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hey guys welcome to the vlog RIT welcome welcome how are you how you feeling no where is Korra where's the baby Britney's mom has the baby and Britney was like let's get outside and play on some toys today but that came with a lot I can how you doing bud so Burt was like let's get the kids out today let's get on some of these toys that we have sitting in the garage get Barry getting dirty but here's the problem to get that quad out right there I had to move just about every I mean this place is trashed to be honest I'm actually kind of embarrassed to show you guys this place but it's real life it's like I'm sure your garage is dirtier basement your room so you can relate to this you know we're not perfect we're not perfect ready to play let's do it so we got everything from power washers to generators to bikes the toys to trikes lots of things to choose from and but you've never even wrote a dirt bike in your life right never maybe today's your day you'll and the back flip I've wrote canes yeah I haven't put it in any gear but first right well that counts if you write it you sat on it I wrote it I don't remember maybe yeah you're all set I've been out here warming up got them all one day hadn't been ridden for a while so I had to put new gas and I'm starting I'm let them warm up they're ready man you guys are pumped we got the huge dirt field out here and I was thinking maybe we just start working a track into it and then I don't know see how they like it yeah it has been it's been too long you want to ride that one so I know III think this one you could definitely hang you wanna write this one hey man that was you I was just kidding man I'll take it back she won't touch your baby especially do you guys know I've been out of town and my dad's picnic table I got for his birthday he's been out of town so I hope to build that today take it to his house wits there when he gets home and you guys ready let's go do some riding boss hi let's get these kids rolling we're gonna have to build some Hills come on dudes oh yeah so we got this giant field we really don't use we could maybe build a little track out here is this perfect right what if we just start if we just follow each other's tracks and we stay on those tracks we'll build our own track you know what I mean you said you got you guys want to follow us on the big quad follow our prints follow a leader baby let's go follow them Prince [Music] try to keep up all right I'm gonna go get something to so I can help out all right it's really bumpy look you can stand up on your quad okay takes the shock out of your butt all right hope you guys are having such a good damn gonna go grab a quad too so I can help design this thing and really pack it in but it's perfect field for this well whoa whoa whoa what's going on here you just you just can't stop moving things you should get on your bike and take a ride right now break up baby in I love to the question is what are you gonna ride I mean I think I'm gonna take green or the LTZ I think I think as far as putting a track into the dirt nothing's gonna do it better than this guy plus he's got brand-new wheels love this thing oh he's got it he's got it make that course baby how's she feel good to be home right [Laughter] you pop the birth pool that was much I've been waiting for weeks to do that oh man flasher you're drinking fountain is gone oh you really did a number on it maybe you couldn't just unscrew it oh and flush shoot all those all yep you bailed on us for the pool huh I don't blame you it's nice huh what yeah big time well you got the pools league in no that's that it's it's just gonna fit you so much better like that's your that's your size right there okay so step down once put it put in neutral now you got a kick starter yep yep there you go it's that easy there you go now one up I don't meet you out there [Music] I don't know why was that my own music please blog I love I love video games so much but today we both Brittany and I were like we got it we got to get out and and I get these kids doing something differently so today's just kind of all about that I got no problem with them playing games most of the time but like some days it's beautiful it's sunny like we need to get out burn some energy ride some bikes get dirty jumping the full repeat Oh Cora what's up girl looking at the fishies hey she's getting more active and her cheeks don't look his big don't they she's got her on TV right here the fish tank like her it's super dirty by the way everything is dirty everything's just it's a dirty day that's what this is it's a dirty day garage the force of girls just tackled look how much nicer this looks look at that we are humans John is this hey if anybody wants to help me clean the garage I'll give you 10,000 popsicles yo this is this is starting to look like a garage man like a respectable place to hang out me look at this RC gravy rice not even graveyard mostly still run but I kind of take pieces and parts from them like this guy look at that garcy addiction I got I like people have addictions mines are scenes look at okay look at this pile out there's more over there there's a whole wall over here that's not enough time like just drive our C's doodly there's a little life jacket right look at country and I get organized out here look at this Oh what size you need all small medium large okay I got you I got you we got to build the country the country's parking spot man like your spot only your bike can go there it's like your candy over here right boom see parking see parking certified this is what happens when you leave a helmet outside I got this helmet in 2002 it is super old bought it with the yellow quad and flash completely ate it Mikey you made lunch out of it look at that you can totally write your name in it I mean it's a disaster disgusting woman run through it totally you totally did it okay and Kate oh man it's time for a new camera my length keeps like getting stuck I don't know if it affects you guys at all but in case you guys missed the coming home blog we've to actually Britney and the kids thought I had nothing to do with this we got two cats two kittens named nitro that ones nitro what's up nitro and that one his tux what up tux nitro and tux those are some cool names dudes nightroad named after the that she got the cat the same as we uploaded the same day that I did the ridiculous backflip at Nitro Circus so I saw a lot of you guys actually said name and nitro name and nitrous we named Nitro and tux because he looks like a tuxedo why and pretty much all they do is wrestle and sleep that's it Annie and hoop kind of like Korra a lot of eating and sleeping and pooping I thought she's she's all grown up honey she's our she's in she should be home from school if I didn't if I didn't shows viewers what you're doing right now what do you think she's cutting what do you think she's cut and it looks like you're trying to solve through a tree you did great it's not you yeah tonight it's a butter knife she's trying to cut steak with butter man so after everybody eats we have something cool for the cast we're gonna try to build I don't build you guys know me I don't feel things that will so we're gonna attempt to build this right there boom how the whole house has been taken over by baby and kittens so it's it's great where is college she sleeps smiling she smiles while she says maybe not nature is king of the hill I'm king of the hill buddy can't oh I've been spotted looks you see a ghost [Laughter] right now so get that came out here you did I can't is this gonna be a normal thing this little black camera flipped around my face oh my gosh that's so cute I don't know if it's coincidence or not but as soon as I opened this cat box Dale come running in like hey you need help building anything but you know I couldn't do it yeah luckily yeah just like roller crampin my ankle are you okay you feeling better I think I'm gonna be able to build for you what's mommy and Cora Dylan Tommy time with Cora and mommy she's too tired did you guys ever think like all the crazy stuff we do we do tummy I thought it was a mallard duck good look at these fancy instructions and killer tools look at that this is piece of cake you know what to say your customer that's personal thank you very much for your recent purchase we love you the end boom filled me now I actually built my own cat town I know it's way awesome I know yeah sorry I get sexy definitely so we all we all know who's doing the work we all know is building this per square inch I got it I got it welcome to the madhouse what is this when you think what you think nitro you build a little a mini ramp that rides down you need your own mega ramp so we build it wrong we you I didn't have any part of this but we can force instructions ever ever and ever ever and I'm a pretty good instruction follower I got a sec I these through the same okay but that goes on the very tops they don't count no no I'm saying to hide reference we need someone in shorter than this oh it's this way oh but then when you take this and put this here that now is gonna be too hot I know can't figure it out it's a mystery unless we use the wrong one down here can't beat one that short boom we don't need one that room part you know these think these things should come with like a crew you know ours catch we should come with a crew that just builds the tree for you because this instructions right here boys let me tell you something let me tell you how they mark these poles they mark them by millimeters so you should just know that p7 is 400 millimeters long how do you know how do you know which one's 400 millimeters if we were anywhere but America you'd pull out your tape measure and everything would already be in millimeters really we're the only ones to use centimeters the standard inches right baby I sound like war right now yeah you know what did you do it shipped like that bro enjoy your half built our nitro tux they ain't even interested they want to play with the baby's toys now why not just make them all that look they're all different heights all of them look how close this one is they don't line up that's your cat tower baby enjoy the good news is don't work you can use this as a paint roller yeah there you go go give me a so I know I'm not so on it are you doing Keane all the kiddies in there yeah Jane are you in there [Laughter] doesn't even line up though okay it's look it's been in you know what they think differently overseas like that's perfect it's not perfect it's that my cats gonna fall off their glue should I go get the duct tape now got the glue don't glue it you don't look okay so they're long screw that goes up through the bottom is it long enough to actually go inside the threads where you got a deep well I have an idea no cheese here we go this is cat tree drama cricket it is I can use the shorter ball to get it done no boy watch an amazing wait what was that that's bolt secrets from the web these kids what are you guys watching wait so your hole is here yes and it needs to be here yes so we got to drill it drill it yeah yeah I'm not gonna lie they look like we did a good job guys the Nitro is done tucks is like how do I get down how do I get you got to go from the pad yes go to the yes smart cat right there okay work your way down hang it out he needs those platforms now you can jump from here into the house or downloading the vote he's like mm-hmm he goes into the bag into the bag you guys are scaring them back let me just say the third hour of building this I really was familiar with all the pieces yeah I feel like we're kind of part of the engineering team really go down for it here we go it's making his way down come on you got this tux see nitro would just leap club oh no don't go to the floor there we go you got this boom now what now you got to go to the middle okay they're learning right now down the road take the rope down he's stuck he's stuck on the glue here we go here we go he's made it all the way to the bottom victory is yours tox and nitro don't care he's completely whoa whoa whoa look at this moon look at this moon guys no no only good look at them when flesh is getting mad he's getting mad look at this dude that's magnificent that's the new Eclipse right there right guys jumping into the night I was actually gonna end it in the morning but I decided to just come out here the kids are asleep everybody's in bed core is finally asleep and out we were just like crashing like and I was just gonna pick it up in the morning but I decided to just walk out here in this now and just wrap it up for you guys thank you so much for being here you know when I got home I want to tell you a quick quick story before I get off here today um when I got back from my trip I got here I came together as a family it felt great and Kane he has never ever asked this before one of the first things he said was are you filming tomorrow and it was so weird that he asked me that maybe because we've been taking more breaks lately but Kane said are you filming tomorrow and normally I would just say yeah we're gonna film tomorrow but I said well what do you want me to do and he said to not film tomorrow so if he would ever ask me that question I feel like I would just say well this is what we do this is how we work this is how we make a living but all I said was I won't film I'm not gonna film so that's kind of where these last two days came from a little bit of inspiration from Kane it's kind of like I don't know where it came from and the kids really had never asked that before but when he asked me I just said okay fair enough done so that's where that came from I know a lot of you so mad at me for uh taking a day or two like always and and that's fine like I must be doing something right if you're mad at me for taking a break right like if nobody was upset then and then I think that would mean that nobody cares you know I see a piece but um if I break guys it's always for the family and that does always come first no matter what like there is no second to that it's always gonna be that way so I just upload when we upload I love you guys I do try to stick I just did 14 days in a row its record-breaking all right guys I'm a zombie I will see you tomorrow you're beautiful thanks for sticking around either way maybe we lose a few each break but I gotta tell you my family's so happy with those two days like you cannot believe how how different it is than putting a camera up it's just I can't explain it I gotta go I love you you are beautiful you're one of a kind smile mwah you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,909,335
Rating: 4.9181156 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, quad, track, race, build, dirtbike, bike, dirt
Id: BOz9i4nccIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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