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hey tough guy yeah you come here come here tough guy oh my gosh she's intimidating [Music] it stinks out here what does it snake like what's your soup huh it smells like poop can you smell it no i can't find anything come here oh get him get him what are you trying to do wrangle up the chickens come on girls um we just started letting our chickens out of their like little fenced area and now they're never in here look at him look at him yeah now you what are you doing now they're never in here grass is always greener on the other side we got these i don't know how they're going to work we got these ridiculous arms that you put on your chickens and it gives them like because chickens don't have they just have two feet right so it shouldn't wait oh my gosh yo come here dude that looks so funny come here what are you flexing for why are you flexing who thinks of this stuff i feel like if i came to you guys right now and i was like yo i got a business idea i want to create arms for chickens you all would laugh at me what are you trying to grab it looks like he's trying to grab something that does not look right yo where are you going buff guy yo where you going buff guy dude what do you think of that is that funny yeah they're on to you dude that is awesome hope you guys are having an awesome day what are you doing today like what are you doing today i bet there's very few things that that you can say that somebody's not doing right now and one of them is putting chicken arms on a chicken to make cat arms like they're cat paws hey tough guy yeah you come here come here tough guy oh my gosh she's intimidating yo what's your secret what are you doing we haven't forgot about you guys are you sticking your tongue out huh what's up guys what's up baby i got nothing i got it i love you marbles i'll i'll see you soon we'll be right back in about a week we are really switching things up right now today in this video everything we're about to do right now is britt's idea and it is the first time this may not be crazy to you guys but to us no kids for the first time since knox has been born so three months i was like all right what can i do to make this happen in this i wanted to fly to hawaii but the next best thing she literally said let's fill the suv with pillows and blankets and go camp in the woods so we are going to go sleep in the woods in our car this is still a road though i mean that's good you put it in four-wheel drive baby yeah i like two wheels i like burning holes oh my gosh why does this not look like where this car is supposed to be don't take my camera out we are deep in the woods oh you see the problem is is that we're on a four-wheeler trail with an suv please be careful baby i'll come prepared please be careful stop oh my god it's been a while how do you prime this thing we've all started [Music] [Music] look at my big man i'll be sleeping in poison ivy okay off to the next spot you gotta clear the road would it be mean if i just start in here in april i mean how am i gonna help i can't help him good job babe good job i'm so proud of you i'm really proud of you good job oh you're eating pizza that's what you're doing i should have this trail clear by morning i guess by the time we have to go home is that an ant farm dude right that's a huge ant farm that's an ant colony oh my gosh let's not sleep here dude that's an ant hill right there i mean look at my hand look at that hill we're making progress now it's looking good is that from roblox i think we hit something dead because the car stinks now and this is where we're sleeping you smell that yeah literally we found it we found the spot it's old it's peaceful well what are you speaking english what you said imagine we're sleeping out here and you just hear this chainsaw start up i'd have a heart attack a few sleeping bags we got some lights for inside the car we got uh blankets which i already got chainsaw dirt on we got a bunch of pillows chainsaw there girl your side of the blanket then we bought a little table we didn't even need to bring chairs babe look at this that's an antique so what's your guys's idea of a a date night all right what is it hit me in the comments what it would be this is even different for us to just run out into the woods and sleep in the car that's how you know we need a date night when we want to go into the middle of the woods with pterodactyls what is your what is your perfect date night or or just like fun getaway with your friends or like what is it it's beautiful look at this what's that what is that nothing nothing she's going to work just getting our campsites set up hey are you going to make it all night i don't know i'm kind of scared this is this feels like one of those videos that like you see before like a scary movie yeah got the fire going babe oh did you miss it yeah i've been for hours oh yeah really it literally keeps following me it loves you oh my gosh table in here look at this it's nice on it oh my gosh hey we're in we're in their territory right now we're shipping my pizza we're sharing with them there's no bathrooms restrooms here there's no electricity and there's no running water so careful with them peppers baby careful with them peppers baby i got a shovel it's gonna be a long night dude this is it man this is it this has retired me right here if i like want when you guys don't see me no more this is where i'll be in the middle of nowhere i don't need a wildlife i don't need the wildlife like wildlife this is the wildlife i need all right time for the room tour for the night i swear we'll be staying i think you did a good job on this this is nice oh my gosh that is way too comfortable i want to go to bed now okay so we have one problem what the screen for the movies here so we're gonna flip all these around yeah and it kind of leans out well we just put a mirror here and we can watch it backwards we did bring some movies um snacks movie night out here look at this it's nice leave this i don't know it's like right before bug season but i've definitely had a couple mosquitoes on me so i don't know how much we can keep this open i don't know i just got bit did you yeah by me what why did it do that we were trying to take a picture of us and look at me zoom in why why am i see-through why am i ghost oh my gosh are you fun you're like fine that's so creepy that isn't let's go home i can't we're out of here dude i'm a ghost on camera there's these weird lights i just sat i just reached behind me and pulled out my hand like this dude i can't make this up i'm freaking out imagine there was a new tree down we're dragging a log base i think that's somebody i'm a mess dude look at me what's the odds that there's a whole thing of sauce in my seat that's red like blood but we put the food there in a trash bag because we didn't want to just leave it outside so everything left the trash bag but the sauce on my seat oh so roman just saw red light in the woods which ended up we just found out was like a cell phone tower they look like lights coming towards us roman's like no those lights are moving i was like no i'm pretty sure it's the midfield no those lights are moving we literally left tell me the moon doesn't move we're back don't want to talk about it let's just move on hey little chicken you started freaking me out and then i started freaking out and i was like but can we just so scared can we just for like the sake of me being a man just say you were scared and we left can we do that let's go home i mean because brian came in this morning brian came in he's like you're just too scared to to camp bro he didn't have a stutter but i had to deal i had to deal with that i was so embarrassed dude i was embarrassed too but it's like when your mind starts freaking out and you like it just you can run rap rampant rampant with it so in other words you can't always believe your mind because your mind was seeing other things that you instantly just think of every scary movie murder mystery you've ever seen in your life when you're alone in the woods go ahead go stay in the woods by yourself with somebody and just be comfortable actually most people have no problem with that um i was putting my chairs away and this stupid security tag is still on it i mean it doesn't affect it at all no but it's it's just not supposed to be there you know don't you need just like a really good magnet or something to release it i think you just um hit it with a hammer literally just unpacking the car it's poured rain and uh we gotta talk about that because you guys are gonna see it in the video and be like what is that um oh the crosses yeah pretty wild um actually check it out i got a new table that i got for my ring stuff that um did you mouth it yet no it's not mounted yet because i was out camping this last night crazy story britney's mom um has two dogs and one of them was bo and britney when i used to work at the rope factory a long time ago how long long time ago i mean was right when we first got together um she brought beau to me as a little puppy and tried to get me to take it and i didn't so her mom took it and we've had bo in the family our whole his whole life last wednesday she had to put bo to sleep he was so sick and he just literally couldn't walk like you could see his bones he was just throwing up he's just an old dog that fell apart really super sad you didn't want to let him suffer incredibly sad losing a pet is all you guys remember when i we lost zeus devastating devastating less than how many days was it a few days four days wednesday like four days later her german shepherd who's like only five falls over in the backyard and dies literally falls over and we bury them um right over here so you'll see them crosses i'll just show you guys but before you see it in the background of a video i should point that out and then you're like kind of like what yeah what happened hard so that's what happened uh we buried her dogs um i can take you out there it's so muddy though i gotta put boots on jump in jump in it there you go kane what do you love what do you love what do you love it is yucky out not a care in the world doesn't matter if it's rainy doesn't matter if it's muddy i was able to do most of it with the the cat it happened on a sunday and um the kids and the family planted some flowers jay made the crosses you know that person that sent us the bench of zeus yeah we could put it like right behind there or something with like the little bench yeah imagine just laying in the mud don't care what yeah don't ever say that again why before you guys did see it on the camera in the background i wonder if it's you know what what is it what pet is it whose pet is it um that's the story behind this and you will see it randomly in videos probably so i'm glad that the cat found time to hop up on me oh that's a cute photo that's a cute photo cora you're just not tall enough need you in there hey give him a hug give him a hug um so we had to share incredibly sad news about the pups but there is some good news today your horse is 26. it's his birthday happy birthday 26 years old this guy right here that's older than you cora say hi hey i love little kids he loves little kids all right guys we're gonna end it right there i'm gonna unload this whole car uh not that there's that much in it but hope you gave some type of joy today maybe you know hopefully you don't poke fun at uh brittany for being too scared boom mic operator speaking of the mic babe i can't really hear you i love you guys so much have a beautiful day smile is that is that what i sound like you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more fight yeah i think you're outgrowing that here let move your arms [Laughter] yeah i know this is yours is she getting in it are you mad at your sister's yours he's like let me in there then let me in there then
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,761,583
Rating: 4.9501472 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, camp, Chickens, Atwoods, roman, brittney, Family, new, house, home, video, upload
Id: hqhuPppqGZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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