r/EntitledParents - My Mom BANISHED Me when I had a SEIZURE...

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hey guys and welcome back to voice e here entitled parents think that they can do whatever they want including kicking you out of the home just because you had a seizure yeah that's right all right let's see how crazy today's ep's can get my calm speaking voice is ready let's go don't forget voiced veterans to LIKE subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story is called entitled mom says my seven-year-old isn't allowed to mourn her grandfather anymore ruins seventh birthday my dad died on the winter solstice 2016 where pagan and celebrate Yule instead of Christmas it was a very sudden heart attack in his sleep though I'm not convinced he didn't purposefully overdose and caused it himself my oldest was six at the time and my dad was her best friend it hit us all very hard and I was struggling to help my daughter through her first real loss while mourning myself my mom decided to self-medicate with crack and whisky ironically what my father used to overdose she kept making promises to my daughter about spending time together being six she was suddenly terrified that she would lose my mom too and then bailing last-minute always to go to a party or hang out at the bar she said this was her grieving I said it was her spiraling but she refused to seek help mental stability was not a priority in that household ever he is where the entitlement comes into play less than two months after his death my mom starts dating a new man by February she told my six-year-old that grandma had a new man friend she didn't tell me I got to hear about it through my six year olds tears she felt like grandma was replacing pop-pop even if it isn't the case the relationship was new and the kid was still grieving she didn't need to know about grandma's new relationship yet but my mom disagreed she said she has the right to tell her granddaughter whatever she wanted we got into heated argument after argument about boundaries and my daughter's right to mourn my mother said you need to support me on dates I informed her like she did when I came out of the closet that no I don't have to support you but I do have to accept you she accused me of demanding she break up with her boyfriend because a child threw a tantrum I told us she was welcome to live her life but she didn't need to involve my daughter in every aspect of it a few months went by of my mother constantly trying to force her new boyfriend into my daughter's life she would ask to take my daughter somewhere to spend time together I would ask if her boyfriend would be joining them I had to turn her down several times after asking my daughter if she was comfortable enough to get to know him she was not each time my mother would scream at me about ruining her life and impeding on her grief she was in mourning how could I treat her this way my daughter's seventh birthday rolls around and we get ready for a family party held in our backyard I specifically told my mom that she was invited but her boyfriend was not this was a seven year old's party birthday girl made the guest list and it is no place for drama well guess what she does not only does my mother bring her new boyfriend oh no turns out the poor guy had just had a stroke or something and needed assistance walking he temporarily needed a walker and the party was through the grass to the backyard my mother left her date to fend for himself at the side of the road and strode into the party area with a look of absolute triumph that didn't make sense at first then I saw him come around the corner a man I didn't recognize and could only be one person on either side of him were my in-laws holding his arms to help him along the grass they didn't know him either but they saw him struggling in the front yard and decided to help him make it to the backyard the moment my daughter saw him she started to sob seeing just my mom without my dad was hard on her enough at the moment seeing another man in the place where pop-pop is supposed to be broker she ran inside to her room and before I could get someone to cover the grill for me my mom chased after her I found them in her room my daughter trying to pull away from my mom and my mom hugging her tight and muttering in her ear something inside me just snapped I knew that position well she was being told she is a selfish child for having emotions I jerked my mom away from my child and pulled her into the other room where the yelling began she needs to learn to get over this she's seven mother this is hard for her you're being so mean to me I just liked my husband and she just lost her grandfather we're all hurting mum I told you he wasn't welcome she wasn't ready to see him well he's already here so did nothing she can do but get over it you need to leave you can't kick me out this is my house now leave she didn't go quietly everyone at that party knew she was thrown out by my own daughter I'm just here to celebrate with my grandchild when she was finally gone I hugged my still sobbing seven-year-old can asked her what grandma said exactly she said I can't be sad anymore because he was just my grandpa but he was her husband so I can't be sadder than grandma my stomach churned and I was suddenly very sorry I didn't pop my mother across the face before she left I can't say I would ever advocate for violence as a solution but I'm sure we could all sympathize with the emotion imagine telling your own grandchild yeah you can't be sad because I loved him more than you did yes you are technically right that person had a more significant relationship to you than the grandchild did but you can't say that to a child this is the first time they've gone through a significant loss maybe the person wasn't as close to them as they were to you but this is probably the first time they're realizing we live in a broken world where people die people you care about die that's one of those moments where your whole worldview gets changed so I can't say violence would have been a good response but definitely getting her out of there was the right thing to do this story was called entitled parents think they earn the ski lift at a major resort but come I gets its way long ago when I was but a wee lad so like a couple of months ago I was skiing with a friend at a resort quite close to my harm in the vastness of the universe but that is beside the point of this story so I'll dive right into it my friend and I had decided to take a break from our studies that University of redacted in acted and go on a pleasant ski trip to redacted what fun we had skied most of the day with fair weather fresh snow and a few lift lines unfortunately there is one lift that is cursed four lines plagued this lift each and every hour of the eight-hour ski day the dreaded t-bar the terror of the beginner skier anyways we pizza stopped our way to the back of the line and waited our turn like any pair of gentlemen would during this wait I glanced at the sign in the queue ahead and noted it said alternate in very large red letters this sign is of great importance to the story so please take note anyways as we wait a group of three a large man in a blue 80 style ski jacket with the most appalling yellow boots a woman with three braids of hair sticking from the back of her studded motorcycle helmet and a child who appeared quite young and seemingly unready to partake in the conquest known as the t-bar comes skiing down the slope this strange group approached from our left nonchalantly ducked under the rope indicating the formation of the line literally pushed my friend backwards and took place directly in front of us as a group of three now I'm not sure how much any of you dear readers know of tea bars but they can only seat two so my friend and I are perplexed over this turn of events and I grow more and more frustrated as we progress so to alleviate my growing anger I say excuse me I believe you cut in line the back is near the back as if the back could not be any clearer a tease daredevil wannabe dad shut the Frick up heavily accented with a deep southern twang yeah I think I got that right my friend how about you shut the eff up and wait your turn the group did not reply but the entitled leather clad mother looked back at us and gave us the mitten why that we think she may have been trying to flip us off but found it difficult to do in mittens we progressed my friend and I talking very loudly about entitled people and amateur skiers blah blah blah then it came time to alternate with the line next to us two lines filled with people become one each line switching off so naturally the entitled gang skis right over the skis of the woman whose turn it was and off into the now singular line this woman who we will call Marjorie because that's a dope name and she was a dope lady tells them off in the crusty eighties macho man gives his classic response mod returns to us and asks and the in ski school they must be ski schoolers have a special line to bypass the standard crowds but only under direct supervision of a ski instructor they must be however they probably just paid more for their lift tickets than we did they didn't we all pay the same amount Marjorie laughs and we proceeded to have a nice conversation about how idiotic the people in front of us are very loudly perhaps to the extent of overreaction but hey we were having fun the time comes for the gang of first pancakes get it because the first pancake always looks like trash gets on the tea bar but wait you can't have three people in a single bar so the dad scoops up his child and holds them this is a no-no the lift operators stop the lift and ask that they separate accordingly so miss triple brain mum scoots back so she can take the following bar up the mountain alone the operators turn the lift back on and the bar swoops in and is placed on the child's lower back now this bar is perfectly leveled for the small child but it barely comes to the father's mid thighs so not only as he stooped over like a gorilla but he is now terribly off-balance the woman catches her bar just fine and seems comfortable but as the hunchback of Mississippi aka the yellow booted Cookie Monster is carried up the mountain his position looks more and more precarious it is worth mentioning at this point my friend and I are securely holding onto the bar and being carried up the mountain behind Marjorie and her companion so the fall this is wonderfully terrible in so many ways I will try my best to explain this in perfect detail the father compensates for the bar by hunching forward meaning his center of mass is forward the skis bindings can only hold so much weight crack the binding released the boots has any safe binding should and the man falls on his face into the snow his feet swinging up into the air some of you may know this fall to be called a scorpion and his skis slide backwards down the slope parallel for some time before careening off into the adjacent slopes the mother in a desperate attempt to avoid her face-planted partner swerves Wrightwood and ends up with her skis stuck in a rut she immediately loses balance and tumbles to the side still holding on to the bar her husband who is now sliding downward grabs her by the leg as she passes to the right she holds for a second or two until she through Falls and now the two of them are sliding downwards towards Margery who gives out a resounding for Fricks sake as her and her companion tumble over the pair of line cutters my friend and I decide to get off here to avoid the calamity ahead from the sidelines we watches the mess of people grows larger and larger as people look for lost skis lost poles and lost dignities from here my friend and I leave but not before I noticed the one person who made it through the gargantuan sized mess the child of the entitled parents casually being pulled up the slope glancing backward had the mess their parents had caused it's at that point you start to ask they born into the wrong family is there some way I can get a refund here do I need like a receipt for that or something it's always nice when there's that little dose of calm or in one of these stories especially line cutters because it's like hey there's a system here for a reason guys this story is called e/m tries to get me fired after I won't give her kid an award he didn't turn for background I used to work at a summer camp as counselor and as the director of the archery range one of the things campers had the opportunity to do will sign up for merit badges including one for the archery program the requirements were to pass a short written exam and to show that their shooting skills had improved because it was summer and because some kids struggled with tests I would offer to provide any assistance they might want I was willing to do anything short of giving them the answers or doing the tests for them only caveat to this was if they refused my help then I would leave them to their own devices because there were other kids who did want it during one session a 14-year old boy who will call Colby signed up for the badge by the end of the first archery period I could tell he was going to have trouble with the exam I made an offer to help him and he turned me down fast forward to the end of the week the exam is administered and he bombs it so he doesn't get the badge after the closing ceremony he comes up to me demanding to know why I explained that he didn't pass half the requirements after trying to argue with me about it he storms off about ten minutes later he comes back with his mummy in tow she asks me the same question and I give her the same answer she then goes into a tirade about how her son is a golden child and deserves to have everything as she's doing this Colby is standing behind her wearing a smug look while I'm trying to decide if I'm actually hearing this and trying not to laugh in this woman's face when she finishes I tell her it's fine if she believes all this but I'm still not going to give him the badge because it wouldn't be fair to the other kids seeing how their expressions changed was priceless she tells me that she's going to talk to my boss about it I tell her that if she feels that's necessary then fine but I'm pretty sure they'll agree with me a short while later I see both of them comes speed walking out of my boss's office with anger written all over them I go into the office my boss spots me smiles and gives me a thumbs up it's good to know that not everyone still believes in the whole well everybody should get a participation trophy cuz you wouldn't want to make anybody sad but you know what's really sad is that if everybody gets an award no matter what effort they put into it then really the awards mean nothing do they this story is called entitled parent threaten to kick me out after I have a seizure so before I start getting to the actual experience here I should provide some background information so this hits harder first of all I'm a 20 year old type 1 diabetic since I was 2 years old I'm also an epileptic since I was about 10 now I am also diagnosed with anxiety and depression which weirdly enough shows the symptoms for my diabetes and epilepsy basically if I'm anxious or depressed they'll either show up in my blood sugar with spikes or drops or just have an epileptic seizure despite taking meds now my mother is on a different level of uniqueness she's been a paraplegic since her 20s and while she is a service dog to help her with everything she'll forced me awake at like 6:00 in the morning to help her with literally anything she can think of even though her dog can do it I go upstairs probably about 20 times a day ranging from cleaning to baking now since my diseases it's not safe for me to have a job as it actually causes me to have seizures at work this is important because for the past few months my mother is either forcing me to take like for university classes or get a full-time job basically she's sentencing me to endless seizures which if I fall the wrong way I could get brain damage break my necklace color even kill myself today's was the worst I had a seizure this morning and when my boyfriend practically revived me crying from stress he took me upstairs explaining that I had a seizure this is the conversation I didn't even make it up the stairs before she started ranting at me and blaming me for everything and saying that because of this seizure I had to get them under control or she was going to kick me out even though I had no money nor can I work I also can't get into disability yet because of this whole virus thing I had to leave because she can't do this anymore my boyfriend pulled me away downstairs and told her off but she still ranted but he ended with what the Frick your son just had a seizure and has hit his head and you're making about yourself her response was to f off planning on moving out with him to my sister's for a while but this is my daily life so far unfortunately some people are just dealt of worse hand than others I mean you would hope that if someone was in this situation where they had these medical conditions that at the very least they would have some compassionate people around them to help them through it the real cherry on top is when you've got an entitled parent that makes it all that much more thanks for tuning in to the show today and I will see you tomorrow submit your story to be read on the channel at Boise hear stories at gmail.com and join our voice veteran community at a slash your Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right voice yvette Arryn's I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 56,966
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, My Mom BANISHED Me when I had a SIEZURE..., my, mom, banished, me, when, had, seizure
Id: ydmQ5b5mfIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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