r/Fatlogic [S3]{18}

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restriction is never the answer she needs to address why she's overeating and relearn how to listen to her hunger and fullness cues diets and restriction is just teaching her how to have an eating disorder no one should go to bed hungry even if they're overweight yeah nah when you're about to die because of your weight some restriction is most definitely the answer [Music] hey hey you back there who's 200 pounds don't say it didn't work when in reality you weren't being consistent this is a serious thing that i want everybody to take home you can't work out sporadically you have to maintain a routine your body needs to encounter a lot of change for anything to really happen if you're working out a few days out of the week and only eating good a few days out of the week you're going to see little to no change but you got this i trust everybody watching this video to make some sort of consistent plan and if you're really having trouble doing it by yourself there's plenty of apps on the app store or the google play store that can help you plan and motivate you to get off your butt and work out and be happy get attractive look good all of it i'm 5 10 and 215 pounds and i like to point out to folks that i'm the exact same height and weight as mike tyson at the peak of his career my bmi and iron mike's is above 30. wow this is a really good quip this is a really good thing to point out to people who don't critically think i doubt you look like him i doubt it this is what he looked like yeah yeah i'm pretty sure his bmi was high because he was packing on a ton of weight muscle muscle weight not fat muscle i bet my left foot you don't look like him you want to know why i'm so certain because people who look like him don't write tweets like this they're too busy being boxers they're too busy working out they're too busy caring about literally anything else thin privilege is wiping your butt from front to back what it really shouldn't surprise me that there's people on this planet who are so obese that they cannot wipe their asses correctly it is so rich to hear any sort of political take from these people knowing that they can't wipe their asses how can you tell me that i have thin privilege when you have dirty butt cheeks there's being genuinely triggered and then there's getting offended at absolutely anything for the sake of being offended it's important to notice which one you're doing misery addiction thrives on social media that's the funny thing about triggers right you really don't know if they're genuine someone could really just say that a fitness guru doing his or her thing is triggering because it makes them feel bad about their bodies is that really a trigger or is that just you being self-conscious doctors get so mad when your bmi says you're overweight and your blood work comes back perfect yeah i doubt that but hey that's not impossible there's a few people who are genuinely overweight and have relatively healthy blood work but that's not the only way we measure unhealthiness when it comes to overweight bodies your joints could be damaged your organs can be overworked specifically your heart you could be having insulin and sugar intake issues or something even simpler you could just be feeling sluggish and slow you could be weak with low muscle mass there are no positives for being overweight and you can't run away from that won't stop eating shouldn't be celebrated doesn't need to be shamed either yay you're fat from your own gluttony am i supposed to applaud you there's no reason to fat shame but i'm not going to fat praise either you did that to yourself which you're free to do but don't expect the rest of the world to bend to your will just because you inconvenienced yourself and your own life body acceptance should be for people who can't change it whose state isn't caused by their own poor choices someone born without legs can't just diet and exercise to grow legs someone burned with acid in an attack can't just take care of themselves and repair the scar tissue caused by the attack people who only consistently crush on or date skinny people are inherently fat phobic and need to check themselves no there's nothing phatphobic about that you're just mad that you're ugly you're aware that you're built like the blob and you don't like it that people don't find your body to be attractive and the funny thing is is that most people who are in your position recognize that and make an active change instead you want to berate and make fun of other people who have the audacity not to date you imagine being so entitled to think that people have an obligation to choose you because your body is so radically different from the norm so you have two options it's either you go to the gym and you knock out those weights you get onto the treadmill and you lose that weight or you can remain bitter and angry at all the women who are doing better than you because they had put in the work and they're getting all the benefits from said work something that you will never see until you actually go into the gym terribly rude and unprofessional look all i wanted was a scale and an app to record my weight loss journey because my body type is different i have to see them tell me in multiple places that i'm obese i don't think i am and i really don't like being insulted every time i'm forced to use this app with this scale literally seems to drive a person away from using the program you're intimidated and upset that the program is doing its job you strike me as the type of person who would buy the scales that don't actually have numbers on them but instead the skill says gorgeous fabulous empowered when you stand on it that type of product is right up your alley because you're not to get that with this app it's technology technology is blunt because it does its job the [ __ ] app told you that you were fat and you you sat there and cried diet culture and fitness industry fat people need to exercise also diet culture and fitness industry we will not make exercise equipment that accommodates fat bodies you know there's something really funny about that because that you know it's that's hilarious right imagine being so fat that a treadmill doesn't even move and you can make the argument that weight loss equipment some weight loss equipment might not be able to accommodate people who are extremely obese but here's my opinion if a treadmill or an elliptical or whatever machine you're trying to get on does not work because you're too heavy you are past the help of a machine you need to see a doctor you need surgery then you use those machines to regulate your new body this isn't discrimination in any way it's just the fact that you're so unhealthy that the common ways that people lose weight will simply not help you you are too far gone and you need a specialist but look it doesn't matter what i say i doubt that these people are even going to speak to a doctor because a doctor would have to tell them exactly all the things they don't want to hear you from losing weight i am absolutely [ __ ] disgusted i dare you to go show this to your mother considering that she got stretch marks from carrying your [ __ ] ass around and there are medical conditions in the world that prevent weight loss no there's not polythyroidism and pcos are the big ones that prevent weight loss oh really so you're an educated white girl right so i hope you can use google because um you can you can control pcos and you can control a bad thyroid it's almost like if you exercise a lot and you don't eat mcdonald's five times a week you're not gonna be fat as [ __ ] and die by the age of 35 due to a heart attack or clogged artery so let me educate you educated white girl google's free and stop making excuses to be lazy you're helping no one if a plant becomes too big for its pot you put the plant in a bigger pot if you become too big for your clothes you put yourself in bigger clothes you wouldn't make the plant smaller to stay in its current pot so why would you treat yourself any differently than you would a plant a little issue with your analogy there as a plant grows extra roots it's actually getting healthier it's getting stronger it's looking for more nutrients more water in order to grow as humans gain weight there's a specific point where it becomes detrimental to our health that's called being overweight you catching what i'm throwing you having to purchase bigger clothes because you're becoming overweight or even becoming obese is the product of an unhealthy lifestyle a plant growing extra roots in order to grow stronger is in no way similar to that do you have any advice on what to do when someone close joins weight watchers my mom started it and it bothers me so much this morning she counted the strawberries she put in her yogurt and she always takes pre-opened lunch to work with her she even decided she wouldn't make scrambled eggs anymore not even for us because they have too many points yeah i have some advice for you mind your own [ __ ] business she's trying to lose weight and there's literally nothing that you can do about it it literally does not involve you now i get it she doesn't want to make scrambled eggs for you anymore maybe the diet in the household is changing well get this it's her house she buys the food and if you don't have a job there's really nothing you can do about it so you just have to sit there and eat what she can make you now if you're a grown person with the ability to cook for themselves and find work for themselves i'd recommend doing that if you want to you know continue to eat unhealthy but if you're a miner which i'm assuming you are i empathize with your frustration that your diet is changing and you really have no say about that but hey you're living in your parents house they buy the food you eat the food and for what it sounds like it's a net benefit you're losing weight just as fast as your mom is i don't see any problems with this i really wanted to join a pole dancing class for a long time i saw fat women on tick tock dancing and learning and felt inspired i looked up pole dancing classes near me there is one that is currently open and doing classes it claimed to be diverse for people of all shapes and sizes and then said the polls have a 250 pound weight limit i'm super annoyed it's also kindly mentioned that all of that on i don't even know what to say when i read this all the way through and saw like the end it said sarcasm so i i was certain that maybe this is a fake story that no way is someone upset that they can't pole dance because they're over 250 pounds but apparently the sarcasm bit was just the last sentence you can do all the moves later on so inspirational it actually wasn't the story so this is real somebody is genuinely upset that they can't pull dance because they're 300 pounds and somehow the fault doesn't lie on them it lies on the pole dancing class it's the pole dancing class's fault for not being open enough or diverse enough for a body type that is over 250 pounds right there's no other issues here it's definitely the pole dancing spot's fault um she's not i would rather have bacon and donuts than be a size 2. but here's the thing you can have it both ways it's all about balance and portion size coming from a size 2 that eats bacon and donuts no no no no your common is ableist sizes 2 can absolutely do that however every single body is different regardless of how much balance is present i've never seen somebody so hellbent on not understanding they're so desperate to be comfortable in their degeneracy that they can't even see that the person arguing with them wasn't being rude they weren't being ableist they were just straight up saying that with weight loss and exercise there's a balance and you can actually live the life you want while having the body you want and these people are a lost cause they'll never hear it that way using terms like ableist incorrectly and attributing malice to those who straight up say that exercise and weight loss is easy and something that anybody can do obese is a slur overweight is a slur i won't call a specific person fat until i know their feelings about it it's been used as a weapon for ages i don't want to hurt anyone but about groups about politics or about systemic oppression the right word to use is fat dude get a grip i'm fat myself they're definitely not slurs they're medical terms for how much weight the person has and can be used in a harmful way how dare you use the word slur to refer to this it's not as bad as the n-word or queer etc that undermines actual slurs not every word is one diet culture if you eat fast food you'll crave it all day every day versus real life if you eat fast food you will not crave it all day every day tip enjoy that fried chicken and move on yeah crave that fried chicken that you had yesterday and the day before that and the day before that in the month before that and the years before that because that makes zero sense there is copious amounts of evidence pointing at fast food addiction being one of the reasons many people are obese that's just the truth having to starve yourself to get to a bmi range of normal is anything but normal ah [ __ ] i'll say it from the back just for all of y'all dieting isn't starvation because you're still eating you [ __ ] potato you are not alive to just pay bills and lose weight yeah you're completely right because you just pointed out the two most mundane minuscule things about human life people exercising and paying their electric bill neither of which defines anyone people who work out usually make it into a hobby they make it into something that they enjoy but i'm almost certain that's not their whole life and i don't know a single soul who lives for paying bills so what the [ __ ] is this supposed to mean i i have no clue what message this is supposed to spread since we always talk about what's natural and what's not have we ever considered the idea that if i have to go to the gym for my body to look a certain way then it's not how my body is naturally designed to look so wait let me get this straight if we lived in a society that didn't have access to a whole lot of fattening foods and unhealthy foods you'd still be fat even in a society that only really allowed you to eat as much as you need are you serious you'd still be fat man that's a that's a struggle i'm so sorry for you imagine that type of lifestyle everybody else is just vibing and you're built like an suv oh i'm unhealthy because i'm fat literally yes like yeah yeah i really dislike the term overweight over what weight over the weight that the oppressive paradigm of diet culture deems acceptable or perhaps over the weight that socially constructed beauty and thin ideals have dictated i'm confused confused nah i would never i would never use that word to describe you dear personal trainers stop trying to increase fat clients mobility with weight loss which almost never works and start working on strength stamina flexibility etc in the body that they have i get it you want personal trainers just to affirm your body you instead of them doing their job you'd rather have them make you feel good by forcing you to try and touch your toes when you can't reach over your stomach in my opinion i would think that would make you feel worse to be honest but you know it's your money but still at the same time it's sad i mean isn't the whole point of seeing a personal traitor to lose weight not to feel good about the weight that you're in my son's pediatrician made a point of telling me he's really heavy for his weight and you might want to watch his portions and maybe switch to one percent milk because this puts him at risk for being obese later in life he's 18 months old she seriously wanted me to count calories for my toddler who's basically a self-imposed vegetarian and besides running around all day every day is also strong enough to do pull-ups like the kid is in all seriousness mostly muscle and eats healthier than i ever have who are you trying to convince me or yourself because that is ridiculous if your child was as fit as you said he was he wouldn't be overweight so that's 100 contradicting what your doctor said this is either delusion or a flat out lie and i'm starting to think it's delusion because the way that you phrase that entire paragraph goes to show that you are just as fat as your [ __ ] kid and look i'm not mad at the kid for being overweight he can't buy food by himself that's you you feed him you're making him into you you can't tell if someone is healthy by looking at them so stop doing it that is so rich coming from you guys because you use the word anorexia a lot unfortunately you guys have turned the term into something demeaning ad hominem that's meant to make fun of people who lose weight but if you were arguing in good faith if you're actually being genuine about identifying anorexia you can almost certainly do that by observing someone's body by looking at them you can immediately identify it i use that as an example because if i were to use obesity you guys would immediately say that obesity isn't a thing and that i'm using a slur right but if i were to identify and describe one of your favorite words you like to use to disparage thin people as something that can be identified through pure observation only then you would have to listen to me right unless you want to admit that you're being dishonest and facetious when you talk about stuff like this when you say you can't tell if someone is healthy by looking at them but you'll never admit that right no way are you guys that honest with yourselves no way would you guys admit something like that thin privilege is having a chair that you can my god i didn't even know this is an issue for these [ __ ] people could you imagine not being able to fit furniture just basic universal furniture meant for everyone you can't fit that because you have issues with food why isn't that a wake-up call for these people but no they view it as systemic oppression and thin privilege are you [ __ ] serious y'all are so [ __ ] dumb do you do not comprehend what i said not everyone has time to walk there are some people who [ __ ] work three or four or five jobs that do not have time to lose weight this generation just loves making excuses for themselves this is the rock if you don't know he's probably the busiest man in the world he finds time to work out every single day and also i've checked your profile and you make over 20 tick tocks a day so you definitely have time stop making excuses for yourself just like humans cats can genetically have a slow metabolism and they can gain weight fast this may be out of the owner's control the cat is 35 pounds genetics can't do that bodies are supposed to gain weight no [ __ ] sherlock but there's always an upper limit to these things just like how you can only lose with so much weight you can only gain but so much weight with your logic humans should just be able to drink liters of water right because water is good for humans we drink it to survive but oh no if you drink more than three to four liters in one hour you might die oh but i thought water's good for us oh no you see what i'm getting at i swear you guys will grasp at any straws just to not go to the gym for an hour a day you'll do anything but lose weight those are literally different dog breeds and they are all healthy none of them are overweight so what and to end today's video we have this post when you enjoy food you reclaim the pleasures of a life that white supremacy has tried to deny you i'm speechless i have nothing to say to that that is that's up for interpretation i'm giving the stage to you guys how would you respond to something like this would you even respond at all let me know in the comments down below what's up everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time three uploads back to back is it christmas already no i just feel like throwing a whole bunch of content out this week and if you want to get an idea of what's coming up next go ahead and check out the community tab all of the information is there and that's always good to thank the patreon supporters to make content like this happen a big thank you to light 1636 broken to asters jackson the business lady laughs a lot mina isao the swift izuku destroyer trey muffey lou who noah vermont john robinson eva catherine taylor arjun hannah keith myers will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if 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Channel: Ailurus
Views: 300,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, avcadon't, sorrowtv, soothouse, memes, fat acceptance, meme, meme compilation, r/niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/choosingbeggars, reddit memes, r/iamverysmart, pewdipie, meme cringe, cringe compilation, mlm, avon, younique, herbalife, sales, selling, marketing, boss babe, jontron, ailurus fatlogic, ailurus, Ailurus r/fatlogic, SSBU, make money today, get rich quick, apps, ailurus reddit, body postivity, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus Youtube, reddit reading, online jobs, online money, lizzo
Id: k3MPfuQnVMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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