r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom Declares OWNERSHIP of Park...

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this entitled mum thinks she can boss other people around in a public space but when she makes the crazy claim that a six-year-old is too old for a playground her true motivations are revealed happy birthday today is your birthday and on with the revamp show this happened many years ago in my old house my now ex-husband and i had just moved into a nice house with our dog cooper he was a super friendly cocker spaniel who was great with children our neighbors ep had two young girls who loved to play without dog when he was out front with us and through the fence if he was outside it was a bit annoying since they would distract him from doing his business so we would always look outside to see if they were outside before actually letting him out and somehow they would always run out and yell cooper it was really annoying but no big deal things weren't so bad until one day we were working on the yard and had the garage door open we left cooper inside so we could actually get some work done the girls came over and asked to play with cooper we said not right now he's inside while we work because we can't watch him the girl said fine and left when we were done we went inside to eat lunch i was taking a shower and getting dressed because i was going to meet up and go shopping with my mum apparently the girls saw we were inside and the garage door was open so they just came inside uninvited to play with our dog my husband was incredibly uncomfortable because these are two little girls he doesn't know in our home and he's alone with them when i came out of the shower i was like what are you two girls doing here they said our mom said we could come inside and play with your dog i said no you need to go home it is not okay for you to come inside our house by yourselves i walked them to their house and spoke with the mum i told her it was inappropriate for her to send her children to come into our home uninvited to play with our dog they didn't know us and that is very dangerous the entitled mom said what they just want to play with your dog and i was busy so i told them they could go i again explained how they don't know us and it's not okay to send children into a home of someone you don't know she said well then take your dog outside so they can play with them it's not that hard i honestly couldn't believe the things coming out of her mouth i just kind of scoffed and said please do not send your children to my house they aren't welcome the mom started saying something about us being rude and hating children i don't know what because i walked off i thought this would be the end of it it wasn't a couple weeks go by they constantly asked us to bring cooper out even as we were leaving our house we always said no and even stopped bringing cooper to the front yard to get away from them it was an absolute nightmare always checking outside before doing anything to make sure they weren't there so we didn't have to deal with them then one day i was home alone with coop and these girls come and ring our doorbell i was in the kitchen and i ignored them i figured they would go away once they realized no one was home nope i was stuck in the kitchen while they rang the doorbell over and over they did this because it would rile cooper up and they could play with him that way our door was a large glass door with iron design they banged on the glass so much i was so afraid they would break it but i didn't want to go and tell them because i just didn't want to deal with them they decided to leave and when i looked i saw they had removed every rose from our gorgeous rose bush every single one of them i was fuming when my husband got home we decided we both needed to go and speak to both parents i told her what had happened she got mad at me because i was home and didn't let her kids in she said they wouldn't have done any of that if i just opened the door i asked her why the girls came over to begin with i had previously told her they weren't welcome then she tells me well i thought you weren't home so i sent them over to play with your dog through the door like they always do i needed to nap and they were being so loud i needed them gone for a bit we were just shocked at the words coming out of her mouth my husband was equally shocked he had no idea she was doing this my ex-husband was a police officer and told her if it didn't stop he was going to file a restraining order against the entire family the father assured us it would be the last time and apologized over and over the entitled mother saw nothing wrong with sending her children to our house while we weren't home and even so while we were home she thought we were being absolutely ridiculous either way the girls stopped coming over things were finally going well in our new home and we were happy then one day my niece stayed at our house while we were getting out of the car the em saw her and started yelling at us it wasn't fair that she could play with cooper but not her girls i told her this was my niece and she was actually invited as i quickly escorted my niece inside the house i could hear the yelling continue but turn the tv on loud to drown her out the next thing i know the two little girls are at our front door banging and yelling i put cooper in the kennel opened the glass pad of the door and told the girls to go home they started crying and the dad came out apologized and left before we could even get a restraining order we saw they put a for sale sign on their front yard they moved out and we never saw them again to this day any time i read stories about entitled moms i always think of this lady i still can't believe it happened i was so happy when they moved the family who moved in had a son and a dog and occasionally we would have puppy play dates in the front yard but we never had issues with the kid coming over thank goodness when you're in your home you should feel like you don't have to worry about anybody else in the whole world the fact that there were these two little brats who would just wander into your house uninvited is terrifying if you can't be safe in your own home from entitled parents and kids where on earth are you supposed to be safe in order for me to tell this as truthfully as possible i need to go all the way back to the beginning but the only problem is that i don't know when this all started me and my mum were always close until i realized how entitled she is and after that our relationship started to crumble piece by piece until now when there's practically a verbal war between us i don't remember much about my childhood and i'm starting to wonder if it's because i've locked those memories away or because it was uneventful but i do remember being happy being scared and being sad i was a happy child and was so until the summer of 2007 that's when my mum told me that she and my father would get divorced me and my father were never close he was always working and i was sleeping almost always when he got home but there still was happiness and care between us however soon after the divorce my mother started to paint pictures in my mind of how awful he was and told me stories of all the bad things he'd done and we got even more estranged over the years and during these years she got more and more entitled little about my mum she always told me she worked as a manager for a box airliner and lived abroad for well over three decades working and met my dad there she has always been a karen but as a child i thought it was normal on the other side is my father who grew up with nothing much like i did and built a steady career and got an education for himself and was actually quite well off all of his adulthood and he was the one who has always told me to have a plan b and taught me the importance of having an income and when i was seven we set up a savings account every year i got a letter from the bank which stated how much friends and family had donated to my future and how much the interest had gained and the usual stuff until one day they stopped 11 or 12 year old me thought nothing of it and after all living in the age of technology just laid it off as them moving in the online environment email was a concept unknown to me at the time and i never asked why they stopped from either of my parents because neither of them gave me a reason to suspect anything it was the summer of 2018 and i asked my mum if she could notify the bank that i was now using email when she turned it down by saying they don't use email my father had died a year or so prior and i had no way of confirming this and ever since the divorce we've been counting pennies for some reason even though entitled mum is or was a manager and should get paid accordingly well let's skip all the bull poop that led to this day and to my discovery now my mum had been acting very suspiciously ever since me asking her to notify the bank and said things like oh your father didn't leave a will or that poor man had what was coming to him he most certainly wasn't poor and these comments were what got me really suspicious so i started to dig around oh boy did i dig i won't go to details here unless they're absolutely necessary for this post just to keep some things private but one of the biggest things was that my mum got the custody of me in not law abiding means and lost her job all the way back in 2012 for unprofessional behavior and was living off child support and money gotten from my father i also found out that the letters kept coming throughout the years but she hid them and ever since the death of my father the bank has tried to contact me personally to discuss about the usage of the funds and how she has tried to access them well as i didn't respond to the bank the custody of the money went straight to whoever was my legal guardian and they could spend the money at will and she did few weeks ago i got a letter from the bank and she wasn't home so i read it and turns out she's been using the money to support herself and spending it on lavish vacations or services but all along i was stupid enough to think that that was her money from work she's been lazy selfish and entitled to reapply for a job and been using money that isn't hers to support her lifestyle which she cannot afford and left me and i'd imagine over time my father with nothing and due to the whole pandemic still raging in the world i've been unable to do almost anything because things i'd need like police or cps are closed off or are so backed up with work that i've been put on the back of the line so not only did she never spend anything above mandatory to me she's been spending my money that was meant for my education and belittles me when she found out that i found out finding how different things can seem on the outside has no one suspected anything do these people ever think it through or is it just like i'll just keep stealing this money from my daughter for as long as i can get away with it and yeah she'll never find out it'll never happen you're risking your relationship for the rest of your life with your daughter just for some money is it really worth it so disclaimer i was too young at the time to remember what exactly happened and have to go purely on my vague memory of the information my own mother gave me about this event this happened when i was around 6 years old me my parents and my younger brother went to some kind of restaurant that had a pretty big playground attached to it now i was pretty big for my age and looked more like a 9 year old than a 6 year old but while we were waiting on our food i went to go play on the playground i was constantly with an eyesight of my mother so she saw everything the playground had all kinds of things kids could play on it also had a second smaller playground for children under seven but i wanted to go on the swing i was only on it for a few minutes when a random woman came to me and demanded that i would play somewhere else because one of her sons wanted to go on the swing and i was already long enough on it i wasn't someone who spoke back to people especially not strangers and just did as i was told so instead i went to play somewhere else i guess my mother didn't bother to come to me when the first thing happened since i didn't make a problem out of it but again only a few minutes passed of me doing something on the playground and the same woman came to me and said i needed to play somewhere else because it was her son's turn i remember that i didn't understand why i needed to play somewhere else since i wasn't sitting on a slide or one-person ride but again six-year-old me didn't complain and just did what i was told i wanted to go on the kids playground for kids under seven and i was six at the time so i was fully allowed to play there and so i did when the mother saw me go there she yelled at me that i wasn't allowed to since it was only for seven and under that's when things started going out of hand my mother told me that i started crying when the stranger yelled at me for no reason so she came over to see what was going on the mother of the two boys who were now playing on the spots i was playing before just looked at my mother and told her that she needed to take responsibility over me she basically went on a rampage on how horrible she was because i was claiming all the playing spots and because i was going in a part of the playground i was too old for my mother responded calmly to her and told her that i was only six but was quite big for my age the person didn't believe it and said she was going to tell the manager that i was breaking the rules of the playground now that i think of it that's completely stupid to be honest i mean why would you even do that over a kid's playground anyways my mother just ignored it and took me with her our ordered food was shortly after being served anyways after our meal and after i'd calmed down my parents decided that i could play some more on the playground before we left since i didn't have much luck with that beforehand i went into that section for kids seven and under and played there with my brother some more unfortunately for us the woman was still there and started yelling at me and my parents again because i was too old to play there someone who worked there came and asked what was going on the woman started yelling at him too and said he needed to do something about me immediately the man decided to play it simple and just asked if she had proof that i was too young to play there of course the woman reacted with my height when that didn't work she instead started complaining how i told him that they couldn't play on the swing which was not true the employee just ignored her and excused himself to us apparently the woman and her kids came there every other week or so and more times than the business would like she caused trouble but they couldn't really do much about it we also later found out that she did things like pretending her sons were twins and both 7 years old so her oldest son who was 9 could also play on the kids playground yeah that woman was angry at me because i was too old to play there while both her sons who were older than me were allowed to play there we saw them a few times after that but never really got into trouble with them again mainly because she was being a duck to other kids you really have to have some nerve to show that much hypocrisy literally the thing you're complaining about this other kid is the very thing you were doing and it wasn't even supposed to be a problem he was supposed to be allowed to play there the sheer hypocrisy is just infuriating submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright blissey veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 7,413
Rating: 4.9733334 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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