r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom DEMANDS Parking Rights...

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[Music] this entitled mom turns a small fight over a parked car into the worst day of her life finally some justice against an entitled mom happy birthday today is your birthday and on with the revamp show the background iam is friends with my mum and countless other parents in a bunch of wechat circles this is an upper-middle-class community with a decent asian population and a competitive high school one of their favorite things to talk about is college admissions and their children's stats like grades gpa classes taken extracurriculars awards leadership positions and all that bs a little under two years ago i was a senior in said competitive high school and em's kid was just entering sophomore year which is em's q to start freaking out about college admissions since em's kid didn't do spectacularly this is asian code for had some bees in his freshman year she starts panicking about what classes he's planning to take next since em is good friends with my mum she asks my mom to ask me to give em's kid some advice about what classes to take over the next few years to improve his gpa and chances at a top college doesn't sound too bad right that's what i thought too i was very wrong iam isn't happy with my answer which was something along the lines of take ap calc bc multivariable and as many ap science classes as you can the entitled kid is interested in stem but i don't know that much about him or his interests she wants me to plot out a whole darn three-year plan for him this kid i don't know in addition to asking me relentlessly and repetitively about standardized testing which ones he should do when he should do them and how long he should prep lady i don't know how smart your kid is he should prep as much as it takes him to feel ready and take the test when he does this is also around the time that i'm frantically filling out college applications em knew this and having a minor crisis because of the stress em doesn't know this there is absolutely no reason why she or her kid who is not stupid could do their own planning i ask my mom to tell her to get lost and she does for a while but apparently being friends with my mum means she has cut blunch to use me as her personal mini admissions counselor i hadn't even interacted with this lady before besides a few awkward words in chinese at some meetup or another a few months later college admissions all came out and i got accepted into my dream school which is also a school many asian parents want their kids to go to naturally including em so she starts bugging me through my mom's wechat about my extracurriculars it wasn't just what awards i won what volunteering i did what leadership positions i held but also whether those things are worth pursuing by her son i told her the short answer that anything is worth pursuing if he's interested in it but that he should try to be his own person wrong decision she completely ignored the second part of that one of my hobbies that probably helped me get into college was building 3d printers i built my first from a relatively cheap chinese kit which still cost around 300 bucks then built a second larger and higher quality one with the help of my dad em gets the idea that her kid who has no prior experience or inclination to do anything to do with 3d printing should take up the same hobby she therefore asked me for my first 3d printer which to be fair was kind of misused and in bad shape at that point and was never of superb quality to begin with but it was the first thing of substance i actually ever built with my own hands and i didn't want to give it away so that emk could tamper with it but you know what i'd met the kid and he was way less of a jerk than his mum and kind of seemed embarrassed by her so i let him take it ostensibly i only lent it to him but i haven't seen it since i'll wait until he graduates to ask for it back around this time too em also asked me again through my mum to hook her kid up with a guy in my grade who got into harvard so harvard guy could tutor her son not sure if it was for a class or for a test prep or what no mention of any pay harvard guy is chill but we're not close so i don't mention it to him so as to not burden him with having to deal with em my mum lies to em saying that the harvard guy is too busy the same excuse she gave for me at this point she's also getting frustrated with the entitled mum a blissful year passes with no word from em i'm away at college entitled mom's kid is a high school junior and my mom is thankfully not sending me any more of em's annoying questions in fact i haven't been bothered by her since save for a few invasive questions about me and my friend's gpas why she thought i would remember my friend's gpas i have no freaking clue my mum did tell me later that iam asked her to hook em up with my mom's relatives in rural china so em's kid could teach them english she refused the rest of this story is about my violinist friend vf who's in the same grade as emk background about vf he's really good at violin emk plays violin as well but not nearly as well as vf em got it into her head that emk should do a concert as a fundraiser to help a volunteer organization to do something in regards to the virus not sure about the exact details this part i have absolutely no problem with the problem is that em decided emk shouldn't play a solo piece for the concert so she organizes a quartet guess who she wants to play the first violin part yup vf this is also in the midst of quarantine in an area that's hit pretty hard by the virus vf obviously doesn't want to learn a piece for an organization he isn't part of and a kid he isn't even friends with in the middle of a pandemic but em spam calls vf's dad until vf's dad just told vf to go and get it over with what makes it so much worse is that judging from her record i just know that she's making emk and vf the other quartet members to do this for emk's college chances not for any real concern for people impacted by the virus i know some people take it really seriously about their kids future but how much damage are you actually doing to them emotionally and mentally to put them under that much pressure it sounds like the kid just isn't that good naturally and no amount of forcing it to happen is going to make it work and it's definitely not going to make them happy i guess that's what's sad is they prioritize their own success through their children rather than their own kids just being happy doing what they want i posted on here a while back sharing my story of the entitled mother of two of my preschool students who screamed degraded and threatened to fire me over not holding her crying kicking temperamental three-year-old in my arms all day while five months pregnant with bad pelvic girdle pain unfortunately reddit deleted my post due to unknown reasons but i wanted to share another story of this mother from the chronicle of stories i have from my experience teaching her children last november our school decided it was in the best interest to split up this entitled mother's twins into separate classrooms because they constantly found themselves fighting amongst each other the fighting was so bad it would lead to constant meltdowns and when the twins were together they would gang up and hurt other kids it was just way too much togetherness splitting them into different classrooms would also grant these kids the opportunity to give them a sense of individuality and a chance to create new friendships the mother was not happy about splitting them up which i can understand however the school had talked to her several times about their behaviour and she always ignored us and said she likes her kids feisty which honestly is the most absurd thing i have ever heard after the classroom split this entitled mother constantly tried to pit the two classrooms against each other by saying one kid was learning more than the other and so on one of the kids which was my student required early intervention help and blamed me and my co-teacher for his slow development it was all bs anyways because we shared the same lesson plan also teachers don't cause developmental delays she just wanted a reason to complain because that's what entitled mothers do best there was one incident however that made me so ticked off i wanted to rip her into during christmas time my co-teacher and i thought it would be a cute idea to make the parents some reindeer handprint paper ornaments for a holiday present just to keep in mind during this time i was eight months pregnant with my daughter and my co-teacher just started her master's program we weren't exactly being spurious with money this christmas however we had supplied our classroom with many nice paints with our own money back at the start of the school year to make sure these kids had good art supplies the handprint ornament idea was something that we had found on pinterest and thought it would be super cute to make they were a success and the other parents loved them all but this freaking ungrateful bee the morning after she got our presents she stormed into our classroom during morning drop-off and furiously held two different ornaments in her hand one was the ornaments i had my students make and the other was an ornament her other son was given in the other classroom i will admit that the other ornaments looked stunning that's because one of the teachers in the other classroom bought real ornaments for her students and wrapped around a stuffed animal in a santa outfit she obviously spent her own money on these students christmas gifts she looks at me and says to my best memory this is just lazy i want you to have a close look at what miss other teacher did because this is a real christmas gift this is why you should have never split them up the lack of effort you guys put into my son's education is appalling when i see this kind of quality it makes me wonder why i pay so much money for my other son to get nothing just fyi i want to see you guys actually try for easter i'm just letting you know she then threw the ornament in the garbage because it was apparently a waste of space it just had me steaming i had gotten a little reprimanded last time i talked to this mother so i just kept quiet but my face was so red pregnancy hormones already made me hormonal but this was just downright so disrespectful and cruel my supervisor even told me after that incident that i should always try to give this mother something a little extra just so she does not complain or try to pit the classrooms against one another but i find that to be such bull crap too how jobs are to teach not to buy things for other children we do that out of the kindness of our hearts and our wallets teachers also should not have to give special treatment and extra favors to parents because they enjoy complaining it's insanity i'm just saying as a parent myself if someone made me a handmade ornament with my little daughter's face on it i would treasure it forever it's the thought that counts it sucks that there is so much entitlement i'm sure that there is so much to love in a job like that but i'm sure what would suck is that as soon as you probably got rid of that kid and they're ready to go to school there's another whole year of kids to come in and guaranteed there's gonna be at least one entitled parent with one entitled kid and sometimes double the trouble with twins the background my parents and me live next to a park and several fields during the virus lockdowns tons of people went to go out for a walk there even though they should stay at home the streets around our neighborhood are quite narrow so they were crowded with parked cars and people walking on the street some lowlifes got aggressive when you drove past them one sob slapped my window because he had to drag his fat lazy butt onto the sidewalk instead of further walking on the street i just showed him the finger and drove off when you drive through our main gate there's a 46 meter 150 foot long driveway leading to our houses and the garages when we are at home we usually leave the main gate open this led to several cars standing in front of our garages and blocking the pathway most of our neighbors my parents and me were pretty annoyed by those masses of cars and humans a lot of people left their trash on the ground too another important fact during the climax of the lockdown there was a law forbidding you to be in a group bigger than two people except family of course breaking this law resulted in a 200 euro fine the story my mum and me went grocery shopping on the way back home we were standing in our street waiting for the gate to open so we could drive onto our estate then megacarron came along with her minions karen and minnie karen each pushing their offspring in a buggy there was enough space for them to walk past our car one by one but it seemed like the holy trinity of karen's wanted to walk side by side mega karen approached our car and knocked on the driver's window i let the window down and she immediately started yapping that we are not allowed to drive or park i stayed calm and asked her if she's joking we are living here she continued with her bullcrap that we are not allowed to stand or to park here and we should please move our car so she can get through at this point my mother stepped out of the car and explained to mega karen and her dumb minions that they could just walk around the car one by one but apparently they didn't want that this nonsense continued for around two to three minutes then mini karen stepped in to calm mega karen down but that didn't really help in fact it got worse because karen came in and said my mum's a bad mother and human because she argued with a mother of a small child and this would frighten the children well my mother got really ticked she's a great mom and she knows that at this point i started to chat with a friend and blended the argument out my mum can be a pretty intimidating person and she's great in provoking people when she wants to so i knew she didn't need my help after some time mega karen started screeching that she was gonna call the police on my mum my mum knew she did nothing wrong so she insisted mega karen called the police and told him that she was walking here and we started intimidating her for no reason and she felt threatened and yada yada yada a short time after mega karen called the police one policewoman and a policeman arrive immediately after they got out mega karen and karen started texting them that we threatened them blocked the road etc the funny thing is the policewoman called knows my mum her husband was a patient of hers and they know each other from a local dog park the policewoman stayed with the carrons and she came over to ask for our point of view after i did my statement i asked the policewoman if i could leave i needed to bring the groceries inside she said yes so i grabbed the groceries and went in around half an hour later my mum came in with a big evil grin on her face apparently mega karen karen and mini karen wanted to report us for threatening them but the policewoman turned the tables and told them that they violated a lockdown law and they needed to pay 200 euro each apparently megakaran didn't like that so she continued arguing with the cops when they didn't do what she wanted she got angry she slapped the wing mirror from my mother's car folding it forward and scratched the car tried to attack my mother and the policewoman and called the policeman who grabbed her a dumb sob and told him to get lost leading to her getting arrested after her arrest she tried to spit at my mother and told her that she's gonna regret this and she will come after her she faced charges for verbally and physically attacking a police officer attacking and threatening my mother and damaging my mother's car range rover in a special effect british racing green it's very expensive to repair she also needed to pay the 200 euro for disobeying the corona law several weeks later i heard from my dad who's my mum's lawyer that she had to pay a big fine was on probation and needed to pay the repair for my mother's car a great thing though she got a record leading to her getting investigated at her workplace but the greatest thing because she was divorcing from her husband at the same time the lawyer of the husband used her little tantrum against her so she lost the main custody to her child well apparently it's normally the karen who runs and takes the kids but in this case justice was served and it looks like she lost the kids instead it doesn't always happen but hey let's hope those kids have a good dad how much worse could they really be than the entitled mum anyway submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community at our slash voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boise veterans i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 8,417
Rating: 4.9502072 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: LxdEgx0ajpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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