r/ThatHappened {2}

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so i put this decal on my jeep window because it's cute and jeeps are horrible on gas today i stopped to get gas and found ten dollars someone donated to the cause this just made my day okay okay maybe i'm the only one but what would incline someone to give you 10 dollars because of your jeep decal it certainly doesn't say please give me 10 dollars because i can't afford gas and the most confusing thing is why would someone give you 10 after you've already put gas in your tank that doesn't make sense wouldn't they just give you the money while you're paying jacob's class is learning about taxes where they spent the day being charged imaginary taxes for things needless to say i received a phone call from the principal saying he flipped out yelling it's not fair to tax everything refusing to pay his pretend taxes i ask him about it when i get home from work and his response i'm protesting for no taxation without representation i think my son is a revolutionist no no how long did it take for you to write this on facebook how long and for what you got 24 likes and seven comments for this look we get it you don't like taxes no one likes taxes taxes suck all right i wish i could have all my money untaxed but writing a fan fiction of your son saying he's protesting for no taxation without representation is so lame it is just so transparent that you're trying to push a narrative please stop please stop my childhood was wild i remember me and my sister tried to poison my dad's tea excuse me with two crushed percida mole oh oh no and he went to sleep and he started crying okay because we thought we killed him he woke up and beat us up why would you lie about this you do realize that if this is true you've admitted to drugging your father and nearly killing him or at least thinking that you killed him and the funny thing is i know it's not true because the ending was real weak oh he woke up and beat us up like seriously there's better ways to get attention online like starting only fans or something i don't know get creative a couple of troops came into my starbucks in uniform i charged them double for their order and they didn't even notice all right are you done writing your fan fiction about how you owned the conservators could you could you stop because to anybody reasonable the way this reads is that you just disrespected somebody who literally put their lives on the line to protect your rights but hey i get it your political position is a little cringe so you need to make a fake story to give it some sort of credibility and thank you so much for doing that because not only am i laughing at you but a bunch of other people get to laugh at you too meh my school lets kids sell drugs seriously we gotten drug wars and everything and there's a cult club my friend runs it well oh my god it sounds like you live in one of those 90s you know inner city school movies and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna say maybe it's just me i noticed it but how come all of those inner city school movies are the same it's always rough school in l.a and it has bad grades and drugs in the school and here comes the black street smart principal who's gonna put the school together with the help of a compassionate white woman who's also the english teacher it's always like that prove me wrong and i know what you're thinking don't say stand and deliver that's just the hispanic version take the white woman added hispanic man and it's math this time it's literally the same movie okay so i was watching dazed and confused with my five-year-old son and he asked dad is that legal i go what legal he goes for that girl to be so beautiful you smell that you smell i smell [ __ ] why are you lying dude you said that you you said that girl looked beautiful not your five-year-old son uh no no stop lying through your kid alright you thought this girl is beautiful in in the movie all right you could have just said that online or just not said it at all and just kept that in your head but you went out of your way to make it strange why are you why aren't you just saying that this girl is beautiful i've never seen daisy confused is this girl is this girl of legal age because i'm catching the vibes that you might not feel comfortable admitting that you think this girl is cute customer visibly disgusted i need a new steak this one has a huge vein going through it i can't eat steak like this me do you think the fact that you're eating a dead animal could have anything to do with that customer he realizes that he's in a simulation and that this entire conversation is fake in order to push a narrative about veganism how it happened for me me and this girl were friends for a year we met at school and told each other everything at the last exam week we took a walk and i grabbed both of her hands and said i think i fell in love with you and she replies shut up and kiss me i've been waiting does this person live in a movie she just lives on the silver screen this is so false this sounds like a story i would tell in like middle school about my girlfriend who goes to a different school this would be our origin story yeah i just you know i looked into her eyes deeply and she said shut up and kiss me and now we're dating yeah yeah like i said she went to the other middle school yeah you probably don't know her okay so first things first my balls hang pretty low and i'm in boxers so they're hanging out and i'm chilling with my mom so guess what she saw right i can imagine what she saw what you know what she saw yes i can guess after she saw them and she said whoa boy your balls hang low why would your mother say that we're a weird but close fam and there aren't really boundaries here i'm sorry if this is too weird i'm just not understanding why then would you hit them oh i didn't hit my balls after she said that she slapped my bear balls your mother slapped your balls it's weird i know i'm sorry are you mad at me let's just say mad is not the right word what is this this is a different level of lying like this is really strange i don't even know how to feel about it why would you tell a friend this i'm going to need three of these this morning kicked my ass slept 30 minutes got rear-ended twice since y'all don't know how to drive except my car is tough so the car got all the damage and i was not in the mood that i told them both to just get better at cars you know and learn how to drive in the snow and have a lovely holiday i don't really care about your insurance information get a better car i don't understand how y'all live somewhere that snow is bad and you're still driving a tiny car that can't even get around in the snow okay my rant's over so let's break this down you told us a story about how you got rear-ended twice and didn't get information insurance information from both individuals because your car can handle getting rear-ended and their cars got all of the damage so you you didn't need to get their insurance information so i'm assuming you gave them your insurance information so that they can fix their cars too right that doesn't make any sense and we all know what this is this story is completely fake it's just so you can justify putting a energy can an energy drink can in the picture on your instagram i don't know single grandma life 2019 i'm belting this song out dancing around in my living room cleaning and organizing my night lingerie and my plumber stops by sweet jesus this sounds like a porn plot that's exactly what this sounds like there's nothing else that needs to be said to be honest because just the thought of a grandmother just an elderly lady in general making up this story is hilarious enough and then on top of that it sounds like a poor black it sounds like a porn plot okay so not sure if this is good or bad but i just went to tim's and ordered tim bits for the kids well they gave me double what i asked for and my son says i'm glad you're my dad and i said why he goes a lot of people think you're hot and really nice so they give you free stuff i'm dying la mao your son never said that and it's sad that you wrote this story so people could comment saying oh my god you're totally attractive three people didn't say most likely um you got 14 likes for this are you happy with yourself are are you are you satisfied with your lie because people can see right through it you're you're just as clear as crystal i woke up during sinus surgery the ent was repairing my deviated septum and the grinding noise woke me up i remember saying to the doctor hey what you doing up there doc i remember the look on his face it was priceless wow not only did you wake up after being put to sleep by the anesthesiologist but you were also conscious enough and aware enough to ask the doctor what you're doing through all of the pain that you were feeling because guess what you're awake you can feel pain now you're aware of your body it's really a treat to see people essentially become superman for clout online lol i accidentally made this while walking back to my room that's so funny one dollar okay so this girl who is a friend i gave her an expensive necklace because i know she loves jewelry i gave her the necklace three days before her birthday because i wasn't gonna be there on her birthday but this girl has a boyfriend and when he found out i gave her the necklace he thought i liked her but no i just been her friend since the second grade anyway he got mad came up to me and punched me then i whooped his ass i've done boxing for four years now that girl broke up with him and now is dating me it's mr steal your girl why is this the same format it's always the same fake nice guy story like yeah i got my female best friend uh out of a fight by beating up three ninjas that jumped out of the bushes and now she likes me what why are they all the same stop lying bro you got 2 000 likes on this oh okay in my junior year of high school this guy asked me on a date he rented a redbox movie and made a pizza we were watching the movie and the oven beeps so the pizza was done he looked at me dead in the eye and said this is the worst part and then i watch this boy open the oven pull the pizza out with his bare hands rack and all screaming at the top of his lungs we never had a second date rule number one of making a fake story online don't make it sound like a creepypasta that's exactly what this sounds like it sounds like a really short creepypasta and even if it was real how is this man not immediately dropping the rack and hot pizza right onto his feet just simply from the reaction of the heat that rhymed at starbucks me orders my usual drink cashier sorry huh what asks other employees if what i'm ordering is normal or not i've had starbucks employees take pictures of it before because it's so uncommon are you done because if this is fake it's just a lame story if it's real you're insufferably annoying you know what this reminds me of all the hipsters in like late 2012 all the way through 2014 ordering secret menu items at fast food places i found that so obnoxious at that time because people finally figured out a way to make mcdonald's somehow hipster friendly to this stuff i don't understand no one wanted that i'm in the 8th grade male 14 works out a lot anyway this cute girl comes up to me and is just trying to grab me or kiss me and just out of reflex he punches her oh my god it's so [ __ ] pretty let's go to the next pose this would i would read this i would read this but we all know what this post is about you make a giant fake paragraph about how somebody notices your ass so you can justify some booty pics that's exactly what you did this for and i get it i get it it's difficult to uh come to terms with the fact that you're a hoe and you like posting your booty cheeks online so you make a fake story to justify it i understand it's it's for your mental i'll let this one slide but you're not fooling anybody i just got fired because i saw a guy sexually harass a girl at my work told him to stop and he said make me so i choked his ass out and my manager saw that and by law had to fire me but then called me and said you ain't really fired just had to make it seem that way so by telling this story of yours you've essentially outed your manager for breaking the law according to the way that the story ends you're insinuating that he's still letting you work there even after you assaulted somebody so yeah technically you are still fired because you've lost your job because your manager is in jail in 10th grade i blended mushrooms into water and gave a water bottle of it to the smart kid to say the least he was tripping yeah i'll take 500 for things that never happened yeah i'm gonna have to agree with that because you can't just blend mushrooms into a water and give it to somebody unknowingly someone's going to look at that brown water bottle and think what did you just give me what is i'm not drinking this like nobody nobody would be fooled by your little prank me to a saleswoman do you have regular not size zero women's jeans her oh you mean big jeans no no not big just jeans that fit women not teenagers her yells across the store hey britney uh do we have big jeans this lady needs big jeans long story short i need bail money this isn't even true but i lowkey wanted to be i want it to be drew because this woman got roasted she [Music] had my air pods in while doing sit-ups on a decline bench but little do these dudes know i heard them counting my reps aloud and say damn she's still going i can't even do that wow lucky you you happen to hear the one thing that boosted your ego man anytime i overhear people saying stuff about me it's awful [ __ ] last year i got so messed up on ecstasy i ended up painting an exact replica of the last supper best part is i had an art project due the following monday in school and not only did i get an a but the teacher said it to the museum in france and now it's hung up there with my name below it i got a fifty thousand dollars from a drug binge don't do drugs kids or do i don't know yeah i don't know if you're lame or just looking for attention but this is obviously fake and it's so deep fried i wonder how old this thing is just how can someone take a post like this seriously and why does it have 91 000 notes oh my god i was just in victoria's secret and this girl and her mom were talking about me at first i didn't hear what they were saying but they said that girl should model for victoria's secret she is so gorgeous people are so sweet it's unbelievable one question how in the world did you hear that if you weren't listening riddle me that [ __ ] what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure hit that bell so you get these notifications every time seriously i haven't made this video in many moons i want to say i've made the last uh r slash that happened in 2008 so if you guys like it and want more of it i'll make sure i include it on the polls for uh next week's video and for those who are already like where's all the stuff that we voted for it's for next week y'all it's next week's content y'all voted for a lot of stuff that takes time takes time to create be patient you'll get it and as always i got to thank the patreon supporters so thank you to taki bunny boo dustin canned eggplant kyle host mark heath myers hannah pixie art five lauren green catherine taylor jason aerolina rajan clara john robinson ethan vermont noobsler trenton golden trojan yeapmaster arjun noah brody muppy luhu cleric sir teacup immortal exe and trey thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and as always stay zesty [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 259,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, memes, jontron, what, r/thathappened, reddit reading, images, r/fatlogic, r/fatlogic ailurus, ailurus, r/quityourbullshit, that, happened, exposed, sorrow tv, soothouse, reddit memes, reddit images, ailurus reddit, panda, red panda, twitter, tumblr, instagram, facebook, jokes, funny, sales, mlm, online business, Youtube business
Id: ptDl1CE3q18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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