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you ever just sit at the lunch table talking to your friends about what video games you want to play and that one obnoxious dude comes over and talks about how if you don't play on pc you're not an actual gamer this subreddit is all about that obnoxious dude this was my hot topic this is your hot topic we're not the same how so you definitely are the same if you're shopping at the same store you're similar in some capacity you're just trying to be a butt imagine feeling pretentious about graphic tees that's what you're doing right now your gatekeeping t-shirts and clothing stop bbc diversity cheap says idris alba's tv detective luther isn't black enough to be real because he doesn't have any black friends and doesn't eat any caribbean food wow that's how low the bar is to be black just to have black friends and eat caribbean food are you serious did you really say that i seriously don't think that somebody could actually say this in full earnest i think that maybe she just genuinely didn't like the show and didn't know how to articulate that so she just came after the guy's race that is ridiculous just had a publisher tell me that because i'm bisexual i'm not part of the lgbt community and not qualified to write about it so that's something oh my gosh i'm aware of this for some reason there is a civil war within the alphabet community between people who think that bisexual should be a part and people who don't think bisexual should be a part of the community i don't understand why there's so much animosity towards bisexual people i assume it's because people are asserting that they have one foot in one foot out they can be heterosexual and also not at the same time i don't understand how that matters within the community bisexual people can almost certainly be in homosexual relationships and i'm certain that's the qualifier right isn't that the requirement you need to check in order to join the alphabet soup community i seriously don't get the fight at all why are you excluding people they said the irish experienced racism what you know i want you to go out of your way and ask an irish person how they feel about british people and their history with them and i'm certain you'd throw away this tweet and did no one else take ap u.s history in high school and learn about how italians and irish people were discriminated against as well publicly it wasn't just black people it was them too you wanna know why because they were an immigrant population and you can't change that history lady no matter how much critical race theory you throw at it that history will remain if your adult whose rent is less than four thousand dollars a month you're a child oh so if you're poor i guess you're just not an adult right if you can only afford 500 bucks a month because you're working minimum wage you're a fetus right you're not an adult who has a job please save me from the bs this is crazy look the only reason why you should be spending four thousand dollars a month is if you live in san francisco new york or anywhere else that is super populated and even then you're living in a shoe box if you're living in a cheap city and you're paying like more than three thousand dollars a month in rent i'd encourage you just to get a mortgage you'll get a whole lot more bang for your buck that way oh my god i don't know men doing coke is kind of weird to me like that's a girl's drug yeah screw it i am gatekeeping cocaine who's gonna stop me i don't know maybe the fbi because you're committing a felony that is that is cocaine you are admitting to snorting cocaine and i must have just missed out but um when did cocaine become a girl's drug and when did it become a [ __ ] thing for men to do cocaine because last time i checked cocaine has always been pictured with a guy who's either a businessman like a seriously wealthy businessman or a gang kingpin both of which usually typically being male so where did you get this from olympian chloe kim gets hundreds of racist messages a month suck it up chloe you're not the only one i get racist messages to and like that everyone no problems have been solved yeah i bet you're fun at parties i bet you're just likable just the best person in the room nobody finds you obnoxious for no reason me when a childless person tells me that they're tired imagine thinking you have a monopoly on suffering because you were raw dogging stop using gifts and reaction memes that feature black people if you aren't black i love these little itty-bitty steps to neo-segregation isn't it great that as a society we are literally about to do a full 180 back to how things were what 50 years ago jesus these are the same people who talk about how nobody has anything nice to say about black people but then when they see other races use black gifts and memes in order to accentuate how they feel about whatever that's wrong because you're using black people as reaction it's ridiculous you can't have your cake and eat it too you can't say that the world hates you and then when the world goes out of their way to celebrate you and use your reaction images from movies media whatever your creations are from your people you get upset about it that's ridiculous that is so dumb i'm so depressed posted the caucasian heterosexual cisgender teenage girl on her blog yep and i'm pretty sure white heterosexual cisgender teenage girls can also feel depression they can also feel existential dread they can feel bad about things they can have bad home lives school could be difficult and they're feeling really bad about that being white isn't a golden ticket to happiness prosperity and wealth there's a lot of white people in the world who live harder lives than you gay mz what the [ __ ] type of name is that hey just to remind you that as a white person you should not be using a profile picture of a person of color alright bet as a human you should not use a pfp of a cat this is just dumb imagine really starting arguments like this on any social media platform imagine coming up to someone and literally saying that you can have a profile picture of oprah because you're white how does that cause any harm okay eight-year-old pcs can literally run whatever do you not know your specs minecraft isn't a party game i feel it it's a party game if you play the minigames i don't care about my specs you know you're kind of gross for that i don't know man i feel like a real gamer actually knows or cares about their specs you do you man okay gatekeeper okay shut up with your edgy [ __ ] do you only you ever talk in overused lingo that's mad lame you're a fake gamer that plays minecraft and disgusting maybe use gatekeeping in its correct context just a thought there's nothing wrong about caring about the specs of your pc i only care about the specs of mine because i'm aware that specs only mean increase in video game quality and experience just because you have ritzy pc parts doesn't make you any better at playing video games i bet this guy cares about specs because he's under the assumption that if he has the best pc he's the best gamer in the room if you play video games congratulations you're a gamer if you're participating in a gaming community congratulations you're a gamer you don't have to buy a 1 000 pc to enter the space digital artists are so dumb your career is in binary please pick up a paintbrush in 100 years digital art will be gone and so will you don't you want to be a van gogh not really because even if i was an artist why would i want to be the artist that was only recognized for his skill after he killed himself art is art regardless if you paint on a canvas or you paint via a program on your pc it's that simple and the fact that there's some sort of civil war within the art community between digital artists and physical artists is ridiculous stop trying to exclude people because you're an [ __ ] just be kind can you be nice to people for once i don't think it's biphobic to critique bisexual people who are invested in patriarchy and harm others by centering men in their lives i am so sick of people using eloquent language to hide the fact that their opinion is bigoted as [ __ ] this person is literally just saying i hate when bi girls act on their attraction to men how about go [ __ ] yourself i really don't understand this civil war like i said before if you're part of the alphabet soup community please tell me what's going on if you could explain to all of us what the [ __ ] going on i and many others would greatly appreciate it yo water drinkers cold or room temperature no one who actually drinks water prefers cold this has to be a joke bro this can't be real it's kim no no [ __ ] licking is not for small boys who expect it to smell like domino's pizza it's raw meat little man very raw only tigers and lions understand so let me get this straight you gotta stank cooch and only real men will put up with that and any other men who don't want to go between your legs are boys okay like that i guess that makes sense to you but to the rest of the world that just sounds like a cope for not taking showers so my co-worker and i were talking to each other and he brought up that he was tired because he stayed up the night before while studying and i just said same then one of our other co-workers who we were not speaking to by the way but was just a few feet away says you're never truly tired until you have children she's actually a really nice lady but she says stuff like this a lot my co-worker and i were both young under 20 and it also kind of felt like a jab that young people can't be tired so i just looked at her and deadpan said i have narcolepsy we looked at each other in silence for a solid 10 seconds until she goes okay well it's not a competition ironic huh oh my god how can you be in your 20s and not spend two or three days in the police station like what are you really doing with your life i don't know maybe being a lawful citizen and not being a [ __ ] terror on my community because i'm young and i should just be crappy no no this is a surprise to me i didn't know the bar for being an adult was committing crime i guess i'm still a kid dear every generation with saggy pants this is how you wear jeans yeah this gives me a weird vibe man i don't think this is about jeans but you know most people wear their jeans normally it's actually a minority of people who sag their pants but uh i don't think i don't think that's why this meme caught your attention if you've ever asked someone asl you're too old to be getting in twitter fights alright so all my 80s babies watching the video right now uh you should get off of twitter and stop arguing with people you know what i retool that statement everybody should stop arguing on twitter if you have the time to argue on twitter you're either a teenager or unemployed but i digress the fact that someone even made this type of tweet saying that someone's too old to even be on a platform is funny because i'm almost certain that this woman is approaching her 30s too you're not a real gamer unless you can shove an entire nintendo gamecube up your ass until you've buried a parent you won't understand how hard a holiday death day birthday or any other day is without one wow are you really gay keeping loneliness and sadness some of the most common emotions that any human could ever feel that's crazy you know i just have one question how is this post relevant to women working real men don't have xboxes they have tool boxes and tackle boxes you're welcome you're 45 aren't you you're you're old and you're looking for a reason to feel good about yourself right now i get it your manhood isn't the same as it was 20 years ago and you're mad that these young guys have hobbies that aren't like yours but you know something you can have tool boxes and tackle boxes and xboxes all at the same time it's [ __ ] crazy it's almost like it's not illegal to do so homies is it gay to eat crab legs because according to this person on twitter it is and i love seafood seafood is my favorite food i just don't understand the cognitive leap i don't get the connection how are eating crab legs gay explain it to me if you can come up with the best thesis you win bragging rights get this everyone eating sweet foods is a female trait i once dated a guy who loved dessert and would always order the most indulgent convection on the menu instant turn off okay so that's the dating meta now only hot sauce and steak gotcha gotcha i wouldn't want to appear as a you know non-masculine man to find cake to be tasty you know i don't i don't want to risk my my chance at dating this beautiful creature non-black people shouldn't watch the boondocks because what you find funny isn't the point of the show to be entertaining why should only a select group of people be allowed to enjoy a show when its point is to entertain i don't know if this is bait or not i just thought we were supposed to be fighting for equality among all races and not for division the point of the show is to entertain black people because we understand the nuance y'all don't and some of the jokes are funny for us because we're a part of the community you're not so what the [ __ ] is funny besides the racism that you folks don't see irl this type of take is the exact same as white people shouldn't listen to rap music i watched the show growing up because my friends used to put it on when we were bored and as a white kid it was pretty eye-opening to me well i don't make the rules you better not watch black television if you're white and if you're black you better not watch white television don't do it the sad thing is is that this isn't actually political it's just people being [ __ ] online they know that they can be mean to other people through the prism of race because for some reason [ __ ] on white people is allowed i don't know why black people and other people of color can just point out and say that white people shouldn't consume such things shouldn't say certain things shouldn't do certain things all because of their genetics all because of their race and it's all a product of critical race theory and goofiness and the worst part of it all is that it's given license to [ __ ] to be [ __ ] they're allowed to be mean as long as it's politically correct and it's terrible this sucks watch the boondocks if you haven't it's pretty good what's up everybody it's your boy aileros aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time we can't make videos like this without the wonderful patreon supporters that help make it happen so a big thank you to donovan brett and meena the swift isau azuku darth vader 12 destroyer trey muffey luhu noah vermont ethan john robinson eva catherine taylor arjun hannah keith will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one in my merch store and one to my patreon bowfon's go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 108,566
Rating: 4.9737186 out of 5
Keywords: r/, r/gatekeeping, gatekeeping, elitist, purist, gate, keeping, reddit, subreddit, cringe, fans, fanbase, fandom, Top Posts, Top Posts of All Time, Sorrow TV, comedy, dramatic reading, impression, voice acting, voice actor, Ailurus, Ailurus reddit, reddit reading, top posts from reddit, reddit stories, MLM, Online sales, online work, r/fatlogic, Ailurus fatlogic
Id: 2zXcVm8j2ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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