r/EntitledParents | She Showed NO MERCY...

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what's up guys welcome to voic-- here this is your host captain Zack and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright this story is called caring threatens to run me over here's the cast entitled kid there are multiple and will be numbered entitled mother entitled bench or a mother Allie assisting employee me well me hey so here's a little bit of a backstory we had our usual group of six kids age range from twelve to sixteen who come in every weekend and cause problems in the theater ie be on their phones at the front of the theater with brightness at a thousand percent listening to music or tic TOCs yelling at each other running or fist fighting we call them Friday kids this has gone on for the last three plus years I've been here and ever since I've gotten promoted to management I've really started cracking down the old managers used to just let it go and not worry at all but as color staff I had to deal with the uproar that they caused so I don't want my employees to deal with that it's just not fair to other people or the employees I've gotten to the point where I would give them a single firm a warning and then have to export them out they still weren't getting the pictures so I've gotten rid of their warning privilege and just resorted to kicking them out three years they know the rules anyways I digress so that brings us to today it's opening weekend for birds of prey and they are trying to get in is birds of prey out today well yes but seeing as none of you are seventeen plus I can't legally let you in I'm sorry guys that's crap give me like six tickets entitled kid on your neighbor and I know you're only 12 races bench excuse me what's going on they want to see birds of prey no I'm sorry but you have to be at least 17 and I know that the oldest one of y'all is 16 I'm 17 do you have a school ID so I can verify that why the frequent I show you then no this went on for at least fifteen minutes and eventually we got them to settle on Gretel and Hansel this was to my dismay because that movie is still relatively new and I knew it was very busy all day and I did not want to deal with dragging them out again Hey Galia can you go on door and make sure that the friday kids don't jump into birds of prey and let me know if we get a complaint from auditorium for pertaining to them sure no problem thanks I'm gonna be in my office I have to set up the shows for next week not 20 minutes go by and Ali is in my doorway asking for my help with the Friday kids we have had four complaints and the kids were yelling at each other saying some pretty obscene things that she wouldn't expect from a young group of kids ie shut the Frick up you little n-word how about you shut your legs fish Oh God like I said obscene sorry just had to show you what I meant I don't like typing things like that let alone hearing that some kids are yelling that over a relatively small quiet movie I walk in and just like clockwork I see the phones waving in the terrible conversations and kids jumping over the several thousand dollar chairs I'm gonna need help hey Ali can you give me a hand this is gonna be fun not bad today oh yeah we walk in and give them all the usual hey guys you gotta leave we've talked about this last week you can't be doing that here spiel that they get every week what the Frick did you just say to me hey get out I'm trying to be polite about it but I won't have you talking to me that way entitled kids two through six start saying that it wasn't their fault and that they were being framed by someone in the auditorium reminder I caught them red-handed you guys heard him grab your things and follow us out for grudgingly we get entitled kids one through five to get up and out to the lobby where I was going to give them to talk about how they can't keep acting like this because it's not polite to the other patrons when I notice entitled kids six take off her shoes and socks and sink further into her chair at this point I've had enough of this and called my general manager to see what I'm allowed to do in a situation where a person refuses to leave to make sure I was in the right so I did what he instructed hey entitled kid six what do you want skinny cracker Bend whoa that was uncalled for I asked you to leave I'm sorry if you weren't directly to blame but you can't stay if you're part of that group which I know you are make me okay get up and follow me or I have to call the police for trespassing G is fine no need to cause a scene you've already done that once I get out of the theater with entitled kids six and Ali entitled kid one comes up to me with his cell phone my mom wants to talk to you no problem hello Opie speaking why the Frick did you kick my baby and his friends out well I kicked them out because they were being destroyed bullcrap my baby is respectful that's prick and you guys are just racist ma'am I don't care about that type of stuff I kicked him out because I have had several complaints and now because they made such a scene in the auditorium I have to give emergency passes to the entire theater this happens every freaking week at targeting my kids ma'am I'm not targeting your children it's just with the track record like they've made it's just become a recurring issue I'm sorry but they clearly don't know how to behave in this type of environment are you calling me a bad mother I assure you ma'am I don't mean that it's just that I feel that they shouldn't be swearing and fighting in my theater it's just not fair to the other guests that's it I'm coming down there and crashing through your entrance and hitting you with my car see how you like us then last year I got into a very bad car accident that is fractured and dust aligned my spine I'm still healing from that and her saying this triggers a bit of my PTSD excuse me ma'am I don't believe you mean that and if you do I'm gonna have to report it as a threat to not only the theater but to your children myself and employees yes I did freakin meaning you goddamn cracker mother Fricka I write down the phone number and when I calm down I prepared an incident report well ma'am if you want to be like that your children will be waiting near the entrance and are no longer welcome back in this establishment as long as I am here fine be like that I'll be in in 20 minutes to kick your ass see you then I hang up the phone and give it back to the kid why did she say she's gonna run me over with her car and you guys are never coming back here now get out of my theater I have no more patience for you guys today where we go see those doors right there there's another set that leads outside that you can wait for your mother to show up it's heated in there so it won't be too cold how do we go no it's not I'm officially done dealing with you as you can tell at this point I was not very happy I tried to keep my cool and didn't raise my voice but I was done with the shenanigans two and a half hours later entitled blue mother finally shows up to get her kids and one of the kids come back in saying that his mom wanted to talk to me is she in the car yeah me being 100% done with this I say tell her I said nice try my general manager at this point has to come and to see what the hell was going on and was standing next to me when I said that why didn't you give her the number I'm not endangering myself to hand out a piece of paper so someone can yell lies to my superiors sounds fair just curious was I in the wrong here what would you have done in my situation honestly me personally I would go outside and if she tries to floor it I just kind of you know dive diagonally towards her direction sorta not directly towards her but like you know it slightly to the side so you know I'm impossible to hit and if she damages someone or something that's on her and you look like a badass this story's called entitled kid kicks my instruments out of my hands in their entitled parent gets mad at me and my mom I don't know if this story belongs here though there is an entitled parent that plays a part in this story this story took place last November in Orchestra class during our preparation for our upcoming Kamber concert a camper concert is something my orchestra teacher came up with it's basically a group project but in an orchestra and we are expected to get a piece of music ready for a concert this was one of those stupid projects where we were allowed to pick who was in our camera group because leaving a whole bunch of stupid high schoolers unsupervised with their friends along with fragile wood orchestra instruments is definitely a very good idea now - what happened on this day by the time sixth period came around my teacher had to leave the school due to one of his kids getting sick now when he left there was a slight problem there was no substitute teacher so he basically left a whole bunch of teenagers unsupervised and expected us not to cause a huge fight and act like chickens with their heads cut off this was a huge mistake because in my group there was one of those crazy kids with half a brain cell also known as the entitled kid the entitled kids girlfriend she doesn't take part in this and this really awesome guy he also doesn't take part in this one thing to know about this entitled kid is that he loved to annoy in cause conflict with others in the group mostly with his girlfriend so with this horrid group that I was dragged into was my friends entitled kids girlfriend let the Dookie turn a dough begin now entitled kid would cause more conflict than actually play during the rehearsal now on this particular day I was already fed up with this kids BS with this being a few days to a week after we started getting in groups after we picked our piece to play and he had already succeeded with getting on my nerves with him getting on my nerves so often for his laziness I was beyond livid with this very special human being the entitled kid refused to rehearse on this day and I said something along the lines of put up your crappy instrument and play in this moment he lifted his long ass legs and somehow hid the scroll of my instrument but the force of the kick he managed to knock my violin out of my hand causing the chin rest to smack me in the jaw the instrument did a whole 180 degrees spin in the air and fell from standing height bridge first on the floor I'm so glad that Victor my violence name didn't break because this was a brand-new instrument and was a step up from a student violin I just stood there for a while trying to process what just happened I angrily grabbed my instrument into to back up and gloriously flipped off everyone in my group fast forward my mom eventually found out what the entitled kid did and decided to message my teacher after a long conversation with my therapist and family about what to do my teacher contacts the parents of the entitled kid and the email they sent my mom made me furious so when the entitled parent asked the kids what happened when he kicked the instrument and I'm not even kidding he told his dad I believe that I was the one not rehearsing along with saying that I was sitting on the floor that he was swinging his leg around and when my instrument fell it landed perfectly in my case this case actually lied like if he just told the truth and I wouldn't have absolutely hated your guts and would have forgiven you so when the parents emailed this to the teacher they acted like it was my fault and they blamed the entitled kids boredom for why he kicked the instrument like this is like saying that if your kid broke an entire TV out of being bored it still doesn't make it okay or make your argument make any sense whatsoever they also said that the teacher should have been more worried about me supposedly being on the floor within the instruments being kicked out of my hand like again woman affair this doesn't even make any sense I actually felt bad for snitching on him and having him get a referral but after this I couldn't care less about when this kid's punishment was sadly after that email my teacher dropped the whole situation and she just left it after referral which is probably for the best because if this continues it could have gotten ugly really quick the entitled parent acted like we were asking for a brand new instrument even though my mom never said that in her email this wasn't the first time I've been in contact with the Karen but it probably won't be the last sadly at least my teacher got a substitute the next time he wasn't there so that's good if I'm being honest I've had my share of bad group projects but never in my life have I had such an absolute hell on earth crap storm of a project like this one I'm sorry this was really long and kind of dragged the takeaways don't ever leave your students without a substitute because it doesn't end well also I don't hate this kid even though it may seem like I hate him meaning the kids are actually on good terms I just hate what he did I'm honestly kind of mad that the room we were in didn't have a security camera in it because it was really small I don't think there will be any updates yo I can understand being really upset about this because violins are insanely expensive like I believe I don't know the anatomy of a violin but I know that they aren't cheap and I know that the I think they're called the the bow like the stick thing that you used to strum the strings those can cost hundreds of dollars I believe and yeah they just aren't cheap instruments and they're also like insanely hard to learn that's obvious but yeah don't leave kids unsupervised like that I mean in my in my case uh we were often left alone in woodshop because the teacher there really he trusted us a lot and we appreciated that and everyone loved woodshop so we took the class seriously I mean sure we had fun and there's a lot of people goofing off at times however it wasn't ever out of hands like he would let us go to the restroom without permission go get water without permission and he was cool with it mostly because I he probably just didn't want the responsibility cuz he had a lot of other stuff to do but you know we all listened we all did a good job it was a great class but it was a small school and everyone knew each other everyone was friends with each other so it could be different in other people's cases it most definitely is this story's called she threatened to break my leg because I told her daughter I wasn't disabled so here's a quick rundown I have restless leg syndrome basically when I'm calm or sitting down one of my legs bounces and I don't have control over it basically I was sat at Macy's with a couple of friends eating my Nuggets with sweet curry sauce it's the best sauce and my legs started bouncing my mates pointed out and I'm just like yeah it happens all the time I can't help it but it'll ease down in a bit so we kept eating this woman entitled mother and her daughter entitled daughter come in and start going on about what they're gonna wear to a party on Saturday this happened on Tuesday and we pay them no mind the leg bouncing has gotten worse and you can hear and obviously see it they order food and sit right next to us in an almost empty McDonald's one of the lads goes to get us all hot chocolate and I give him a couple of those free drink thanks you collect entitled daughter comes up to the group and asks if we can move because she has to do some planning for an upcoming party we politely say no and keep eating she starts huffing and goes yo and you're our word friend now we all know that I was the r-word friends so I kind of just quietly said I'm not mentally or physically disabled it's just that I have a low iron level and can't help it and she just huffed again and left a few minutes later entitled mother slid towards us how dare you lie to my precious baby girl telling how you normal we all just stay quiet for a couple of seconds and she continued you lying to a little girl she looked about 14 about how you bounce your leg because of a low iron level and that's BS actually there's a lot of cut she cut me off I don't care what a like you has to say now apologize to my daughter for being a lion bencher I'll break that leg of yours she just kind of stood there waiting and tapping her foot because of this one of my mates the one who got hot chocolate said oh my God look her legs bouncing okay you passed it on you're afraid so we all just start laughing again got up to leave she would have followed us out but I think she was in shock from getting shown up that's a good friend the best thing you can do with these types of people is to just not take them seriously because if you take them seriously that's feeding into this stupid superiority that they feel over you for absolutely no reason but if you mock them and make them feel stupid you win don't forget to Like 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Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 42,227
Rating: 4.9190512 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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