r/EntitledParents | Mom STEALS My inhaler...

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yes the K word is stronger than the N word at least currently misogyny and patriarchy have been around longer than slavery just don't use either okay who maybe just maybe it happened to be the term the internet organically decided to use to refer to rude and entitled people and if you don't want people to be calling you out on that well then you're most definitely a Karen hey guys welcome to voic-- here we've got a great show for you today so sit back relax happy birthday today's your birthday and enjoy the show my stepmom is British Welsh to be exact for those who don't know Wales is the little hump west of England and north of Cornwall it's a beautiful place known for sheep alcohol and mistakes involving sheep and alcohol my stepmom was ethnically Welsh but raised in England despite this my name in Tate Welsh for Grandma and Grandpa insisted on her and her brother learning Welsh to preserve their heritage the Welsh are proud people and so they wanted to ensure their children were as immersed as they could be so she grew up bilingual went to uni got a job working for a certain tech giant and moved to the u.s. to help train their staff a few years later she met my dad and joined the family at the time I was still getting over my mom so her presence was less than welcome despite this my stepmom never pushed me or tried to buy her way in she gave me the room I needed to grieve and when I was ready showered me with enough affection to make up for the lost time she has my eternal love and respect for it and has become my second mother now we live in a large town in the Midwest being west of the seaboard but east of the Mississippi so while most people are open to outsiders there's the usual few who just want to ruin everything around Christmastime I was visiting home from college with my girlfriend Charlie whose awesomeness has been detailed in another post enjoying some quality girls time with my stepmom we were in the mall searching for some place that sold plastic model and glue for my dad he's really into Warhammer during this my stepmom is on the with her brother who still lives in the UK catching up and sharing some laughs they were speaking Welsh to each other which happened to offend a woman who has since earned the title of Karen we were standing in front of the mall map trying to find the hobby store when I heard a loud scuff from behind us I turned to see a woman dressed in a rather nice-looking business suit corralling her kids away like they just encountered a streaker now I was ready to let it go but Charlie can get very defensive of people she likes so she ended up calling her out something offend you ma'am she seemed to ponder her next move before responding with that oh so stupid phrase you're American when you're here you speak English not Muslim my kids don't need to hear that now I've met some pretty stupid people in my life even dated one but never ever have I heard someone confusing Welsh Arabic which is what I assumed she meant they're two very different languages from two very different cultures the only similarities between them is how little I understand them however for someone to be so offended by someone speaking another language they probably also didn't immerse themselves too much in other cultures to her the world probably began in New York and ended in Los Angeles it was at this point that my stepmom hung up now I know that Americans get a bad rap and all she said in a very obvious British accent but it doesn't help when you actively conform to the stereotype oh my gosh Karen said with righteous indignation your accent is awful where did you learn to speak English my stepmom held the most deadpan expression she Kurd England I swear I could smell the smoke coming from the flaming mess inside Karen's skull she looked at Charlie and I a pair of shockingly Caucasian college brats and then my stepmom are even paler chaperone took a moment to process what she was doing and then walked away dragging a group of embarrassed looking tweens with her I have to give her credit at least she knew when to it my step-mom chuckled muttered an offensive sounding Welsh phrase and then helped us scan the map for the hobby shop the rest of the day went well and we had a funny story to tell my dad when we got back to all my bigots out there who get offended when someone speaks another language get over yourself the world doesn't revolve around you to all my bilingual friends out there who speak their native tongues good for you it's important to keep your culture alive and to Karen next time you try to accost someone for speaking something other than English at least get the right continent you know she's got a very good point if you're going to be offended at least get offended with accuracy not that you had a strong case to begin with but you automatically lose your case if you not only get the wrong language but she saved the religion instead of the language it's like she doesn't realise that you can speak a different language and still be the same religion I'm a 34 year old Dutch guy without a driver's license it sucks but Dutch public transport kind of rocks so for almost two years now I've been using it to get to my job and in those two years I have never really had a bad experience that doesn't involve a late bus and rain until today that is because of the pandemic bus schedules have been adjusted to once or twice per hour it is far from ideal but I understand why given up going to school so the bus company would lose money letting empty buses drive but when it came to the schedule I drew the short straw because if I want to go by bus from home to my work I would be travelling 90 minutes instead of 40 and I would arrive at work 30 minutes earlier than normal to me this is not an option so I decided to cycle to work halfway that way I cut 30 minutes out of the trip and I get to work at my normal time the one problem today is that I am asthmatic and it was quite windy out this morning so I get to the bus station this morning already struggling for breath I quickly lock my bike and walk towards the terminal focusing on my breathing five minutes later the bus arrives I greet the driver and sit down a minute later how Karen of the story enters the bus she takes a seat on the road next to mine and a few minutes later the bus driver starts the bus and off we go I still feel like I'm struggling for breath and while coughing I quickly get my inhaler and chamber out assemble it and start using it as I struggled for breath it instantly works and I feel precious oxygen into my lungs this piques Karen's attention what are you doing she asks taking my medication I have asthma and with this weather it's quite a struggle getting here I replied does it help with breathing she asked and I nod my head well yes she extended the e I have kids at home and with the virus I don't want them to suffocate if they get it so give me that inhaler you can get a new one and she holds out her hand oh boy not going to happen lady I said in my most dry and mocking turn I need these meds and they don't help with the virus I don't care give it here she says as she thrusts out her hand again my kids need it more again I tell her no and put my medication in my backpack and try to put on my headset this is where Karen goes full EP and grabs my backpack and starts going through it luckily the hero bus driver was paying attention and we all lurched forwards as he hits the brakes he stops the bus stands up and in his best drill instructor voice says lady give that man his backpack back now there was absolutely no doubt of the authority in his voice and the lady turns to modern red as she hands back the backpack I thought that was it but oh boy was I wrong why on earth would you think that someone's asthma medication would help against the virus besides he saw the man use it what if he has the virus but didn't get sick cold sir he used it he you are gross lady get off the bus now the lady looks like a deer in the headlights but doesn't move get off now here are yells again finally the lady got up and out of the bus I thank Tao here a bus driver as he sits back down and we get on our way again as the bus drives off I saw the lady on her phone no assault police destruction of property so it could have been much worse how protagonist is definitely one of the lucky ones here we know that if you have an encounter with an entitled parent it can end up a lot worse than this you always got to be prepared for the worst because you never know what they're gonna do this happened about six months ago when I was home from college one of my favorite things to do in the city I live in is to visit the aquarium where I can spend all day the jellyfish are my favorites but that's beside the point at the end of my trip I text our group chat and ask if anyone wanted anything from the gift shop which they did my total was around $80 which I didn't mind spending on gifts I put them all in the bag I brought with me that day and set off for the train station to get back home before I got to my line I decided I'd stop in this little mall type area in the city which led to a train station so it wasn't too far out of the way I'm en defer a bit looking at the shops and restaurants before eventually settling for a blizzard it was the one with the hell a chocolate fudge pits in it I can't remember the name and set my stuff down beside me I like to listen to music and watch videos while I said an 8 so I had my headphones on and the volume pretty loud so as I'm eating my delicious treat some little brat comes walking past and grabs my bag from the ground I was in a tall seat and the bag was on the ground with my back to it so I'll admit that much was my fault but here is where it gets interesting so I finish eating and go to grab my stuff realizing it's gone so I check every place I stopped the bathroom different shops and all the food spots I visited even if it was just to look at a menu no sign of my bag so I start to panic what am I going to tell my friends I don't want to disappoint them after promising treasures from the big city just as I was about to give up nice bought it next to the aforementioned brat eating with his family so I go over to them and the interaction goes like this excuse me but that bag down there is mine thanks for finding it excuse me that is my son's bag leave us alone and stop trying to take it yeah back off Dumbo it's mine already some bad parenting has shown itself I don't mind cussing but the kid was maybe 12 or 13 and shouldn't be insulting strangers well no that's my bag and I know it is it's got all my stuff in it I'm gonna kill you one more time to leave us alone and stop her washing my son woah call the police great it's gonna be like this I thought to myself me to the mum you don't have to do that ma'am I'll take care of that and wave over a cop who had been watching the ordeal probably in case it got violent for some reason I'm a rather large a guy with an angry resting face I understand I should mention that her husband stayed quiet the whole time probably not wanting a part of his wife's mess what seems to be the issue here before I could explain the mum pipes up hi yes this man is threatening us because he thinks my son's bag is his but I'm pretty sure he's been trying to steal it kind of strange that I'd be the one to call over the cop but whatever lady the cop to me is that true he said with a bit of a sigh this probably wasn't his first encounter like this no it's actually the opposite this child stole my bag and now his mum is trying to defend him I doubt he even knows what's in the bag I was about to ask him to tell me but now that you're here officer maybe you can act as a mediator all right sure so I hand him the bag and ask him to look around in it after he does that I ask the kid to go first he doesn't get a single thing right other than my charger huh interesting sir I guess it's your turn I smiled and list of all the items I bought along with their price the receipt was still in there and I just bought them so I was able to remember the Mack well sir looks like you were right if you don't mind I'd like to chat with these folks by now I could see beads of sweat on the kid's head and the mother was getting furious then I turned to the kid maybe don't steal other people's stuff next time idiot the mother was red in the face from anger and the kid was on the verge of tears cuz now he had a cop getting ready to lecture him and his parents will probably ground him until he's 40 but I don't give a crap dude stole my stuff I don't know about you but I get super paranoid whenever I've got property with me out in public I try and be extremely aware of my surroundings and where my belongings are I get that not everybody is like that but if you've got an entitled parent or an entitled kid in the vicinity I recommend that everybody starts acting like that I love my cat he is so sweet except when he pukes on my bed at 3 in the morning unfortunately my cat chose my comforter as his puking spot and so my comforter needed to be washed today I have a king-sized down comforter on my bed so unfortunately I'm not able to wash it in my machine at heart so that means I'm off to the laundromat for me it all started fine I put my stuff in started my wash and then left to wash and put gas in my car when leaving the house earlier I had mistakenly grabbed my son's minecraft facemask instead of my own no biggie I'll rock me some creepers so I returned to switch my laundry and wait for it to dry in those giant trees figuring it would not be worth going home and coming back my social distance myself by standing in the corner this was my second mistake my first was assuming people aren't idiots so I'm calmly waiting for my comforter to dry when a family of seven walk in parents and kids ranging from about 4 to 10 ish the parents are wearing those cheap paper masks and the kids aren't wearing anything the kids start climbing on everything while the parents start taking clothes out of the washer then I hear the kids start making a commotion and I look up and see them pointing at me and talking to the mom I hear the mom say well just ask her where she got it suddenly like the gates of the Kentucky Derby opened a wave of small children descended on me in my corner little hands began pouring at me and pulling on my arms and shirt while they wait to see my mosque I was trapped in the corner and couldn't escape it was like the scene from a horror movie where all these hands are clawing trying to pull the actor into hell I'm not going to lie I screamed like a spider was crawling in my ear and shoved them off me one of the kids fell down and started crying now I have entitled mom's attention she storms up to me and I'm still shaking she starts screaming at me for a child I not so calmly explained that it was not okay for her kids to be touching me even if there wasn't an active pandemic going on entitled mom hold they wanted was to see your mask you should have just given it to them and they wouldn't have touched you besides what business does a grown women have wearing a cartoon couches on their face those are for kids anyway by the time the laundromat attendant who was a nicer old lady came over and asked what the problem was eeehm started shouting that I pushed a child for no reason and that I should be asked to leave I explained what really happened and the lady asked if I wanted her to call the police I said no well I just wanted to get my things and go home and take your shower there was only a few minutes left on the dryer so I grabbed my blanket and turned around to put it on the table when I turned back around to make sure I removed the dryer sheet the e/m shoved me aside so she could stuff her clothes in my now empty dryer the attendants saw and offered to refund me for the leftover time I just waved her off and left I don't have enough tolerance for that ridiculousness who would have thought that under the current circumstances of the pandemic that there would be actual cases that looked like zombie apocalypses is it any surprise that it should come from an entitled family I don't think so submit your story to be read on the channel at Boise hear stories at gmail.com and join our voice veteran community at a slash your voice II here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 43,623
Rating: 4.9567099 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, Mom STEALS My inhaler..., mom, steals, my, inhaler
Id: rw6wDZMHb9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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