r/facepalm Best Posts #25

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my stomach hurts doctor mm you're lying mm-hmm anyway here's your bill that's about how it goes this lady strapped the Bible to her face not today Satan well that's one way to do it ID help Center hello I'm David I lost my ID today near Central Park so you are deaf now because you lost your ID yeah I'll go get it for you sorry hmm why it's the Goodyear blimp always flying around it's literally what we do Maureen what else are they just supposed to do is supposed to drive on the ground wow that is really cool a nine-year-old created a portrait of John Cena with 750 Rubik's cubes I don't really know if that's John Cena oh my gosh Lowell have you streamed this yet totes retweet what hashtag should I use did you get the app from the cloud yeah over Wi-Fi hang on lemme geotag nope the boomers no one speaks like this r slash our thoughts if wireless PCs existed we could literally take them anywhere and use them to be even more productive than having to plug it into a socket all the time you mean a laptop I think I said pcs very clearly yay sale stop guard sword yeah sale big Yael Yael sale yard sale outdoor yoga in a dome pop-up coming to Toronto um okay so we just let the harmless sleep in the rain and snow because why yeah it's could have been gone somewhere else except Yoda yeah yoga not Yoda why did I see let pay eleven thousand for just eleven thousand of Vietnamese Dom in USD that's about forty seven cents how messed up is the Vietnamese economy exchange rate is nothing to do with the strength of an economy Vietnam has a stronger economy than Cuba but the exchange rate is twenty five Cuban pesos to the dollar so what you're saying is if I walk into Vietnam with ten dollars I'm the richest man in a casino know their currency is just different man you would just have the equivalent of ten dollars in Vietnamese money does this person not understand how money works I put on a mask and literally within seconds I am struggling to breathe yeah well the surgeon who wore masks was six hours to reconstruct my knee thinks maybe you're lying and also a drama queen just put on a mask guys it's not hard this woman was about to miss the train so she threw her bag to stop the doors from closing her bag is on the train she is not well you got yourself in a bigger predicament there didn't ya just watched a man pull his mast down to cough and just like that I've lost all hope he's supposed to do it in the mask so it stays in there oh so this mom tried to work out why this coffee grinder wasn't working well it's a pencil sharpener no that's your first mistake catwoman joseline wilden's dine denies having any plastic surgery sites her Swiss heritage know that there is plastic surgery in there what does idek mean I don't even know then why you commented the bubonic plague literally vanished out of trance was there a vaccine I didn't think so the same thing is gonna happen with this whole virus thingy just way the bubonic plague literally killed 50 million people how are you that dumb people really be grown and still using umbrellas he's supposed to become waterproof after you turn 18 or something what do you mean your first look at Play Station 5 well I'm glad I never bought one after - that's a lot of money to spend every other year the ps4 came out seven years ago for your safety and due to the carnivorous we will not be able to open the pool this season damn it I just wanted to swim but everyone wants to eat me all right now someone tell me why this pure granulated sugar has a little thingy on the bag where it says sugar free well what's in there flour salt what Florida man claims he only drank at stoplights and not while driving did still drunk driving made one star false advertisement I purchased Samsung eight series two tu 8050 inch after unpacking I found that the 50-inch I purchased was an actual 44 inch house back the box is only 49 inch there's no way the phone protection on the TV could be 50-inch see pictures and video this is a scam I need my money or a 50-inch Samsung TV you know you don't do it lengthways you do it diagonally 2,000 miles isn't that much honestly I could drive that much in a day if you drive a steady 75 miles per hour without ever slowing down or stopping it would take you over 26 hours to drive 2,000 miles more than a day well assuming you're correct then let's suppose that I didn't sleep to have more time in a day then I could probably make it and what are your sources for your sauce it's called maths you should try it sometime well I'm not sure I agree but okay did this guy just try to disagree with math Miami man with no arms charged with stabbing Chicago tourists how how did he do it how well a man in Texas was abducted from his home right in front of his wife by two masked men with guns he returned two days later unharmed turns out he staged his own kidnapping so he could go out and party with friends should I say I just want to talk about this statement this person is graffiti how do you expect them to go home where family brought in coyote thinking it was a stray dog lost dog FanDuel Champlin Road no collar and seems to be a bit aggressive also doesn't like bass but she was pretty dirty took most of the night but she's resting comfy now on the bed that is a coyote not a dog so this guy goes to Egypt carves ding Jin hal was here into a 3500 year old temple not only is it just stupid but he carved his full name in there it's not gonna take long to find him fact for everyone saying America won't reopen remember Jurassic Park reopened five times after people eaten alive five well I want to go to Jurassic Park Americans at 90 cases calm Americans at 5,000 cases panic Americans at 2 million cases calm oh boy woman sues 12 year-old cyclist because her car got scratched when she hit him I'm sorry miss but it should be the other way around hi is this still available yeah it is would you like to pick it up no thank you okay I made fried rice they be sure that just looks like fried chicken what have you done in America you can buy orange slices in a plastic container as if there wasn't already a container for the orange slices and orange well guys that seems to be the end of another episode of our such facepalm if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if we greatly appreciate if you can do so and maybe even chance for your 20 your friends or family members that'd be greatly appreciated as well if we leave those want to say it do you have a couple links down below in the description if you wanna check them out I've got my social media like my Twitter and my Instagram if you want to follow me over there to keep our data my next post Domenic's uploads I will sign some mergers and cool designs on shirts hats hoodies even some custom face masks and even some custom stickies if you wanna have a look at it it'll be the first link down below in the description and lastly I do have a patreon so a big thank you to all my chrome patreon supporters the names are on the screen if you would like to get your name on the screen as well as some other awards I recommend you check out the website I don't expect you to support me but it's just there if you want to help me out before that said thank you for watching and I will see you guys again on the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: GioFilms
Views: 756,803
Rating: 4.9386611 out of 5
Id: AsQeaQhLmrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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