r/HumansBeingBros {4}

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ooh back at again with the wholesome content and I hope that what you're about to see is gonna better your week or at least better your day because you know it's been it's been a rough couple of weeks right but hey I hope you enjoy and I'll catch you at the end of the video yo remember King you are valued if you're looking for a sign this is it I am almost certain that this guy is responsible for like boosting a lot of people's self esteems that day that's pretty cool it's unfortunate that a lot of people don't know their own value that they really think that they're inadequate or insignificant and most of the time people who feel that way have been told that they were insignificant or just not valued and that's unfortunate you need to start looking inward and stop trying to seek validation from others because other people will always try to tear you down my grandma has been texting me wanting to learn more about overwatch so she can cheer me on when I play man ok so they're randomly decided does it mess with your play not really just changes who I play do they have different powers yes I'm trying to learn thank you it means a lot it's always nice when someone tries to learn about what you're interested in regardless of who they are they could be a family member they could be just another friend but when they take the time out of the day to really understand your hobby and understand what you like it almost makes what you're doing even better it almost like adds to the fun so my mom bought a lamb for 20 pounds so it doesn't get killed tomorrow and it's playing to keep her in the garden with the dogs honestly I wish I could say I'm surprised but this is very her I'm in bed you okay FaceTime me please I came into the bar to meet Carlos after work and just bought a baby lamb that's going to get killed tomorrow only 8 days old she was so thrown off oh wow my mom really pulled up here with a lamb my sister has been in this world for 18 years and today this is the first time she's ever been offered a menu at a restaurant you know what I'm kind of surprised that Braille isn't under like restaurant menu like descriptions you would think it would be really easy to put like raised bumps right under the description so that people could read but at the same time if you have like a giant paragraph I guess you're gonna need enough space for a paragraph or you know paragraph or the bumps so I guess that's probably why they're not on menus but that's kind of cool it also is kind of eerie to look at it because uh it's just a book Hey there's a soft we cactus in my Hall and whenever I touch it on passing I say ouch and pretend it hurt to encourage its confidence that is is so adorable it's so my heart if that that cactus appreciates all of your lies to be honest that is so nice I only had 13 dollars in my account but I wanted to help so I donate it DM me your paypal you'll have 13 dollars back in your account you know what I appreciate that but it's okay I never donate something with the expectation for it to be repaid to me if you want donate it to the cause bro what planet is this guy from man to be honest I wouldn't even see myself doing something like that if I was really that broke donating that money would be the last thing on my list I would probably think of multiple different ways to spend that cash but this guy he different but it's a good difference I mean he didn't even want the money repaid back he could've just stopped there but he even recommended donating an additional 13 dollars to the same cause that is you just don't see it you don't see it all the time my granddad fell this morning while mowing the lawn and broke his hip the EMTs that took him to the hospital came back and finished the job for him Wow wow that is that screams because he didn't have to do that that's the funny thing about this entire this entire series it's full of people doing stuff that they didn't have to do going out of their way just to better somebody else's life and that is awesome the guy the guy gets to come back to a clean lawn that's nuts he's gonna remember that forever bro so I got a welfare check call for a 92 year old woman who sometimes walks up and down the road and doesn't know where she is sometimes she forgets her doors open so she thinks she's locked out neighbors call and said she forgets a lot of things and her hands are ice cold to the touch so they let her warm up in their home we'd go by and check she has two sons who just forget about her no food in the fridge only milk and old lemonade only eating a bag of Cheerios place hasn't been cleaned recently all she wanted to know is why her sons don't bring her food or check on her she said she just needs a couple of sandwiches or something at least to not be hungry without her knowing we left and got her some groceries for her home big rotisserie chicken some sandwich items that will last her a week too chunky soups bunch of chips meat some waters knocked on her door and she was all smiles and in disbelief someone actually cared enough to even help not always running and gunning catching bad guys sometimes just showing someone that they aren't alone and changed their lives like I said from day one changing lives one smile at a time okay so the story is that this guy went out of his way to buy 75 McDouble 'he's just out of the blue for a bunch of homeless kids that happened to live around his neighborhood he wanted people to spread his Facebook post so that other people can come and pick up the McDouble so I think he left him at the place and it's just awesome look at this receipt man there's just nothing but full bellies and hope like you just really made somebody's day and yeah it's a McDouble it's not like a filling meal but it's a meal so at least somebody's not gonna be hungry this 95 year old Japanese woman regularly enjoyed playing Tetris on her Gameboy it eventually broke down but no shop could repair it her grandson wrote a letter to Nintendo explaining the situation they sent back a brand new one and told her to please live a long life you love to see it you love to see it Nintendo has done stuff like this in the past and it's just mmm that's why I'm so loyal also if you guys want me to play the new animal crossing on this channel let me know in the comments down below I've been thinking about it a lot of people say it's a fun game but we've tried gaming in the past and not a lot of you guys have been interested so if you guys are seriously wanted let me know the comments down below so yeah just go ahead and tell me this single dad adopted a teen abandoned at a hospital and I knew I had to take him Peter moody Baazi felt connected to his now son Tony the moment he learned of his story they had more in common than they initially thought abandoned at a hospital but hey this kind soul picked you up bro I hope you're happy man I know that he has a family now and that's amazing that's great families don't have to match wow that's a cute shirt bro like day and just the wholesomeness in this photo alone bro is just ah I can feel it I can feel it in my room I just feel the pink and the teddy bears when we first arrived here at the campground in Florida a very generous man gave us a large tank of propane because he didn't want to haul it back north through Georgia with him we've been using this propane tank for four months now and it feels like we've barely touched it as we leave here today I'm now realizing what a gift that Heinemann geillis he gifted us heat hot water and a stove for a year or more it was a kind gesture from a stranger in passing but it was a true blessing thanks Georgia man much love to you hope your kindness makes it way back to you tenfold the enemies of Florida man the kind and generous Georgia man that's awesome though imagine that that's expensive - a giant tank of propane isn't cheap and the guy just gave it to him that's awesome that's cool the fact that they have heat and hot water I didn't even think of that that really the dude gave a little bit more than just the gas my air B&B is available for free for one night if anyone needs a place to stay I'm booked Wednesday night but I'm very willing to let someone crash here tonight I can host eight people maybe more pets are welcome must be a displaced person from the tornado just to make sure people in need can utilize this DME for details love circle Airbnb man when that natural disaster hit Nashville it was awesome seeing how quickly the Internet and the rest of the nation really opened their arms and tried to help these people it just goes to show that the internet isn't an ugly place it's kind of a really cool place just the ugly people are the loudest just wanted to share a request at marvel at DC Comics hashtag superheroes my 12 year old nephew is a huge fan he just had an emergency brain surgery on Thursday and I know he'd be ecstatic if a hero could just send a get well I just want to do something for him hashtag help and the one and only Michael Channing came in clutch and made this a get well soon card for this kid and look at oh my god hey buddy I heard you had some surgery been there too but no worries we heroes are tough and then he signed it bro like ah this is nice like I said before the internet isn't an ugly place just the ugly people are the loudest and you forget that stuff like this happens every day I really hope your nephew gets better man like that's an insane surgery it's something difficult to go through and it's so young but I hope he gets through it oh here we go a double whammy the same post and guess what Ryan Reynolds man Ryan Reynolds came in clutch now unfortunately Opie didn't share the image that Ryan Reynolds sent to the child but it was something similar to what Michael janan sent it was a really personal like get well soon card is just it's awesome it's awesome when stuff like this happens man this kid's gonna be so estatic sitting on this trail you're welcome I'm kidding kidding we're gonna go put it and then we all give it to the lefty why don't we just bring it up to like a little awesome sound well no they'll probably go to the lift ease and see cuz you know like sometimes when they're missing a phone okay well branches services not only is this paying it forward literally and obviously but um it's meant for kids in the Children's Hospital to get themselves a snack so literally it's just a dude he's chillin he was putting money on top of snack machines and hoping that kids you know could get themselves a soda or some Snickers bars or something like that and that's really cool and also pretty difficult cuz he went out of his way to go to every single snack machine in the entire hospital that had to be at least 20 machines that he had to put like two $2 in like 50 cents on but hey you know what you have to see it all the way through okay here goes for a few months I was a substitute teacher and one of the places I subbed was an elementary school at this school there was a kid let's name him George who was in the special ed program I believe he had Down syndrome but I'm not a doctor George spent some of his time and regular class and some of the time and special ed though he's not really capable of learning anything they can teach him in the regular classroom he's sweet but he really can't put more than three words together at a time he's absolutely not normal everywhere he goes in the school other kids say hi to him there are several in the class that have decided that they're his pals and they helped him do stuff like put on his jacket or tie his shoes or whatever his favorite movie is Aladdin so they all chipped in and bought him a plush Genie on the playground he's always got two or three kids running after him making up games so they can play together last time I was there he wanted to play pretend that Godzilla was at the school so they spent their recess running from Godzilla nobody is making these kids take care of the disabled kid or anything like that they've taken it upon themselves to look after him for no reason other than their sweet kids they watch out for him in class they eat lunch with them they play with them at recess and they're all just too sweet for words teachers donate 100 sick days to colleague with cancer I had a triple bypass surgery in 1999 I didn't have enough time either to recover the days I needed before my short-term disability kicked in my co-workers gave up some of their days to cover it for me I'll never forget their gifts and how much it meant to me wow I didn't even know you can do that it really goes to show who you're working with and like what type of impression you have on other people that they're willing to sacrifice their sick days and their vacation days for you the guys in both stories must be really upstanding people dear at Delta today when we landed in Northwest Arkansas the bag for slow to get loaded into the jet way the pilot came out and started unloading them himself a lot of leaders forget that they can carry a bag too it was a great example of teamwork thanks for the awesome service you know it's kind of unfortunate that some of us get shocked when we experience good service when it comes to just being on specific airlines it's great that this guy you know experienced this is an awesome service it's awesome to see that you know your pilot is willing to expedite and make sure that everybody gets their stuff quickly but that's not typical and that's unfortunate because you know flying used to be a luxury thing and now it's seen as well let's hope that you get a good flight you know but hey I'm happy for you my man that sounds really cool that you got your stuff quickly and the pilot was willing to help don't say that don't say that you are so pretty you all shut up gonna roll you will you look at yourself you posed to say I'm so pretty you are so pretty don't you hear me you got the prettiest little dimples you are too cute you are so pretty you look like you have this beautiful chocolate skin right you are just so gorgeous you got these dimples remember what I told you how many people got two dimples nobody you got to let me see you smile let me see let me see you got so damn pose I don't even - dimples girl let me see your teeth look at that pretty white teeth no you're not gonna cry you are a beautiful little girl and you are pretty you are the prettiest girl in your class boom tell them straight up when you go to school tomorrow you got your hair done you're gonna be like oh look at my hair oh look at my shoes look at my clothes baby girl you are beautiful black is beautiful and if don't nobody ever tell you I will tell you you are gorgeous you are so pretty a 16 year old with autism got all of his Xbox games stolen so his local sheriff's office pitched in to buy him some new games because that's what heroes do that's awesome they didn't have to do that but they literally got him they got him a black flag this Asus creed black flag which I actually like that game it's a really good game if you ever didn't have the chance to play it play it it's just look at him man he's happy bro he's got all of his games man's vibing now he's gonna have all of the time in the world to play it they even got him a Battlefront signed poster my man that is mmm these guys really love you bro and that's awesome there's a lot of love in this picture for those who are interested Arnold Schwarzenegger it is quite active on reddit especially around fitness and this is endlessly encouraging you know you could just say his username bro say it three times to summon our King works every time I hope you're all having a great day can you imagine how fun it is for me to get these notifications every other week with some memory from decades ago I'm not the type of person who looks back too much so these posts are heaven thank you all hey we all need encouragement you know losing weight isn't easy and I totally understand when people just want someone to reach out and it's great that this guy is doing it and no better person the man was a bodybuilder who else do you want to have you know encouragement and advice from [Music] [Music] [Applause] I had a back surgery in oh wait I didn't see hide nor hair of any of my IRL friends but in order lady I met on Sims two message board sent me flowers called me every day and bought me a subscription to an online game site so I have something to do while I recovered she was in Seattle and I'm in Ohio eventually she moved to Florida and we drove down so I could meet her we remained friends until she passed a couple years ago I miss her so much great citizen award from time to time a good story comes across our desk here's a recent example Raj Singh owns a Roseville cab he was recently called to pick up a 92 year old woman from her home in Sun City he picked her up and started to drive her to the bank while enroute he started talking with the woman who informed Raj that she owed IRS twenty five thousand dollars and she was headed to the bank to get the money and sent it off to settle her debt this sounded very suspicious to Raj so he suggested to the woman that this may be a scam she didn't believe him Raj pleaded with the woman to reconsider so they agreed to stop by the Roseville police station to ask an officer while the woman waited in the cab Raj came into the station and requested to speak with an officer he waited for a while but he was finally able to speak with an officer who then spoke with the woman waiting in the cab sure enough it was a scam after speaking with the officer the woman believed she was being scammed and decided not to pay his cameras Raj took the woman back home we love this story because several times throughout Raj could have just taken the customer to her stop and not worried about her well-being he took time out of his day and had the great for thought to bring the almost victim to the police station for an official response his quick thinking saved a senior citizen twenty five thousand dollars and for that we greatly appreciate his efforts in partnership with Roseville Crimestoppers were able to provide Raj with a $50 gift card to say thank you another shout-out goes to police records clerk Megan Heron for bringing this incident to our attention great work all around [Applause] [Music] I appreciate it when businesses can do this cuz not every business can just hand out free product to people who you know clean up the community and that's nice and what better you know incentive you know you fill up a bucket full of trash you get a free coffee that's not too bad to me I probably do that we seriously need more people like this because if you don't go out of your way to make an incentive for people to clean up and no one will and it's unfortunate that people need an incentive to clean up their own communities their own beaches and stuff that they use on a daily basis and hey at the end of the day the beach is gonna be clean it's the best way to really get it done and I appreciate it it's awesome stuff quick backstory this email is from a professor at a college that you know was just shut down and he knows that a lot of students ain't got you know the best situation back home so he sent this email out here's what I need from you please let me know if you are staying somewhere that doesn't have reliable Wi-Fi if you don't have access to a computer if you need anything like food or a place to stay if all above is good then no need to email back best of luck this semester I'll do my best to keep your stress levels down we can do this my mom is a role model her student today couldn't find a babysitter and being a true African mother that she is taught in a three-hour class with a baby on her back and fed him I'm so blessed to be raised by a woman who loves the world as much as her own children that baby comfortable look at him he's knocked out my new employee asked to work from home then she started telling me the reason I told her no need to apologize I don't need to know the details I don't pay for seat warmers come to the office fine nine-to-five fine work from home fine work from the garage while you fix your car fine I don't need to know you will be late because of a doctor's appointment or if you're leaving early to attend a personal matter everybody works in a different pace you choose how you get your work done it's sad how we even Fanta lies the workplace so much that employees feel the need to apologize for having personal lives I'm not a clock-watcher I trust you to get your job done keep clients happy happy future lies and flexible work patterns agree this boss truly knows how to manage employees or at least making a space that's easy to work in and that's awesome that means he's got actually going to you know get usable work out of his people but I think that the climate we're in now I think right now a whole bunch of businesses are about to learn that it's really easy just to have their employees work from home because I'm pretty sure that's a lot of individuals who are working in the tech world dealing with right now I mean I'm working from home and it's just a lot easier you know being able to make your own hours and make you know time and kind of pace yourself I think this environment that we're in is going to encourage a lot of employers to make sure that their employees have the option to work out oh no I might be wrong but do you guys agree with me do you think that working from home is probably the direction that almost all jobs are going to essentially go into I don't know not all jobs but you know most jobs to the wonderful human being who marked my um new toy as a door handle when I accidentally shipped it to work thank you thank you thank you does a door handle but you know what the guy could have genuinely thought it was a door handle but you know he might have not encountered your toy before and probably thought it was a soft a door handle and if he did come in clutch that man is the superior bro hand sanitizer vitamin C take the hand sanitizing your hair and rub it around don't touch your face okay you're welcome hand sanitizer vitamin C don't touch your face okay you're welcome don't reach in I'll reach out are we choked hand sanitizer vitamin c okay you're welcome can sanitize your buddy with the army chops on the chin wipe your hands with the hand sanitizer okay it's enough for multiple uses just take a little bit of some rubbing in your hand don't reach in don't reach in keep your hand out are we charged the only ten arm each other thank you so much for understanding I'm doing well of course of course yeah don't reach in I'll reach out there y'all me Chuck no I don't you're welcome thank you for saying thank you queen don't be ten I'll reach out okay hand sanitizer in vitamin C scrub your hands really good don't touch your face I'll reach out sir I'll reach out can't fit it sighs the vitamin C with schools clothes the SBC SC buses equipped with free Wi-Fi will be parked throughout the city neighborhoods for families that don't have access at home but did you know that SB schools have been doing this throughout the entire year on evenings and weekends this is another innovative way that SB public schools have been assisting those working families who need it the most great job and thank you was everybody Shibui Ahlers aka Panna daddy and I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe and if your old me did that bells and get those notifications every time seriously you enjoyed today's video and it helped restore a little bit of faith in humanity or something like that let me know in the comments down below and leave a like seriously it helps out the channel when you do that if you want to help support the channel in any way there's two links in the description once of my patreon and one to my merch store and both funds go directly into the channel to make sure we can maintain what's happening here specifically the patreon that's where you can get a lot of cool content a lot of extra stuff into in the merch store there's a lot of cool stuff there but speaking of the patreon thank you to Rachel Jonas Finney and host mark thank you so much free support it is greatly appreciated and I'm being serious about that merch store stuff man is some cool stuff there yeah if you don't have clothes if you're like struggling to find clothes that's cool you can go there and buy some really cool stuff cuz you will be looking fresh and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 613,508
Rating: 4.9784193 out of 5
Keywords: ailurus, Ailurus, Ailurus Reddit, reddit reading, r/HumansBeingBros, wholesome, wholesome hours, good, good vibes, calming, humanity, nice, good people, good deeds, good karma, positivity, best of reddit, sales, MLM, build your own business, online business, business, online sales, marketing, Ailurus channel, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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