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you know Korra welcome guys welcome to our home Korra is almost three months old little girl how long she got six days it is the 10th six days six days dude speaking of getting older you are only what it's the tents you've got how many days to your birthday how many thirteen days to your birthday thirteen you're gonna be six little Brit what's up it's been a while it's been a while we got catch up we got a lot to talk about but first did you see country did you see him outside he's here did you see what he's doing no come on real quick Cora you can join us if you can crawl over here come here check this out look out at the pond look out see what he's doing there is no fish in the pond he's so excited he's so excited because he thinks there's fish in the pond over the last couple days I told him the pond has been stocked with fish so that me and the kids can go fishing he is determined to catch the very first fish what he doesn't know is there is no fish should we tell him there's no fish in the pond no just keep it a secret just us in the viewers there the elements it now should we tell country should we took [Music] what if we caught something oh my god I gotta go talk to him I gotta go talk to him I'll be right know she's rocking it yeah it's not live and here's the story let me give you the story real fast so a couple days ago we're driving in the car and I'm filming him I'm telling him that the pond stocked while we've been gone they stock the pond it's loaded with fish now his only goal is to catch the first fish that's all he wants right now man or fish I I feel like I'm getting bites huh and I'm like violent but nothing's happening but I'm not like a fisherman like that play if you got the wrong bait it's all about the bait eh I can't wait to catch something you're gonna get it listen I got a big surprise today that I'm working on Brittany nice gonna go get it uh-huh so get that fish I'm gonna get the surprise and meet you back here go do what you got to do we got this first fish I'm rooting for you I appreciate you man it's gotta be like this smartest fish in this pond ain't nothing Brittany and I got this big surprise for country I gotta go pick it up we've been looking for it and we finally found the perfect one we're gonna go get this thing I go find Brian real quick because he's part of the surprise you are so muddy Empire have you seen have you seen Brian where's Brian tell me nothing no you don't know yo Brian I need your help dude I need something built big huge how big like ten foot I need a cliff like ten foot nah not a lip but like a solid exit ramp like a highway exit ramp going into the pond yeah like the runway build a runway rent all right we're ready to go you ready all right am I am I ready okay what are you doing I'm ready let's go oh my gosh just getting ready no way I need shoes them definitely Brittany and I are out of that you ready to go get this thing or what Mikey do you think he's gonna be like excited right I don't even know you know what it is that the the bi ke we are we're going to get this bike which I'm so excited it's like the up it's like the country upgrade we had the little red bike that he fell in love with then we had the little bit bigger little red bike that he fell in love with and destroyed and then we fixed and now the bigger hope he's ready man oh look at this what's up man what's going on this is it oh my gosh he's gonna live this is a serious major upgrade it runs everything's good but you wanna take it first Finn no test it out I can't read dirt bike [Laughter] as a country since you guys [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right so Scott's working on getting this bike running it's close I think the battery's dead maybe some bad oh my gosh look at all this this is like fun zone right here your finger look at these what is this thing what grasshopper little grasshopper he's hiding yeah yeah we need this what is that Oh dune buggy well San hopper you know it's a project you know it's project for me that kind of looks like our house in another couple of years Toys Toys Toys at one point in time this was brand-new on the last somebody's brand-new toy and now junk my country already drove [Music] and we're getting back home there is absolutely no way he's still back here there's just no can you see him yeah he sure is he actually fishing he just standing out there oh yes fishing yes fish if he actually stays back here long enough I got a plan I'm gonna switch this bike out I must switch it out like we did last time we got him a bike like made it yeah but like I can take this bike off the trailer put it different bike his little bite on the trailer and then when he takes the tarp off the season be excited it's his little bike so you another ya gonna get this guy turned around have some fun ha ha I want to uh let's I want to take this off all right take it off pull up and if he comes up here and ruins it whatever but I want to pull this off put something in replacement with his red bike cover it up and then take it out and give it to him all right if he has no idea we're even here so switcheroo switcheroo yeah oh this whole day for him is a whole just a bad prank oh yeah here's the crazy part dude what's the odds if the bike is red like it's red red bike all three bikes now are red what is even the odds of guy my Scott Scott my buddy was like dude I got this red bike it's a little gnarly like no mirrors at all it's all scratched and beat-up all right let's shut this now so even if he comes up we're not ruining just like I cannot there's no way he's leaving this yeah spin his whole day fishing in a pond with no fish maybe builder supplies we need to make it look like a roughly like a but doesn't even need to look like it could look like anything he doesn't know there's a should be a black gun with it we put four of these up maybe whatnot crate like a box hmm he doesn't know what's supposed to be under here right how we gonna get a little red to sit back here dude like he needs to be right here I will kill us dude it could be a box it could be uh you really don't know what it is okay looks like a drone that could carry a human under there maybe be my inspire maybe the big inspire maybe just showed up Momo in the house of the new fancy hair 360 whoa mama whoa alright guys let's go get mr. Fisher man mr. mr. Fisher man himself so I've been out here practical most eleven o'clock in the morning time is pretty much going on five o'clock that's what I caught come on show me a picture I know you got something you got something for me you want to see let us see I know you you want to see what I caught right here so I know over a month time we have been working our way up to this moment country the world has been waiting for this moment right here be your big surprise it's your big day you didn't catch a fish but you're gonna get something Oh what you got up your sleeve what is that come over here come over I know how much we've been I know how much you've been wanting this right here all right this is what the big boys play with all right there's ain't no little thing ain't no little [ __ ] you ready let's open it up let's open it up howdy wait you just stand back country ready you guys get me all excited for nothing how's your day with no fishing is what it is man you know this I didn't catch no fish I feel like it's a big red bike it's a big red bike don't look too close don't look too close it's a it's a bit a bit of a fixer-upper I guess start somewhere right this is my red bike goodbye this is really familiar it's for you dog thank you amazing man let's hear that see that new car smell d let's start it out this is really for me know a sharp laga upgraded look at this upgrade [Music] [Music] all right I got probably the most stupid bad dad idea I've ever come up with on this property country the worst idea Brian's been helping me all day behind the scenes probably what you noticed all that loud noise all that stuff going on that was him building reason why I'm catching a fish because you're scaring the fish man I'm just doing what he asks me exit ramp that's what I'm doing exit strategy more of a plan I got the dumbest idea ever the worst idea ever possibly maybe you agree maybe you'll disagree I need that bike I need you to come with me yo have you ever driven a street bike no I just want to get right to it this could be one of the dumbest stunts ever done at my house country you think you would be up for a challenge of this sort this is this is this is X Games airtime street bike country right here anybody knows how to destroy a bike in the pond is me you love ramp bikes is upon I'm definitely gain I mean the only thing that I'm questioning it's like what exactly the besides I'm like what do I get at it is you want something what about it what about the most epic photo photo don't photon fire guarantee you got a great photo out of this deal yeah and I fixed the other one I can fix this oh we'll fix the bike don't worry about the bike that we can fix waterlogged bikes that's what we do now it's kind of our thing yeah you do do fix the the bikes I'm gonna do it like what you know what I mean support on you like what did the fans so like I'm with the fans to support me okay so can I say this can I say this we're great Brian so if if I do this jump huh can I just get rid of the beer flip it like I keep my beard I love that idea if you guys don't know a country made a bet with my brother that if he didn't land a backflip into the pond he had to shave his beard but if he does the ramp he gets to keep his I'm okay with that dude that's a pretty epic that's I'm okay if you street bike country that into the pond I'm okay with you keeping your beard I'm doing it then if I could that's it do you have to get permission from Dale like like right now in the comments is this the dumbest start at my house could it be the dumbest stunt yeah so where are we at where we at this isn't happening right now it can't I mean it just can't smaii the ramp still needs packed a little bit you wouldn't even make it to the ramp Lord slip-and-slide yeah just we could put what about a dirt bike tire on the back of that bike can I happen can it maybe we just do that no matter what whether it's dry or not we should have a dirt bike tire yeah that's that way you could get a little bit more speed that would be I think safer all together and it's definitely hit that like eighty then if you want to keep the beard man you gotta hit it at least over 65 um I'm gonna hit it if I get to keep the beard you know yo maybe we get the local sheriff to come clock you check your speed you're getting a save into beard you're gonna save the beer I'm making this jump and I need support on this I mean I want the viewers I want the viewers to know whether I should jump this at night maybe I like that and um I think I want the viewers to know if I do ramp this bike you know putting you on the spot Roman you always put me on the spot with the camera all right what do I get what do you get if you round the bike yeah Oh what is country yet if he does this other than keeping his beard and we'll fix the bike I won't worry about the bike all right bike will run again I got just water like people ramp by selling water let's not let's let's take the bike out of the out of the equation you'll gain a bike you'll keep your beard and you want me to get you something one pound Jolly Rancher bag guys he wants to hear what you guys think I should get something nice right something big maybe something small I don't know you tell me we could just take a walk with me I don't think no-one understands how high I just want to let you know Nate it's bigger than it looks but it's safe can I for Delta Airlines and get some frequent file is my yeah see ya wouldn't wanna be just wear a life jacket doing it I'm doing it that's I mean I need to support let's do it let's do it okay so we're not gonna totally okay so you want to jump it right now right now we're going least try it out we're gonna make sure the launch is good so that way he's safe okay we're going you built the ramp a little soft but we're good to go I just saved that bike and now you want to put it back in who said that buddy Brian wants to hit it he's got a little dirt bike with a little mud tire he might be able to come around get some speed and hit this thing I don't know what he's to look at these two on top what's the idea here Gil Gil this is my new patented bike retrieval system okay how's that gonna work we have a floating object it's gonna sit on the back of the bike right and then I'm just gonna literally coil up the rope okay what if the Rope doesn't uncoil the way you want a tone coil it's gonna it's gonna uncoil so the process is bike gets the water and then the rope and the buoy comes up so you know where the bike is simple it should no I think this should do it if it doesn't we'll just watch the baby and we'll have you go down swim down there Scuba Steve you think this is even a good idea I mean just with fish inside the pond like this is my you know baby you caught them all in you suck on a bobcat you don't think all the bumps are gonna knock that out of place huh yeah you could just drag it behind you that's a great idea chase your idea sucks that's why Brits out here she just comes up with the ideas why don't you just drag it Cora something had to go on the pond today I guess it's gonna be this guy right here it's too muddy [Music] your floaties still on the ramp it's closed it's closed he wants to go again he wants to do it again would you do it really are you serious I think you guys say that [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I hope you guys are enjoying today's uh vlog I don't know what to call it I have so many names that I like the color but I just don't know yet I hope you're enjoying its a mix between just just entertainment and vlogs I'm trying to do exactly both thanks so much for being here and you know just be honest tell me what you think of this style it's fun mixing up having fun with the shots making it more sketchy rather than just vlogging I don't know it's something I'm excited to try I hope you'll join me with it and you know just tell me how you feel I'm always here to listen good or bad I love you guys so thanks for being here donkey always looks at us as if we're the weird ones yeah I know bud we are should we tell him flash that should we while we've been gone from YouTube over the last week I I got red the GTR it is no longer here and totally can I get a detail check it out you could eat off that thing right now what you doing little girl hey oh you got the hiccups I hate the hiccups okay so we are back inside we got everything clean well it'll never be actually cleaned up outside but we got everything put away and we've been trying to britain wants to do some face paint on me but every time we begin to start the process Cora needs us so we may not get to that do you want to do that I just don't have the time like I don't want to just do something quick I know it's a big thing it's like a big thing she wants to she's been practicing and she wants to practice on me and she's got all these crazy new things so it would be cool so I think we're gonna end it right there I wanted to include an entire face makeup and I was gonna use that time to also just talk to you guys about our plans with everything but as of now this is just we're coming back we're back as of now and we're just gonna take it one day at a time I hope that you guys find it in your hearts give this video some love hit that like button for me this is just us coming back to YouTube and hopefully just starting something fresh didn't change it up that much I'd say overall today's like a vlog with a mix of likes and new camera angles just a fun way to film things so I hope you enjoyed it I had a blast making it for you and I don't know still feels super vlog II to me feels like a vlog shot better right now I'm vlogging right now it's like just a shot better vlog so I hope to be cranking these out for you guys and also just build a more storyline to it and not just you know like I I can honestly create a story and make a vlog more fun with a storyline rather than having nothing on certain day like some days we're just so swamped with our life like life itself so I seen more hate than I've ever seen in my life over the last week but the way I see it is if you're mad at me for not uploading then that's a good thing that's like like if nobody cared I would feel worse like if I just left and nobody cared wouldn't like that I'll feel worse so that he actually inspired me is like they miss me we love you guys so much thanks for sticking around I guess that's what I'm saying more Takami we love you we will see ya is it gonna be tomorrow we don't know might just might just call it quits now so we get a bunch of hate for the rest of you I'd be good I love you guys we'll see you soon beautiful one of a kind smile more you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,344,878
Rating: 4.6191745 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, street bike, ramp, stunt, trick, episode, bike, fast, fastest
Id: noHig4PVvpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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