r/EntitledParents | He thinks he's KING of the world...

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what's up guys welcome to voices here this is your host captain Zac in today subreddit is our slash entitled parents but the first story is from entitled people because it's the part one to a part two on entitled parents so I had to read this one and it's a whole actually it's it don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called be roommates with my son and give him your games and food hey people have read it this isn't my story but it's my cousins my cousins and their roommate told me this story last January I thought it was funny so I thought I'd share by the way cousin and his roommates are both sixteen and my little cousin is 12 and entitled mom demanded that her twelve year olds first-year son be allowed to live in the room with my cousin's in their roommate meet everybody older cousin little cousin roommate entitled mom entitled kid security guard entitled kids roommate the setting my cousins go to a very elite private all-boys school grades 6 through 12 in the New England region of the United States so it's not uncommon to encounter an entitled parents and kid here there now let me state that my cousins are not entitled they apply for financial aid and have campus jobs to afford the $60,000 a year tuition now my older cousin is the student body president of the school because of this the president gets a room that is 1,200 square feet has a fully functional kitchen and bathroom the room also had a large living space balcony and office the other rooms just have two beds two closets one desk and a small window they are around 150 square feet because my little cousin is related to older cousin he was allowed to live in the room versus the standard dorms cousins roommate was also the student body treasurer so the Dean allowed him to live in the room too because he was my cousin's friend with three guys living together there was a surplus of video games and junk food just guys being guys with the new cement starting student-body officers have to help with orientation helping the parents get the first year students settled in because little cousin was already settled in he was just playing games on the ps4 with the door open cue entitled mom and kid entitled mother nice at first excuse me yes I'm looking for my son's dorm and I can't find it can you help me hey I'm new here myself so I don't know much my brother's responsible for helping first year so let me call him entitled mother and her son wait for about 25 minutes for older cousin to arrive so little cousin was playing games with entitled kid on the ps4 eating junk food and showed them around the room older cousin arrives hey I'm older cousin you must be the mom trying to find her son's dorm entitled mother now rude yes I've been waiting for someone to help me older cousin first disregards her tone as orientation day is hard older cousin goes on his phone with the info that the mom gives indirect sir apparently entitled kid only lives down the hallway to the left entitled mom leaves entitled kid with his luggage and leaves entitled kid says in that gosh awful voice as he's leaving I want to play more games entitled mom says you can Lyta older cousin has this geez look on his face closes the door and plays on the ps4 with little cousin 10 minutes later there are loud bangs on the door older cousin sees who it is it's entitled mom and her brat they have returned with his luggage I need your help now her brat runs to the ps4 uh what seems to be the problem entitled mother starts whining my son's room is small it's not like this one who do we talk to about this I'm sorry if you're unsatisfied with your living situation you'll have to talk to a counselor about a situation and nobody has a room like this one because I'm the president entitled kid starts rummaging through games do you have for at night hey put that down don't talk to my son that way besides my needs more living space do something at this time entitled kid is still rummaging little cousin then pushes him to the side and locks the game cabinet and he starts screaming roommate was also returning to the room with his lunch I want to play games this is our room you can't use my things if I don't want you to roommate enters the room what's going on entitled mother interrupts these boys won't help me finds a room like this one for my son well that's impossible this is the only room that is like this one besides this room is only for the President entitled mother condescendingly then how come you are here roommate explains little cousin is related soul to cousin so we can stay here I'm in student government with older cousin and he allows me to Livia yeah I told her that entitled mother then says to older cousin and roommate you should let my son live yeah entitled kid overhears his mom he now thinks that he lives in the room he goes to the fridge and tries to get a soda little cousin blocks him and says you are not our guest nor do you live here don't touch our food fu this is my room too and you have to share get your kid out because he's a nuisance in bothering my brother no older cousin and roommates are not having it they asked her politely yet firmly to leave entitled mother walks in and proceeds to unpack her son's luggage entitled kid is also having a fit because little cousin isn't letting entitled kid have any food mom won't let me have some donuts don't worry mommy will help you after I unpack yo Boulder cousin and roommate firmly say your son isn't living here yes he is my son is an angel you should be glad to be friends with him I am not interested in living or being friends with your son believe now entitled mom ignores older cousin and continues to unpack with her entitled kids screaming I want donut a then screams that little cousin I want to play your game little cousin says now the kid then starts high-pitched screaming older cousin little cousin and roommate have had enough of this charade and then proceeded to drag them out and throw his luggage in the hallway and lock the door entitled mom and son continue to bang and how crazy entitled mom promises that she'll get her son back in so she leaves at this time friends were coming over and someone accidentally led entitled kid in the room people confused asked who he is entitled kid says I'm entitled to kid I live here entitled kid then starts demanding to use the ps4 older cousin sees him and kicks him out again with him shouting I want to stay his mom then returns with the security guard these boys kicked my son out of his room so something lady I know for a fact that your son doesn't live here he needs to stay here this room is so much better than the other ones security guard then asks if the mom is bothering them everybody says yes he says I'll take care of the mo and asked cousins to take care of the kid entitled kid is dragged out again shouting my daddy will have you up for this the mom was escorted off the campus grounds older cousin and roommate forcibly removed entitled kid into his room for him little cousin ended up becoming friends with entitled kids roommates as the months have passed entitled kid has been so bratty and annoying that entitled kid's roommate has had sleepovers with little cousin almost every night because of this entitled kid packs an overnight bag and almost always follows his roommate and demands to be let in I was told it goes down like this let me and roomie you can't have a sleepover without me go away we're never letting you in I want to see my roommate he'll vouch for me you can't play games I have a sleepover without me entitled kits roommate comes out and puts his ice cream on the table I stay here like four to five days a week because I need a break from you please go away oMG traitor so much for loyalty least you could do is share the ice cream roommate gets up and closes the door my cousin's roommates and entitled kids roommate turn up the volume on the TV louder and tune out his pleas and cry they later woke to him sleeping at the front of the door at 6:00 a.m. he stayed there for 10 hours I know it was a long story so thanks for sticking through it all if you want an update about entitled kid I'll ask my cousin's to share more stories which I'm sure they have plenty up okay first off who else thinks it would have been baller to grow up in like a zoey 101 type of situation kind of like this well like everyone has like a super cool room and everyone's super cool and cool and just all cool and stuff I think that'd be pretty cool alright now for part two from entitled parents not because parents aren't people hey people of Redditt my cousins gave me a recent update about the entitled mom and her entitled son that has been harassing them during the school year if you haven't read my first post stop and read the first one so you can understand the setting we already did so my cousins their roommates and entitled kids roommates were going on vacation Presidents Day weekend entitled mom demanded that her son be allowed to vacation to New York City with them this was on entitled people but my cousin said I should also post here to share the love so entitled kids roommates parents live in New York City around Fifth Avenue for those of you who don't know Fifth Avenue is some of the most expensive real estate in the city entitled kids roommates parents were allowing my cousin's and their roommate to stay in New York for free with meals included because they are friends with entitled kids roommates all my cousins had to do was drive there which is around 3 hours as entitled kid has been harassing my cousin's their roommates and his roommate semester he overheard the conversation and demanded to go when his attempts to go fails he then calls his mom who drives from another state to demand that the gang take her son on vacation with them meet everybody older cousin little cousin roommate entitled mom entitled kid security captain the Dean entitled kids roommate so in February on the 20th my cousin's their roommates and entitled kids roommate are talking to little cousin to try and get a game plan together for the New York trip entitled kid here's entitled kids roommates phone call about planning the trip and then it goes as follows um hey where are you going home to New York with the guys why can I got to please I think not why not I don't want you at my house or around my family entitled kid gets pissed and starts getting upset then entitled kid's roommate then goes to the room to hang out with my cousins and their roommate entitled kid then follows the door is shut in his face let me in everyone tells him to go away and they proceeded to plan for the vacation entitled kid then proceeds to say Let Me In or I'll get my mom everyone knows that his mom lives another state away so everyone was like go get her then the gang proceeded to plan the New York trip with entitled kid begging to be let in this proceeded for three hours and then his mom came she drove from the next state over she knocked on the door they opened it and it went like this just so you know my older cousin didn't remember who entitled mom was at first because it had been a month since he'd last seen her but her behavior soon jogged his memory around this time everyone was preparing to leave as they had made all the final preparations hello can I help you yes my son says you won't let him go to New York with you guys why won't you older cousin has this why me look on his face and says I'm sure that you remember our last conversation me my roommate and brother want nothing to do with your son the place where we are staying is entitled kids roommates house and he has expressed that he doesn't want him to come entitled mom and kid look pissed and she says that she can pay for her son to go if that's the problem then little cousin gets involved look it doesn't matter that you can pay for him to go we just don't want him to go he is going don't you know who I am how dare you speak to me that way my son will be going with you on this trip and that's that then entitled kids roommates gets involved hey I don't want your kid at my house seriously he's been bothering me all semester and has made things harder for me I sure as hell don't want am near my family or my home entitled kid butts in with his attitude oh my god you had to be so mean you spent all your time here and never invite me you have to let me come to make it up to me no I don't it's my house then entitled kid starts wailing in demands his mom let him go to New York with them older cousin with an annoyed and sarcastic voice says well nice seeing you again bye the gang proceeds to lockup the room and bring the luggage down to the car everyone goes on one last bathroom break before going on the road however little cousin didn't lock the car for those of you that know Ford's have a keypad on the driver door to lock and unlock the car little cousin didn't press the buttons right and the car did it law when the gang came back to the car entitled kid was in the backseat with his headphones on with his mom waving as she drives away hey come back have fun in New York the gang realizes that her kid has just been dumped on them and that they are stuck little cousin says that we should call security so older cousin does they explained on the phone that entitled mom dumped her kid on them and that they are bringing him over because he's not their responsibility entitled kid takes off his headphones and says come on already hit this crap box 94 Crown Victoria and gear now the security guard is around half a mile from the dorm so for a while entitled kid had this look on his face like he had one when the gang pulls up to the Security office his smirk disappears as both the captain of the school and the Dean were there the captain says you won't explain what you are doing in older cousin's car entitled kid is sweating bullets and nervously says I'm going on vacation my mom said I could the captain then says to the gang is this true we all said no his mom just demanded that we let him go she put him in and drove off the captain then orders entitled kid out of the car entitled kid then asks for older cousin to pop the trunk so we can get his back out everyone just has this you gotta be kidding look when he said that the Dean who I'm told is a very kind old man he gave entitled kid a very firm talking-to it went like this in my 35 years I've never had to deal with a more petulant child than you I was lying on your punishment the first time that won't be the case this time your behavior is unacceptable you have put me in an impossible position the Dean in the captain take entitled kid away and he was severely punished he was put on probation so that meant he couldn't participate in sports or other events it was given 20 days detention doing landscaping and she had security guard personally escort him to and from his classes all in all the gang had a pretty good vacation entitled mom did call entitled kids roommates phone to lay into everybody she was quickly blocked and the gang hasn't heard from her since yes if you want an update let me know and I'll see what's going on they say that they have many stories about this kid and his awful mom thanks for sticking through the long breed yes get more stories we need to hear more about this stupid stupidity that seems to surround this woman and her child like goodness gracious these people just don't really worry about imposing do they don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 56,117
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: BMghqpA94KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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