r/AmITheA$$hole {3}

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we're back at it again on our slash am i the [ __ ] and i have a bunch of stories for you all of them equally awful and we're gonna just go through them and figure out who in the situation is truly terrible and today i went out of my way to find some very choice stories all of them equally terrible so let's just jump into it our first story comes from useranita790 my husband's car doesn't work and he needs money to get it fixed he doesn't have enough money and i'm in medical school and have been getting ready for exams for a month now every month he and his friends go on a road trip and his car has been sitting in the garage for three months now he asked if he could take my car to take the guys on a road trip since it was his turn to take them i told him i need the car since i have a weak immune system and public transportation might be risky i can't afford to get sick in the middle of my exams he begged saying his friends are going to say he ruined the trip and our discussion got nowhere okay already this sounds funny any reasonable dude would have just called off the entire trip after their girlfriend explained to them that they don't want to get sick especially if their girlfriend has important exams coming up i think most reasonable people would just call it off because it makes sense that it's more than a reasonable reason to not be able to borrow your girlfriend's car why are you acting like a child and let's say it was your turn what's stopping you from renting a car for just the weekend i'm sure it wouldn't be that expensive and to the people in the audience who heard me say that and was like oh maybe he's not 25 no most states have a minimum set at 21 years old for renting a car and since this girl is in medical school i'm assuming that the both of them are in their early 20s the trip was last week i hadn't examined the day of the trip and left at 8 am i had several things to do i stopped by the coffee shop to use the internet and i arrived at university at 8 30 and entered the hall getting ready for my exam after i finished i spent a few minutes with my friends then i left i got to the parking lot and my car wasn't there i started freaking out thinking that i might have left the door open or something i called my husband but he didn't pick up my friends immediately told me to call the police i ended up waiting for them to ask me about what happened and the officer said i needed to come to the station to give my statement uh i see where this is going yeah i stayed there for four hours when i was told that my car was found my husband was driving it and was picked up an hour away from where i lived i was shocked and mad it never occurred to me that he was the one who took it i went home and waited till he got back he was upset and didn't want to talk about what he did the argument started after he said he made a copy of the key and he didn't take my car till he made sure i arrived for my exam i yelled at him and told him that it was not okay he caused me to stress out and worry about the car he told me calling the police was drastic and shouldn't have got them involved but i had no idea he took the car he said he wanted to text me but forgot said the trip was ruined and he was embarrassed by being picked up by the police while he was with his friends he still thinks calling the police was over the top reaction but what was i supposed to do yeah it's obvious you're not the [ __ ] in the situation i can't believe the one thing that he's concerned about is the opinion of his friends and not the opinion of his wife whose car he stole because that's what he did he didn't ask for permission to take the car and what did he expect this woman to do walk home she can't be on public transportation so you essentially marooned your wife at college that's that's what you did that is some seriously scummy stuff and yeah i would have called the police too because i wouldn't assume that my significant other would have stolen my car so that is such a dumb argument oh my goodness our next story comes from user uh oh sleepy throwaway the past couple of months my wife's been complaining about her cats she's been claiming that the cats wake her up constantly and that she's frustrated every night that she has to get up and open the door for the cats or the cats keep making noises or the caps keep jumping on her it's got to the point where she started saying that she wants to get rid of them and i told her i've never seen or heard any of this but she claims i sleep through it all she kept telling me she was getting less and less sleep and kept acting aggressive blaming lack of sleep from the cats and that if i didn't get rid of them she'd leave me i legitimately started considering giving the cats to my sister until i noticed something yeah i'm sure you did start noticing something because that's the world's shittiest ultimatum what imma leave you because of an animal she might have had a case if she was allergic to cats and you refuse to remove cats from the space but she's not she's just annoyed by a cat one morning she claimed she had gotten up multiple times throughout the night to help the cats she listed a bunch of times and i thought it was weird because i had been up until 4am and she claimed that she got up at 1am to open the door for them and a few times around 3am because they were meowing and jumping on her i was in the bedroom the entire time while she slept and i know none of that happened things weren't adding up so i decided to run a test i waited until she was going to bed then i let the cats out of our bedroom lowered my phone brightness and faked going to sleep i just laid there in bed for the entire night bored but i definitely did not fall asleep i made sure to make time stamps every 30 minutes on my phone through discord just to be sure i marked down every noise my cats made one cat jumped down from something and made a little noise at 3 18 am and one ate food relatively quietly by the bedroom door at 4 57 a.m other than that nothing happened oh here it comes sure enough my wife slept from 11 p.m until 9 00 am and that morning she claimed that she had woken up at least seven times to open doors from cat noises and cats jumping on her at this point i was pissed because she was clearly lying to me i was exhausted and fed up with the lies so i bluntly called her out on it i told her yeah that's funny i stayed up all night to monitor the cats and they weren't even in the room at all last night i have time stamps and everything so you've been lying to me and trying to convince me to get rid of my cats why she just sat there quietly shaking and looking pissed then got up and left without answering she came back hours later and ignored me whenever i talked and when i asked her how i'm the bad guy in the situation she finally said that i was treating her like a child by lying about sleeping and staying up all night just to see if she was lying or not and that making timestamps and everything as if i was an investigator was going too far and makes me an obsessive [ __ ] i did it because she was threatening to get rid of my cats or she'd leave me and her claims didn't add up so am i an obsessive [ __ ] jesus she was shaking i don't know if she was nervous or if she was angry but that has got to be kind of unnerving to look at i'm certain she knew she would get caught eventually but her motives haven't been explained yet because she hasn't well explained herself and thank god there's an update to this story because it blew up on the subreddit my wife has been baker acted she didn't hurt herself just said something concerning in public i got a call from the hospital this morning asking me to head over for some family therapy apparently she finally wanted to talk i'll be honest i'm pretty pissed at the reason why she's been so hateful towards my cats it's absolutely asinine it's nothing that anyone suggested in the comments she's not cheating on me she's not physically sick or mentally sick and she's not bored of the relationship looking for an out according to her one of the cats stepped on her laptop and ruined the story she was writing wow that's the reason that is the epitome of petty what and she made an entire story to what she's hated both cats ever since i mean that sucks but it's not worth trying to emotionally blackmail me into getting rid of them i asked her why she didn't just tell me the truth and why she had been lying and refusing to talk about it when i'd asked her answer was because you wouldn't have gotten rid of them otherwise and explained that when she saw i wasn't willing to abandon them for her she took offense and made it a goal to have me pick her over them sickening i don't even know why she actually admitted to it at all i can totally understand how he feels because even with an explanation it's still heinous she was literally jealous of a house pet so much so that she was willing to lie to her significant other in order to convince him to get rid of something that he probably cares for something that he connects with all while giving him the world's worst ultimatum that if he didn't get rid of the cats you'd leave him his wife you divorce your husband over a pet animal are you serious yeah i wouldn't want to have that explanation either i would accept any other story but that one the woman with us asked me how i feel about all of it and i just told the truth i told her it was a nice run but i'm probably going to want a divorce i was asked why and i told them i've seen a new hateful malicious side of her that i want nothing to do with she was so set on getting rid of the cats over a fan fiction being ruined that she manipulated her husband my wife started shouting at me that i've betrayed her and that i'm scum for choosing animals over her at least cats don't give ultimatums like she gave it sucks that she's been baker acted and all i guess but it's best for her right now she'll have the time to process it all in a safe environment and hopefully come to terms with it bad husband i know i'm almost sure i'm going for a divorce i'm very worried about having her in the same house as my cats i want my cat safe i don't want to worry about them being harmed or disappearing screw that i guess i'll do what almost all of you suggested keep the cats re-home the wife not how i wanted it to end but life isn't always nice well isn't that interesting it's like a whole poetic ending she finally got what she wanted she got to leave him just not on her terms but his i hope the divorce goes smoothly for you dude that you don't you know find any hurdles uh but yeah you've dodged a bullet hopefully you find somebody who actually cares about you and the house pets in your house and also is way more mature because there were a multitude of different ways to handle this situation and she chose the snakiest and most snide route she could find our next story comes from user apprehensive pop363 my wife and i have a two-month-old daughter and for the past month she's been feeding our baby mashed potatoes applesauce sweet tea assorted fruit juices and other things the last time we went to the doctor our pediatrician told us not to give anything but formula until she's about four to six months old my wife doesn't care and says she knows best for our child and our doctor isn't the parent that's a scary response you just dismissed the pediatrician that told you straight up that what you're doing is not in the best interest of your child i'm sorry but that's his job he's supposed to make sure that the kid is healthy you should accept his expertise pediatricians are the closest we can ever get to a baby manual or two bottles of formula while i'm at work the other morning she was cooking scrambled eggs and oatmeal and i was off to work so i started to make our daughter a bottle and feed her and she stopped me and told me not to fill her up with that and that she wanted her to eat oatmeal first i fed her the bottle anyway after a huge argument well the baby had a doctor's appointment and my wife was talking about colic and screaming fits and when the doctor asked what she was feeding her she only said formula nothing else i was angry because she lied and told the pediatrician every single thing that she had been giving her and the doctor strongly recommended her to stop and that she was causing stomach upset and more than likely the reason for all of her stomach issues wow props to the dad over here talking to the pediatrician in front of the wife in front of the child not letting any lies slip past him that is some serious scruples you have all my kudos dude instead of being apologetic for this my wife is mad at me and told me that i ratted her out to the doctor and that she doesn't have to listen to her and that it's only a recommendation wow only a recommendation right a recommendation that literally will end your child's pain but yeah sure just don't do it because you're the mother and you you know best right right and i bet in some situations you genuinely do know best but in this one you have shown you have proven your lack of knowledge when it comes to feeding your child something that is 100 basic the bare minimum apparently i made her look like a bad parent i tell her what a selfish little [ __ ] she was being and now she wants me to go stay with my parents until she forgives me and asks me to come home am i the [ __ ] here i maybe shouldn't have gotten mad at her and said some of the things i did maybe i should apologize to my wife look dude you're not the bad person in this situation you sought out some professional help and the pediatrician told you what to do and you followed her directions your wife is the one who's fighting back you should take the child away from her for a little bit to correct the damage but i'm not a parent and i'm not a mother so to any mothers in the audience what do you think would encourage activity or behavior like this would you make a mistake like this let me know in the comments down below i'm genuinely curious our last story comes from user am i the [ __ ] stolen vacay so a bit of background me 27 years old my sister 15 have not been close mostly due to an age gap and me having a so-so relationship with my parents she is also extremely into ancient greece greece and anything to do with that kind of thing she is also extremely spoiled she got a car as soon as she got a permit yes her permit i'm also in a relationship with my girlfriend 28 years old for four years she's half greek and her mother lives there okay so now on to the issue my girlfriend's mother has been hospitalized for the last week my girlfriend and i are supposed to leave on saturday to go see her i love the woman and i see her as my own mother she lived in the states until two years ago when she had to go back to greece due to family issues so as i'm packing yesterday to leave i get a call from my mother when she sees me packing she tries to start giving me a lecture on traveling during this time i quickly shut her down and said i'm packing to go to greece to see my girlfriend's mom because she's sick she hung up almost immediately i thought nothing of it and continued getting ready so fast forward to this morning when i get a call from my mother yelling at me about stealing my sister's dream vacation apparently they promised her that they'd take her to greece for her 16th birthday and now i'm ruining it for her as she doesn't get to go there first i was just tired of listening to her rant for 10 minutes so i just told her to call me when she learns what the hell actually is going on now i'm getting texts from the entire family threatening to disown me for being an [ __ ] ungrateful and some nasty stuff so am i the [ __ ] of course not because if your mother listened to you for 10 seconds she'd understand that you're not going there for leisure you're going there to see a potential family member and it's obvious that your sister needs to get a grip because in reality she's just jealous she doesn't want to be there first she just wants to be there and doesn't like that you're going there you settled the situation correctly you just hung up the phone and let them realize their own issues by themselves you're grown you don't need them for really anything other than emotional support so screw them am i right like they have no control over what you do especially if what you do is predicated upon the emotions of a teenage child so yeah ignore them you are not the [ __ ] in the situation what's up everyone it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe man what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure to hit that bell so you get notifications every time your boy is out of youtube jail i was hit with another community guideline strike again so i couldn't upload for a week that's why you have six uploads this week you're gonna get another upload immediately after this one right after it like an hour after and the same thing will happen tomorrow and then on friday and then i'm gonna go to sleep because that's a lot of content this week but you guys deserve it you've been waiting long enough so yeah i hope you enjoyed this video and a big thank you goes out to the patreon supporters a big thank you to donovan brett mean of the swift azuku esau darth vader 12 destroyer trey muffey luhu noah vermont ethan john robinson eva catherine taylor argent hannah keith will billy dustin host mar thank you so much for supporting the channel and if you want to do the same there's two links in the description one to my patreon and one of my merch store both funds go directly to the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 305,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ailurus, ailurus, Reddit, reddit, Ailurus reddit, reddit reading, r/AMITA, red panda, Ailurus fatlogic, r/Iamapieceofcrap, r/fatlogic, Best posts of all time, Reddit Posts, Reddit TTS, reddit stories, Gaming, COD warzone, warzone, commentary, opinion, MLM, online jobs, online work, online sales
Id: gVG5vaZQ_tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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