talks on domestic violence amber heard you know just johnny depp's ex who's been physically abusing him for years and is on record saying that she has done this you know the woman who told all of society that it was actually him hitting her and him abusing her causing him to lose all sorts of acting opportunities and and as a result divorced him from his most popular and lucrative role of his entire career you know that woman yeah she gets to talk about domestic violence because there's still people on the planet who think that she was telling the truth the entire time it actually took johnny depp discreetly recording amber heard saying that she hits him frequently in order for the world to believe his side of the story and to realize that she is full of [ __ ] but hey people have already made up their minds right with limited facts and lies but i'm not gonna be quiet about what she's done and other people on this platform haven't been quiet about what she's done it's very obvious that she's an abusive person and she has no place talking about domestic violence at all woman reportedly returned a 3 000 engagement ring because it was too cheap wow i don't even know that you could do that because really i guess it is hers to return i don't know how that works but regardless i really hope this guy just dead usain bolts away from this woman because she has no business being in a relationship with anyone could you imagine being so shallow to return an engagement ring because it was too cheap because it was not what you expected you wanted the flashy ring seriously it's not about the diamond in metal it's about what it means i'm sure the guy was more upset about the fact that you're willing to discard a gift a thing that embodies his love for you because ironically it wasn't that valuable to you it wasn't valuable enough to you you know what i hope that they gave you like 2 500 bucks back because they're you returning that ring you're not going to get the full value i really hope they jipped the mess out of you just to twist the knife i really hope your husband your fiance whatever has left you because you don't deserve a soul hey do you ever just go to the bar with your husband you know have a nice time maybe listen to some jazz music or pop music that's on the radio and then think to yourself oh that's right i have a kid so you hang him on the back of the bar stool as they shut the doors right at about eight o'clock tonight oh and i just got hit with a bottle uh of some kind from a vehicle uh that is a hennessy bottle you me and i'm officially accusing you of me i expect your suicide by 7 p.m tonight thanks for your cooperation oh [ __ ] this is catching a little bit of traction because i made an extreme claim um okay before this goes any farther i've never met this person and i hope i never too uh he has never touched me and i pray he never will i hope he doesn't kill himself to prove a childish point he just he called me dumb and i wanted to make a point that's all so sorry and thank you who in the doug demidom [ __ ] do you think you are to make a false rape claim to prove a stupid ass point on the [ __ ] internet are you serious the man you added in this tweet will forever be tied to this situation before your little second statement a lot of people probably went to his account and just assumed that you were telling the truth and were probably adding at him saying that they were going to call the cops and put him in jail because humanity just believes rape victims because who who would lie about such a thing who would lie about such a awful thing like that other than five brain-cell head-ass [ __ ] like you most people wouldn't make false rape claims online because of the gravity of said claims congratulations people like me people who watch this video people just regular individuals online will forever be skeptical of rape claims because people like you exist there's always a chance that somebody's lying in the past that wasn't true but now there's an incentive you can embarrass and ruin the reputation of one person with one claim you can get instant instant attention from one claim you can get instant clicks instant follows instant likes all of it from one claim and you did it and for what to prove a stupid point your name is so fitting you are a witch your actions online are deplorable your personality is bankrupt and your reasoning is subpar i detest people like you because people like you make life hard for others simply put your existence in humanity and your presence in society is a net negative and if anyone needed to commit toast or bath at 7 pm tonight it'd be you what's up everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time now there's a big announcement coming out and like i want to see either next week or the end of this week where i'm i'm trying to like make something big for the entire channel like a community moment i'm still kind of putting it together but i'm gonna just mention it here because a lot of people watch these videos yeah there's gonna be this giant you know competition there's gonna be money involved all that cool stuff i'm putting it together i just want to do something different for this year make something positive get the whole you know community together stuff like that it's gonna help people you know join the discord all that stuff just kind of teasing it now putting in your minds now but yeah i just have this idea coming around and it's gonna be awesome but as always gotta thank the patreon supporters so thank you to asao trey izuku muffy luhu darth vader 12 noah destroyer vermont ethan john robinson eva aerolina catherine taylor arjun hannah keith myers will billy dustin hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated if you want to help support the channel in any way there's two links in the description one to my patreon and one to my merch store both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 811,382
Rating: 4.9545441 out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: hpAiSakB280
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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