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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/littelcat456 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
I get Colonna I get Corona at the end of the day I'm not gonna let it stop me from partying you know I've been waiting we've been waiting for Miami Spring Break for awhile about two months you've had this trip planned to three months we're not even having a good time whatever happens happens what is there to do here other than go to the bars or the beach and they're closing all of it it's really messy I think they're blowing it way out of proportion 21 this year so I'm here to party so it's kind of disappointing but we're just making the most of it we met these other people in our little Airbnb spot so we're just hanging out with them and trying to get drunk before everything causes infuriating video shows a woman stealing a jar filled with money from a Westminster restaurant the money would have gone to a family struggling to pay for a hit it does that was that money for a babies headstone yeah that's the story she literally just reached over and took the jar thinking that there wasn't a camera watching the table she outright stole a bunch of money that was meant for a babies headstone what are you what mom throws her own baby at police officer causing devastating injuries to who the baby or the police officer and I'm wagering that the police officer was knocked out because if the baby has your head you almost certainly put that police officer in a coma Jesus Christ I'm taken but looking for a nice attractive guy to take me out for a drink sometime does she not have shame and being broke and asking for straight up just asking for a drink cuz she can't afford one I can't count how many times I've seen screenshots of girls just straight up saying hey I have a boyfriend or hey I have a husband but I really want something to eat like what what get a job get a job which ol crusty ass I was badly craving Pizza Hut so I asked my boyfriend if he'd buy it because I was broke and he said no cuz I didn't really need it so I threatened her horn for domestic violence and he got on the app straight away hashtag free pizza this is way too perfect to be real but at the same time I've encountered people who act like this domestic violence seriously seriously Hugh you could easily go to jail for that for long time and the guy was right who eats an entire pizza by themselves I certainly don't do that a guy I put in the friend zone years ago got a girlfriend today so I told him I liked him I don't but I need him just in case hashtag back-up plan personally I don't think the friend zone exists I've never been in the friend zone you kind of do know when someone doesn't like you you kind of just move on you don't just stay there and simp but what I will say for the guys and girls out there who act like this and do this you know keep people like on the line and not actually date them and just keep them around just in case I hope you guys understand that you're terrible people and that you genuinely suck and I hope that tonight in the dark you stub your toe man killed in downtown Casey after car he was allegedly trying to steal from the owner of the vehicle says the man was trying to steal with a pricey catalytic converter from under his Toyota Prius imagine that you would still be alive sir if you just didn't commit crimes okay so it's just a receipt all right they're a mountain was $34 and 53 cents for whatever they bought Oh their total is $32 37 what happened to the other $2 6000 I see so you guys you guys like being jackasses who does this like seriously that is genuinely disgusting that you didn't have to do that you could have just not given a tip but you went out of your way to send a message which goes to show that you're trying to make it personal now I don't know if the waiter gave you bad service that's I don't know that none of us know that but at least if the waiter was just bad you could have left no tip or a really low tip this is extra which means you felt some type of way something is up with you and you need to get that sorted out family pleads for the return of a stolen iPad with last video of a boy who died from brain cancer could you really imagine I don't even know what I'd do I didn't even think I would try to seek out the iPad because the person who stole it from me probably doesn't care but what is even sadder is that this family has hoped that the thief has a heart and is willing to return what he stole in most people who do stuff like this who just pick up an iPad that they find or steal a laptop or try to rob a car or just try to rob you they don't care about the harm that they're making they don't care about the collateral damage that they're creating they just want what you have because they're broke and can't afford it or they want some drugs and need to sell something maybe my cynicism might be misplaced some people are just more hopeful than me but I know that if I was in that situation I would just chalk it up to a horrible loss something that I wouldn't even try to seek out cuz I know for a fact that most likely the person who took it from me isn't gonna return it or they've already wiped the iPad and that memory is forever gone that's what I do but I want to know what you guys would do or how would you even approach this I I just know that's how I would do it man allegedly used counterfeit cash to buy Girl Scout cookies police say that is such a weird crime that is really strange using counterfeit cash to get some cookies that is truly a face of a man who likes to steal from little girls cuz that's what it is it's theft it's not like those girls get to keep the cash because it's counterfeit it's fake so essentially he took the boxes I need help my house blew away in the tornado can y'all cash at me this is a real thing I can't believe people are already trying to take advantage of others your facebook says you live in Mexico City how do you need help in Nashville mind y'all business okay ah it's like moths to the flame with these people they hear about a horrible tragedy and immediately try to scam people blind man with guide dog punched by van driver it's beginning to be a trope in these videos that with every single post it just gets gradually worse and it's not enjoyable a blind man walking with his guide dog was punched repeatedly when he was asked by a van driver to move off the pavement and enable him to pass the real tragedy is that the guy can never identify who punched him he will never know who attacked him and that must be terrifying yeah what you're seeing is not a joke someone put a bunch of dirty razor blades in shoes so that when people buy them they slice up their feet can you trust anything anymore are there gonna be unbreakable seals on shoes now so that no one could put anything in the soles is that the world that we're going to is that really what we're about to live in to newborn babies found at a paper recycling plant oh my god the story goes into detail about how these two children were just found someone must have put them in the trash and unfortunately they passed away nobody can track the parents down no one knows where these kids came from but that must have been terrifying to come across my son got a job and worked hard for three months to save up for his first vehicle and this is what happens within three months of purchasing it happened at the collections he was parked in the back of the Verizon parking lot where employees park for chick-fil-a it happened between 10:00 and 2:00 today and the police report was filed free X is what they thought was worth discouraging a six-year-old over apparently he is a rapper that died but some think is imprisoned so stupid important fun fact of the day people have been writing their names and skulls in the Paris catacombs that's been an issue for like the past couple of years that people have been just tagging skulls why [Music] this has been an issue at like my airport near me people have been just putting gum and all sorts of putty in to the USB charging ports for some reason and nobody's cleaning them for one and no one's replacing them and I just don't understand I seriously don't get it I think people are just doing this because they like to destroy stuff they're going out of their way to break something because they have nothing else to do which is just sad it's terrible it was recently brought to my attention that if you order on door - then go to help and say that your entire order was missing they'll give you a refund in door - credit thank you to Jane and Angie for feeding my butt twice a day for the price of one oh my god at door - please unblock my debit card please I promise not to scam you for free food ever again I'm hungry it's funny when people discover these little scams or workarounds all you're really doing is stealing food you're stealing fruit from the restaurant that you're buying from and you're stealing from door - stop stealing if you have the money to pay for the food just pay for the food stop being broke - all those people out there who thought it would be a great idea to pop into the hospital and grab yourself some masks gloves and other forms of PPE please note that the hospital has a limited supply of these which are needed by medical staff in order to continue carrying out the amazing service that they provide not only is it stealing but also highly irresponsible and selfish if our doctors and nurses get sick there would be no one to help us when we need them please refrain from stealing our equipment which is useless to you without adequate training and leave it for the professionals who need it if you haven't lost faith in humanity now get ready because this guy just rages into this parishioners bag and steals her wallet yeah you go to church to steal imagine that there's a there's a joke in there there's some irony in that right right so the school decides they're going to lock an autistic child in a cell a room with no windows as punishment I received no calls or no emails this was discovered due to a pop up I have no clue how many days my son sits in this room or how long he has to sit in there today I am livid there's a very thin string keeping me from sitting in County Jail my son is afraid and traumatized and a teacher has the nerve to be standing out against the door so my baby can't get out y'all please please pray for my strength right now cuz I am very close to losing it cuz if I would have done this DDS would have been at my door best believe I have called them and the board has been notified and I will be making a police report and getting my son counseling update due to pending situations I can't speak on everything but I will say I will be fighting to have these rooms dismantle in the state of South Carolina with your support we can get this done more details will be released later this week with any information or victims please contact me sweet Jesus it's nothing but cinder blocks it looks like a thin like I guess utility closet kind of but not really they really put this kid in there when he's I guess having a tantrum or I don't know like why would you really this is happening how do I tell my husband that he's no longer good enough for me I got fit I got promoted there are dozens of men in my work that are better looking Drive better cars - in larger homes that have manifested interest in me I decided I deserve more and better it's funny because there's a lot of people who act like this and um if you truly feel this way if anybody is watching my video right now and feels this way about their significant other I want you to listen just because you had the glow up just because you're earning more money now you're losing weight and looking better maybe even starting to get a bit of a personality that doesn't mean you leave the person that you allegedly love because spoiler alert that dude or girl you're with was with you when you were crusty when you were dusty and when you were broke they were with you before your glow up they were with you before your promotion they were with you before you got fit and at the end of the day the joke's on you those other guys at your work that drive better cars that have larger homes and have manifest interest in you only have interest in you for one night they're gonna [ __ ] you and then dip and that's the truth Karen because you're 36 years old your promotion and your fitness isn't gonna hide the fact that these dudes that you're talking about your work who have nice cars and nice homes ain't trying to marry you in all reality they're looking for someone way younger than you and you know who is there for you though your husband the person that you're talking about right now the person who was with you before you had all this glow up before you had all this clout this post genuinely pisses me off because this woman literally is the epitome of scum in reality if you do divorce your husband he's better off not being with you and I sincerely hope that you become a pump-and-dump no call to all of those guys that have manifested interest in you at your job now I'm not here to tell anybody how to parent their kids I don't have any kids so this is not my this is not my world as it's not my expertise but what I will say is that what's happening on the screen right now ain't it it ain't it humiliating a child isn't disciplined and you could disagree with me and if you disagree with me I would love to hear it in the comments down below but I think that it's more constructive to explain to the kid what he did wrong instead of humiliating him on Instagram on a live stream you're cutting back his hair lines and now he has to grow that hair back he has to go to school with that now that's typical cutting back a hairline is actually a typical punishment I've seen other kids you know deal with that in the past that's not what's that's not my problem my problem is is that you're making it public you're posting it online for other people who have nothing to do with this kid you have nothing to do with whatever he did or whatever happened in the family whatever happened I don't know what happened but you're making it public and you're making fun of him online and the saddest thing is that this is his brother not even his father or mother it's his sibling who did this to him if anything this kid's going to resent the mess out of you dude and I don't know why you're giggling or finding this hilarious there's other people in the chat you can see them talking they're genuinely shocked do you have other people who are laughing of course but I would understand how that's enjoyable the kids crying I had to take out the audio because it was just it's awful to hear this dude cry but literally you stream this dude why'd you do that that's horrible Kenya's only white female giraffe and her calf have been killed by poachers wow I am so glad to know that natural beauty like that is probably a carpet now carving harms trees trees are living things and their bark is like our skin though it may seem harmless carving into the bark damages the trees defensive barrier creating openings for deadly infections and past infections very deep cuts can even damage the xylem and phylum plant tissues that transport water and nutrients through the tree disrupting its flow of nutrients can starve the tree to death please help us maintain our plant collections for the future never carve a living tree and treat all plants with care please Wow look at all the losers who just carved their name into a tree because they could the tree is so scarred up you can't even read all the different names that have been carved into it so what's the point why do you even do it unknown man on instagram goes out of his way to show a video of him speeding in his sports car with a baby his baby who's unbuckled not even sitting on a seat its whites [Music] so the story behind this one is a long one so apparently this guy's dog was you know wandering going into other people's yards and rootin through their garbage you know like dogs do and apparently there's a county leash law and people took it seriously you know I understand that no one wants to have an animal going through the garbage you know ripping up bags and stuff I get that it's a nuisance but his neighbor went out of his way to shoot and kill this man's dog and even had the common courtesy of printing him out the world's crappiest note I'm sorry to inform you that your dog was shot and killed Saturday night while digging through my garbage it didn't suffer and I didn't take pleasure in killing it there's a county leash law that you should abide by so that I don't have to kill any more of your pets I don't even know how to approach something like this simply what is wrong with this person you could have approached this issue in a myriad of different ways yet you went out of your way to kill someone else's pet you didn't have to do that you do know that right you do know that that wasn't necessary this videos a treat a woman demands a refund from a Burger King that's currently on fire so yeah instead of you know calling the fire department and hopefully putting out a fire and maybe not endangering any lives she cared about getting her $10.50 back [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so my neighbor has been trying to kill my cat since the day we moved in this morning around 5:00 a.m. she set a trap outside of her house lured him into it with food poisoned him and beat him we called the cops and they wouldn't even let my mom take him out of the cage this is the third time she's hurt him the cops won't do anything about this I had another cat he was older that went missing a few months ago I don't want to think about what happened to him I literally don't know what to do about this anymore oh my god his paws his face what is this person doing oh my god and then the missing cat that's got to be the worst part of this entire post that's the most eerie in creepy part that he doesn't know where his older cat went I hope to god that the cat just ran away or got lost please don't tell me that this neighbor hurt that cat that mm so in an unknown City in Mexico there was a car accident involving an LG truck and instead of looking to find the truck driver and make sure he was okay everybody helped themselves to a free television [Music] [Music] so by now I spent all of my daughter's College Fund money on Monet business Lincoln bio I feel guilty and it's been a rough start but I know one day I'll climb up on top and my daughter will thank me later once Monet makes me a millionaire stay positive boss babes yeah yeah yeah this is a this is a proper reaction because what you see you sacrificed your daughter's future because you like being scammed you enjoy deluding yourself into thinking that you're gonna be a millionaire I hope your daughter resents you know it's it's almost certain that she will Oh so this video is a tree it's a drunk woman being arrested in a airport and instead of you know going quietly she throws herself off of a wheelchair and tried to make it seem like the police officers hurt her seriously watch her legs you'll see it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry everybody I'm going to have to cancel my art raffle because my parents destroy our tablet it's been smashed into pieces because I didn't get up on time this morning I can't do art now one of the only things I love and I can't even refer to replace it therapy dog stolen from girl with autism found and used what is wrong what's wrong with people bro like y-y-you i want to say that the the people who stole this dog didn't know that it was a therapy dog but at the same time why are you stealing animals and why are you harming them why that's all that's all I can say I don't even I don't even know how to approach this this is just awful so a bunch of dumb people are standing in the bike lane and then they get mad when they almost get run over by three cyclists they have the audacity to get mad at them of all people and the worst thing is that they're taking stupid Instagram pictures I did CPR in a crash victim until paramedics arrived they say that saved her life I'm now being sued by her for breaking a rib what do I do let it go to trial and have your lawyer bringing the paramedics and the ER doctor that was working on duty plus the intern that actually worked on the victim then remind your lawyer about the Good Samaritan laws make sure that he or she where you can quote them verbatim having these medical experts as witness on top of the Good Samaritan law would bring big help in getting the case dismissed if not countersuing for costs and wages lost doing it a lawsuit I wanted to end with this one because a lot of people were torn they were either thinking that maybe the woman had to sue because the you know the medical costs were just extremely expensive and she had to make a lawsuit or that the woman was being malicious I'm curious what you guys think this one's a really weird one I don't know how to feel about it because there's just not a lot of information about what the woman's and if it was just a situation where she just couldn't afford her medical bills and had to make a lawsuit I totally understand because some people just have to do that knowing that they're going to lose or maybe she's just greedy and wants to sue the person that saved her life what's up everybody it's your boy Ahlers AKA panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fan what you do watching videos and not subscribing and if you're older make sure hit that Bell and get my notifications every time if you enjoyed this video in some capacity let me know in the comments down below if you want another episode let me know in the comments down below if you want to request any other videos I would also want to hear about that if you want to check out the patreon so you can vote on the next horror stories video go ahead and do that all you have to do is pledge $1 and you'll have access to all of the limited edition horror stories content out there so I hope you are interested in that and help out the channel because that will help out speaking of the patreon thank you to Rachael Jonas Finney and host Mar thank you so much for your support it's greatly appreciated the doing to help support the channel there's another way through the merch store so go ahead and check that out there's a lot of cool stuff there that you can purchase with money and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 5,515,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: kz5c8VQcLPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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