r/EntitledParents | Am I Her SLAVE!??

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what's up guys welcome to voice you here this is your host captain Zach in today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called plow my driveway for free in college I sort of accidentally got into the snow removal business around my neighborhood since I had a weird class schedule that gave me a lot of free time in the mornings and not a lot of homework I had purchased a small deer compact tractor as a project to tinker with in my garage in my spare time I got it for next to nothing since the previous owner knew nothing about it and considered it to be just a stupid lawnmower and just wanted it's out of his yard well this thing was definitely not a lawnmower this was a proper tractor with hydraulics and everything just shrunk down to about the size of a Mini Cooper the kind of thing a homeowner would use for basic maintenance work around their property that requires something a little beefier than a riding mower but not quite a full-blown farm tractor it was about 30 years old when I bought it having been built sometime in the 1980s but it's ran perfectly in since the guy threw in a snow blower attachment with it now I figured I could make a little extra cash clearing driveways in the mornings before class I had to fix a few things and added a spot to carry a shovel for the spots I couldn't get with the blower and I was all set well after the first major snowfall and just going around offering my services to neighbors I had about twenty driveways that I would do and got the money I paid for the tractor which admittedly wasn't much back pretty immediately I wasn't charging a whole lot since that was just some kid not a professional snow plow contractor but most people on my street were elderly and very grateful for my services and tipped me pretty heavily there were a few people that actually seemed to enjoy shoveling their own driveway or had their own snow blower who didn't pay me to do it regularly but they would ask me occasionally to do it as a one-time thing if the snow was super deep or they just didn't have time one lady who lived three houses down for me however had pretty much Adam Bentley refused my help at the beginning of the season and almost seemed offended that I thought she was incapable of shoveling her own driveway by the way the woman was probably 26 at most in had like seven or eight kids she even had her own bus which was a converted Ford Econoline van that she used to transport them all around him I guess her only hobby was passionate hugging I figured with all those kids taking up her time she would be thrilled to have someone look after her driveway but I guess not February rolls around and while my roommate still jealous of her by the way was on vacation down south somewhere we got absolutely hammered with snow like I'm talking a foot and a half to two feet overnight every night I had to get up extra early each morning just to get everything done before I had to go to class around noon I always just cleared a single path out of our driveway so my roommates could walk to class and I could get the tractor out but I never fully cleared our own driveway til last my roommates didn't have cars and it wasn't like I was taking my truck anywhere if I was out blowing snow one day I get finished with my customers driveways and come home to finish clearing up our own driveway when passionate hugging obsessed lady comes over waving her arms around at me since that's pretty long to type each time we'll just call her entitled mother as always excuse me shutting off the engine so I can hear her I say yes what's up what you mind plowing my driveway there's been so much snow this week and I just haven't been able to keep on top of shoveling yet I don't have time to do a full cleanup as I have to go to class soon but I can get it opened up enough that you can get out and I'll come back after class and get the rest if you want this is how much I usually charge but since I don't have time to do a proper job this morning I'll do it for Half Price you're joking right how can you take advantage of a single mom like this if I can afford to pay someone to plow my driveway I would you disgust me I asked you to do me a favor as a neighbor but you have to try and make a quick buck off of everything I can't believe you're this lazy that you'd buy a machine like this to plow a small driveway and won't even help your neighbors out your generation is hopeless bear in mind this woman is no more than five years older than me pretty sure she's still part of my generation you're right it is overkill for my driveway that's why I have about 20 people in this neighborhood paying me to do theirs as well this is a kind of business for me to make some extra cash while I'm in school and if everyone else is paying me why should I do yours for free I bet your mommy and daddy paid for all your schooling anyway you don't need the money she's not wrong my parents busted their asses and saved up probably three times as much what was necessary to put me through school to which I am forever grateful but that doesn't mean I don't have other living expenses I need to pay for so what if they did diesel fuel for this thing isn't free and I'm just asking for enough to cover that and some compensation for my time which is pretty much how any other business operates I don't think it's unreasonable of me to charge for my services your parents probably pay for that too wait till they realize what a brat you are and cut you off financially then you'll see what life is all about this really rubs me the wrong way because my parents have paid for a lot of stuff in my life which again I am very grateful for but since they were helping me pay off my truck while I was in school I didn't feel like I owned it yet I know it sounds silly but that tractor was the first major thing I ever bought entirely with my own money without my parents help and I was very proud of it because of that I was done dealing with her at this point and just went back to work cleaning up my driveway and then went to class unfortunately I have to walk past her house going to and from school so on my way back I walked past her house and her bus is stuck real bad in the driveway like it has gotten stuck and then slid sideways partly onto her front lawn she's outside trying to dig out the back wheels and when she sees me she explodes I couldn't get my kids to daycare because of you and missed work because of it it was 11:20 when I talked to her them who doesn't have their kids in daycare already by that point also people are usually at work by then too I just ignored her and went inside for the next few days it continued to snow relentlessly and I continued making an absolute fortune by college kid standards off of the store it was so bad some days I had to go back out after class and clear the driveways again everyone was more than happy to pay and tip me both times and one lady even made me a thermos full of hot chocolate to keep me warm my tractor didn't have a cab obviously with the extra people who usually did it themselves also calling me and asking me to bail them out on top of my usual route I was doing pretty well every time I had come home I'd always see entitled mother trying unsuccessfully to dig herself out but she just couldn't deal with the heavy wet snow the city plows would push on towards rive way from the road on her own I felt bad for her but whatever if she was gonna be rude to me it was not my problem eventually she flagged me down one day and tells me that she'll give me whatever I want if I'll just please come and dig her out apparently her work was threatening to fire her if she kept calling in because of the snow and not being able to get her kids to daycare I did it for her and she paid no tip which is understandable with her situation but did apologize for being so rude and now understood the value behind what I was doing she still took care of her snow on her own most of the time after that but she did ask me to help her out on occasion when it got really bad which I did get paid for I never had any issues with her after that and I think she's learned her lesson I always admire businesses like that you know people just start in their neighborhood mowing lawns or plowing snow makes me think of that book that was really popular when I was a little kid called Lawn Boy I think it was by gary paulsen the guy who made that book called a hatchet that was such a cool book because basically this kid he made Bank off of starting his own lawn mowing business with this gift he got from his grandfather I believe I don't remember exactly what the hell the story was but it was really in interesting because this little kid he ends up making thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars from this little lawn mowing business he had I remember how much money he ends up getting but I'm sure it was well beyond six figures and it was all relatively quickly because he met someone who basically knew how to invest money and he was making like lots of lots lots of money just absolute big it's stories like that that are always very motivating and you know just goes to show that you know if you're smart and you work a little bit you can make some money then stories called entitled mother invades the library longtime lurker the subreddit first time posting hope everything is formatted okay here here's our cast of not so lovable characters entitled mother me and entitled mothers gaggle Hellion children let's get onto the story this happened last night and I wrote down the details right after so I wouldn't forget any details so I work at a public library and this is my third year working here I love my job for the most part and it's lots of fun because I get to work with books and all that fun stuff but every once in a while I just get a lot of really crappy patrons coming in some of them are entitled sure but this entitled mother takes the cake for the worst one I know that I'm about to deal with a bad group as soon as I hear what sounds like a stampede of water buffalo coming down the stairs I work in the basement section joined by the sounds of screaming small children enter seven children all filing in one by one I thought they would never end I try to reassure myself that I can do this but boy was I wrong entitled mother comes to the desk and asks to get the library cards for her three youngest children a trio of triplets easy enough I give her the form and wait for her to come back with it filled out one of her Hellion children starts to try to rob me of all the decorations we have scattered around my area which was exhausting by itself because it seemed like she had a new thing in her hand every five seconds and obviously entitled mother wouldn't help because her it's where angels entitled mother comes back and gives me the forms for her triplets and I start to fill them out when I realize something is off all three of the triplets have the exact same name I tried asking her if this was correct and she said of course can't you read like yes I can read but I was just trying to clarify because naming three of your kids the same thing isn't really common on top of that she keeps referring to them by their middle names and expects me to magically know which kid I'm referring to like come on lady I don't know your kids middle names ah my fault I proceeded to start transferring the information she filled out into the computer system after a minute or so entitled mother is glaring at me I wonder what is wrong but keep working anyway you're going too slow you need to hurry up transferring information takes some time especially when it's the same flippin thing over and over I'm going as fast as I can because I want her and her Hellion spawn to leave eventually get done and give her the triplets cards they go away from the desk for a few minutes I am not safe yet all seven children suddenly run at the counter and put like 40 movies on the desk that they all want to check out they all are trying to give me their library card at once the other four kids already had ones apparently and are all screaming at me by this point my body has already gone into survival mode entitled mother standing by while all of this is happening not even bother trying to control her children I check out the movies to the little hellions one by one all while entitled mother is still glaring at me she must think I have SuperSpeed or something because my body was in fight-or-flight mode and I was checking them out as fast as I can the Hellion from before that was trying to steal stuff comes behind the counter while I was distracted and notice I had candy hidden behind the desk for good boys and girls of course of which they were not all seven kids try to run behind the counter and I have to stop them from messing everything up I give them the candy and they eventually leave the area behind the counter note that entitled my there still wasn't helping at all thanks for your help I guess it wasn't very quick you're welcome after this I am finally free from the grasp of my librarian duties my coworker walks in and I tell her my tale of woe I am finally safe but that was the most energy draining experience of my professional life overall this experience only lasted about 20 minutes but it felt like an eternity I hope to never encounter them again you guys won't know this but somewhere in the middle of the story my food got delivered and I ate the best gyro roll I've ever had and I don't care if it's pronounced gyro its gyro to me that is not very relevant but I thought you guys should know de ma C's has really good job and this story that sounds like a terrifying experience and why I would never be a librarian I mean being a librarian I guess like the actual title like of a librarian you usually have to go to like a lot of school I think you need a master's degree kind of like a teacher but anyways besides the whole schooling requirements I would never want to work in a library because I would just not be able to handle the stress of having all these obnoxious snotty kids ruining books man obviously there are good kids that are well-behaved but wouldn't you have that many oh man and you're not a very good parent there's hell wherever they go just hell this story's called entitled mother gets pissed because her baby didn't win a prize at the church fair hey all me again here is yet another tales from my volunteering at church this happened about a year ago but isn't as bad as the other story but it's the same caring anyway on to the story I had to cover three games total until the volunteers that covered the other two showed up they were all near each other though so that's a plus anyway I had to cover a dice roll game a game called troll doctor and sadly goldfish pong bit of a side note if you ever had to deal with managing a goldfish game then you know how many entitle parents show up okay back to the store today was the last day close to closing so we were packed with kids I had like five kids waiting on each game but on goldfish I noticed a kid getting antsy and he started cutting kids in line now I was told not to let kids cut in line as it may upset others so I kindly asked him to go back to where he was what she did until he left the line I thought he was going to get food from the food area so I was managing my games going along well until Karen came by and this heck ensued excuse me I didn't notice her since she had a little kid and thought she was talking to the one managing the bouncy castle so I kept letting kids play but then the entitled mother pushed the game backwards which was easy since it was a foldable table and finally got my attention ma'am please don't do that you can knock over the tank and kill the fish I don't care why did you tell my baby he can't play because he was cutting the kids in line who wanted to play before him and we were limited on supplies now stupidly at this moment I decided to remove one of the dead fish and the second I did I realized I fudged up why did you kill that fifth in front of me and my baby he deserve the fish now for compensation before I get my dear friend who runs this place her son was smugly smiling at this first of all it was dead from when you shook the table second of all what's her name then now I'm going to use fake names for this Deborah no her name is Susan that's what I meant Susan and I go back to high school oh that's a shame that her name is Madison oh she is also a friend of mine now I knew she was trying to lie to me so I said okay she's over by the food tent go talk to her 15 minutes go by I'm down to five ish fish and kids are just watching them but they see a dead one and I told them I'll remove it but since I remembered Karen I put it into one of the plastic bags of water then entitled mother goes by Madison said I forget a 5th for compensation now this being all full on adults that also teaches at sea d volunteers are the teachers who Madison knows I hate she would always skip over important lessons and just play games i knew the dead fish was a good plan here you go thank you now with that so hard ya idiot you should have given us the fish before since Madison is mommy's best friend forever we got you your fifth now let's go home as far as I know they didn't realize it was dead until they got home and the festival shut down that was pretty good that would make a good petty revenge stories well keeping them a dead fish instead of uh or malicious compliance to that fits so many categories this is a very far-reaching story in terms of reddit categories but yes entitled mothers at fairs are horrible I guess entitled parents in general because oh boy there's just so much potential so much don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 35,503
Rating: 4.8859119 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: oT8lkLd2pf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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