r/EntitledParents {4}

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what's up everyone it's your boy ehlers and today we're doing another installment of the r slash entitled parents series so to those who are new to the channel and aren't quite aware with the no commentary story reading style of video that's exactly what you're watching here i'm not gonna add a lot of commentary all i'm gonna do is just make sure you guys have something to listen to while you're chilling or while you're playing video games or eating or drawing you know or maybe even want to hang out with me your favorite panda boy so yeah with all that being said i hope you enjoyed today's video all right to begin the video our first story comes from user userally1289 okay so i got engaged a few years ago and my fiance and i started planning our wedding when my future mother-in-law offered to pay for half of it we were touched and told her it was too much but she insisted a few weeks later we tell her about the venue we've picked we want to get married in a church my grandparents did you know and it was a few minutes walk away from the park where i met my husband so we could get pictures there too but of course my mother-in-law had an issue with it she told us we couldn't as catholic weddings were stuffy and lifeless i'm a catholic and faith is important to me she eventually backed off about the location but then it was bridesmaid dresses my grandma was making the flower girl dresses and my mother-in-law asked me to send the link to the adult bridesmaid dresses for my two bridesmaids a week later i picked them up at the shop the dresses were pink and the color i sent was blue i immediately rung my mother along up and she said blue was boring in the summer and the salmon color was nicer the flower girl dresses had a pale blue sash on the suits were navy and the color scheme in the reception venue was blue i told her to just keep her money and that we were gonna do it ourselves my mother-in-law still calls me spoiled because i hurt her feelings and just wanted her money our second story comes from user esther loves evie my mom owns a farm and every year she has a community day where various people volunteer to entertain the local children i'm an artist and i have a face paint stall where for three hours i paint faces for free with my own materials an hour into the community day entitled mother enters the scene and asks me whether i've seen her daughter's phone i say i saw a pinkish phone on the table but that was a while ago and i don't know where it is now turns out that was her daughter's phone so naturally she then accuses me of stealing it i told her she can check my bag as i haven't left this seat for ages she searches my phoneless bag and then accuses a volunteer face painter for being in cahoots with me to steal the phone it goes back and forth like this for a while me denying her accusing and she ends up being so belligerent that i tell her to leave the property she screams at me telling me that a 22 year old can't evict her and she says that she wants to see the owner of the property we find the owner and she freaks out when i say hi mom can you kick this woman out she left in haste cursing at me edit thanks to all those awards and comments i don't know what happened to the phone but the experience did teach me two lessons one karen's just looked like regular folk in two don't let their normal appearance fool you they're nuts and one more thing 12 year olds and expensive new iphones are a bad combo our third story comes from user iloveme39 i'm 39 successful and quite well off my siblings sadly are not my brother 42 has three children my sister 35 also has three with one on the way my youngest sister 28 is married and pregnant but she had nothing to do with the events of this post we were all raised to believe that money doesn't matter and all you need is to be a happy with marriage and lots of kids to live you know a happy life being poor and having lots of kids was somehow glorified maybe because that's the way our parents lived and wanted to convince themselves that they didn't [ __ ] up fortunately for me i didn't buy into that nonsense i always knew i never wanted children and i focused on my career and achieving success today i have my own house wonderful pets and a loving boyfriend my family however seems to think that there's something wrong with my lifestyle my parents have often commented that my 5 bedroom house is empty without kids running around my siblings often tell me i'm selfish for not having any kids and actually enjoying my life however for all their disdain for my selfish lifestyle it doesn't stop them for begging me for money my brother and sister have called me and asked me to help pay their bills now if it's something serious like clothes or school supplies for their kids i'm willing to pitch in but i always refuse when i'm asked to pay for trips for amusement parks etc i also paid for my parents to stay in a high-end assisted living facility they're my parents i felt that i owed them this much i have moved them to a less luxurious facility because of something terrible they did i'll make a post about that too if you're interested however i couldn't help but feel insulted when they sang praises from my siblings for breeding and following in their footsteps and now my parents wish i had done the same as if among all of their kids i'm the biggest disappointment for this reason i've distanced myself from them i only call or visit the checkup on them and i don't let them be a part of my life the other day i got a call from my sister asking if she her husband my brother and his wife could come over i said okay and they proceeded to ask me to leave my fortune to their kids in equal portions and if i did they would stop asking me for financial help they said this as if they were doing me a favor you don't have kids so who are you gonna leave it to ask my brother i told them i was going to leave my money to charities and that i don't owe them [ __ ] the next morning i got a call from my dad telling me that they were disappointed in me and i simply hung up the one family member who has stood by me is my youngest sister she actually has her stuff together and i couldn't be more proud of her edit here's what my parents did to deserve the downgrade after the altercation with my siblings my parents tried a different strategy they tried to sweet talk me and suddenly their tune had changed from you're selfish to all we didn't mean it let's talk so after they kept pestering me to have a word with them in person i invited them over now my parents know well enough not to give chocolate to dogs but my mom has tried to give them to my dogs on many occasions and when i tell her off she always comes back with but they like it and i was just being nice this time when they came over i left them in the living room and went to the kitchen to get some refreshments while i was there one of my dogs came over to greet them and i could see them from the kitchen my mom petted him for a while and then she reached into her purse and pulled out a bar of chocolate she broke off a piece and was about to give it to him when i stormed over and knocked it out of her hands my parents looked shocked and i was enraged even after being told repeatedly that chocolate is bad for dogs they just don't get it when i asked my mom what the hell she was doing my dad actually started yelling at me and told me that i was being rude i told them directly that either they were complete idiots or they were intentionally trying to hurt my dog i told them that i was sick of their bs and they were on a very thin ice with me when they tried to argue back i grabbed my dad by the arm and walked him out of the door my mom followed this was less than a month and a few days ago they were moved to a less cushy facility they won't be mistreated i would never allow that to happen but they'll have nutritious meals medical care and a television that they'll have to share with others the nice fully furnished mini apartment that they had earlier with all kinds of luxuries will soon be a distant memory our fourth story comes from user transparent word i'll keep this short as the subject is the cause of a small childhood trauma for me my parents have these friends who come over a week or two during the summer because we live close to the beach and they stay at our house rent free they bring along their daughter who is the most entitled brat in existence she's 16 or 17 and throws a tantrum whenever things don't go her way and i can't ignore her because she'll start screaming or crying if i don't play with her the way that she wants at 16 she still plays dress-up makeup etc and my parents forced me to do whatever she wants because that's what a nice guest does i had to give her my personal and favorite toys dolls gadgets etc because she wanted them and would cry through a fit if otherwise my parents always promised me that they would buy me new ones to replace them but never did this year i begged my parents not to invite them over because it's not safe at the moment romania is the covet hotspot of europe i told them that if they come they'll want to go to the beach the aqua park the regular park the mall etc and that we cannot keep them inside the house i broke down crying i've been telling them for 14 years that they're toxic people that they drain my energy and i simply cannot stand them my father finally admitted that the girl in question their daughter is truly entitled and a horrible brat but we have to accept people as the way they are anyway my mom got a call from the entitled mother the girl's mother she was trying to hint at the fact that they wanted to come over to which my mom pointed out that we would not be home she didn't want to tell them directly that they couldn't come and was trying to play the were on holiday card then em got mad told my mom that she already had her luggage ready for their trip and it was unfair that they always come to spend a few weeks every summer at our home they consider it a hotel and my mom asked if they would have come uninvited to which the woman says yes because it's tradition of course my mom says this to my dad and now he got angry i hope that they'll finally realize that their friends can be toxic and they really don't care about their feelings one memory in particular that's caused me to hate them i know it's a strong word was when i used to have a tradition to go with my best friend to her grandma's house for a week during the summer and her grandma would invite me of course and i went there 10 consecutive summers and then one year my parents didn't allow me to go because these people were coming over and they needed someone to babysit their daughter who was 15 at the time i had to break the most important tradition in my life because they couldn't come a week earlier or later i know it's a bit hypocritical on my side for that but why was their tradition more important than mine and then my parents start telling me that my best friend never makes time for me or doesn't care about me when in reality they don't let me spend our available weeks together our fifth and final story comes from user fred z red my mother is a mega karen and i have 16 years of stories to tell about her entitlement and here's yet another one this happened in 2004 when i was 14. we just moved from australia to new zealand and the town that we had moved into had a population around 12 000 people which was a big step up from the town we moved from around 2000 people it seemed like my mom's entitlement got worse by having an extra 10 000 people for her to annoy within a month my sister and i settled into our new schools and our dearest mother found her preferred cheapest grocery store to shop at i should mention that my mom is not disabled but did that stop her from parking in the disabled parking spot no the first month actually went fine until my mother got lazy whenever we went grocery shopping she would always complain while walking towards the entrance that there was never anyone parked in the disabled spot and she would say things like i don't see why i'm not allowed to park there and there's nobody in this damn town that needs it anyway this last comment was total bs on her part as there was a paraplegic who lived in the town which she knew about and regardless those spaces are for disabled people not her then one day me and my sister were in the car while mom was driving to the grocery store we usually parked close to the front door but to the side there were usually a few spare parking spots i was expecting her to stop there but she didn't instead she drove all the way to the front and parked in the disabled parking spot mom this is a disabled parking you can't park here of course i can this spot is vacant it's illegal for you to park here you'll get a fine no i won't trust me i have the right to park here if there's no disabled person parked here i don't see any disabled person do you whatever mom but you're going to get a fine i got out of the car and walked across the street to the park i didn't want to be with my mom but i wanted to keep an eye out for the parking police officer or police person who i knew would come even in a small town the police here were very diligent about rule breakers and sure enough ten minutes later i saw a policeman walk up to the car check the license and lack of disabled sticker and write a ticket and place it right on her windscreen i sent mother dearest a text that i'd meet her at the petrol station when she was done i didn't want to be seen getting into her car but i made sure to hang around so i could see her reaction when she saw the fine sure enough 10 minutes later i saw my mom come out of the store and see the ticket and she freaked out she started cursing and stomping her feet on the ground like a child that lost her toy only in this case it was a fine of 80 i chuckled to myself as i walked to the petrol station a few blocks over i got there a few minutes before my mom did and i could see the anger on her face as she got out of the car she proceeded to slam the door and start filling up her tank me faking concern what's wrong mom shut your mouth i started smiling when i got into the car and when we got home my mom got straight on the phone to debate the parking fine i overheard the call uh yeah i got a fine for parking in an empty parking spot there was no one else parked there but i had to park there because uh you know i had a bad leg and i can't walk for i'm what no i i don't have a sticker but that doesn't matter no hold on what but no dis disabled no but oh you're stupid yeah i'm not paying this fine and then she hung up a month later i assumed she paid the fine but obviously not she got a letter in the mail regarding an unpaid fine which is now a hundred dollars due to a relayed payment my mom went to the courthouse and paid it but i didn't hear the end of it for three months after that as she complained about it any chance she got making out that she was the victim i wish i could say that she learned her lesson but she didn't she parked there a few more times and in shock and horror got more fines a karen never learns what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing if you all make sure you hit that bells and get these notifications every time seriously hit that bell go ahead and take a look at this picture make sure it looks exactly like that so you get my notifications every time a lot of you guys still like this series of r slash entitled parents so i chose to give you another installment on a good old tuesday afternoon so i hope you enjoyed that and as always i think the patreon supporters so thank you to taki bunny boo dustin canned eggplant kyle host mark heath myers hannah pixie art five lillarin green catherine taylor jason aerolina rajan clara john robinson ethan vermont noob slurp trenton golden trojan geek master arjun noah brody muppy luhu cleric sir teacup immortal exe and trey thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one to my patreon and one to my merch store both ones go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 421,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, Reddit, Reddit Reading, ASMR, chill, jazz, Ailurus, commentary, sleep, rest, Reddit memes, Reddit Stories, reading, r/EntitledParents, Entitled, Parents, F R E S H, cuestar, Ailurus Reddit, sales, MLM, Avon, younique, your won company, international, European, German, r/fatlogic, Ailurus fatlogic, Background sounds, rain, work sounds, cute panda, red panda, fresh, sorrowTV
Id: vV9FDng9mf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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